Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (36 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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“Think you can rip our curtains down so the vamps can get us! Huh!” Terry shouted, kicking Thai a few times in his ribs and in the head while he was down.

Curtis came around the corner and walked up to them calmly. He watched Terry kick Thai a bit more then helped Billy up, returning his weapon to him.

“That’s enough!” hollered Curtis. “Let’s just get back in there.”

“They’re not going to let us in, man,” said Thai, gasping for air, bleeding from the nose.

“Of course they will,” said Terry.

“No, you don’t’ get it,” said Thai. “This was a suicide mission, fellas. For the good of all, we’re stuck out here.”

“How about they witness a human execution?” Terry threatened, aiming his gun at Thai’s head. “You think that’ll change Harold’s mind?”

“If you’re going to kill me, Terry, you might as well do it right here and now then throw me in the dumpster because they won’t do it,” Thai declared.

“We’ll see,” said Curtis. “Bring him!”

Terry and the guys escorted Thai back to the tower at gun point. The clouds overhead rumbled with thunder. The storm was approaching.




Harold and the tower family sat quietly in the living area with worried faces. He looked at Trang and Ni who sat on the sofa with Kim and didn’t say a word but only feared for their son, Thai. Kim began to weep and wiped a tear from her cheek. Harold tried to muster words of comfort for them but couldn’t. He felt responsible once again for allowing one of the sons of the tower family to do something daring and stupid.

“I’m sure Thai is okay,” said Harold in a warm, genuine voice.

Trang tried to smile back at Harold to show him he appreciated his concern but was too full of worry. 

There was a loud pounding on the stairwell door. Everyone’s heads turned in that direction.

“Oh Har-old!” Terry shouted in a sarcastic and mawkish tone. “We found one of your lost puppies, Harold!”

Harold got up quickly and held a gun at his side keeping his eyes on the door.

“Harold? Are you listening?” Terry hollered in a similar sarcastic voice. “I think you are! Open the door Harold or Thai gets a bullet right in the head!”

Harold was frightened knowing there was no telling what a crazed maniac like Terry would do at this point. He glanced at Yuri then stared at Betty with a horrible face of fear.

“Yuri? Come with me,” said Harold, walking towards the stairwell door.

“Harold?” said Betty sounding afraid.

“Just wait here with the others,” Harold responded.

“How do I know you have Thai and he’s okay, Terry?” asked Harold.

On the other side of the door, Terry smacked Thai in the back of the head.

“Say something,” Terry demanded.

“Harold? I’m here but don’t let us in! Stick to the plan! Tell my family I love them,” said Thai.

“Shut up!” Terry hollered, pulling Thai from the door. “Harold? Are you prepared to do this? Are you prepared to sacrifice young Thai here for your cause? Think about it, Harold.”

Harold and Yuri were frozen. They were in stalemate and Harold knew it. There were no angles, moves or strategies.

“Harold? I tell you what. Let us in and no one dies!” Terry hollered. “You have my word.

“And if I refuse?” Harold hollered back.

“Then I’m going to splatter Thai’s brains all over this door,” Terry responded in a stern voice. “We’re bikers, Harold. We know how to survive, but you, on the other hand, you’ll have to live with Thai’s death on your conscience for the rest of your life knowing you could have saved him.”

Harold closed his eyes in defeat. Terry had him by the throat. There was no way he wanted Thai to die in vain. He looked back at Yuri who shrugged his shoulders. Yuri knew they were at a horrible impasse as well.

“Are you a good shot?” Harold asked Yuri.

“I’m not bad,” Yuri answered.

“As soon as I open the door, I’m going to grab Thai and hit the floor,” said Harold with a cold sound of murder in his voice. “When we do, you let the bikers have it, especially Terry. We clear?”

“What if I hit you by accident?” asked Yuri.

“I forgive you in advance,” Harold responded. “Are you ready?”

“Okay, let’s do it,” said Yuri, checking his gun to make sure it was properly loaded.

“Har-old! We’re waiting, Har-old!” Terry shouted in an annoying tone.

“Okay, I’m opening the door,” hollered Harold, glancing at Yuri with anxiety rumbling in his gut.

Harold opened the door quickly, grabbed Thai with two hands by the shirt and fell to his back forcing Thai on top of him.  Terry and the bikers were awestruck and caught off-guard.

“Now Yuri!” Harold shouted.

Terry stood like a wide open target at the door. He noticed Yuri immediately who was aiming a .45 caliber right at him fifteen feet away.  It was the perfect shot. Yuri pulled the trigger. He had Terry. A look of terror came over Terry’s face. The gun malfunctioned and clicked. Yuri pulled the trigger again and again but it didn’t fire.

“Drop it, Yuri!” Curtis hollered, aiming his gun at him.

Yuri dropped the weapon and put his hands up as Terry came at him aiming his gun at him as well. Curtis, Shane and Billy kept their guns on Harold and Thai who were surrendering on the floor. Harold closed his eyes in defeat as his plan utterly failed. 

“Don’t you hate it when you leave the safety on?” Terry asked sounding cold and sarcastic, striking Yuri in the face with the butt end of his weapon.

Yuri fell to the floor burying his face in his hands.

“Dumbass!” Terry growled with his gun on him, wanting to kill him.

“Terry, back off him!” Curtis hollered. “We need him.”

“He didn’t try to shoot you, did he?” Terry shouted.

“We need him,” Curtis responded in a calming tone. “Leave him alone.”

Terry picked up Yuri’s weapon and headed into the living area.

“You okay, Terry?” Chris asked in a polite tone, walking up to him.

“Get away from me you little backstabbing turd!” Terry hollered, backhanding Chris across the face.

Chris fell to the floor and began to weep.

“Get up you little wuss!” Shane hollered at Chris.

“It’s okay Chris,” said Harold. “Come sit down.”

“Get the freak in there and sit down, both of you!” said Billy in a hard tone shoving Thai and Harold back into the living area with the others.

Betty and the rest of the tower family sighed in major grief seeing that their great plan had failed them. Trang and Ni stood in the background hoping no one would get hurt, especially Thai.

“The boys are back in the house!” shouted Curtis holding his gun up as if he was trying to boast over a victory.

Billy turned Thai around and punched him right on the nose dropping him to the floor. 

“That’s for dogging me outside, Bruce Lee,” said Billy in a vengeful tone. “Not so tough now are you, punk?” he added, kicking Thai a few more times while he was down.

Trang, Kim and Ni cried out and rushed into help Thai but Curtis and Shane blocked them with their guns. Terry kept his gun on Harold, glaring at him, wanting to pull the trigger.

“You said you weren’t going to kill anyone,” said Harold sounding scared, looking up at Terry, still lying on his back.

“I am a man of my word, Harold,” Terry responded with a cold grin as he rammed the butt end of his machine gun in Harold’s face causing him to black out.

Betty screamed.



Attack on the tower


On a floor deep below the White House, President Campbell sat in a control room in front of multiple monitor screens, which had Admiral Lennox on one, Admiral Hansen and Admiral Stanton on others. Campbell leaned over the table rubbing his forehead gently. He hated being burdened with the horrible decision of using nuclear warfare against the vampires not knowing if they would be effective. The massive failure in New York weighed on him badly. Not to mention losing the U.S.S. Kennedy was unbearable to think about.

“What’s the status, Lennox?” Campbell asked.

“The U.S.S. Arizona is a hundred miles off the West Coast, Mr. President,” answered. “We’re in perfect range to deploy the B eighty-three, sir.”

“The B eighty-three?” asked Campbell.

“It’s the most powerful nuclear weapon we have in active service, sir,” Lennox responded. “Very appropriate for the occasion.”

“Do we really need to use the most powerful thing we have?” asked Campbell.

“Yes sir. It would be highly recommended considering the state we’re in and the disappointing result of the VX nine, which was used in New York,” Lennox responded in a militant tone.

“How powerful is this thing really?” asked Campbell.

“Sir, the B eighty-three is one point two megatons of TNT, which is seventy five times more powerful than the “Little Boy” atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima,” answered Lennox.

“Basically, nothing will be in left in Los Angeles then,” stated Campbell in a sad tone, wishing there was a better option.

“No sir,” Lennox responded. “Not even the damn grass and dirt. The blast radius of each bomb alone is just over four hundred thirty square miles.”

“Don’t these
have a leader?” asked Campbell in a frustrated tone. “Is there no way they can be reasoned with?”

“I think Admiral Stanton has answered that question for us, Mr. President,” Hansen answered.

“It’s true, sir,” stated Stanton. “The enemy is vicious, cruel and without mercy.”

“It seems to me the attack on the Kennedy was organized,” Campbell declared. “I don’t believe these
grouped together, flew twenty miles off the damn East Coast and killed every sailor on a naval carrier without some form of leadership!”

There was a short period of silence in the room. Campbell adjusted his collar and straightened his tie.

“Now, I think it’s time to consider an emissary, gentlemen,” said Campbell.

The admirals looked away from the camera appearing uncomfortable.

“What?” asked Campbell, surprised at their reactions. “All of you are against the idea?”

“Mr. President, we’re dealing with a species that are beyond reason,” stated Lennox.

“Their minds are far afield,” said Hansen.

“I’m not buying it,” Campbell answered quickly.

“Sir, you realize you’re basing that on one attack strategy,” stated Hansen as if Campbell was losing his mind.

“None of you are burdened with the decision of destroying the city of Los Angeles,” stated Campbell in a rebuking voice. “A city which has been a landmark of our nation, populated by ten million civilians. 

“With all due respect, Mr. President, even if there is a leader among them, who would be foolish enough to go looking for him?” Hansen asked.

“I would,” Campbell answered, glaring at Hansen.

Hansen was quiet and felt embarrassed for his remark.

“Admiral Stanton, you’ve been very quiet so far,” said Campbell. “Have you any input for us?”

“I don’t oppose your idea of meeting their leader,” Stanton answered.

“Please elaborate,” stated Campbell.

“I’ll land on the shore in California providing another goes with me,” said Stanton. “As long as we stay wet we’ll be fine.”

“What are you saying?” asked Campbell.

“There’s something about the sea water the enemy doesn’t like,” Stanton answered.

“One of those
flew right at me when I climbed onto the Kentucky but repelled from me as if I was drenched in toxic poison,” Stanton responded. “Oh, he didn’t want to get wet whoever he was.”

“Do you think he was the leader?” asked Campbell.

“I don’t know,” Stanton answered. “He was a mean bastard, I tell you that.”

“Lennox?” asked Campbell.

“Yes sir.”

“Stanton and I are on our way to L.A.,” Campbell stated. “So smile. You and Stanton are the new US official emissaries.”

“Yes sir,” Lennox answered, trying not to look infuriated.




Campbell and Stanton sat across from each other on a private government plane. Stanton looked out the window while one of the agents spoke to Campbell quietly. The agent got up and left. Campbell drew his attention to Stanton.

“My condolences to you and your crew on the Kennedy,” said Campbell sounding sincere.

“Thank you, sir,” Stanton responded.

“What exactly did you see?” asked Campbell, being very interested.

“They were everywhere,” Stanton responded. “Their strength, ferocity and ability to fly was like something out of a damn comic book. We had nothing on them. They flew down, picked up my men as if they weighed nothing then bit into them.”

“Good heavens,” Campbell responded, appearing repulsed. “Tell me about this one that came after you.”

“His eyes were bright orange. His mouth was gaping open with fangs. There was blood on his teeth and chin. He flew at me like a rocket with these clawed hands to grab me,” said Stanton, telling the story as if it were a nightmare. “My only chance was to jump overboard and swim to the Kentucky.

“And the sea water caused this thing to
?” asked Campbell.

“Like a rat from fire,” Stanton answered. “He was definitely afraid of it.”

“Mr. President? We’re making our final descent into LAX,” said one of the agents. “A military helicopter is waiting to take you and Admiral Stanton to the Arizona.

“Thank you,” Campbell responded.

“You’re coming too sir?” asked Stanton.

“Absolutely,” Campbell responded. “I want to meet their leader face to face. I want to see the being that’s conquered the free world and held us hostage for months.”

“I admire your audacity, sir,” said Stanton.




Lennox stood on the deck of the U.S.S. Arizona while a military helicopter landed. Stanton and Campbell stepped off and rushed over to Lennox with some armed federal agents. The sound of the helicopter was overpowering.

“Mr. President!” said Lennox, shaking Stanton’s hand. “Let’s get you inside and we’ll go over the plan of going to shore!”

Campbell and Stanton followed Lennox inside with some of his staff.




Shaun flew over the night sky towards the museum. He deviated off his usual path and decided to fly over the coast. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the wind of the night blow against his face while he defied the laws gravity sixty feet in the air. The sands of the beaches were beneath him. He watched the evening tide wash up on the shores at Big Rock just north of the Pacific Palisades off the Pacific Coast Highway. He came to a floating standing position when he saw it in the distance.  There was a forty-seven foot motor lifeboat off shore with lights on. There was someone in the water at the shore firing flares up in the air. He flew in quickly for a closer look.

In the water, Campbell, Lennox and Stanton wore wet suits looking around in every direction for any sign of movement. They were nervous as they stood up to their waists in the water while the tide splashed against their backs. They had five agents with them also in wet suits and guns out at the ready.

“Fire again,” said Campbell.

Stanton fired another flare into the air. The fiery tail of the flare arched until it faded. There was nothing. They moved in closer to shore until they were up to their ankles. They looked around but there was nothing but a quiet beach.

“See anything?” asked Stanton.

“Not yet,” answered Lennox.

“I don’t think anyone can see us or hear us out here, admiral,” Lennox responded.

“I hear you,” said Shaun, floating down and landing on a large boulder at the beach staring at them with penetrating orange eyes.

The three of them flinched terribly and staggered back in the water at the sound of Shaun’s voice. Stanton fell completely underwater over his fears of being killed. One of the agents helped him back up as he and the other four agents aimed their rifles at Shaun. Lennox and Campbell were silent staring at Shaun, afraid of saying anything.

“What are you doing here?” asked Shaun.

“I’m President Campbell. This is Admiral Stan—”

“—I know who you are,” Shaun interrupted. “Why are you here?”

“I would like to speak to your leader,” stated Campbell.

“Why?” asked Shaun.

“We would like to negotiate a truce, find some way we can co-exist with your kind,” said Campbell.

“Tell your guys back at the lifeboat to turn off their lights before they attract every vampire for miles,” said Shaun.

“Kill the lights on the boat,” said an agent into his hand held radio.

The lights on the motorboat turned off and it went dark at the beach. Campbell and the others turned on flashlights. The five agents turned on their lights mounted to their weapons.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible, Mr. President,” stated Shaun. “The leader wants nothing more than to extinguish the rest of the humans. If he knew you were here, he’d kill you all.”

“What’s his name?” asked Campbell.

“Kristof Arcos,” Shaun answered. “He and his brothers run everything.”

“What do we call you?” Campbell asked.


“Where did this Kristof and his brothers come from, Shaun?” asked Campbell.

“Europe,” Shaun answered. “And there are powers at play here you wouldn’t understand.”

“Why do Kristof and his brothers hate people so much?” asked Campbell.

“It’s a long, epic story,” Shaun answered. “I, myself, am not in full allegiance with him. We stand apart.”

“A house divided against itself will fall, Shaun,” said Campbell.

“That’s the plan,” Shaun responded.

“What are you saying?” asked Campbell.

“There are some who don’t adhere to his tyranny,” Shaun answered.

 “Are you plotting to bring this Kristof down?” asked Campbell.

“I’d rather not answer that question,” Shaun responded, floating towards them. “However, I do need your help.”

Stanton noticed Shaun move swiftly to get away from some water which splashed up against the boulder.

“What is it about the sea water your kind doesn’t like?” asked Stanton.

“It tends to burn us,” Shaun responded, not wanting to elaborate any further.

“Anyway, you said you needed our help? Go on,” said Campbell as he and Stanton backed further into the water a little scared of Shaun, the five agents still keeping their weapons on him.

“I have a dozen trapped people I’m trying to get out of here,” said Shaun. “Take them to a safe place for me.”

“And Kristof?” asked Campbell.

 “I swear Kristof and his brothers will die, on one condition,” said Shaun in a convincing voice.

“What’s that?” asked Campbell.

“Call off your nuclear strike,” Shaun answered in a stern voice.

“How did you know about that?” asked Lennox.

“I was mortal once,” Shaun responded. “The broadcast was on TV. There was something about a gathering in D.C.”

“It’s true, however only handfuls of civilians have arrived,” said Campbell.

“I’d like these people to be taken there,” said Shaun.

“So, say we take these civilians you speak of and now you’re king of the mountain, what then?” asked Campbell.

“What do you mean?” asked Shaun.

“Co-existence,” Campbell responded. “We need to know that can happen. The human race dangles by a thread as we speak.”

“I can’t predict the actions of millions of vampires, Mr. President,” said Shaun. “Mortals are considered to be food.”

“Is that a no?” asked Campbell in a sharp tone.

“I can’t give you what I can’t promise,” said Shaun.

“If you were their ruler, couldn’t you set up some new laws? Perhaps some new boundaries?” asked Campbell.

“I’m listening,” said Shaun.

“For instance, say we form a treaty. You give us a single U.S. state for civilians to dwell where no
are permitted to enter. We in return will acknowledge you as the supreme power on Earth and won’t deploy any nuclear weapons. Deal?” asked Campbell. “After all, what’s the point of being a
if you can’t enforce your own laws?”

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