Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (9 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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The four female vampires landed around him. The redhead grabbed him, ripped his jacket that covered his shoulder exposing his neck. She opened her mouth. Her fangs were large, razor sharp and ready for a lethal bite. The other vampires landed near her waiting to have a taste of the new victim. Just as the redhead went to bite Shaun, they heard the sound of engines approaching. He knew it was the last sound he would hear before the vampire bit him.



The Bikers


Suddenly, several people jumped over the concrete barricades on motorcycles into the scene. Their engines were loud. Vampires screamed and flew away while the people on the motorcycles leaped off their bikes and struggled to fight their way towards Shaun with something in their hands. They sprayed something in every direction at the vampires. Whatever they were using, the vampires were burned by it and flew away in fear.

They reached the vampire holding Shaun. They sprayed the fluid in her face. It burned her like acid; part of her face melted off. She screamed, dropped Shaun and flew away. Another female vampire was sprayed. She screamed too and flew away. Another vampire was sprayed and then another. Soon, many vampires were screaming and flying away from the dark riders and Shaun.

Shaun slowly opened his eyes and looked up from the roadway, amazed. He saw seven people dressed in all black wearing some type of thick protective gear on their heads, chests, backs, forearms and upper thighs. He couldn’t tell what they looked like. They wore something over their eyes that resembled night vision goggles. They each held a gun in their hands that was attached to a hose at the bottom of the handle. The hose was a couple feet in length and attached to some type of backpack fastened with a couple of straps over their shoulders. They continued to spray their fluid at the vampires causing them to burn, scream and fly away.

Shaun looked up. He was terrified at the sight of a male vampire flying down right at him. The vampire’s mouth was wide open showing his vicious fangs. His eyes were sparkling orange and furious. Shaun yelled, putting his hands up to protect himself. One of the black riders sprayed the vampire just as he was about to grab Shaun. The vampire screamed, fell to the pavement on his hands and knees. He quivered fiercely in his agony while the skin on his face melted revealing the cheek bones of his skull. The rider kicked the vampire in the ribs causing him to roll over unconscious.

The dark rider sprayed Shaun with the fluid drenching him from his head to his legs. It startled him not knowing what it was. He was astonished to discover the fluid was odorless, tasteless and was like water.

“Come with us if you want to survive!” said the rider extending his gloved hand to Shaun.

The rider helped Shaun onto his motorcycle. He sat behind the rider and held on to him tightly. They sped off down the freeway. The riders sprayed each other to keep themselves dampened by the fluid. Swarms of vampires flew down at them but were repelled by the fluid. Shaun looked up at the innumerable hosts of vampires. Large groups of them floated over them gnashing their teeth at them while he and the dark riders cruised down the freeway. Their motorcycle engines were loud.

“What did you put on me?” hollered Shaun to the rider.

“A special water,” the rider yelled.

“Huh?” asked Shaun in a louder voice.

“Holy water!” the rider shouted.

“It works great! I’ve never seen them repelled from anything outside the tower!” hollered Shaun.

“The what?” asked the rider.

“Get me to the bank tower in the downtown sector!” hollered Shaun.


“My family is there!” Shaun responded. “We can help you! We have food and water!”

The rider and the one who rode next to him glanced at each other.

“Can we make it to downtown?” the rider asked his friend.

“We should!” the other rider responded loudly. “We have enough to keep us wet until then!”

“Right! To downtown it is!” hollered the rider. “I’m Terry, by the way!”

Shaun looked up again at the vampires being repelled away from them. They glared as they passed them by.

“I’m Shaun Grazer! Thanks for saving my life!”

“Our pleasure!” hollered Terry. “I’ll introduce you to the rest when we get there!”

“Sounds great!” Shaun responded.

The seven riders rode on down the freeway.




Harold and Yuri sped down the freeway. Their faces were intense watching the large groups of vampires fly over them. Harold’s face was perspiring. He began to breathe heavily driving the Ferrari.

“Are you okay?” asked Yuri, trying not to sound nervous himself.

“I’m okay. Well, we’re on the frontline now aren’t we?” said Harold nervously, letting out a deep breath. “Where the hell is Shaun?”

“Don’t worry about the vampires,” said Yuri, gripping the shotgun. “I’m ready for th—”

Suddenly, a vampire with a multi-colored Mohawk, black eyeliner, ear and nose piercings, punched through the passenger window and grabbed Yuri by the throat. Harold screamed and drove way over to the left side of the lanes. He drove back to the right side of the lanes still screaming.

“Hi boys!” hollered the vampire flaring his orange eyes. “It’s time for a taste!”

Yuri was terrified. His eyes were wide and glued on the vampire. The vampire taunted him, fluttering his tongue at him beneath his fangs and casting an evil grin. Yuri aimed the barrel of the shotgun at the vampire with shaking hands. He was practically holding the gun backwards. He pulled the trigger. The shot was loud. The blast forced the vampire away from the vehicle causing him to hit a streetlight post.

“Hell with this, Yuri! We’re getting our asses back to the tower!” hollered Harold. “Sorry Shaun!” he cried almost going to tears.

Two more male vampires landed on top of the Ferrari. They ripped the top off and gnashed their fangs at Yuri and Harold. One was shirtless. The other was bald and had tattoos all over his face. Yuri pumped another round and fired. The shirtless one took the shot in the chest and was forced off the car. He pumped and fired again. The bald one took the shot in the face. He fell off the car, landed on the road and rolled holding his mangled, bloody face. Harold sped on down the road. The Ferrari sped on down the freeway.

The bald vampire stood up and watched the Ferrari leave in the distance. The skin on his mangled face shifted and moved until it was perfectly replaced on his cheek bones and around his eyes. The blood on his face retuned back underneath the skin. The shirtless vampire walked up behind him. The skin on his chest around the gunshot injury also shifted and moved. The blood returned to its original place until he was perfectly healed.

“Time for them to die,” said the bald one.

“Indeed,” the other responded.

They both flew after the Ferrari at an incredible speed.




Shaun and Terry saw the Ferrari’s headlights coming at them.

“What the hell?” hollered Terry, perplexed. “Are they driving cars now?”

“I’ve never seen this before!” Terry’s friend yelled.

Shaun looked closely and saw the shape of the Ferrari under the light posts. His eyes widened watching swarms of vampires fly at the Ferrari and drawing close.

“Harold?” asked Shaun. “Oh no!”

“What?” yelled Terry.

“They’re my friends! They’re my friends! They’re looking for me!” shouted Shaun.

“They’re regular people, guys! Spray em!” shouted Terry at the others.




Harold and Yuri saw the seven headlights of motorcycles coming right towards them.

“Who is that?” asked Harold.

“Motorcycles?” asked Yuri.

Two more vampires flew at the top of the car. Yuri fired but missed. The vampires flew away to avoid the shots. The seven motorcycles drew close to the Ferrari. Harold slammed on his brakes. Yuri was pressed against his seat with his left hand on the dashboard.

The Ferrari skidded on the road. The rear swerved to the right. Terry and the others surrounded the car spraying up at the vampires that swarmed above them. They shrieked and flew away. Some of them fell to the pavement screaming in pain with steam billowing off them.

Terry and a few others aimed their nozzles at Harold and Yuri and sprayed them, the hood and trunk of the car.

“What the hell?” Harold shouted.

“Harold! Yuri! I’ll explain later!” hollered Shaun. “Get back to the tower now!”

“What the hell is going on, Shaun?” shouted Harold.

“Just get back to the tower!” Shaun responded as Terry and the others sped away.

Harold shifted into
spun around
and drove off behind the motorcycles. Yuri was in disbelief watching the vampires being repelled from them.

“Whatever they sprayed on us, it is good!” hollered Yuri.

“I just want to get back to the tower in one piece!” said Harold, frantically driving with his eyes glued to the road.




Betty stared out the window watching the night becoming overrun with vampires. Her eyes were dull. Her face frowned. She caressed a necklace around her neck wondering if Harold and the others would return. Her thoughts slid into depression. She knew Harold wasn’t going to come back. The odds were against them. There was no way. Her eyes teared up watching the night city. Ni and Kim came up behind her and put their hands on her shoulders. Betty broke down and wept. They helped her to a sofa and sat by her. Ni handed her a handkerchief and gently rubbed her shoulder. Thai and Trang stood in the room wishing there was something they could do to ease Betty’s pain. Chris folded his arms embracing the reality that Shaun, Yuri and Harold were gone. Mr. Jones sat in the corner of the room reading an old newspaper, mumbling something.

“What did you think? They were going to come back?” Jones blurted in an uncaring, crusty tone.

Everyone in the room glared at him.

“Are you all really that stupid?” Jones continued, putting his newspaper down looking back at them.

Chris’ eyes darkened. He turned and stared at Jones with hatred.

“They’re dead, you idiots. And you know what else? We’re all going to die too,” said Jones letting out a cold smirk. “So, quit feeling so sorry for yourself Betty!”

“Shut up!” Chris snapped.

“Why don’t make me, you worthless little punk ass?” Jones responded.

“I said shut up you old crazy lunatic!” shouted Chris, stomping over to Jones and pointing at him. “Everyone’s sick of you, you old kook!”

“You’re nothing but a low life degenerate!” hollered Jones as he spat at Chris.

Chris wiped saliva off his chin, went into a rage and tried to attack him. Thai and Trang grabbed Chris, holding him back. They struggled with him, eventually wrestling him to the floor.

“I’m going to kill that old freaking fart!” shouted Chris.

“No Chris!” hollered Trang, trying to pin his arms to the floor.

“Chris, calm down!” shouted Thai, restraining his legs. “Not like this!”

Chris eventually stopped resisting. He panted, trying to catch his breath.

Betty stood up. Tommy and Mercedes started to cry.

“Would you all please just stop it!” shouted Betty with tears running down her face.

“You’re nothing but teen trash,” said Jones, standing up and looking down at Chris, despising him. “I bet your Mom was a whore in a trailer park.”

“No!” Trang hollered at Jones in an angry tone.

“I think you’ve said enough, Mr. Jones!” hollered Thai. “Now why don’t you back off?”

Chris screamed, trying to break their hold.

“Don’t you tell me what to do,” Jones smirked. “Asian punk.”

Thai glared at him.

“You’re dead, old man,” Chris threatened.

Jones snickered.

The double doors barged open. Harold, Yuri and Shaun came in with the seven riders. Betty was speechless. Everyone else in the room was silent casting their attention to their return. Betty rushed over to Harold crying for joy. She sobbed into his chest. Harold gently put his arm around her.

“We’re back,” he said in a soft voice, feeling horrible knowing he caused her to worry so badly. “It’s okay, we’re back.”

“Don’t you ever do that to me again!” Betty hollered, her eyes filled with tears.

“Sorry,” Harold replied.

“No. It’s my fault,” Shaun stated. “I shouldn’t have gone out there alone.”

Betty dried her eyes. She and the others looked at the seven men dressed in black who stood in the middle of the room. Everyone was in awe at their appearance but no one said anything. The seven riders held their protective head gear at their sides. They had a rough look to them as if they were in a biker gang.

Terry had long blond hair, spiral-permed, just past his shoulders. He was scruffy faced but his eyes seemed pleasant and friendly. He had a mature and approachable vibe about him. He looked to be in his early forties.

“Hello,” said Betty, trying not to be upset. “Who are you fellas?”

“They saved my life out there,” Shaun responded.

“I’m Terry. These are my brothers. Curtis. Trent. Brody. Shane. Mark and Billy.”

Terry’s crew each nodded their heads at the announcement of their names. Curtis was over six feet, obese, and had dark hair. He was in his thirties. Trent was average height, skinny, looked sickly and had a shaved head. There was a tattoo across his neck that stated ‘
. He was in his late twenties. Brody had a thick beard, long brown hair and was a little over six feet. He was in his early fifties. Shane was the youngest, twenty-one years old. He too had a shaved head, thick mustache and beard. His left eyebrow was pierced as well as both his ears. He was less than six feet but looked strong. Mark was in his thirties. He was a little over six feet, had long brown curly hair and a handle bar mustache. Billy was about thirty. He had short brown on top, a mustache and his long hair was in a ponytail.

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