Anything For You

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Authors: Kaydence Macy

BOOK: Anything For You
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by Kaydence Macy







Copyright 2013 Kaydence Macy


Smashwords Edition








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Alex! Hi. Haven’t seen you in a while.”

Leslie Caffon enjoyed her weekly visit from the se
xy owner of the security firm next door, and she hadn’t seen him in more than three weeks. He strode into her store as if he owned the place, and as usual, her heart began to race and her palms grew sweaty. Damn but he was gorgeous. At five-five she wasn’t short, but he towered over her. Dark brown hair, tight square jaw, thick lips, and gorgeous blue eyes that pierced straight through her as if he could see right into her heart.


Her breath hitched and she looked away before she gave him a reason to pull her short skirt up and fuck her like she wanted him to. Far too many times she’d come so close to doing just that. He’d asked her out on numerous occasions, and as much as she wanted to say yes, she just couldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Inwardly sighing, she plastered a large smile on her face.


“Hey gorgeous.” Alex Taylor set a large cup of coffee on the counter and took a sip from another cup in his hand, his eyes locked on her the entire time.

Oh my God, you have no idea how much I need this right now.” Leslie ignored the way he gazed at her as if she were the only woman left on the planet. She grabbed the cup and took a long drink, closed her eyes,  and groaned. Giving up her love of Starbucks was really starting to bite her in the ass. But better to do it now rather than wait until she was pregnant. She certainly didn’t need hormones competing with caffeine withdrawal.


Alex had been coming into the shop for months now, each week, hoping the she would say yes to his invitations to dinner. He still didn’t understand why she would never agree. She seemed to like him, and from what he’d learned she hadn’t dated anyone in almost a year.

Her long brown curls, small curvy body, and clear green eyes c
alled to him. He’d had more than a handful of erotic dreams about the bookstore owner. He was tired of waiting.

His mouth watered and his erection grew a little more when she groaned. He wanted her making those noises for him, in his bed. Not because of a
damn cup of coffee! He wanted to grab her and kiss her until she was writhing…

He looked around the shop in an effort to control his thoughts, and the raging hard-on in his jeans.

“So. Been busy this morning?”

Um, yeah, a little more than normal.” Leslie walked along the long counter. Several brochures on artificial insemination lay there in plain sight. Glancing over, she realized he was following her as they talked, no more than a step behind. Even with the counter separating them, she’d have to move fast.

Busy tonight?” His voice was casual, yet interested.

Leslie stopped and turned to face him.
“Alex, we’ve been through this. I can’t.”

Leaning on the wood counter, Alex reached out and tucked a curl that had fallen down from the haphazard bunch on
top of her head, behind her ear. “I know. What you won’t tell me is why.”

They both knew the chemistry was there. Hell, it was like watching a live wire sparking whenever they were in the same room together. Even her friend and part-time employee, Angie, c
ould see it.

She shook her head.
“I have plans Alex. And they don’t involve you.”

Who then?”

“No one. Listen, Alex, I’m sorry, but I just can’t right now. Thanks for the coffee but I need to…” she broke off as he snatched the brochure and forms she’d picked up from the counter out of her hands.

Hey! What the hell Alex!”

Alex looked at the brochure he held, then the forms she
’d already completed and signed. He met her furious eyes, his own sparking with anger. Was this why she kept refusing to go out with him?

It didn
’t take but a second to make the decision. If that’s what she wanted, fine. He could work with that. But not this way. He glared back at her, then watched as her eyes widened in shock when he ripped both the brochure and form in half. He ripped them in half again, just for good measure. Not taking his eyes from hers, he slowly walked around the end of the counter and pushed through the waist-high swinging door to stand in front of her.

Leslie finally found her voice.
“I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing, but I want you out of here. Now.”

Alex took the last step forward and in one swift move jerked her to him, bent down, and covered her mouth with his. He felt her arm come up and he wasn
’t sure if she meant to pull him closer or clock him. Rather than take any chances, he let the torn papers in his hand fall to the floor, then used both hands to grab her arms, wrapping them around her back so that she couldn’t move. Not once did he stop or even let up the assault on her mouth. Her gasp of surprise allowed him the entrance he wanted, and his tongue plunged forward to tangle with hers. With each sweep of his tongue he felt her relax just a little more, until finally she was leaning into him, her breasts smashed to his chest, his hard cock pressing into her belly. Only when she groaned and pushed him back against the counter did he break the connection and lean back, both of them breathing hard. He still kept his hold on her arms – she didn’t seem to mind and he found he rather liked it. He slid down the counter several inches so that he was closer to her level. The movement brought her farther into his crotch, and he pulled her closer so she could feel the bulge there.

Pink tinted her cheeks at the erection pressing into her, but more
than that, Leslie hadn’t wanted him to know what she’d been planning. He must think she was an idiot. The heat in her cheeks spread, and with her arms held behind her back she could do nothing but stand there, head down, staring at the soft blue material of the tshirt stretched across his chest.


She shook her head.
“Let me go. Please.”

She needed to get away from him before she embarrassed herself further. Moisture gathered behind her eyes and she didn
’t want to cry in front of him. If he would just let her go, she could go hide in the bathroom until Angie got there.

Shit! Angie was due any minute. No way was Leslie going to be caught wrapped in Alex
’s arms when she walked in. Struggling to get free, he only held tighter.

Leslie, look at me.”

Dammit Alex. Let me go. Angie will be here any second and…”


It wasn
’t a question, and Leslie found herself snapping her mouth shut in response. She met his eyes then, but instead of seeing humor, or worse, pity, she found only curiosity, and all-consuming desire. Heat swept through her, and her panties dampened further.

Damn. She really needed to control that.

His low voice broke into her thoughts. “What do you want?”

Leslie sighed and let her head drop forward onto his forehead. She may as wel
l get it over with. He’d already seen the papers, so she couldn’t lie. Which also begged the question – why was he even asking? He should be running, right? Isn’t that what men did when they knew a woman wanted a baby?

“A baby.”

The words were so soft he
almost didn’t hear her.

Why AI?” He slowly released her hands and brought them around to the front of her, but kept her pulled up against him. Her body felt too good pressed against his. After so long imagining it, he was reluctant to let her go anytime soon. And he didn’t give a damn that Angie would be coming in the door soon. In fact, he’d prefer that. He’d prefer everyone know Leslie was his. Or
be his. Soon.

Alex. Really, I need to get back to work. Angie, or a customer, could walk in.” At the feel of his finger pushing a curl behind her ear, she met his gaze again. “Please. I don’t want to talk about this here.”

To her surprise, and relief, he nodded. Unfortunately she quickly realized the hole she
’d dug for herself when he straightened up and kissed her knuckles gently.

Okay then. I’ll be at your place tonight at seven. We’ll talk then.”

Uh…umm…no. Alex….”

One eyebrow raised as he narrowed his gaze.
“Other plans?”

She looked away quickly, stalling. Her shoulders dropped in defeat.
“No,” she replied quietly.

Seven o’clock.”

With a quick but firm kiss to her lips, he slipped back around the counter and walked out the door, passing Angie on her way in.


Her best friend turned and watched him until he was out of sight before looking at L

Are you gay or something?”

Leslie laughed.

Angie stuffed her purse on the shelf underneath the counter and plopped down on the stool, still grinning.
“You’ve turned that man down so many times, I was just curious.”

Leslie hadn
’t told Angie about her plans, so she couldn’t very well tell her about their conversation today. She could get her off her back though. As she bent over and scooped up the torn papers from the floor, she said “He’s coming over tonight. We’re going to talk.”

Angie laug
hed again. “Yeah, right.”

Leslie shook her head and went to her office, though she thought she heard Angie say
“talk about what color condoms to use maybe” as she shut the office door behind her. Leslie sighed once more. If only Angie knew that condoms were the farthest thing from her mind.










“Change of plans.”

Devin looked at him questioningly, but said nothing. He reached for another cookie from the container on the counter. Damn that woman could cook. He smiled fondly at the thought of Alex
’s mom. She was always stopping by the office with some sort of treat for all of them. Yesterday it was apple pie – today fresh chocolate chip cookies.

I think I’m in love,” he said, pointing at the box.

Alex rolled his eyes and continued pacing.

He wanted Leslie. He’d wanted her from the time he set eyes on her. It hadn’t taken him long to find out she was also a fiction writer, publishing numerous erotica novels under alias Dixie Landis. He hadn’t told her he knew that though, and wouldn’t – at least for a while yet. After reading most of the books she’d written, he’d put a plan together to have her – in every way. He wanted to make all her fantasies come true.

But he hadn
’t counted on a baby.

’d always wanted a family and had been thinking of settling down for a long time now. He was half in love with Leslie already, and knew he could provide a good life for her. But could she love him? He wasn’t under any false illusions – a happy marriage had to have two loving partners. Could he risk bringing a child into the world not knowing if the mother loved its father, or wanted him around? No way would he allow a child of his to grow up fatherless. Whether she wanted him for herself or not, he’d be there for his son or daughter. Yet, if not him, she’d get pregnant on her own, and the baby would truly be fatherless then. Better for the child to at least know his or her father, than not?

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. The guys had openly agreed to his plan before. They were waiting almost as anxiously as he on when, or if, they would get t
o move forward. Would they change their minds now? These were the only men in the world he would trust to do something like this. If they wouldn’t do it, then he’d never be able to give Leslie the fantasies that she wanted.

He stopped pacing, and without t
hinking of the consequences, he blurted out “I’m going to be a father.”

The door opened as the words left Alex
’s mouth. Brad rushed in and smacked Devin in the back several times, preventing the man from choking to death on the cookie he’d obviously just inhaled when Alex had made his announcement. Jared and Tony followed behind Brad, and now they all stood looking at Alex in shock.

What the fuck, man?” Devin finally sputtered.

Alex shrugged.
“She wants a baby. I’m going to give her one.”


“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh My God!” Leslie flew through the house toward the bedroom, pulling her sweater off, then shrugging out of her jeans. Alex would be knocking on the door in fifteen minutes. Last minute customers, stopping at the bank, and the traffic had all made her run late getting home. There was no way she’d be ready.

She jumped in the shower and squealed. Dammit. The hot water heater needed replaced, and she
’d forgotten, again, to call the plumber. Well, she didn’t have time to deal with it now. Shrugging it off, she washed her hair and soaped every inch of her body, rinsed and stepped out. She’d just wrapped a towel around herself when she heard the doorbell. Well shit.

I’m so sorry,” she said, opening the door to a startled Alex. “Give me five minutes and…”

For the second time in one day, he cut her off with his mouth. Kicking the door shut behind him, he pulled her closer, devouring her. His tongue plunged in, making her forget about everything but his taste, hi
s smell, the feel of his body pressed up against hers. A deep moan escaped her throat.

The day had been too long and too stressful. Leslie couldn
’t take any more. Letting go of everything in her mind, and the towel, she wove her hands through his hair and let herself sink into bliss.


Holy hell. He thought he was going to lose it when she opened the door wearing nothing but a towel, the tops of her lush breasts just visible. Alex could easily imagine her doing that every day for him. The image got away from him and he grabbed her without thinking, pulling her against him and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. He wished it were her pussy, but right now he’d take what he could get. His erection strained against the zipper of his jeans, his cock begging for release. He felt her hands tunnel through his hair and he groaned. He needed to get a handle on his control, or he was going to lose everything before he had a chance to have it.

With more regret than he would admit, he slowly pulled back and released her

Leslie stepped away and raised one finger to her lips. She
’d never been kissed with such force. Or passion. Just in time she remembered the towel and grabbed it with her other hand.

Umm…I’ll just go and…” she gestured toward the bedroom, then waved her hand at the couch. “Please, make yourself at home. I’ll just be a minute.”

Alex reached out and caught her arm before she could move away.


Please.” His deep blue eyes, almost black with desire, burned into hers. Then, realizing he might be coming on too strong, his mouth tilted up at the corners into half a grin. “I like you better this way.”

The words hit their mark. She blushed furiously.
“Oh. Uh, can I get you a beer?”

Without waiting, Leslie quickly stepped away, heading for the kitch
en. She returned a minute later with two bottles of beer. Handing him one, she tilted the other up and took a long drink, letting the cold liquid flow down her throat, hoping to cool a little of the heat burning her up inside. Her pussy throbbed, aching for the thick cock she could still see pressed against Alex’s jeans.

Geez. If she didn
’t get a grip on herself, she was going to strip him right there in the living room and fuck him senseless.


Alex smirked from his seat on the couch, almost as if he knew what she was thinking. He patted the seat beside him. Leslie hesitated, then shook her head.

I’ll stand, thanks,” she said quietly.

Alex shrugged.
“Okay then.” He watched her intensely for another minute before he spoke again.

I’ll give you one.”

ion furrowed her brows. Give her one what?

A baby.”

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