Faith (A Dark Romance Novel) (14 page)

BOOK: Faith (A Dark Romance Novel)
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It looked serious. Over ten years old and it was still a prominent mark on his body.

Sliding a hand to the back of my head, he forced me to look back up at him. “Now, you asked me to fuck you. I’m here. I’m ready and I’m allowing you control. Unless you’ve changed your mind, let’s focus on that and not on my past.”

“You’re right.” It was true, I was dwelling. There was so much I wanted to know about him. I was learning, but certainly not at a pace I was happy with. Problem was, I was so nervous I had no idea where to begin. Closing my eyes, I pressed my cheek into his hand, calming my frazzled nerves and attempting to clear my mind of everything but the physical urges for him.

“Changed your mind, sweetness?”

“No.” Opening my eyes, I looked up at him. There was hunger in his eyes as he looked down at me; his body tensing. As my eyes lowered to his groin, I couldn’t miss the large bulge beneath his pants waiting to be freed. Something stirred within me as a heat and soft throbbing forming between my legs. “Kiss me.”

Placing a knee on the bed next to me he leaned down to me, his lips covering mine. Slipping my hands up his chest, I laced my fingers behind his neck and pulled him tighter, parting my lips and inviting him in. Despite the tension in his body he held himself back, even though I knew what he really was longing to do was tear every stitch of clothing from our bodies and take relief in me. For what felt like the hundredth time tonight I wondered why he was doing this for me, when we both knew he didn’t have to.

His hands slid down to the back of my dress, undoing the zipper and slowly tugging it down. The bodice came loose and then began to fall. Pulling his lips from mine, Tanner slid the spaghetti straps down my shoulders and pushed the top of the dress down. With a flick of his wrist, my lace strapless bra fell away, leaving my chest bare for him.

Without thinking, my hands immediately attempted to cover myself. It was, of course, a futile effort. “Don’t.” He grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head, pushing me down to the bed, his body covering mine. “You’re beautiful and you’re mine.” His lips kissed their way down the side of my neck, the kisses so light and delicate it was hard to believe Tanner was the one placing them. Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back, giving him easier access to my neck, basking in the shivers that were flowing through me. Each kiss was a tease, slowly feeding the fire building within me for him. “What did I tell you when you first got here?” he asked as his lips reached my shoulder.


His lips left my skin and I could feel him staring at me. Opening my eyes, my gaze locked with his. “I told you, never ever cover yourself from my eyes. There’s no need for modesty around me.”


“Good.” Releasing my hands, he lowered his head and kissed the top of my breast, then circled my nipple until it had turned into a hardened peak. As he nipped at my tight nub I cried out, a rush of desire racing through me. “Now tell me how you want me to take you.” His lips moved to the second breast, repeating the process until both nipples were rock solid.

“I ummm.” I had no idea.

A smirk spread across his lips as he stood, grabbed my hand and pulled me into a sitting position. “If you won’t tell me what you want, then I’ll tell you what I want. Lie back and spread yourself for me.” A flash of the first day with him came to mind and I trembled. He didn’t seem to notice or care; I’ll assume the latter. “I want to watch you masturbate. No need to be shy; we’ll watch each other. I’ll never be able to take you gently if I don’t.”

Slipping out of my dress and my panties, I lay back onto the pillows naked and parting my legs for him as he removed the remainder of his clothing and joined me, kneeling between my legs, towering over me. He gripped his thick, fully erect cock in his hand and stroked himself.

I sat fascinated for a moment, my hand covering my mound as I watched him. His hand tightened on his shaft as the pace quickened and without even realizing I was doing it, my fingers spread my pussy lips and I began to gently stroke my clit, my strokes keeping in time with his. His eyes lowered from mine to my hand on my pussy.

My pussy became wetter with each stroke of my clit and I was quickly becoming overcome with the need to be filled by him. My hand wasn’t nearly as satisfying as I instinctively knew his cock, the head dripping with pre-cum, would be. As the tension and need within me intensified, I couldn’t pull my eyes from his shaft. God help me, I wanted it, and I was at the point where I didn’t care how I got it as long as he took me! I took little satisfaction in the knowledge that he was feeling the same way; his strokes were becoming frenzied and he was slowly groaning, thrusting into his hand with each stroke.

“Tanner, please!” I was coming so close. The tension within me was reaching nearly unbearable heights.

“Please what?”

“I need you, please.”

“Tell me.” His voice had become a harsh growl, the strain evident in his expression.

“I can’t wait any longer, fuck me.” I nearly sobbed the words. God, I wanted him. I wanted him so badly I couldn’t think beyond my body’s need for him! I’d never imagined something like this would have turned me on so badly.

The words had barely left my lips when he groaned and a stream of his cum rocketed from his dick, coating my chest and neck with his warm seed. He collapsed onto me, his lips claiming mine, and batted my hand away from my mound, taking over. As soon as his large, strong fingers stroked my clit I was sent spiraling over the edge, moaning against his mouth, my fingers digging into his backside as I bucked against his hand on my mound.

“Am I so horrible, love?” The words were whispered into my ear and I shook my head, opening my eyes to look up into his.

“No. It was good, God so good.” Although in all fairness I would have said anything at that moment as relief flooded me, but at the same time the feel of his hot, hard body and the feel of his seed spread across my chest and stomach reminded me that we were far from done and I was already beginning to feel a re-emergence of need for him.

He nipped at my lower lip, pulling it into his mouth and then releasing it just as I reached up to kiss him. “Describe to me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me.” It was funny how that word was becoming easier and easier to say, especially when I needed him so desperately.

He cupped my chin in his hand; the feel of his shaft was beginning to grow against my thigh. “Tell me how, say the words. Describe it to me.”

“Why are you making this so hard?” Wrapping my legs around his waist, I attempted to pull him down to me, but he refused to comply.

Smiling, he shook his head. “I’m not. I’m not making it hard. I’m offering to give you whatever you want. I’m just asking you describe what you want.”

“You know.” My God, he was so infuriating.

“Details, baby.” He slipped his nearly erect dick between my wet folds, slowly, taunting me. “I want to hear your virgin lips say all the dirty things you want done to you.”

Darn, didn’t he know I was trying, trying so hard? Taking a deep breath in, I let go of the girl that I was in the past. “I want your cock fucking my pussy. I want you to make me come again. I want you to fuck me until I’m too tired to move.”

The hunger in his eyes intensified, becoming feral. “That’s my girl.” I squealed as he grabbed me and flipped onto his back, taking me with him until I was straddling his waist, his cock, which had grown to its full potential, peeping out between my legs. “Now take what you want.”

Giving him an uneasy smile, I ran my fingers over his chest, leaning down and placing a tentative kiss on his lips.

“Take me in; go slow,” he instructed, grabbing my hips and lifting me just enough to settle the head of his cock at my entrance. “Now, take it.”

Grabbing his shoulders for support, my gaze locked with his as I slowly lowered myself onto him. A gasp escaped my lips as his wide girth breached me, stretching me further then I’d even thought possible. He was so much wider than his fingers or the barrel of the gun I’d had in me, causing me to pause as a hint of pain raced through me.

“Emily.” He didn’t push, though I knew he wanted to. He waited, watching me, his fingertips digging painfully into my hips. “Relax. Keep your eyes on me, love.”

Drawing strength from him, I gripped tighter to his shoulders, leaving deep crescent marks in his skin as I slammed down onto him, crying out as he breached me, tearing through all barriers. Tanner groaned, a low and feral sound as he grabbed my waist and pulled my chest down to his, brushing his lips across my temple. “You all right?”

“Yeeeeessss.” The word hissed through my teeth as I buried my head under his chin, holding on to him. But the pain was already beginning to fade as my body demanded more of him.

“Oh fuck, Emily. Fuck, you… Damn you feel… Fuck, incredible.”

“Tanner…” My lips sought his as I slowly began moving on him, pulling out until the head of his shaft was barely breaching my entrance and then slamming back down, taking him in to the hilt.

His lips returned my passion as he began guiding me on him. After a minute I found just the perfect angle so he stroked the magic spot within me to send my heart, body and mind into a frenzy. Pulling my lips from his, I sat up on him, closing my eyes and arching my back, bracing my weight by holding onto his thighs behind me, and began grinding against him. Each movement, each rotation of my hips sent me higher to pleasures I never knew existed, but would never be able to forget. Every worry, every concern, every conscious thought was gone; all that existed was the pleasure he was giving me.

“Dammit, baby, your pussy is going to kill me.”

As I drew closer, my movements became more frantic, raising from him and slamming back down, my breasts jiggling with the motion. I wanted to look down at him, but couldn’t. I was too wrapped up in the sensations, the beautiful waves of pleasure that kept crashing down on me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take a second more, Tanner grabbed my hips, pulling me tight onto his cock, and flipped me onto my back, settling between my legs and somehow managing to do it without pulling out.

“My turn.” He grinned down at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat and I nearly lost myself as I gazed up into those dark eyes.

I returned his smile, biting down on my lower lip as he slid one of my legs over his shoulder and began moving within me, plunging deeper than I’d ever felt him. God, how could a man so wicked make me feel so good, so special? “I wasn’t doing good enough?”
It’s just a game for him
, a voice in the back of my head chimed in. I ignored it. It felt real right now. It felt so damned real tears were forming in my eyes, and that was all that mattered to me.

I started to close my eyes, but his lips ghosting across mine and his teeth nipping the side of my neck made me moan, pulling me back to him. “Stay with me. I want you looking at me when you come.”

Reopening my eyes, I caught his stare and the melody playing in the background swept me into its sexy embrace. My hips moved with him, our bodies working together as if we’d been lovers for years. So much was said between us despite no words being spoken – I was his and wanted to be. God help me, as messed up as it sounds, I wanted to be.

“I want you coming with me, sweetie.” He slipped a hand between us and began working my clit as he continued thrusting, causing a cry of pleasure to escape me.

“I’m so close.” My whole body was on the verge of exploding and there was an ache in  my stomach that only release would relieve.

“Are you ready?”


“Come for me. Come over my cock, baby.”

“Oh Tanner!” His words were the incentive I needed, sending me spiralling over the edge. My fingers dug into his shoulders as I attempted to get him deeper, as deep as possible within me as my pussy clenched around his cock, begging him for his seed.

“Jesus, Emily.” He lowered his head to my shoulder as he slammed into me a final time, unloading his seed into me. The feel of his cum filling my core sent me into a state of ecstasy all over again and I cried out, tears streaming down my cheeks as I came for him again. I pulled him tight to me, allowing myself the luxury of basking in the fantasy, allowing myself to fall for the illusion that tonight was real, special.

When he eventually pulled out, rolling over onto his back, to my surprise he brought me with him, pulling me into his embrace as if he really cared for me. I didn’t look up into his eyes, didn’t dare. I couldn’t bear see the look of cool detachment that might be in his eyes now that it was over. Instead I placed my cheek on his chest, closed my eyes and fell into an exhausted sleep. 




Chapter 19



“Emily,” I murmured as I began to wake, reaching out to her on the bed beside me and coming up empty. It took less than a second to realize she wasn’t next to me and a second more to realize she wasn’t in the room. My eyes sprang open and I shot upright in bed.

Fuck, fuck fuck! How fucking stupid can I be!
I’d gone to sleep without cuffing her and without her collar on. She could be long gone by now and there could be cops on their way to my place while I slept like a fucking idiot. I’d given her a fantasy date night? What? Why? To make her happy? Since when did I give a flying rat’s ass whether she was happy or not? This wasn’t about her; her happiness was irrelevant.

I’m never sloppy and I never make mistakes like this. Never. That bitch was getting under my skin, causing me to make mistakes. I thrust a hand into my hair in agitation, attempting to simmer myself. It wouldn’t do me any good to lose my head. I hadn’t even checked the house yet.  Jumping from the bed, I didn’t bother with clothing, but rushed from the bedroom to search the house. This chase wasn’t fun, not in the least bit fucking fun.

Entering the kitchen, I skidded to a stop and let out a sigh of relief as I spotted her wearing one of my white button-down dress shits, standing at the stove, preparing breakfast. My eyes scanned the kitchen to see she’d already set two places at the table. I opened my mouth to speak, but had no motherfucking clue what to say. I rarely felt fear, but in the instant when I thought she may be gone, I’d felt it. And I didn’t like it.

But why? Was it a fear of being caught or a fear of never seeing her again? I didn’t have an answer for that and it sent a surge of rage through me. Fear was weakness, fear meant I’d fucked up. I don’t fuck up, but somehow, for some reason, I’d had a lapse in judgement and it was her fault.

“Tanner. Morning. You were sleeping so soundly, I thought I’d make breakfast for us.” She gave me a tentative smile, a faint blush colouring her cheeks as her eyes lowered to my morning wood and then quickly glanced away, pretending to focus on turning the bacon.

She could have escaped while I was sleeping. She could have killed me, found the keys to my car and left, never looking back. But she hadn’t. She’d stayed. That only further fucked with my head. I didn’t have the answers; I needed the answers.

“Why are you here?”

Her body froze and she looked into my eyes. I could see her fighting not to cast her gaze lower to my rigid dick. “We had a deal.”

There it was. The deal. There was no actual affection towards me, no, it was all about her and her need to martyr herself. The good little Christian girl willing to sacrifice herself for some faceless strangers and her family. That angered me. It shouldn’t, but it did.

“Fine. And now that Victoria is gone you’re to take care of my needs when I want them serviced. Now get over here, on your knees, and earn your keep.”

She cringed, looked nervously at the bacon in the frying pan and then back at me, the sadness in her eyes so intense that if I had a heart maybe I’d have felt bad. “But breakfast.” For a moment I thought she was going to cry – it was evident she’d taken time to make the perfect breakfast – but she took a deep breath in and nodded, determination flashing in her eyes. “Yes, Master. Of course.”

Walking up to me, she fell to her knees and took me in her hand. Her obedience didn’t give me nearly the amount of satisfaction it should have.





It really had been a fantasy. My father had been right, I was a foolish little girl. I had to be, because for some reason I’d believed that something had clicked between us last night. I’d been positive I’d seen something in his eyes. Even the way he’d held me and trusted me not to run had made me think maybe the dynamic between us had changed.

Foolish, just foolish. Maybe I deserved to be treated like this.

“What?” he snapped, stabbing a hash brown with his fork. 

I looked up from the breakfast I’d prepared for the second time. I had to throw out most of what I’d previously prepared and recook it. I’d tried my best but it had seemed to take him forever to actually come. There had been a couple of times I’d looked up and seen the frustration in his gaze, which had only seemed to make him angrier. He certainly hadn’t had any problems last night coming, and my aching pussy was evidence of that.

“Excuse me, Master.”

“I’m asking what you’re moping about. I gave you your fantasy date night. I fucked you exactly how you wanted to be fucked. I’m allowing you wear that shirt even though I hadn’t given you permission. So what’s the problem now?”

“I’m fine.”

He tossed his fork onto the plate with a clang, not bothering to eat the hash brown. “You’re not. I want to know what it is. Are we back to this ‘I want to go back to my family’ bullshit?”

I glared back at him.
Well, fuck him, he wants to know… Fine!
“You don’t have to be such an asshole. You could at least be a little bit nice to me. I’m doing what I’m supposed to, I’m acting like your trained fucking dog doing everything I can to make you happy.” Throwing my own fork onto my plate, I stood so quickly that the wooden chair went falling backwards. “So if you don’t mind, Master, I’d like to go back to my little dungeon.”

The muscles in his neck flexed as he white- knuckled the table across from me. “Consider what you’re asking for, slave.”

Taking a couple of steps away from the table, I looked down at the shirt. If I were to be completely honest with myself the main reason I was wearing it wasn’t to cover myself from him. I’d grown used to him seeing my body and was surprisingly okay with that. I was wearing it because of his stupid cologne that I liked so much and the very faint scent that clung to the expensive cotton.

“And don’t think you’re doing me any favours with this shirt.” I tore it from my body, not caring that buttons were sent sailing across the kitchen floor. “You can have the fucking shirt!” Balling it up, I tossed it at him, hitting him square in his glaring face. He stood so quickly I jumped backwards, but then squared my shoulders and eyed him. I would not back down.

“You’re testing me, slave.”

“You may take pride in the twisted idea that you’re a psychopath. You use it as some excuse for being a sick, twisted fuck. But you know what I think?” I didn’t wait for him to respond, “I think you choose the way you are because there’s nothing in you worth knowing. You abduct women because that’s the only way you can have someone in your life.”

His face transformed into complete blankness. No expression, no emotion evident anywhere. Even his eyes were blank. Then he lunged.

With a scream I raced from the kitchen and knew exactly where I was heading – the door. Freedom. Just as I reached out to grab the door handle, I was scooped up and tossed over his shoulder – his good shoulder.

“You want to see sick and twisted? You want to see how fucked up I can be, slave? I’ll show you.”

I let loose – releasing all the pain, frustration, anger as I kicked, screamed, pounded on his bare chest with my fists. Nothing slowed him as he descended the stairs towards my dungeon room. I screamed obscenities that I didn’t even think I knew until the words were coming from my mouth, to hell with being a lady. To hell with being sweet. Fuck being the Proverbs 31 wife my father always wanted me to be. This was
life, I’d live it how I wanted even if it meant living with Tanner and fighting him every step of the way.

He carried me past my room, past the room which had been Victoria’s and into the showroom. I stopped fighting, just for a moment. Why were we here? But we kept moving. I hadn’t noticed the day I was in the showroom, but there was a door behind the bar. He opened the door and walked through.

The room was black, but with a flick of a switch a dim light illuminated the room. Tanner proceeded to carry me into the room, stopping at the center. I barely noticed him setting me on my feet or the fact that he was grabbing my wrists and securing my arms over my head. I was too distracted.

The room was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. The walls were padded with red leather and black accents, with a black marble floor. But that wasn’t the shocking part, it was the contents. The furniture and machines… I had no idea what they were used for, but most had bonds so I could only assume they were sex equipment of some sort. Whips and canes were neatly lining the walls and a large dark mahogany double dresser sat with heavens only knew what contents.

It wasn’t until he stepped away from me that I realized he’d secured my wrists to a post at my back. “What is this place? Some sort of sick torture room?”

Tanner grinned, but this grin wasn’t sexy or playful, it didn’t make my heart skip a beat - it scared me. “Something like that. You accused me of being horrible to you. I think you used the term ‘sick, twisted fuck’.” He tapped the bridge of my nose with his index finger. “Quite the language from my little church girl; perhaps I’ve been a bad influence. I’ve been holding back, but now…” He walked across the room and picked up an ominous-looking black whip.

“I’m not scared of you, Tanner. If you’re looking for me to beg, forget it!”

His smile widened, but the smile didn’t follow through to his eyes. “Now, come on. You’ve got to admit, you did a terrible amount of begging me last night.”

How dare he? How dare he bring up the previous evening and rub it in my face? Rage surged through me once again. If I could free my hands I’d punch that smug bastard in the face. Lifting my chin I centered my glare on him. I wouldn’t beg, I wouldn’t cry and I sure as hell wouldn’t ask him to release me. I’d take whatever he threw my way.

“I hate you!”

“Sounds about right. Now turn, face the pole, or you’ll feel the wrath of my whip across your stomach, and I assure you, you don’t want that.”

I wanted to deny him that, but I wasn’t completely insane in my rage. There was no way I’d be able to handle the pain I know that whip was going to inflict if I didn’t turn. Besides, I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me wince. Without a word to him I spun and faced the wooden pole, settling myself tight to it, and gripped the leather cuffs restraining my wrists.

“I’d actually reconsidered marking you. But you’ve shown me I’ve gotten soft.” He slid his fingers down my back and I attempted to get away, but had nowhere to go so had to endure. “Your screams are going to be beautiful.” He stepped back and cracked the whip against the floor. I inhaled sharply and braced myself for the first lash.





My grip loosened on the whip as I eyed her beautiful back – my canvas. For the remainder of her life she’d carry my marks, a reminder of our time together. I was getting hard just thinking about it.

“Just get it over with!” she growled.

I sure where this sudden bout of brazenness had come from, but it was fucking turning me on. The fight, the challenge, it’s all I’ve ever lived for and she was bringing it in spades, but with her defiant words and body. This was how it was supposed to be, screams and tears for me, not looks of affection and warm embraces. I’d momentarily forgotten. I wouldn’t forget again.

I cracked the whip against the floor a second time, but this time she didn’t flinch. She stood a little straighter and waited.
Fine then, it’s time to play
. I swung and it landed on her backside. Her body jerked against the pole, but she didn’t say a word, not even a soft ‘oooph.’ I narrowed my eyes at her, a part of me proud of how well she’d taken it.

I swung a second time. Again, no response. A third which landed across the marks of the first one, slicing open the skin. She grunted, but still no begging, no sobs.

My cock was at full mast now – fuck I wanted her, but refused the urge. Instead I swung and sent the whip sailing through the air catching her across the shoulders. And another and another. There were now a half-dozen slices across her back, blood slowly trickling down her back and to her backside.

She hadn’t said a word, hadn’t given me the satisfaction of her pleas. I was about to strike again, but stopped, lowering the whip and then allowing it to fall to the floor. I could see her body wearing down and she was beginning to slump against the binds. She couldn’t take much more.

“That all you have, you sick, twisted piece of shit?” she gasped. The fierceness was gone from her tone, but I had to give her credit, she’d held on like a champ.

I slowly made my way to her, forcing myself to simmer down. My cock was rock solid and it was taking everything I had in me not to fuck her. As I stepped up behind her I lowered my lips to her shoulder. “I wouldn’t goad me right now, darling. Not right now. Not when it’s taking all my strength not to fuck you.”

She looked over her shoulder and glared at me as she pressed back against my erection. “I dare you.” Our eyes locked and I could see the challenge in her eyes, daring me to take her.

“Fine.” Pulling down my fleece pants, my erection sprang free. Kicking her feet wide, I grabbed her hips, lined my cock up to her entrance and thrust up into her, groaning loudly as her tight pussy stretched to accommodate me. For the first time since we’d entered the room she cried out. “Is this what you wanted, slave? Your master’s cock?” I growled into her ear, biting at the side of her neck.

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