Anything For You (5 page)

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Authors: Kaydence Macy

BOOK: Anything For You
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Alex barely had enough sense to turn his head to the side when she fell back onto his chest. Her head hit his shoulder with a soft thump. It didn
’t matter. None of them could move. She’d drained everything from them. He felt Devin pull out slowly, then toss a blanket over them. Alex couldn’t open his eyes. He listened to the others quietly leave the room, the door clicking shut softly behind them.

Next time she
’d have them all, he vowed silently. Moving gently, he rolled them so that her back was snuggled against his chest, her soft snores filling the room.

Anything you want,” he whispered against her back, “It’s all yours.”










Please read on for an excerpt of the next chapter in Leslie and Alex’s lives in
Everything For You
, coming soon.



He paced the floor, running a hand through his hair and glancing at the clock every ten seconds. She
’d been in that damn bathroom for…shit. It had only been two minutes. Rolling his neck and shoulders, he finally stopped and leaned against the kitchen table. His phone beeped with a text message but he ignored it. Whoever it was would have to wait. He wasn’t missing this for the world. Any second now, he was going to find out if Leslie was pregnant. With his child. Excitement and fear gnawed at him. Images danced through his head - Leslie’s flat stomach suddenly round and full of baby, a little boy or girl running through the yard, eyes bright with laughter.

Suddenly he c
ouldn’t wait any longer. He strode to the door and knocked, a little more harsh than he intended.

Leslie?” Silence. His face tightened. “Leslie, come on honey. What’s wrong?” Silence again.

Fuck this,” he muttered, and turned the knob.


Leslie stood beside the counter, staring down at the long rectangle box. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t even open the damn thing, much less pee on the little stick inside. What if she weren’t pregnant? What if she was? Fear gripped her and she stood motionless.

Suddenly she felt strong arms wrap around her, pulling her back into a large chest. She turned and laid her cheek against his chest.
“I can’t do it Alex,” she whispered.

Baby, what’s wrong?” Alex caressed her back in slow, even strokes. Her breasts pressed against his chest and he could feel her hard nipples poking through the thin material of her t-shirt. His cock started to thicken and grow hard, and he struggled to turn his thoughts in another direction. That was the last thing she needed right now.

He eyed the box on the counter. Taking her shoulders, he pushed her away and looked down into her clear green eyes, clouded with unshed tears. He smiled softly.

“I can’t pee on it for you, you know.”

Laughter bubbled out of her and she smacked his ch
est lightly. He grinned and picked up the box. Opening it, he removed the instructions and scanned through them before handing her the stick.

Just do it,” he said. “You’ll only worry,
only worry, until we find out.”

Leslie took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“Okay.” She took it from his hand and pointed to the door. “Get out.”

Lay it on the counter when you’re done and come out here. We’ll wait together, okay?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and ran his finger gently down her face. Then he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss before backing out the door and closing it.


Three minutes later they stood side by side in the doorway. Their hands entwined, they gazed at each other.

Ready?” Alex asked.

ie nodded. They walked back into the bathroom and looked down at the test laying on the counter.

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