Fall of the Mortals (Book 1) (16 page)

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Authors: Ken Bush

Tags: #Vampire Apocalypse

BOOK: Fall of the Mortals (Book 1)
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Jonesy shouted a war cry and ran into the main living area. Harold and Shaun chased after him.

“Thai! The tape please!” shouted Harold, running out of the dining area. Thai got up from the table quickly. Terry and the bikers were enthralled by

Jones’ actions. They got up and stepped towards the living area. 

In the living area, Jones ran to the windows and began tearing down the


“No!” shouted Harold.

“Jonesy! No!” cried Shaun, taking hold of him and pulling him away from the windows.

Jones’ hand had a tight hold on the blinds. As Harold and Shaun pulled

him away, they fell to the floor with Jones bringing down almost an entire section of blinds. What was once a well-protected window was now wide open to the ravenous vampires who so desperately were waiting to claim the fresh blood of the survivors. Harold and Shaun lit up with fear. Their eyes widened; their jaws dropped. They were frozen watching the legion of vampires outside the windows fly towards them.



Kristof’s Revenge


Harold and Shaun pulled the fallen bead strands over them like a blanket. They were mostly covered, watching Jones stand at the windows as if he were going to take on the entire host of vampires.

“Jones! Run!” screamed Harold. “Betty! Get everybody under the blinds now! Get the kids to safety!”

“Jones! Get away from the window!” shouted Shaun.

Jones didn’t budge. He stood at the windows watching the fierce army of vampires approach. He didn’t show any fear.

“Bring it on, you bitches,” he mumbled, raising his hands, beckoning the vampires to come.

Thai and the others screamed, scrambling under the blinds. They shouted at Jones to get away from the window repeatedly but he didn’t listen. He was ready to fight. Terry and the bikers ran through the living area to the stairwell, the elevators would take too long. Thai, Trang and Kim scrambled under another section of the fallen bead strands. Ni was moving slow, struggling to get under the bead strands next to Trang. Betty ran to the elevators with Tommy and Mercedes.

The vampires burst through the windows. The sound of shattering glass was loud. Thousands of pieces of glass flew everywhere. Jones was struck by an incoming vampire and forced across the room. He flew through the air and struck the wall on the other side of the living area leaving a dent with some cracks. Three female vampires grabbed him and carried him up near the ceiling away from the blinds’ toxic fumes. One of them grabbed him by the face and growled. Her long fingernails began to pierce his cheeks. Her eyes terrified Jones. His adrenaline was in full throttle. His heart rate was near two hundred beats a minute.

Several more vampires flew in but stayed afloat near the ceiling because of the potent fumes. Other vampires flew through the living area after Betty and the two children. They roared ferociously, pursuing them. Betty closed the double-entry foyer doors and locked them. She rushed the two children to the elevator and hit the
button frantically. The three of them waited for the elevator in terror.

“C’mon! C’mon damn you!” Betty shouted at the slow-moving elevator. 

There was a loud pounding on the foyer doors. A male vampire punched through the door and ripped a hole in it. He looked through the hole at them from the other side. His long, black bangs came down to his sparkling, orange eyes. His fangs were scary being long, white and sharp.

“There you are,” the vampire said in a sinister voice, gnashing his teeth. “It’s time for a night out with Damon.”

Tommy and Mercedes screamed. The elevator door opened. Betty rushed in and hit the
close door
button. She backed against the wall of the elevator and fell to the floor with the two kids, panting in fear. The kids held on to her as if she was the last line of defense.

“Don’t let him get us, Betty!” screamed Tommy.

Damon kicked in the rest of the double-door entry. He and four other vampires flew to the elevator doors. They closed on them just in time.

“No! No! No!” Damon hollered.

Damon squeezed his fingers into the middle of the closed set of doors and pried them open with his remarkable strength. The vampires looked down the shaft and saw the top of Betty’s elevator still going down. The four of them flew down the shaft and landed on the roof.

Betty and the children shook with terror knowing they had landed on top of the elevator. There were only a few inches of ceiling separating them from four vicious monsters.

Damon punched through the elevator ceiling and ripped a large piece out. He put his face to the hole.

“Boo!” he shouted mockingly down at them with a grin.

Betty and the children screamed. She was in full panic mode, completely frozen in fear. Tommy and Mercedes got up from the floor. Tommy hit the
door open
button. The vampires ripped the rest of the ceiling apart. Betty had no defenses. She screamed knowing they were going to kill her at any second.

The doors opened. Tommy and Mercedes ran out. Damon and the other vampires leaped to the elevator floor. He grabbed Betty by the arms.

“I’m going to tear you apart, lady,” Damon threatened, grinning at her.

“Hey!” Terry shouted.

The vampires turned. The bikers sprayed their hose guns full stream at them. They drenched their heads, chests and legs. Damon and the other vampires screamed. The skin from their faces, arms and hands melted off. They dropped to their knees, raising their hands in gurgling agony. Terry kicked Damon in the head to clear the way. Damon’s head flew off his shoulders and struck the wall. Lumpy pieces of dried-up, withered bone and flesh shattered. The rest of the vampires turned to a pile of ash.

“Are you okay?” Terry hollered to Betty.

She was too traumatized to speak. She sat on the floor of the elevator, her bottom lip quivering from her horrible near death experience. She stared forward and didn’t say a word. Tommy and Mercedes knelt beside her and put their arms around her.

“Let’s go!” yelled Terry.

The bikers ran to the stairwell fully suited up with their backpacks of holy juice and hose guns. 




On level seventy-two, one of the female vampires opened her mouth to bite Jones.

“Wait!” Kristof’s voice shouted from outside the windows.

The vampires turned their heads.

“He’s mine!” Kristof growled, floating through the windows. He drifted over Harold and Shaun.

The room was silent. Shaun, Harold and the others watched Kristof from their scared, silent positions on the floor under the blinds, their eyes peeking through the wooden strips which lay across their faces. They looked like fish caught in a net. It was their only defense. Harold panted in fear; Shaun’s eyes were wide. Kristof grabbed Jones by the neck and looked down at Shaun and Harold. Jones’ face turned red. He couldn’t breathe; his eyes began to bulge. Kristof held him with one hand as if he was a paperweight.

“And to think the only thing that stands between us is a thin strand of wood,” said Kristof, chuckling sinisterly.

“Put him down,” Shaun begged, knowing Kristof was beyond reason. “Please.”

“Please, sir,” asked Harold, his voice rattled in fear. “He’s our friend.”

“So pathetic,” answered Kristof, opening his mouth, revealing his fangs. His bite into Jones’ neck was swift.

Jones let out a scream that faded quickly. Some blood jetted from his neck. The tower family screamed for Jones as his droplets of blood landed on Shaun and Harold’s faces. Kristof closed his eyes in a euphoric stupor. He was intoxicated on Jones’ blood. Jones’ head drooped to one side. He appeared dead.

“Jones!” Shaun screamed.

Harold began to weep. He knew the end had come and they all were going to die. The others in the room under the bead strands were mortified. They cried out for Jones. Kristof gnashed his teeth in delight.

“Feast!” hollered Kristof, throwing Jones’ unconscious body out the window as if he weighed nothing. 

“No!” Shaun cried.

Jones’ body fell a few stories before a ravenous pack of vampires caught him in mid-air, biting him all over, and carried him away. Kristof looked down at Shaun and Harold. A few other vampires floated in the room with him well above the floor.

“Take one of mine. I take one of yours,” said Kristof, licking Jones’ blood off his fangs.

Shaun and Harold were speechless. They stayed under the blinds hoping Kristof wouldn’t figure out a way to pull them from their place of security. Two vampires swooped down and grabbed the blinds which covered Harold and Shaun like voracious animals and tried to pull them off.

“Don’t touch them, you fools!” hollered Kristof.

The two vampires’ hands smoked and lit up in flames. They screamed, watching their hands melt before their eyes. They flew out of the window, shrieking in agony. Kristof roared in frustration.

Terry and the bikers rushed into the living area, spraying at the vampires. One melted and fell to the floor then another. Terry sprayed at Kristof but he evaded the bursts of holy water and flew around the walls and the ceiling with swift and sudden ease. He was like a jungle cat jumping from branch to branch.

“Shaun! Get the blinds up! Get the blinds up!” shouted Terry, firing at Kristof with little success.

 Kristof flew over the bikers and kicked Billy to avoid the shots of water. Billy was sent across the room and struck the wall. He fell to the floor, unconscious. Terry and Curtis ran after Kristof, shooting multiple streams of water at him but missing him repeatedly.

“Damn, he moves fast!” shouted Curtis.

Kristof flew into another section of the level and saw the windows were curtained off. He roared in aggravation.

“Get that bastard!” shouted Terry, coming up behind Kristof with Curtis.

Kristof turned, gnashed his teeth at them and flew close to the floor like a darting flash of black smoke. He flew through Terry’s and Curtis’ legs and up towards the ceiling. He grabbed the rear of Curtis’ collar on his way up and threw him across the room as if Curtis was weightless. Curtis yelled, flying backwards through the air. He hit against a window violently. Pieces of glass fell to the floor. Curtis dropped, pulling part of a blind down with him. Terry continued to spray at Kristof who dodged more streams of water. 

Kristof flew back into the main living area. Shaun and the others nearly had the curtains back up which were torn down by Jones. Kristof roared, flying into the room towards the window.

“Don’t let him escape!” shouted Terry.

Kristof grabbed Trent under his arms, lifted him up and flew towards the bead strand covered window. Kristof was face to face with Trent. His eyes were furious. His ferocious teeth were gnashing. Trent was terrified and screamed at his horrifying face. Kristof used Trent as a shield. He flew through the blind with Trent shielding him. They broke through the window.  Bits of glass burst outwards and fell to the street.

Kristof stopped in mid-air, turned to Shaun, Terry and the others who shouted at him to bring Trent back. Kristof laughed again, floating in the air outside the windows, flying across their view taunting them, holding Trent by one hand as if Trent was a raggedy doll. Trent dangled by Kristof’s grasp, defenseless. He cried out for help. 

Kristof raised Trent up to his fangs one-handed, as if he weighed nothing, and bit into Trent’s neck, sucking his blood viciously.

“Terry! Help me!” Trent cried out.

“No!” shouted Terry, rushing to the window with Curtis and the others.

Trent appeared to go unconscious. His head slumped over to one side as blood ran down his neck and his chest. Kristof looked up at them and laughed sinisterly, taunting them some more. Trent’s blood was smeared in his teeth and around his lips. 

“Bring him back. Bring him back now, damn you!” demanded Terry, his voice full of rage slamming his hand against the wall, his eyes bloodshot with anger.

Kristof held Trent out with one hand and floated towards the window as if he was going to hand him over to Terry. Kristof kept his eyes on Terry, smirking a cold smile.

“Terry? Curtis? Help me,” said Trent, raising his head up, weeping and gripping his neck with one hand. “Please. Please don’t let me die, Terry,” he added, holding his hands out to Terry, scared to death. 

“That’s it. Bring him back,” Terry growled at Kristof. “You bring him back, damn it.”

Kristof drew close to the window. Terry extended his hand to Trent. Terry almost had his hand. Trent looked terrified reaching out to Terry. His bottom lip shivered. Kristof let go of Trent intentionally, just to be cruel.

“Trent! No!” Terry and Curtis screamed watching Trent fall down the side of the tower, screaming for his life.

Trent’s eyes were wide with terror holding his hands out. His screams faded. He became smaller and fell into darkness and was gone.

“Trent! No!” shouted Shane, falling to his knees. “No,” he said, weeping. Everyone in the tower cried out for Trent.

Terry and the bikers glared at Kristof with hate. Kristof floated in front of them knowing there was nothing they could do. He enjoyed finally having his moment of power over the last of the mortals whose existence had annoyed him for so long.

“I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch,” Terry declared with a scowl.

Kristof grinned.

“Do you hear me?” hollered Terry, raising his voice.

“Why don’t you invite me back in there?” answered Kristof.

Terry gripped his hose gun. He stared at Kristof wanting nothing more than to kill this vicious vampire that just murdered his friend in such a cruel manner. He thought about inviting Kristof back in just to have another try at it.

“Terry, man. Don’t do it. It’s exactly what he wants,” said Curtis.

Terry’s eyes were set on Kristof who floated outside the window. Kristof floated about waiting to see what Terry would do.

“Terry. I said don’t do it, bro,” said Curtis. “You invite him in here; he’ll be ten times more powerful.”

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