Fat land : how Americans became the fattest people in the world (30 page)

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156 "It's not a gene thing": Ibid.

"We didn't believe it was enough . . .": Ibid.

157 A year later: R. Trevino, "Bienestar: a diabetes risk-factor prevention program," Journal of School Health, v. 68, 1998, p. 62.

158 "clinically significant changes for obese children are rare . . .": T. J. Coates and C. E. Thoresen, "Treating obesity in children and adolescents: a review," American Journal of Public Health, v. 68, 1978, pp. 143-151; see also T. N. Robinson, "Behavioural treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity," International Journal of Obesity, v. 23, supp. 2, 1999, pp. S52-S57.

By 1994 the general wisdom on the subject: Quoted in Robinson,

"Behavioural treatment..." p. S52.

Numerous recent studies — across large numbers of diverse: See, for


example, L. H. Epstein, A. Valoski, et al, "Ten-year follow-up of behavioral, family-based treatment for obese children," Journal of the American Medical Association, v. 264, 1990, pp. 764-770; L. H. Epstein et al, "Ten-year outcomes of behavioral, family-based treatment for childhood obesity," Health Psychology, v. 13, 1994,

PP- 373-383-

159 The cornerstone of his approach ... the Stoplight Diet: L. H. Epstein and S. Squires, The Stoplight Diet for Children: An Eight-Week Program for Parents and Children (Boston: Little, Brown, 1988).

160 "It is our experience that some patients . . .": Quoted in Robinson, "Behavioural treatment..." pp. S53-S54.

161 Yet Epstein, unlike a generation of: Ibid.; see also Epstein et al, "Ten-year follow-up ...,": and Epstein et al, "Ten-year outcomes ..."

162 "What's amazing is how uninhibited . . .": Interview with Marsha MacKenzie.

"We have to start from ground zero": Ibid.

163 "That drives the point home . ..": Ibid.

The students were able to achieve and sustain: Kelly Brownell and Frederick Kaye, "A school-based behavior modification, nutrition education, and physical activity program for obese children," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, v. 35, 1982, pp. 277-283. "It is interesting that few studies . . .": M. Story, "School-based approaches for preventing and treating obesity," International Journal of Obesity, v. 23, supp. 2, 1999, pp. S43-S51.

A more recent survey, based on in-depth interviews with sixty-one overweight: Dianne Neumark-Sztainer and Mary Story, "Recommendations from overweight youth regarding school-based weight control programs," Journal of School Health, v. 67, 1997, pp. 428-433.

164 In a study by the University of Houston and Baylor College: R. Suminski et al, "Early identification of Mexican American children who are at risk for becoming obese," International Journal of Obesity, v. 23, August 1999, p. 823.

Researchers from Stanford's Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine: Thomas N. Robinson, "Reducing children's television viewing to prevent obesity," Journal of the American Medical Association, v. 282,1999,pp. 1561-1567.

165 While not an anticipated outcome, the intervention group also "significantly . . .": Ibid., p. 1564.

166 Whatever the cause, the Stanford researchers concluded: Ibid., p. 1561.

"The challenge in changing the environment is not to 'go back in


time,' . . .": Quoted in John C. Peters, Holly R. Wyatt, William T. Donahoo, and James O. Hill, "From instinct to intellect: the challenge of maintaining healthy weight in the modern world," Obesity Reviews, forthcoming.

167 One of them is Dan Latham: Interview with Dan Latham; see also Greg Critser, "A Get Fit Plan . . .," Los Angeles Times, December 16, 2001, p. M3.

168 "What we found startled us . . .": Ibid.

169 "Frankly, it was such a done deal . . .": Interview with Michelle Masoner, board member, Sacramento Unified Schools.

"We looked closely at the contract . . .": Interview with Manny Hernandez, board member, Sacramento Unified Schools. "We decided that we had to make the health case ...": Masoner interview.

170 "The kids were telling us they loved it": Hernandez interview.

The most common comes in the form of "sponsored educational materials": Interview with Andrew Hagelshaw, Center for Commercial-Free Public Education. "We are seeing hundreds of groups . . .": Ibid.

171 A few weeks later, the army: Reuters News Service, "Obesity Is Increasing in the Military," Los Angeles Times, November 11, 2001,

P- A35-

172 Average PE class size: See Critser, "A Get Fit Plan . . ."; Duke Helfand, "State Youths Flunk Fitness Exam," Los Angeles Times, December 11, 2001, p. Bi; Betty Hennessy and John Martois, "A Comparison of Student Reading Scores on the S AT-9 and Achievement of Healthy Fitness Zones on the Fitnessgram," paper presented to annual conference of the Society of State Directors for Health, Physical Education, and Dance, Orlando, Florida, March 19, 2000, available through Los Angeles Department of Education.

173 Instead, "we might start thinking of them as unified . . .": Interview with Walter Willett; see also his Eat, Drink and Be Healthy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001).

"And when I say exercise": Willett interview.

Of these, the most controversial is the "fat tax": Michael Jacobson

and Kelly Brownell, "Small taxes on soft drinks and snack foods to

promote health," American Journal of Public Health, v. 90, 2000,

pp. 854-857.

A TV and radio campaign in Clarksburg: Ibid., p. 855.

174 "But it is always held up by the basic marketing . . .": Interview with John Peters.


175 For we need only look to previous eras: See Emmett Rice, A Brief History of Physical Education (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1926).

As one of its founders, Dr. Charles Beck: Quoted in Ibid., p. 153.

176 "eternal, cold and cursed heavy rain": Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: Inferno, ed. and trans. Robert Durling (New York: Oxford, 1996), p. 101.

"languish in the black slime": Ibid., p. 119.

Acanthosis nigricans, 133, 141, 142,

143 Addams, Jane, 175 adolescence, 72, 113-15, 119, 164 advertising, 72, 113-14 aerobics, 80-81, 85 African Americans. See also blacks

overweight and, 118-22 aging and weight, 96-98, 99, 101-2 agriculture. See also farmers

free trade in, 13-14 Allen, George, 77, 83 American Alliance for Health, Physical

Education, Recreation, and Dance

(AAHPERD), 64, 67 Presidential Fitness Awards testing

by, 79-84 American Anorexia and Bulimia Association (AABA), 123 American Bariatric Society, 4 American College of Sports Medicine

(ACSM), 89-90, 94-95 American Heart Association, 88-89 American society, changes in, 31-32 American Youth Soccer Organization,

69-70, 176 Americorps, 171 anchovy fisheries, 9 Andres, Reubin, 96-98, 99, 101-2 anorexia

feminists and, 98, 123

history and effects of, 123-24

medication for, 125

obsession with, 84, 101, 121, 124-

25 Appalachia, 115-16 Are You Hungry?, 34 Ashley Stewart (discount stores), 111 assortative mating, obesity and, 150-

5i asthma, allergic, 145 atherosclerosis, 141 Atkins, Robert, 50-51 average American lifestyle, in 2005,


Banting, William, 50-51

Bantle, John, 137

belt, theory of, 61

Bernard, Claude, 53

Bernstein, Bob, 113

biblical literalism, 54

bigness, marketing of, 29

Big Pun (Chris Rios), 58-59

biliary colic, 142

black(s), 5,41,58, 135

children's obesity among, 120 women's obesity among, 73, 110, 118-21

Blair, Steven, 103-6

Bloom, Elliot, 25-26

Blount's disease, 144-45



body composition test, 83-84, 85, 124-

25 body fat testing, 84 body mass index (BMI), 104, 105, 107,

132, 138, 140, 151, 155, 164 Bogin, Barry, 130 bone disease, 108, 109, 169 bourgeois liberation, 68 brain, effects of obesity on, 61, 144 Brown, Jerry, 66 Brownell, Kelly, 163, 173-74 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 123-24 bulimia, 101, 121 Bush, George, 63, 112, 150 Butz, Earl, 7-8, 10-14, 16-18, 44,

175 food prices and, 10, 24, 51 and foreign trade barriers, 10 and free trade, 13-14 high-fructose corn syrup and, 10-11,

18,136. Malaysian palm oil and, 15-16 off-color jokes of, 7, 17-18 as optimist, 7

re-education of consumers by, 11-12 re-education of fanners by, 13-14 resignation of, 18

California schools

fast foods in, 46, 48, 111, 168-70

and fatness, 74-75

Food Service Equipment Program in,

44 physical education in, 65-70, 167-

68, 172 soft-drink (pouring) contracts in, 48-

49, 168-70 Proposition 13 in, 44, 66 TV and video use in, 164-66 Callaway, Wayne, 99-102 calories

consumed and expended, 49, 51

in fast food, studies of, 115

larger portions and, 28

in school lunch vs. fast food, 47

in snacks, 40-41

Spotlight Diet and, 159-60

total accumulated expenditure of,

87-89,92-93,95, 160

Canada, physical activity guidelines in,

95 cancer, risk of, and obesity, 146, 148 candy manufacturers

education materials sponsored by,

170 expansion of products by, 40 carbohydrates, 42, 50, 51 cardiovascular abilities, improving, 81 Cates, John, 64-65, 68, 82-83 chair sizes, 30, 62

children. See also adolescence; parents; schools, public American vs. European, 35 autonomy and empowerment of, 33-

34, 161 with cancer, 146 club sports for, 69 control of weight problems of, 34-

35,H5-i6 diabetes in, 109, 112, 126, 132-34,

142, 155, 157, 158 eating habits of, 37 and fast food, 72, 111, 113-15 French, 36-37 health concerns of overweight, 36,

141-46 health lesson plans for, 157, 162-63 HFCS in diet of, 138, 140 hypertension and, 143-44 Kids and Fitness program, 161-63 kindergarten BMI of, as predictor,

164 with learning problems, 145 as nutritional infant-sages, 34, 38 obesity in, 4, 74, 115-16, 120, 125-

26, 131, 140, 141-46, 151 with orthopedic problems, 144-45 overweight as social issue for, 35-36 physical fitness of, 79, 160 portion sizes and, 38 Pseudotumor cerebri and, 144-45 reduction in mortality of, 36 with respiratory problems, 145 response to dietary advice by, 38-39,

162-63 at risk for obesity, 4, 74 sedentary behavior and, 160 "self-demand" feeding of, 35

self-esteem issues for, 5, 75 snacking and, 39, 41-42 soft drinks and, 49, 139-40, 169 stunting of growth in, 39, 115-16 teasing/heckling of, 68, 75 television and, 72-74, 164-65 weight loss programs for, 18, 160-61

Chinnock, Laura, 44, 47, 48

cholesterol, 105, 138, 139, 140, 148

cigarette smoking, 99, 102

class(es). See also poor people income, 71, 110, 116—17 middle, 73, 94, 97, 109, 129 upper middle, 2-3, 5, 94, 98, 103, 106-7, 109, 121, 123-24, 129, 149-50, 174-75

Clinton, Bill, 65, 149-50


big sizes of, 60-61, 111 brain-signaling and size of, 61 spandex in,59 style changes in, 57-58 waist cord test, 61-62, 152 weight gain aided by, 61

coaching, 67

Coca-Cola, 18, 20-21, 42, 162 fructose in, 137

in public schools, 42, 48-49, 168 reduced taxes for, 174

Community Areas Foundation (CAF), 171

Conrad, Casey, 78

Consumer Action Group, o


Butz's re-education of, 11-12 cheaper food wanted by, 9-10, 12,

18-19, 25-26 lack of limits among, 31 smart research and responses of, 25, 170

Cooper, Kenneth, 80-81, 84, 85, 86-87 exercise studies of, 86-88

Cooper, Max, 22-23

Cooper Institute, 103, 105

Corbin, Charles "Chuck," 81-83, 84, 86,98

Corlett, Candance, 60

corn syrup. See HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup)

Crooks, Deborah, 115-16 Cyberobics, 168

Dean, John, 18

DeBusk, Robert, 93

DeCourcy, John, 17


in children, 109, 112, 126, 132-34,

142, 155, 157 cost for treating, 126, 147-48 exercise, diet, and, 94-95, 158-59 fatness and, 107-8, 109, 132-34,

135, 147, 154 as growth industry, 126 impaired glucose tolerance and, 158 infirmities caused by, 132, 133, 141-

43 insulin and, 126, 131, 133, 134, 141 insulin resistance and, 135-37, 140-

41, 143

metabolic functioning and, 134-35

prevention of, 158-59

race and, 5, 71, 75, 126-27, 132-34

symptoms of, 141-43

type 1 vs. type 2, 135 Diamond, Harvey and Marilyn, 34 diet(s)

books, 49-53

child intervention, 38-39

Christian, 54-57

diabetes, exercise and, 94-95, 158-59

high-carbohydrate, 52

high-protein, 50-51,52

lack of self-control in, 53

low-fat, 52

postmodern, 117-18

school, 157

Spotlight, 159-60 Dietary Guidelines Committee, 96, 99-

102 discounting of fast foods, 22, 26 disease. See also diabetes; heart disease; strokes

bone, 108, 109, 169

costs of treating, 126, 147-48, 170

economic consequences of, 146-49

and exercise, 86-88, 93-94

fatness and, 84, 104, 107-9, 1 18 > 141-48


Katahn, Martin, 52 Kaufman, Francine, 132, 161-62 Kennedy, John F., 63, 76-77 Kissinger, Henry, 7, 14 Klein, Richard, 117-18 KrispyKreme, 127-28, 131 Kroc, Ray, 21-22 Kumanyika, Shiriki, 70

labor unions, 12

land costs, 8

Latham, Dan, 167-68

Latinos. See Hispanics

laziness, exercise and, 95

Levi Strauss, 57-58

Levy, Carolyn, 27

liberation movements, 31

liver, glycogen and, 50, 53

liver steatosis, 142

Lopez, Jennifer, 122

Los Angeles, 46-48, 70, 127-33, 161,

171 Ludwig, David, 139

Magruder, Ron, 30, 62

Malaysia. See palm oil, Malaysian


of jumbo/super size, 20-22, 27, 28 of value meals, 23, 25-26

Martin, John, 24-26, 28

Masoner, Michelle, 169-70

Mayes, P. A., 139

McDonald's, 18, 20 cost-cutting and, 23, 24 customer visits per month, 28 education materials sponsored by, 170 Happy Meals, children, and, 113 jumbo sizes and, 21-22, 28, 162 President's Council on Physical Fitness and, 79 Ronald McDonald and, 22 stock slump of, 27 "tweens" advertising by, 72, 113-14 value meals and, 23, 27, 113

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