Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (41 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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“Why are those mortals so special to you, my lord?” a male vampire asked, floating up to Shaun.

“They were my family,” Shaun responded, still staring into the distance.

Three male vampires flew up to Shaun who was dressed in handsome loose black robes.

“Who are you guys?” Shaun asked.

“My lord, I am Armastus,” one of them answered. “This is Dragos and Isaac. We were the three chosen by Kristof to govern the three corners of the Earth. We heard he has fallen and that you are now the Alpha.”

“What do you want?” Shaun asked.

“May we continue to watch over the affairs of these three kingdoms under your rule?” asked Dragos.

“We are talented in ensuring our entire race obeys you and adheres to your laws, my lord,” said Isaac. “There are many that can be

Shaun turned and beheld the vampires who were floating in the air and stood on the ground below. They all looked up to him as if he were a prophet prepared to lead them somewhere. A warm feeling came over him. The gratification of power and lordship began to consume him knowing he was the most powerful being in the world. He turned to Armastus and glanced at Dragos and Isaac.

“Carry on, gentlemen,” Shaun responded. “I’ll be checking on you from time to time.”

Armastus, Dragos and Isaac bowed to Shaun, placing their right hands over their hearts.

“We will not disappoint you, my lord,” said Armastus in a bold, confident tone. The three of them flew away.

Shaun flew through the large crowd which had gathered at the beach. The vampires watched him leave, reaching their hands out to him as if they wanted him to stay.

“Where is he going?” a female vampire asked another male.

“To the mansion,” the male answered.




Shaun flew into Kristof’s home, which was quiet, lit up and seemed abandoned considering the brotherhood had just been there within hours. He drifted over to Kristof’s large chair, which sat at the upper landing at the top of the double staircase then descended into a sitting position. He placed his forearms on the armrests and stared forward thinking over all that had transpired. He couldn’t believe he was looked upon as a leader of a race which had conquered the humans and made them dwell in tiny colonies throughout the world. He closed his eyes and remembered the moments he shared with Thai and Yuri and all they had done to secure themselves from the vampires. He remembered Trang’s gentle personality and Ni’s kind smile and great cooking back at the tower. He would never forget Kim’s beautiful face and how at one time he found her attractive and wanted an intimate relationship with her. His thoughts morphed into his memories of Alessandra and her sensational kiss and how her lips felt on his. He would miss her badly. The numbing pain knowing they were all gone and would never be back burned through him like unquenchable fire as a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped his face and hardened his expression. He knew he had to be strong to embrace his new position in the world for the sake of survival, for his tower family and for humanity.




A few hours had passed. Dawn was breaking in the east as Hammond flew the jet liner towards the Dulles International Airport. Harold came into the cockpit.

“How’s everything going?” he asked.

“Should be arriving in D.C. in twenty minutes,” Hammond answered, flicking some switches. “Tell everyone back there to buckle up, we’re coming into our final descent.”

“You got it,” said Harold, stepping back into the cabin.

“Aircraft. You’re approaching a restricted air space. Identify,” said a man’s voice over the radio.

“Hi there! This is Willis Hammond. I’m bringing in six civilians to the Dulles Airport.”

At the control tower, Mallas stood behind a control panel officer who was sitting in front of a large radar screen. They both wore headsets and watched Hammond’s jet draw closer.

“Sir, do they have permission to land?” asked the panel officer.

“Hawk Five, are you there?” Mallas said in his mic.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Hammond’s voice said over the radio.




Captain Gonzales sat in the cockpit of an F-18 flying through the clouds.

“This is Hawk Five. Go ahead base,” said Gonzales into a radio. “I read you loud and clear.”

“How far are you from the Dulles Airport?” asked Mallas over the air.

“Approximately four minutes out, sir,” Gonzales responded.

“We have an airliner target approaching the airport with contaminated subjects,” said Mallas. “Be prepared to deploy and destroy.”

“Contaminated, sir?” asked Gonzales.

“The persons on board are responsible for killing Admiral Lennox and other officers on the U.S.S. Arizona,” said Mallas. “We believe they are spies for the enemy. Do you copy?”

“I do, sir,” answered Gonzales. “Standing by for the order to eliminate. En route.”

Gonzales’ F-18 veered to the right thunderously through the sky.




Harold stepped back into the cockpit. Hammond clicked the radio button multiple times, trying to complete a transmission.

“Are you there? This is Hammond. Do you copy?”

“There was still an awkward silence over the radio.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Hammond asked again. “I don’t get it. It’s like they all went to lunch.”

“Yes we’re here, Hammond,” said Mallas over the radio. “Just stay on course, sir, and my fighter jet will be escorting you into Dulles International Airport.”

“Fighter jet? Wow,” Harold mumbled. “I feel like a V.I.P.”

“It’s routine,” Hammond stated. “The government almost uses them if it’s something important.”

“Campbell must be looking forward to meeting us,” stated Hammond, beginning to feel some peace considering all the hell they’d been through.

“I’m sure,” Hammond replied with a smile.




The airliner came into view from Gonzales’ cockpit. He adjusted a few things and pressed a button. He gripped a control stick and watched the airliner become a target on a dashboard screen. Some digital graphics locked onto Hammond’s plane. He placed his thumb over a fire button.

“Sir, I have the plane locked on. All weapons systems are go,” said Gonzales. “Do I have a green light?”




In the control room, Mallas stared at the screen, eager to give Gonzales the order to fire. Another dark plot entered his mind. He knew he needed more leverage with Shaun.

“Sir, I’m just about out of range before having to make another pass,” Gonzales’ voice said over the radio.

Mallas didn’t answer but stared at the screen showing Hammond drawing closer to Dulles and the F-18 moving in towards the airliner.

“Stand down, Hawk Five,” said Mallas. “We’re going to let them land. I have another plan.”

“Confirming stand down, sir?” asked Gonzales.

“Affirmative,” Mallas responded.

“Yes sir, I copy,” Gonzales said.




The F-18 veered off to the left and flew through the sky passing Hammond and Harold’s view.

“There goes the fighter jet,” said Harold, completely oblivious to the fact that they were almost blown out of the sky. “We must be close.”

“I see the runway at Dulles,” said Hammond.

Harold sat in the co-pilot seat and buckled in.




Hammond’s plane landed on the runway. Mallas and a few dozen federal agents stood next to some black SUVs wearing sunglasses and black jackets, holding automatic weapons. The expressions on their faces were cold and uncaring as if they waited for their prey to come to them.

The jet came to a stop. Mallas’ men rolled a staircase to the side door. Harold and the others stepped down the staircase anxiously and walked up to Mallas.

“Welcome to D.C.,” said Mallas in a dry, sinister voice.

“Thank you,” Harold answered excitably. “Is President Campbell here?”

“Afraid not,” said Mallas, still staring at Harold through his sunglasses.

“So what now?” asked Harold. 

Mallas snapped his fingers. His men rushed over to each of them and placed black bags over their heads, including Tommy and Mercedes.

“Hey! What the hell!” shouted Harold.

“Get this thing off me right now!” Betty hollered.

“Cuff ’em,” said Mallas coldly.

“What the hell is going on?” shouted Hammond.

“I demand an explanation!” Harold said in a loud voice.

“I’ll tell you what you are. You’re a confederate to the one who thinks he’s the new world leader,” said Mallas coldly.

“Shaun? Are you kidding me?” Harold blurted in disbelief.

“Absolutely not,” Mallas responded, grabbing Harold’s head bag and speaking into his ear. “And right now the US government has just collected their largest bargaining chip!”

“This is insane!” Harold shouted.

“We have rights!” Betty hollered.

“Get ’em outta here!” said Mallas uncaringly.

Federal agents forced Harold, Betty, Hammond, Chris, Tommy and Mercedes into the back of a black van. A few armed officers climbed into the van as it drove away.

“That’ll send a strong message,” said a federal agent standing next to Mallas.

“The rules are the same when you dismantle any government,” said Mallas, watching the black van drive further out of sight.

“Such as?” another agent asked.

“Find something the leader is emotionally attached to and squeeze,” Mallas responded, cracking a cruel smile as he and his men got back into their black SUVs and drove away.




Seven vampires wearing matching black robes with shaved heads lay in coffins,
the lids of which were removed. The coffins were in a circle and were in the middle of a room lit up with candles. 

“Stellan,” Kristof’s voice whispered.

One of the vampires’ eyes opened. He sat up, bowed his head and closed his eyes again.

“I hear you father,” Stellan said in a deep, demonic voice.

“The brotherhood has fallen,” said Kristof. “Another has taken my place through betrayal and treachery.”

“What would you have me do?” Stellan asked.

Kristof’s spirit appeared over Stellan. His original appearance was restored.

Stellan opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at him with a grin.

“Avenge us!” said Kristof angrily.

“It shall be done, father,” Stellan responded.





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