Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (39 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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Lucian appeared over the dagger and picked it up. He paced in front of Shaun who looked up at him in defeat. Kristof crawled on the floor with the wooden dagger still in his chest. He tried to pull it out but his hand burned. He yelled, dragging himself across the floor.

“Vile betrayer,” said Lucian in disgust.

“Kill him,” said Kristof. “Kill him now!”

Shaun glanced at Curtis’ machine gun, which lay on the floor.

“Time to die, brother,” Lucian growled gripping the dagger.

Lucian lunged at Shaun but he vanished and appeared at Curtis’ machine gun. He picked it up, aimed it at Lucian and fired as Lucian flew at him. The bullets went across Lucian’s chest and his forehead. Lucian collapsed next to Kristof who was lying on his side.

“I tried brother,” Lucian said in a faint voice, reaching his hand out to Kristof before his skin deteriorated and his hair fell out. His skeleton rested momentarily on the floor, and then turned to dust.

Kristof’s eyes were intense. His hand was still extended as he watched his last brother die right before his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek. He roared to the ceiling in anguish. Lightning flashed into the room again and loud thunder followed.

Terry scooted himself against a wall terrified. He looked as if he was going to have a nervous breakdown. Harold and the tower family were still frightened by Kristof even though he was lying on his side.

Shaun walked up to Kristof holding the machine gun, looking down on him coldly.

“It was really you wasn’t it?” asked Kristof in a shaky voice.

“Yes,” Shaun answered. 

“How could you betray us?” asked Kristof. “I was prepared to give you the world!”

“I never wanted the world,” Shaun responded. “I just wanted to help them,” he added, implying the tower family.

“Don’t think you’ve defeated us,” Kristof scolded. “I will return in spirit form teaching my sons and daughters about your treachery in their dreams.”

“It’s over, Kristof,” said Shaun. “You’ve fallen.”

“My children will avenge me!” Kristof shouted. “And I will have my revenge!”

Shaun kicked Kristof in the chest sending him through a window. Kristof screamed as he went through one of the blinds being tangled up in it and falling down the side of the building. The cords from the blinds wrapped tightly around his neck and hung him against the side of the building. The strips of the blinds draped over him causing him to catch fire.

Shaun glared down at Terry.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” said Terry, still afraid for his life.

Shaun grabbed him by the shirt lifting him six feet above the floor with ease and pinning him against the wall. His eyes pierced Terry to the core.

“I should kill you, too, right now,” Shaun growled.

Terry just hung there too afraid to speak, his bottom lip trembling. Shaun glanced at Tommy and Mercedes who were watching him from behind Harold with scared faces. He didn’t want them to see him as a monster. They didn’t need to see any more violence or death. Shaun dropped Terry who plopped to the floor on his rear. He sat still against the wall, afraid of Shaun.

“You saved my life from the vampires once,” said Shaun, still floating above him. “I just saved yours. My debt is repaid.”

“So we’re c-cool, just like that?” asked Terry, stammering.

“No,” Shaun answered. “You’re leaving now.”

Harold and Yuri stood up along with Thai, staring at Terry with hard expressions.

“You know that’s cool, man,” said Terry being manipulative. “I should go. I was thinking that maybe I could stick around ’til dawn for
reasons. Know what I mean?”

“Unfortunately, I have a better plan,” Shaun snapped.

Shaun flew at Terry grabbing him and carried him across the living room to the other side crashing through a window. Terry screamed in terror as Shaun took him over the city flying over other skyscrapers a thousand feet in the air. They arrived at another rooftop where Shaun threw Terry across the surface. Terry landed violently and rolled a few times crying out in pain. Shaun stood with a stern face, glaring at him.

“Climb to your freedom if you can,” said Shaun coldly.

Terry got up and looked over the edge not seeing any possible way of getting down.

“I’m a dead man!” Terry shouted in horror.

Shaun tossed a handgun to the rooftop.

“There’s one bullet in there,” Shaun said. “But you can bet there will be countless vampires here any minute,” he added, floating up into the air.

“Why didn’t you just kill me back at the tower?” Terry hollered.

“I never said I’d save you
from the vampires,” Shaun answered, flying away.

“Shaun!” Terry shouted, which faded in the distance.

“Goodbye Terry,” Shaun mumbled as crowds of vampires flew around him towards the rooftop where Terry stood helplessly.

Terry’s eyes widened at the sight of innumerable vampires flying towards him with ravenous faces dying to sink their teeth into him. He grabbed the handgun and put the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It clicked. He pulled the trigger again several times rapidly but it clicked over and over. He ran to the edge of the building checking the chamber but the only bullet fell to the floor of the rooftop. The host of vampires came at him at full speed.

“Fresh blood!” growled a large male vampire in the front.

Terry screamed jumping over the edge, barely missing the vampire from snatching him. He fell facing up watching the host of vampires above with a horrified expression as the wind from the fall blew through his hair. He knew a violent yet painless exit was seconds away from claiming him on the pavement below. His screaming stopped as he closed his eyes accepting his certain death.

“No vampire is taking me!” Terry shouted.

A female vampire flew in and snatched him abruptly in mid-air biting into his neck. Terry cried out.

“Wanna bet!” she hollered flying away with his dangling body into the distance laughing loudly and sinisterly. The crowd of thirsty vampires flew after her, desperately wanting a taste of Terry as well.



A Dangerous Passage to D.C.


Shaun flew back into the living area then fell to the floor as if a horrible pain took hold of him. Harold and the tower family gathered around him as he squirmed in agonizing pain once again.

“Shaun? What’s the matter with you?” asked Harold in a caring tone, not knowing what to do.

“There’s nothing you c-can do, H-Harold,” said Shaun, stuttering, as he crawled on the floor then flipped on his back crying out in inexpressible pain.

Tommy and Mercedes hid behind Betty, frightened at Shaun’s violent display of pain. Betty looked flustered wanting to help Shaun. Yuri rushed in and held him down.

“Harold! His legs!” shouted Yuri.

They held Shaun down until the lashing of his legs and arms ceased. Shaun panted heavily through his teeth and mumbled a foreign language rapidly.

“What’s he saying?” asked Harold.

“Is that Dutch?” asked Thai, holding Shaun’s legs to the floor.

“I don’t know,” Yuri answered. “It’s possibly Romanian. It’s all part of the vampire curse.”

Shaun calmed himself. His eyes were closed and he breathed through his teeth. The tower family stood up and backed away from him, still scared of him. Shaun opened his eyes and floated to his feet, staring at the floor. Harold and the others stood back, gazing upon him, not knowing if he was their friend or their enemy.

“Shaun?” asked Harold.

“It’s time to leave,” said Shaun.

“Where?” asked Harold.

“I’ve made arrangements,” Shaun answered, catching his breath. “We’re meeting somebody at the coast. Quickly! Get whatever you can carry! There’s no time to waste,” he added, picking up Curtis’ machine gun.

“Shaun, what is this?” asked Harold.

“Hopefully, our final fight with the vamps,” Shaun answered, checking the magazine in the gun.

“You mean for us to take off in the night with the vampires out there?” asked Harold as if Shaun was nuts.

“Sorry, we got to go while the going is good,” said Shaun.

“Why can’t we just wait ’til dawn?” asked Betty.

“Too many of the blinds over the windows are damaged,” Shaun answered. “If we don’t move, the vamps will be pouring in here as soon as they realize they can get in. Also, the daylight doesn’t like me anymore. You need me to show you the way to the meeting point.”

Harold glanced at Betty realizing Shaun made perfect sense.

“Harold, round up all the vampire-killing ammo we can carry,” stated Shaun.

“You got it,” Harold answered, dashing off.

“Mercedes? Tommy? Get some clothes! We’re leaving,” Betty hollered.

“Yuri? We’ll need weapons. Get Billy’s gun from the storage room,” said Shaun. “Thai? You take Shane’s. We’ll need all the help we can get. Betty? You, Ni and Kim soak some jackets in Yuri’s chemical. It will be your only protection inside the bus.”

“I got it,” said, Yuri holding a machine gun.

“Is it loaded?” asked Shaun.


“Good, then hold on tight. This will be the fastest trip you ever had from the top of a building,” said Shaun taking hold of Yuri.

“What?” asked Yuri confused.

“Harold? Get everyone to the lobby as soon as possible. The bus will be just outside the doors,” said Shaun. “Thai? Chris? Use those guns to kill anything that gets within two feet of the family.”

“We’re on it,” Thai responded.

Shaun flew Yuri out a window. Their descent to the street was swift. Yuri closed his eyes trying not to scream. He felt like the he was on the most terrifying theme park ride of his life. Lightning flashed. Thunder roared through the sky as the rain fell on them both. They arrived at the tour bus. Yuri got into the driver’s seat and turned the engine on. Shaun stood on the roof darting his eyes around, watching for any threats.

Four male vampires landed on top of the bus making a solid thud sound with their boots. They hissed at Shaun.

“Get to the lobby, Yuri!” Shaun shouted.

“A confederate to the mortals?” one of them asked, disgusted.

“Where you goin’, pal?” another vampire asked.

“A traitor to his own kind,” the third one stated, gnashing his teeth.

“Beat it!” Shaun hollered.

They roared and flew at Shaun but he flew out of their path. Shaun grabbed one and sliced his arm with his knife and kicked him off the roof of the bus. The vampire landed on the pavement crashing into some garbage cans. The second one grabbed Shaun and slammed him to his back on the roof of the bus and began to choke him. Shaun stabbed him in the leg causing him to cry out. The second vampire stumbled and fell off the roof. Shaun vanished and reappeared behind the third vampire and stabbed him in the back, wounding him. The third one screamed as Shaun threw him off the bus as well. The third vampire landed on his head and lay on the pavement, unconscious.

“Let’s go!” hollered Shaun catching his breath as the bus headed up the street.




Harold watched the tour bus’ headlights approach the lobby doors holding a machine gun, another one slung over his shoulders.

“Okay, here they come!” Harold hollered. “Get ready to move quickly!”

Yuri also held an Mp5 while having a second one slung around his shoulder. His family sword hung from his waistline with a latch. Chris and Thai held their guns bravely. Chris’ bottom lip quivered. He looked like a young buck going to battle on the frontline for the first time. The bus arrived in front of the entrance doors; Shaun was still standing on top of it. Lightning flashed again followed by rumbling thunder.

Thai and Harold led everybody out the lobby doors. Harold, Thai and Chris aimed their weapons up as the tower family boarded the bus.

“Incoming!” Shaun shouted as a swarm of vampires flew down at them along with the rainfall.

 Harold opened fire, shooting a female vampire. She cried out before dropping to the street. Thai shot down two male vampires. One of them bounced off the side of the bus before falling dead to the street, the other nearly hit him before falling to the sidewalk. Chris fired and hit a large male vampire who fell at his feet with his eyes gazing up at him. Chris stared at the male vampire with sickened amazement as its life left him. He couldn’t believe he actually killed something.

“Everyone! In the bus!” Harold shouted, reloading another magazine and firing at more vampires.

Shaun grabbed another vampire from behind on top of the bus. As he snapped the vampire’s neck, he watched two more vampires fly over him and head towards the parking terrace.

“Hammond!” Shaun hollered in a worried tone. “Yuri! throw me a gun!”

“It’s almost out! Take this!” Yuri hollered, tossing Shaun his family sword. “It has the extract and its razor sharp!”

“It’ll do!” Shaun responded and flew swiftly after the two vampires. More vampires fell to the street as Yuri got into the bus keeping his aim out the windows.




At the entrance of the parking garage, Hammond peeked around the corner watching the deadly fray occurring at the lobby entrance as the survivors climbed into the tour bus. He looked up and saw the two flying right towards him.

“Whoa!” Hammond yelled, running back into the parking garage, the two vampires not far behind him in the air.

“Where are you going?” one of the vampires yelled with a cruel laugh.

“There is no escape!” the other said in creepy voice as they closed in on Hammond.

Hammond hid behind the cement post frozen in fear, his eyes wide. He didn’t dare make a move. One of the vampires cackled.

“We know you’re behind there,” said one of them sinisterly.

“C’mon out. Don’t be shy,” said the other in a creepy voice.

Hammond ran out from behind the post with his hands up. The two vampires were surprised that he confronted them so bravely.

“Okay look! I’m really freaking out here, okay?” said Hammond. “I don’t want to hurt you, you shouldn’t want to hurt me. Look at me, I’m scrawny. You wouldn’t like my blood. I have high blood sugar and high cholesterol. So, how ’bout we just call a truce and I walk right out of here?”

Both the vampires laughed.

“Time to die, little one,” said one of them as they both raised their hands at him in a claw, their eyes glaring at him.

Hammond shrunk in terror putting his hands up to defend himself.

“Yes, it is time to die!” shouted Shaun’s voice from behind.

Just as the two vampires looked behind them, their eyes widened as Shaun’s sword cut through their necks, beheading them both in one stroke. Their heads hit the pavement over a pool of blood. Shaun grabbed Hammond with one hand, holding the sword in the other. He flew Hammond to the tour bus.

“Chris, in the bus!” Harold hollered pulling Chris back by the collar as he fired at more vampires flying overhead.

Shaun reached the tour bus and shoved Hammond inside.

“I’ll explain later!” Shaun hollered to Harold who looked puzzled at Hammond’s appearance.

Harold saw another legion of vampires come down at them. He stepped into the bus. The door closed.

Harold watched Shaun swing the sword at the mob of vampires but was  overtaken by them. “Shaun!” Harold shouted.

“Go! Get to the coast!” Shaun shouted as the vampires carried him away thirty feet above the pavement, scratching and beating on him. The sword fell to the street.

“Yuri! Let’s get out of here!” hollered Harold.

Yuri took off and headed up the street. Chris, Thai and Harold watched either side of the bus with short, shaky breaths, gripping their weapons.

“Shoot anything that comes through those windows, Chris,” said Harold, breathing heavily.

“Okay,” Chris answered softly, shaking his gun a little out of fear.




Shaun struggled and fought the vampires that punched on him. He kicked one sending it against the side of a building. He blocked the punch of another and struck him in the face sending him through a window but there were too many of them. They overtook him and grabbed him by his arms and legs trying to pull him apart.

“Pull his legs off!” one shouted.

“Rip him apart!” another cried.

“Tear him limb from limb!” a third hollered.

“No! He’s mine!” a male vampire shouted.

The crowd of vampires went quiet and looked up still holding onto Shaun tightly. Kristof descended, glaring at Shaun. His face was badly burned as he was mostly bald. The skin on his hands looked melted.

“Release him,” said Kristof in a commanding tone. “He has to fight the Alpha. This time I won’t be off-guard.”

The crowd of vampires cheered Kristof on. Shaun was thrown at him by his captors. Kristof grabbed him and punched him several times across the face then threw Shaun through a window of a nearby building. Shaun proceeded through the window causing glass to shatter on the floor and on top of desks. Shaun’s face was in a daze as he flew aimlessly like a rag doll across the office space, crashing through another window on the other side. He screamed when he hit the wall of a neighboring building and fell to the street in an alley on his face. He rolled over to his back looking up while the rain came down on him. He thought about how all this started because of his rendezvous with Miranda.

Kristof flew down to him, clenching both fists in a rage, ready to kill him.

“You don’t have my permission to die yet, betrayer!” Kristof hollered.

The mob of vampires continued to cheer him on as Kristof landed on Shaun’s chest, crushing it with both feet. Shaun groaned and gasped to breathe. He looked up at Kristof’s demonic grinning face standing over him as lightning flashed. Shaun’s vision went blurry. The yelling mobs of vampires were moving in slow motion. Their voices sounded unnatural in a lower pitch. Shaun felt something grab him around his neck and pick him up. His vision returned only to see Kristof’s mighty fist hit him square on the face while he held him by the neck. Shaun’s face went back in numbing pain. He knew at any moment Kristof was going to kill him. Kristof hit him again in the face sending Shaun down against a parked car striking a windshield, forming a crack, and then falling to the pavement on his face.

Shaun was hurt and totally consumed in defeat. He knew there was no way to defeat Kristof in a fair fight. He was too powerful. He picked himself up slowly and looked up, slouching, with a bleeding face, breathing heavily. A small vehicle flew right at him which Kristof had thrown. Shaun had no defense. The car struck him and forced him violently out of the alleyway. Shaun’s body tumbled beneath the car as it crushed him, rolling on top of him while pulling him to the street.

The crowd of vampires cheered Kristof once again. Shaun rolled to his side and looked up at Kristof who was chuckling sinisterly, floating twenty feet above the street in front of the angry mob.

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