Faith (A Dark Romance Novel) (11 page)

BOOK: Faith (A Dark Romance Novel)
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His tongue thrust into me and I cried out, bucking against his mouth. To heck with it. What did it matter anymore anyhow? I’d already decided that I was going to stay with him. This was my future – he was my future and I was his – why not at least make the most out of it? But I knew why. Because in the back of my mind I was still hoping there would be a way to escape and I could return to my old life, although I wasn’t even sure I wanted that anymore.

I was confused. I didn’t know what I wanted anymore or what to do.

His tongue left my core and I immediately opened my eyes and stared up at him, pleading him with my eyes. No, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to come.


He smiled and leaned back, opened the drawer of the night table, rummaged through it and came back with a red egg-shaped thing in his hand. “What’s that?” 

“This is an anal plug.” My eyes widened and I attempted to crawl away from him, but he was too quick, grabbing me and pulling me back to him. “You don’t want to take me in your ass without being stretched. I’m doing you a favour, slave.”

“No, Master, please.” I attempted once more to escape, but he stopped me again, pulling my legs up over his shoulders and doubling me over, exposing both my pussy and back entrance to him.

“Be a good girl. You know the consequences.”

I stilled and nodded. “Yes, Sir.” Victoria. My family. A countless number of faceless, innocent girls. Yes, I knew the consequences.

He began rubbing my mound and I closed my eyes, moaning softly, forgetting about his plan as the pleasure took over again. I could feel my juices coating my slit and he began to massage and lube my tight virgin back entrance with my juices. When his finger probed me I yelped and attempted to squirm – yet again – from him. But it was impossible. Even with his hurt arm and chest he easily overpowered me.

“It’ll only hurt a little.”

I started to glower at him, but the feel of his finger sinking into my back entrance caused a mixture of pleasure and pain through me and I cried out. He leaned over me, capturing my lips with his as his finger began to work my back entrance until I began to move with his finger, the throbbing between my legs intensifying. I sighed against his lips and his tongue thrust past my lips and began to duel with mine.

His finger left me and I whimpered against his lips, feeling empty with the need still rushing through me. But his finger was replaced by the cool plastic. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, the anal plug, which vibrated slightly, was pushed into me and his fingers were stroking my clit. Any type of resistance I had left in me faded and I was at the mercy of my body and the waves of pleasure racing through me.

He pulled his lips from mine and a jolt of alarm shot through me. God, I hoped he wouldn’t do what he had the previous night sitting on the bathroom sink, leaving me on the verge of orgasm.

“Ask my permission to come.”

I groaned, bucking wildly against his hand and the plug. “Please.”

“Say it.”

To hell with it – my pride had been taken from me over a week ago. “May I come, Master?”

“Good girl.” He’d barely gotten the words from his lips when a wave of pleasure so intense it brought tears to my eyes crashed over me. My pussy clenched around his teasing fingers and a gush of my juices greeted his fingers. He slipped his fingers from me as a second orgasm rocked through me.

Closing my eyes, my body went limp on the bed and I sighed. I lay there panting, the vibrating contraption in my ass still humming away. I actually whimpered a protest when he removed it, but didn’t bother to open my eyes. As I began to come down from my high, shame washed over me. I didn’t even notice that he’d gotten up, shackled my ankle to the bedpost and left the room, locking me inside. I was just grateful that he was leaving me to wallow in my self-pity and disgrace. I’d liked it. The devil had me in his grasp and I welcomed him in. Father would be so disappointed in me.



Chapter 13



“I have a little something for you,” Tanner announced, entering the bedroom.

I stayed where I was, cuddled against the wooden headboard, watching him as he entered with a black leather collar in his hand. I frowned as I eyed the collar with suspicion.

“I don’t need anything.”

He frowned. “Are you upset over this morning?”

I pressed my lips tightly together and didn’t answer.

Tanner chuckled. “Let me guess. You liked it and you’re…shy, embarrassed, confused… stop me when I get to the correct emotion.”

I didn’t answer.

“Well, then, maybe this will cheer you up.” He waved the collar in front of me. But it wasn’t a normal collar – it had what appeared to be a receiver on it and it had a padlock. Apparently it was meant to stay on.

“A dog collar? That’s supposed to cheer me up? Master?”

“It’s going to give you free rein of the house during the daytime hours, so I would think it should make you happy.”

“I don’t understand.”

He finished crossing the room to me. “Lift your hair.” I did as told and leaned forward. I didn’t have the energy to fight him. Even if I fought he’d get his way anyhow and enjoy the struggle in the process, so what was the point? He wrapped it around my neck adjusted it so it was snug but not overly tight, then secured it with the little padlock. It would take some getting used to, but I could manage. Although I suspected the small, cool, metal plates that pressed against my neck in four spots would be annoying.

After the collar was secure he stood and pulled out a small black transmitter from his pocket. “Now, Victoria also has one on. However, I’m keeping her where she is, so in case you get any funny ideas about trying to escape with her, know she’ll endure what you’ll be forced to endure.”

He had my complete attention now. What was this collar?

“The house is situated on seventy acres of land and is surrounded by a system similar to the invisible fences people have for their pets. You can go as far as the front porch, but if you step a single foot off of the porch…” He pressed a button and a shock jolted through me. I screamed and clawed at the collar, but it was useless. It wasn’t coming off anytime soon.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, what is this?” I needed it off.
Oh God, I need this thing off!
My heart began thumping in my chest and I began to hyperventilate. I needed air.
God where is the air in this room?

“Calm down, just calm down. It’ll be okay.”

After I managed to get my breathing under control, I shot him the dirtiest glare I could muster. “Then you put this on and let me shock you, Master.” I spat the word “Master” out with as much venom as possible. I assumed I would feel his wrath for my tone, but I didn’t care.

Tanner laughed. “Boy, are you cranky.”

“You’ve got a dog collar on me and shocked me!”

“It’s not a dog collar, and I needed to demonstrate what would happen if you tried to leave. Now, just so you know, the farther you get from the house, the stronger the shock will be, in five second intervals until you either return to the house or you pass out. It also has a locater in case you happen to manage to get a fair way before you pass out from the pain. And if by some miracle you managed to get this off, again let me remind you, we’re on seventy acres of land and I have some of the best tracking dogs in the world on the property, housed outside. You wouldn’t get far.”

Darn, darn, darn
. There was no way I was going to get us out of here now. Not unless I somehow convinced Tanner.

“Would you like a demonstration of the full voltage?”

My eyes narrowed as I stared at him. “Thanks, but I think I get it…Master!”

“Good.” He re-pocketed the transmitter. “I have to go out for a little while, so I’m just going to leave you shackled here. Do you need to use the bathroom or anything before I go?”

I shook my head.

“All right, then.” He leaned in to me and kissed me lightly on the lips. “Bye, honey. Don’t miss me too much.” With that he spun on his heel and left.




Chapter 14


“It’s show time, sweetness.” Perking my head up from the novel he’d given me to read earlier that day, I watched Tanner enter my room. He looked sexy, very sexy, dressed in a suit complete with tie. He looked like he’d just stepped out of the pages of
GQ Magazine
. My eyes immediately landed on a leash dangling from his fingertips. He wasn’t seriously going to take me out in front of those people on a dog leash, was he?

I refused to answer him.

“I see. Still upset over the collar, huh?”

Pressing my lips tightly together I shot a glare at him. This was it. I’d failed. Victoria was going to be sold and I couldn’t stop it. I’d tried everything I could, right down to refusing to eat. He’d held me down and force-fed me. When I’d tried to bargain, he’d reminded me there wasn’t anything I could possibly give him that he couldn’t get by other means.

He approached me and motioned for me to get up. I refused, curling myself into a tight ball on the far corner of the little cot. “All right, this is how this is going to go down. You can either do as told and come nicely, or...”

I lifted my chin defiantly. “Do what you have to do, Master.”

He sighed and pulled a syringe out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “Fine, hard way it is.” He lunged at me and I had no way to escape. “If you become more bother than you’re worth, you’ll be auctioned right along with her,” he stated, jabbing the needle into my neck. Seconds later the world went dark.





Why must she be so damned difficult, all the time? Difficult. I liked it when she fought – both verbal and physical sparring turned me on – but this withdrawn, sullen attitude was pissing me off, and not in a good way. It was all Victoria’s fault. Ah well, bitch would be gone soon enough and then we could begin working on sweet Emily’s attitude.

Hoisting her up onto my shoulder, I carried Emily from the room and down the hallway to the showroom. It wasn’t a huge room or extravagant like the display room at
The Compound,
where I used to work, but it served my purposes. I wasn’t interested in putting on airs. I had merchandise to sell, and there were people who wanted to buy it. Plain and simple as that.

Victoria was already strung up on one of the two platforms, her wrists cuffed above head and her legs to the straps on the floor, in a human X position. She’d been told not to move and she didn’t, not even to turn her head and greet us as we entered. The perfect little slave. She was scarred up, more than I would have liked, but not all my doing. She’d had a hard life before me. Whether life would get hard again or not would be a matter of who bid the most for her.

Stepping up onto the second pedestal, I quickly secured one of Emily’s wrists and then the second. Within a couple of minutes she was hanging from her bonds. I took a step back to admire her. So beautiful. The buyers would be very envious when they saw her. Too bad for them she was all mine, display purposes only. They could eat their hearts out.

There was a little tug of regret in my heart. This was going to be my last auction. I was retiring. The end of an era. I was going to be a one-slave only man from here on in... That was unless the arrangement no longer suited me.





The darkness began to fade away and I could faintly hear a rumble of voices. They were in the distance, but they quickly became louder. I moaned softly. My mouth and throat were dry. And my arms, they hurt. I attempted to move, but I couldn’t.

When in the hell was going on?
As soon as the question came to mind I remembered. The auction. The bastard had drugged me – again. Those voices, there were people – lots of people. A surge of shock and humiliation surged through me. I didn’t want to open my eyes, ‘cause if I opened my eyes I’d know for a fact that people – strange people, horrible people – were looking at my naked body.

“I know you’re awake, love, might as well open your eyes and get it over with,” Tanner whispered in my ear.

“No,” I whispered back.

“Open your eyes or I whip Victoria. Or maybe I’ll let one of the gentlemen here to purchase her feel for themselves just how tight your pussy is. Men love finger-fucking a tight virgin pussy. Or maybe I’ll let my whip mark you for the first time in front of all these people. Is that really what you want?”

“I hate you,” I snarled, but I did as told, slowly opening my eyes.

He chuckled. He’d won.

As I opened my eyes, a gasp escaped my lips. There were at least two dozen men sitting before me, chattering amongst themselves as if they were hanging out at a bar and shooting the shit. I’ve never felt such humiliation in my life. At that moment I hated Tanner more than I ever would have thought imaginable. I immediately dropped my gaze to the floor. They might be able to see me, but I didn’t have to look at them.

Tanner brushed my hair back and leaned in to my back again, his lips grazing my ear. “You’re a big hit, slave, seriously overshadowing Victoria. Take a good look at the crowd before you, Emily. Keep up the attitude and one of them will be taking you home. I’m doing you a favour. Quitting the life for you. So I’d appreciate it if you’d show me a little

I cringed at his tone. “Yes, Master.”

“Tell me now, are you staying or do you want to be auctioned off? Choose now.”

Fear raced through me. I couldn’t go. I needed to stay here with Tanner. If I got shipped away… My sister… My family. I had to play his game; the cost was too high. “I want to stay, Master.”

“Much better. In that case, maybe I’ll keep you for myself after all.”

A sigh of relief escaped me. “Thank you, Master.” I’d failed. Victoria was going to be sold and there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it. I silently wept for her.

The doorbell rang out and Tanner stepped around me to address the group of bidders. “My final guest is arriving. Please give me a few minutes and I will begin taking your silent bids. Until then, you may examine the girl for sale and continue to help yourselves to the bar.”

He left and people began to stand and mingle – some getting drinks, some examining Victoria. When the first man approached me, my breath caught in my throat. I didn’t see his face, I couldn’t bear look into his face, but he was wearing black loafers and grey slacks, that much I did know.

“Damn, I’d like to touch you. It’s been a while since I’ve fucked a virgin pussy. Shame.”

I didn’t speak. Tanner must have given instructions for me to not be touched before I came to. I mentally thanked him. I wasn’t sure if he’d done it for me, or if he’d done it because he didn’t want to have his toy damaged before he had a chance to break it in himself, but either way I was grateful.

I chanced a look over at Victoria. Men were fondling her breasts. One was pumping her privates with his fingers. Another had her chin in his hand, examining her face from every angle. She was being examined like a pedigree dog being judged or on exhibition. Considering we were both still wearing our collars, I suppose that wasn’t too far off the mark. More men looked at me, but none touched. I could tell they wanted to, though – their gazes burned into me.

God, where was Tanner? It was taking him what felt like an eternity to return. I don’t think I’ve even been so anxious to see Tanner as I was right then, despite how much I hated him.

“Aren’t you a prize?” My head turned and I looked up to meet the dark eyes of the man before me and a shiver ran down my spine. His hand touched my hip and then moved up to palm my breast and I attempted to jerk out of reach, but my bonds had no give – I was at his mercy.

He chuckled, “Feisty whore. Not broken yet, I see. Still, I think you’d make a nice addition to my collection. I bet I could make him an offer he wouldn’t refuse. Everything has a price, if the offer is high enough.” 

“Fuck you.” The words left my lips so quickly I looked around, wondering if they’d actually come from my lips.

The man’s smile turned into a savage sneer as he upholstered his gun and brought it up to eye level. “Apologize, whore.”

My lips formed a tight line and I shook my head, despite a rush of terror running through me. Never. He was bluffing. I was Tanner’s. He wouldn’t dare.

He tapped my chest with the barrel of the gun and began to trail the tip down my naked body, down all the way down to my mound. He took a step closer and I could smell the repulsive scent of cigars on him. At least Tanner always smelt nice, and as much as I hated his touch at times, it didn’t repel me in the way this man’s did – at least it didn’t anymore.

“Apologize. Last chance.”

“I said, fuck you.” I heard a few men behind him chuckling at my outburst. My body was trembling but I refused to back down. I didn’t give a damn how angry Tanner would be. I guess a part of me felt brazen because subconsciously I knew Tanner would protect me.

His expression grew angry as he slipped the barrel of the gun between my legs and to my entrance. “Apologize.”

I glared at him. “Fuck. You.”

With one quick, forceful motion he thrust the barrel of the gun deep into me. I screamed out as pain shot through me, tears forming in my eyes. The room immediately quieted and virtually all eyes landed on us.

He snickered. “Not so bold now, are you, whore?” The man withdrew the gun from me and held up the barrel to my eyes. There were hints of blood on the silver barrel. “Well, look at that. Indeed a virgin. Guess your price tag just dropped.” He chuckled as he took a step back and then a second. Pulling a handkerchief from his suit jacket pocket, he wiped off the blood.

Not wanting anyone to see my pain and tears, I lowered my head and cried softly, the throbbing between my legs a reminder of what had happened. Monsters – they were all monsters. How could Tanner leave me with them? I was his, wasn’t I? He’d told me over and over that if I was good, he’d protect me. Then why leave me with these monsters?

“All right, everyone here knows Flynn McCarty,” Tanner said as he entered the room and made his way over to me and Victoria. “So if you all can take your seats, I’ll have you come up to the platform one by one, get a final look at Victoria and place your bid with me.”

I sniffed and glanced at him through tear-filled eyes. Hearing my sniffing, he looked at me and our gazes locked. He frowned and came over to me. “What happened?”

Shaking my head, I didn’t answer. I didn’t even know how to tell him.

Tanner took a step back and examined me. When his eyes landed on my mound he crouched and his finger swept at my inner thigh, near the apex. When he stood there was a drop of blood on his index finger. Rage filled his eyes as he looked at me. I’d never seen rage so intense from him before.

“Who did this to you?” he growled. Not waiting for me to respond, he spun around and scanned the men who were seating themselves. “Who touched her?”

The man who had shoved the barrel of the gun in me stood. “Sorry, man, she got mouthy and I was teaching her a lesson. She needed to learn her place.” He laughed. “I thought you were supposed to be the best? By the looks of it you’re not doing a very good job with that one. I’ll be happy to pay damages, though.”

Tanner’s hand disappeared under his suit jacket. When it reappeared his revolver was in his hand. He pointed it at the other man’s head and without hesitation pulled the trigger. I screamed as the sound of the gunshot rang out in the room, leaving a ringing in my ears. The man grunted, blood spraying out as he fell backwards.

Virtually everyone looked down at the now dead man in shock.

“I gave the rules when you all arrived. The first and most important one being NO ONE touches MY slave. NO ONE! If you touch her, you die. He touched her, he’s now dead.”

The men all looked back at Tanner, some with shock still on their faces, some quickly regaining their composure and shrugging off the incident as if it were just another everyday affair. I could only assume that perhaps it was just an everyday thing for them. It wasn’t for me. My eyes were glued to the dead man on the floor, lying in an ever increasing pool of his own blood as it drained from him. I was both terrified that Tanner could do something like that, and glad he had. I was having a hard time grasping the ease with which he’d pulled out the gun and shot the other man – there hadn’t been even a second of hesitation. I was even more repulsed over the fact that a sick sense of satisfaction washed over me.

Tanner spun back to me and leaned in, his lips grazing my earlobe as he whispered, “See what I’m willing to do for you? He was a good client, but I killed him, for you. Now do you see how important you are to me, slave?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but had no idea what to say even if it had been possible for me to form a coherent thought, so snapped it shut again. A man had died – because of me. Blood on my hands. I had blood on my hands now. Maybe I hadn’t pulled the trigger, but Tanner had killed him for me – because of me – and I’d felt satisfaction over it. I suddenly felt sick. I was going to puke. I closed my eyes as the room started spinning. I both prayed I wouldn’t pass out and hoped I would at the same time.

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