Faith (My Misery Muse) (12 page)

Read Faith (My Misery Muse) Online

Authors: B. Betzold

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #tattoos, #rockstars, #rockstar romance, #my misery muse

BOOK: Faith (My Misery Muse)
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“Yes, Drake yours. God, fuck me.”

I pulled her up so we were both on our knees
and started thrusting into her in earnest. God, she felt good
wrapped around me, and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I
reached around her, parting her folds and gently tugged on her
clit, she whimpered. “Come for me, baby,” I told her and pinched
her clit. She screamed my name and came around my cock hard, I
thrust into her two more times before I saw stars. “I love you,
Mags,” I murmured into her neck before we both fell to the bed.

Chapter 21


“Drake, can I ask you a question?” I asked
curled up against his chest.

“Anything, baby,” he replied sounding sleepy
and running his fingers through my hair.

“Why did you get me the bracelet?”

“Why do you not like it?” he asked then bit
my shoulder.

I shivered. “No it’s not that, in fact, I
love it; it's perfect. It's just that no one's ever done something
like that for me before.”

“Ah honey, we wanted to do it for you.”


“Well, Quinn picked out the first charm in
Seattle, I added to it as we went from city to city when I found
one that reminded me of you.”

“Oh,” I murmured leaning and kissing his

“Do you really like it?”

“I love it, Drake; I haven’t taken it off
since you gave it to me yesterday.”

“I’m glad,” he whispered. “So I never
expected you to be so submissive in bed,” he joked.

“Hell if I knew,” I told him honestly. “I’ve
only ever been this way with you.” He looked at me for a long
moment and looked like he was deep in thought.

“What?” I finally asked.

“You really don’t get it, do you?” he

“Get what?”

“Nothing darling, nothing, come on let’s get
dressed and find some lunch.”

I nodded, confused about what he was talking

When we walked back into the living room on
the way to the kitchen we found all the guys sitting on the couch
playing a video game. When they noticed that we were there, they
paused the game, reached for the table and held up, oh my god they
didn’t, fucking score cards.

“Really, how fucking old are you?” I

“Aw Mags, you can aim for higher next time,”
replied X dodging the hand I reached out to smack him with while he

“Really, X, a 4?” asked Seth.

“Well yeah, I mean, nothing broke, she only
screamed like twice, and she remembered his name,” he replied.

I flipped them all off and started off
towards the kitchen dragging Drake with me. “Ah sugar, don’t get
mad,” he yelled after me.

“Fuck off, X,” I yelled back.

“Well, I would take you up on that offer, but
your kind of handcuffed to my brother there. But if it were say
Devi, I would be all over it. Ouch, shit Seth, that hurt, but like
I was saying another girl and I would have you flat on your back.”
I heard another smack. “Really Sam, you too?”

I snickered then looked over at Drake; I
couldn’t tell if he was trying not to laugh or to keep from killing

Someone cleared their throat and I looked
over at the door and saw Eli standing there. “Yeah, Eli?”

“Uhm, do you want the key to the

My mouth dropped open, then I snapped it
close. “You have the key?”

He nodded his head. “Yeah, uhm, Devi kinda
borrowed the handcuffs from me.”

“Why would she ask you?”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “Uhm,
she was there when X gave them to me as a gag gift, and knew you
wouldn’t think of asking me about it,” he replied sheepishly.

I nodded that made sense in Devi land.

“Can you please uncuff us?”

He nodded then handed the key to Drake.
“There ya go man, and I’m sorry I didn’t really think anything of
it when she asked to borrow them last night.”

He shook his head, took the key and went to
unlocking them. Probably thinking the same thing I was, why he
wouldn’t think something was strange about Devi asking for his
handcuffs then nearly groaned, because it was Devi.

“Thank man,” said Drake.

“No problem, cuz, hope we're okay?”

Drake nodded. “Yeah, you’re not the one I am
going to beat.”

“Take it easy on her, okay?” Eli said. “She
was really worried about you last night.”

Drake nodded then handed the handcuffs and
keys to Eli. He turned and left the kitchen, and we went about
making ourselves some lunch; fuck the rest of those guys and there
score cards.


We were standing at the kitchen island and I
heard my front door open. Nobody fucking knocks anymore. I glanced
towards the doorway but I couldn’t see who had come in.

I heard feet running and a squealed, “X, put
me down.”

“I’m not X, I’m the tickle monster.” It was
followed by Jaks’ laughing. I had to smile; I loved that boy.

“Hey baby,” I heard Seth say and saw Mags
straighten. This ought to be good. “Lemme see my girl.”


“Using the babies as a shield, Devi? That’s
just genius, can I borrow them sometime?” asked X mixed in with
Jaks' laugh.

“Uncle X, did you like your deer?”

“My what, wait…Devi you took the monkey with
you to make the reindeers f—”

“X,” came Seth’s growl.

“What I was going to say fornicate,” he
laughed out.

“Uh huh,” replied Seth, “please watch the
language, someone’s new favorite game is repeating everything you

Devi giggled. “Seth didn’t appreciate Jaks
going up to him asking him if he wanted to die the other day.”

“Huh, why would he ask that?”

“Devlin thought it would be
a great idea to listen to
in the car.”

“Ooo great song,” replied X.

“Where are they?” Devi asked.

“Kitchen and you may want to take Jaks as
first line of defense,” replied Seth.

“Jaks, wanna go see Uncle Drake and Aunt
Mags?” she asked.

“No, not really,” he responded.

“Hey monkey, that was my controller,” yelled

“Not anymore,” came Jaks’ singsong voice.

Devi walked into the kitchen with both Cait
in one arm and Quinn in the other; guess she was trying to use the
girls as a shield.

“So,” she hedged.

“So,” I said back, waiting for what I knew
would be an interesting rant.

“Okay, so here’s the deal, you two need to
figure this shit out, if you’re going to be together, then be
together but you can’t keep flip flopping. See there’s all this
legal crap going on, then there’s Quinn and she needs to be
protected from that asshat. The way I see it is if you two were
forced to spend time together, you might work some of the crap out.
I just love you both, and I want you to be happy.”

“You done?”

She nodded.

“Okay, one question.”


“Why is my princess wearing something that
says ‘Douchebags’ on it?”

She and Mags erupted into laughter. I shook
my head, guess I wasn’t getting the answer.

Chapter 22


Devi and I sat down at the kitchen table with
cups of coffee I knew I was about to face the inquisition and I
didn’t know what to tell her. I knew what Drake wanted from me, but
I wasn’t sure if I could give it. I had never planned to settle
down into a forever with anyone, to me that seemed mundane, boring.
I looked over at my best friend who was glowing with happiness and
had been for the past two years. I never imagined Devi settling
down after Seth left the first time, I could never see her making
something last with anyone but Seth. Maybe I could have what she
had with Drake.

Devi snapped her fingers in my face and I
jerked up. “What?”

“You back from wonderland?”

“Yeah, sorry.”

She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, lots has
gone on with you lately; any idea on how you plan on dealing with
the asshat situation?”

“No,” I replied taking a sip of the coffee,
“guess I will call the lawyer tomorrow.”

“No need, X already had the band's lawyer
call him; you have an appointment tomorrow morning at ten.”

“Oh,” I said confused, “why did X do

“Cause he may be a womanizing ass but he
takes care of those he considers his.”

I nodded. Huh, never realized I was included
in that group with him.

“So do you want him involved? Or are you
going to try and get him to sever his rights?”

“I would prefer to be rid of him, but
unfortunately that’s not my call.”

“Yeah, I get that but…” She held up her
finger a minute then cocked her head to the side. “Xavier Ray stop
cheating at Mario Cart.”

“Yes Mom,” was his reply causing Jaks to

“Why is he cheating on a video game with a
five year old?”

She shrugged. “Because he can.”

“So you can go after him for child

“I don’t want his money.”

“I realize this but if he wants to be a part
of Quinn’s life that should also be financially.”

“You didn’t want Seth’s money.”

“No, I wanted Seth in his life, in our lives;
his money meant nothing without him there.”

I sighed. “I’m in a different situation.”

“Exactly, which is why he should help with

“Yeah, your right; he either helps—like
really helps and participates, or he can go.”

“Yep, let it be his decision, but in all
honesty I don’t think he wants to be involved.”

“Yeah, he’s said that already. I’m just
worried he’ll try and make my life difficult.”

“Good thing to be worried about, cause he’s
an asshat.”

So what are the guys doing about their

“Nothing, turned it over to their lawyers to
deal with,” she said, “as well as mine for the bodily harm crap,
not sure if they are dealing with Drake's at the same time. I think
that’s what they want to do.” “So speaking about Drake, what’s
going on?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Yes, you are now spill.”

“He wants the whole show, relationship,
monogamy, family, and I’m just not sure I can do it.”

“You are not your mother, Mags.” She replied,
“You will not turn out like her, you are not chasing men from state
to state or city to city to land the ‘one.’ You are thinking about
starting a relationship with a man who loves you and your daughter;
someone who you love.”

“I don’t love Drake.” I scoffed.

“Uh huh, yeah, keep telling yourself

“No, I care for Drake. The sex is out of this
world. I know he’s told me he loves me, but I don’t know what that
means, or if he really does.”

“Wait, my brother's told you he loves


“He’s got it worse than I thought.”


“The only people Drake tells he’s loves is
me, Jaks, and Cait. If he’s saying it to you like actually verbally
communicating those words, don’t doubt him on it.”

“I don’t think your right that he actually
means it, but I don’t want to argue about it.”

“I love you, Mags, but do not hurt my
brother; I can honestly say if you push him away it will be the
worst mistake you ever make.”


“Shhh, it's okay Cait, Daddy will be back. I
am going to take care of you, just like Uncle Drake takes care of
Mommy. Shhh honey, you don’t need to cry,” Jaks whispered.

I walked into the living room and found a
fussing Cait lying on the floor and Jaks trying to make her feel
better by patting her tummy. That little boy can both break my
heart and make it feel ten times bigger in the same moment.

I looked over and saw Mags and Devi watching
them from the doorway to the kitchen. Devi wiped a tear away. I
wanted what my sister had, kids, a family, now I just had to get
Mags to realize she wanted the same thing.

Jaks leaned over and kissed Cait’s pudgy feet
and she reached out and grabbed a handful of his hair causing him
to whine.

“Hey Taz, need some help?”

“Yes, I was being nice; why is she being

“Ah Taz, she’s not trying to be mean, she’s a
baby and doesn’t know it hurts,” I told him while untwining her
fingers from his hair.

He sighed. “X said all girls want is to make
boys hurt, but sometimes in a good way.”

I looked at my five year old nephew not
knowing what to say to him. What the hell is X teaching him?

“Uhm, maybe we shouldn’t really pay attention
to what X says.”

He cocked his head to the side. “So then I
shouldn’t call someone a milf?”

Oh hell, he was a dead man. “What?” I

“X said that my mom was a total milf, and now
Mags is one too.”

Yep he’s a dead man. “No I don’t think you
should use that term, just ignore what X says.”

He nodded. “Okay, Uncle Drake.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Seth muttered. I
hadn’t realized he had come back in the room.

“Ouch Fuck, Devi,” we heard X yell.

“I think she beat you to it.”

“Yeah and she’s meaner than I am,” he said
with a smirk.

After I finally kicked everyone out of my
house except my girls and Sam, I went into the family room and
vegged out on the couch with Quinn sleeping on my chest.

“I swear woman if you take another picture of
me I will break the fucking camera,” I said quietly so I wouldn’t
wake my princess.

She laughed and walked over and sat down
beside me, I entwined our fingers and brought her hand up to my
mouth to kiss it but she wiggled her fingers out of mine.

I sighed. “Mags,” I murmured.

“You’re really good with her.”

“I’ve had some experience with babies.”

“Yea, you were always great with Jaks, now
with Cait and Quinn too.”

I shrugged. “I love them.”

I thought I heard her whisper, ‘there’s that
word again’ under her breath. Hell, she still hadn’t let it go, and
I was starting to wonder if she ever would get over it.

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