Faith (My Misery Muse) (20 page)

Read Faith (My Misery Muse) Online

Authors: B. Betzold

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #tattoos, #rockstars, #rockstar romance, #my misery muse

BOOK: Faith (My Misery Muse)
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“All right.”

I somehow got her in her car seat and latched
in without waking her, but I knew when I lifted the seat that would
probably change.

“What’s going on with you and Sam?”

I closed my eyes, I was pretty sure he was
still pissed at me for Drake’s accident but I wasn’t going to be
the one to tell Drake that, it would be better if Sam could explain

“Not sure what you’re talking about,” I

He snorted. “Yea, you do.”

“Ask him, Drake.”

“Okay, I will do that.”

I went back over and kissed Drake, “I’ll call
you soon.”

“K bye, baby.”

I picked up the car seat and of course Quinn
immediately started fussing. “Bye,” I said then walked out of his
room, finding Sam standing there glaring at me.

“Why didn’t you tell him?”

“Figured it was your place, if I tell him he
will just get pissed at you,” I shrugged, “at least this way you
can give him your reasoning.”

“Bye, Mags.”

“Bye, Sam.”

He may still be angry at me, but I was even
more pissed off at myself, because I knew he was right and it was
my fault that Drake was here.


I watched Mags' ass as she sashayed her way
out the door, wondering how difficult she was going to be about the
marriage thing. I had already called my lawyer about adopting Quinn
and was told it would be easier if we were married first. Not that,
that was the only reason I wanted to marry her, but it did help
make the decision to do it sooner instead of later. Now, I just had
to convince her it was a good idea.

I glanced up when I heard the door open and
watched Sam walk in. That was another nagging question, what the
hell was going on with my friend? He looked like he hadn’t slept in

“Hey, how you feeling?”

“Uhm, like I was run over by a truck.”

He chuckled, “You look like it.”

“Yea, well you don’t look much better.”

He shrugged. “A lot going on.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”

“Nah, I am good.”

I didn’t believe that for a second but I
didn’t push on it, he would talk when he was ready.

“I saw Mags when I came in.”

“Yea she was just leaving, she had to take
Quinn to the doctor.”

“Anything wrong?”


“That’s good, she’s a cute kid.”

“That she is.”


“So, what’s going on between you and

He looked down at his feet. “Nothing, just…I
don’t get how you still have anything to do with her.”

That confused me. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Drake, come on man, she’s the reason you’re
here, if she wasn’t such a bitch that day, you wouldn’t have been
in the accident.”

I cocked my head at him. “Huh?” I was even
more confused. I mean, yea we had a fight and I left, but what does
that have to do with the accident. “I think you need to

“Drake, the only reason you were out was
because of the fight. If you guys hadn’t had the fight you would
have never been out driving.”

“That is the most fucked up logic I have
heard in a while.”

He shook his head. “She’s got you so wrapped
up you can’t see it.”

“No, it’s not that, trust me. Yes, we got
into a fight. Mags and I fight a lot, always have, it’s not her
fault that some stupid prick got in his truck after getting drunk
at a frat party and decided to drive. “

“No, but if you two wouldn’t have gotten into
the fight, you wouldn’t have been out driving.”

“Maybe, but it wasn’t her fault, I chose to
leave. I chose to go X’s house, I chose to drive home late, even
though X offered for me to stay at his place. Those were all my
choices, Sam. I’m going to marry her Sam so you need to get the
fuck over this.”

He muttered something I couldn’t hear and
looked away. “Fine, I get it, okay?” he said when he finally looked
at me.

“Sam, what’s really going on?”

“Nothing, I gotta go, glad to see you’re
doing better.” Then he was gone.

What the fuck?

Chapter 35


“So that’s it?” I asked the doctor.

“That’s it, now we just send it to the

“Any idea on how long we have to wait for the

“Not sure, sometimes it takes six weeks,
sometimes less. Your lawyer will get the results in the mail and
then I’m sure he’ll call you.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“Not a problem, see you soon for her six
month check-up, bye, Mags.”

“Bye,” I replied, waving at Quinn’s
pediatrician. “All right princess, let’s get going.” I stopped when
I realized I was now using Drake’s nickname and rolled my eyes at
myself. “Great you’re going to end up with a complex.” Then I
buckled her into her car seat and headed back to Devi’s house.

I walked out of the doctor’s office and
headed for my car. I knew I would get a lecture from Devi later
about not taking someone with me, but nobody had heard anything
from asshat in a while now so I wasn’t too concerned—I was stupid.
I was pulling my keys out of my pocket when I saw him standing
beside my car, he was standing there attempting to look menacing
and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes at him.

“What do you want?”

“For you to stop this ridiculous

“Sure, after the results, you can sign away
your paternal rights and just disappear.”

He snorted, “You know I’m not its father, so
just drop this nonsense.”

“We’ll find out soon, won’t we? Now if you’ll
excuse me, I need to go.”

I tried to walk past him but he reached out
and grabbed my arms, hard and I knew I would have bruises. “Let go
of me,” I seethed and gripped Quinn’s car seat harder.

“Not until you tell me why you’re doing
this,” he growled and started shaking me. “I don’t know what you
want from me but you’re not fucking going to get it.”

I tried to pull my arms away, but he was
holding them too tightly. I was starting to get scared for Quinn’s
safety so I let go of her car seat hoping I would be able to get
away from him if I had both hands available. Her car seat hit the
ground with a thunk and she started screaming, and I joined her
screaming as loud as I could, hoping to attract someone’s

“Shut up!” he screamed in my face letting one
arm go and I reached out to do something to get away from him and
then everything went dark.


I was eating my Jell-O like a good boy and
waiting for Mags to call me. It couldn’t take that long to get a
swab from the inside of Quinn’s cheek and I hadn’t heard from her
in over two hours. I debated calling her again but decided to wait
a little longer, maybe she was caught in traffic or something. I
flipped on the TV and the news was on, I wasn’t really paying
attention, just couldn’t stand the quiet any longer, but something
drew my attention to what the newscaster was saying.

A man was in a parking lot waiving a gun
around holding something, you couldn’t really tell from the vantage
point of the camera, you could see his mouth moving but the
newscaster was talking so you couldn’t actually hear the guy. Just
then the camera moved and it looked like another person was
crumpled on the ground by a car, a very familiar car, I couldn’t
place the car but I knew it.

I heard Devi yelling something out in the
hall and that’s when it hit me whose car I was seeing, I couldn’t
breathe it was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. No
there had to be a mistake, but then Devi came running into my room
and I knew by the look on her face that I wasn’t wrong.

“What, what, what’s going on?” I finally
choked out.

Devi had tears running down her very pale
face. “It’s bad, Drake,” she whispered.

I couldn’t tear my eyes from the TV for long
so I reached my good arm out to her and she ran to me and I wrapped
my arm around her and she laid down with me burying her face into
my chest sobbing.

“Shhh,” I said, “shhh Devi, I need you tell
me what’s going on.”

“He…he did something to her, we don’t know
what, and he’s he’s holding Quinn and he has a… a—” she broke off
in a sob.

“He has a gun near my daughter?” I

She nodded her head.

“Is that Mags on the ground?” I choked

She nodded again. “They can’t get close
enough to to find out if…” she broke off again crying.

“Where are they?”

“At Quinn’s doctor’s office,” she sobbed

“I have to go to her.”

She shook her head. “You can’t and even if
you did there’s nothing you can do. Seth and X are there already,
they’ll call us as soon as they know something,” she mumbled
against my chest.

“I don’t give a fuck that’s my, my…” I
trailed off, god damn this, why couldn’t I get it out?

“I know that’s my fucking family out there
too, Drake.”

I growled but kept my eyes focused on the TV,
on my family, hoping that I was just dreaming, that this wasn’t
really happening and then I saw her foot move.

Chapter 36


I struggled to pry my eyes open, it was so
loud and I had no idea who was yelling or what they were saying,
once I finally got them open I slammed them shut again. Oh my god
my head hurt, and the light was so bright. Then I heard a familiar
whimper and my eyes opened quickly and I could finally see what was
happening around me.

I couldn’t breathe and I think my heart
actually stopped beating. There pacing around the parking lot was
my child’s sperm donor, carrying her around and waving a gun
around. What the fuck happened, and I am going to kill his stupid
ass were the first two thoughts I had. I shook my head get Quinn
then kill his stupid ass. I looked around and saw that there were,
in fact, police surrounding the parking lot as well. How long was I
out, and why hadn’t they shot the stupid fuck yet, couldn’t they
see he had my baby?

I realized I was still lying in the parking
lot and pushed myself up so I leaned against my car. I grabbed my
head when a shot of blinding pain went through it. I pushed past it
and looked around again, Brent was yelling something and Quinn was
screaming. The cops were yelling at him, it was a giant cluster
fuck, and my tiny baby girl was in the middle of it all. Why didn’t
they do anything?

One of the police officers finally noticed
that I was up and started yelling at me to get down. Was he really
that dumb to think that I would just lay here and let that fucktard
hurt my child?

“BRENT!” I yelled.

He whipped his head towards me. “This is all
your fault!” he yelled back.

“Yea, cause I told your dumbass to pull out a
gun,” I yelled back.

I heard someone yell from someone place.
“Mags, shut the fuck up!”

“You ruined my life, whore.”

I snorted. “No, you did that to

He stomped over towards me. “Make this
fucking brat shut up!” he screamed jostling Quinn around who was
now screaming louder than I’d ever heard her.

“Fine, then hand her over,” I growled.

He thrust her in my direction and I grabbed
her and brought her close to my chest cuddling her as close as
possible whispering shhh to her in-between kissing her everywhere I
could touch. I lowered her down to the ground and hunched over her
keeping her as concealed as I could with my own body. I glanced
over at Brent who was now pointing the gun in our direction.

“Brent, why don’t you put that down?” I asked
as calmly as I could muster at this point.

“Why did you have to take everything from me,
my job, my life, everything?” he yelled.

“Brent, I’m sorry, I never meant for anything
bad to happen to you.”

He glared at me. “You took everything,” he
said then pointed the gun in my direction. I heard a loud pop; I
always thought the sound of a gun would be louder, like fireworks,
but this sounded more like a champagne cork popping off. I heard
more screaming from the cops and then another pop, but I couldn’t
get over the fact that he had shot me. My arm and shoulder felt
like a zap of lightning was shooting through it; it was the
strangest and worst sensation I can ever remember feeling. Then
there were people surrounding us, I made sure that Quinn was still
covered with my body, I wouldn’t let anything happen to my little
girl. She was still screaming and scared, and I was scared too.


I sat there slack jawed as I watched Mags get
shot, then the police shot Brent. Wat the hell just happened? I
glanced over at Devi and she looked just as confused as I felt. The
TV announcer came on after we saw the police and paramedics rush
in, and we couldn’t see what was happening any longer.

“What the fuck was that?”

I looked at Devi. “I have no clue, but I
think he shot her.”

She nodded her head. “Uh huh.”

“Is she…do you think she I mean she couldn’t
be?” I gasped out.

She shook her head. “I… I… I don’t know…” she
trailed off still staring at the TV tears streaming down her

“She had Quinn under her Devi.” She just
nodded her head. “They have to be okay,” I whispered and Devi
reached over and grabbed my good hand.

We sat there quietly staring at the TV hoping
some kind of new information would be given when Devi’s cell phone
started ringing making us both jump. She quickly pulled it out of
the pocket of her jeans and answered. I kept watching the TV while
trying to catch what she was saying, but it was mostly a lot of uh
huh and yeses and I couldn’t gather much information from it.

She hung up and smiled at me. “They’re

“How can they be fine, she was shot, Devi?” I

“It was just a flesh wound, the bullet grazed
her arm and shoulder. They are taking both to the hospital to be
checked out, but they don’t think she will need much more than a
few stitches.”

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