Exit the Colonel (66 page)

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Authors: Ethan Chorin

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Prospect for Democracy, The: A Libyan-American Dialogue, conference
Demonstrations; Uprising(s)
Punishment, collective
Purdue University
Putnam, Robert
Qaradawi, Yusuf
Qatar, Libyan revolution and
Qatar Gas
Qatar Oil
Radicalization, of youth
Ramadan, Muhammed Mustafa
Ras Lanuf, oil refinery
Revolutionary Command Council
Reagan, Ronald
Abdelfattah Younes and
capture and execution of Gaddafi
capture of Sirte
cease-fire negotiations
collaboration with NATO
conflict begins
Gaddafi cracks down
initial wins
militia revenge attacks and
Mustafa Abdeljalil as leader of
organizational center of
response to intervention
tribalism and
human networking and
Libya Al Ghad, Saif Al Islam's platform
limits to
Morocco, Jordan and
National Economic Strategy and
new constitution
Saif Al Islam and
selling Libyan private sector on
Reform through commerce
Refugee camps, suffering in
change, contenders for
rebellion, first days of and
Regional disparities, pre-uprising
Regional history
See also
Rendition, blight of
Reparations, Italy colonial
Republic of Congo
Resignations, initial
Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine
Responsibility to Protect rationale
goals of
humanitarian issues and
mediated youth-led
optimism in Libya after
theory of
Revolutionary Command Council
Revolutionary Committees
Revolutionary Day, 2000, soccer violence
Revolutionary Guard
Ricciardone, Francis
Ricciardone, Marie
Rice, Condoleezza
Rice, Susan
Romney, Mitt
Ronen, Yehudit
Rooftop protests, in Benghazi
Rose, David (
Vanity Fair
Rothschild, Jacob
Royal Dutch Shell
Royal Libyan Military Academy, Benghazi
Responsibility to Protect
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rural infrastructure, lack of
arms deal with Libya and
cease-fire negotiations and
stance on Libya
support for Syrian regime
Rwanda, genocide in
“Rwandans Know Why Gaddafi Must Be Stopped,”
Saadi, Abdelnasser
Sadat, Anwar
Sadjadpour, Karim
Safi, Tayeb
Sahad, Ibrahim
Salafists, in Derna
Saleh, Ali Abdullah
Saleh, Heba
Sallabi, Sheikh Ali
Salmond, Alex
Samuelson, Paul
See also
Sands, Phillipe
Sarir, oil fields in
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Saudi Arabia
Libya plot to murder Crown Prince Abdullah
mediation in Africa
New Economic Cities program
population of
Sawani, Yusuf, remaking
The Green Book
Scheuer, Michael
See also
Lockerbie bombing
Scud missiles
Sebha, population of
Selective emotional intelligence
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senussi, Abdullah
Abu Selim massacre
capture of
orders attack
Senussi, puritanical Islam
September 11, 2001, Gaddafi on
Septimius Severus, statue destruction
17th February Coalition
Sexual identity, of Gaddafi
Shafiq, Ahmed
Shalgam, Abdelrahman
Shalhi, Abdelaziz
Shammam, Mahmoud
Sharansky, Natan
Sheinwald, Nigel
Shell Oil
Shi'a-Sunni Muslims, in Libya
Shitreet, Meir
Siala, Mohammed
Sidi H'mouda
Sinjar records
Sirte, rebel capture of
Six Day War
Sky News, of Britain
Slave trade, in Africa
Sniper shootings
Social Development Fund
Social inequities, repairing
Social media, uprising and
Sociopath, Gaddafi as
Somalia, as failed state
Sonatrach, Algeria
Souk al Hout, shootings in
South Africa
Sovereign Immunity Act of 1976
Speech, freedom of, postrevolutionary
St. John, Ronald Bruce
Standard Oil, Libyan oil and
Standstill agreements
State Department.
See also
United States
STEPWise survey
Stevens, Chris
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Straw, Jack
Stray dog campaign
Sudan, Great Britain in
Suez Canal
Suicide bombers
Suleiman, Ouled
Sunlight Foundation
Sunstein, Cass
Supreme Council for Energy Affairs
Switzerland, arrest of Hannibal Gaddafi
Symons, Elizabeth
Syria, intervention
Tahir Square
Tarhouna tribe, Libya
Tarhouni, Ali, NTC and
, website)
Tawerghan, rebel attacks on residents
Tazerbo aquifer
Tea Party, politics, intervention and
Technical development, Libya
Telissi, Mohammed Khalifa
Terbil, Fathi
Libya on list of state-sponsored, removal from
Lockerbie bombing
September 2001, 70
Sinjar records
See also
Lockerbie bombing
Terror list, Libya's removal from
Third Universal Theory
Tibesti Mountains
Tonight Show
Toure, Amadou Toumani
Transformational democracy
Transitional Council
Transitional government
Transitional National Council
Transitional National Unity government
Travel ban lifted, Libya
Trials, of Gaddafi regime officials
Tribalism, 2011, regime change and
Tribal traditions, in Libya
Tribute FM (radio station)
Tripoli International Fair
Tripoli Military Command
Tripoli People's Committee
Truce, in Benghazi
Tsou, Leslie, Public Affairs Officer
Tulti, Basem
France in
immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi
uprising in
Turkey, Islamic moderates in
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Ubangi River
Uganda, Libyan intervention in
UK Trade and Industry Defense and Security Organization
UK Trade Office
UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, of 1984,
Unemployment, in Libya
UN General Assembly and Security Council, sanctions
UN Human Rights Council
Unified Protector
Union of Arab Republics
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom, cedes military bases to Gaddafi
United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP)
General Assembly, Libyan independence and
Human Rights Commission
See also
UN resolutions; UN Security Council
UN resolutions
Resolutions and
Resolution 1192,
Resolution 1973,
UN Security Council.
See also
UN resolutions
United States
arms deals with Libya
bribes paid, against piracy
cedes military bases to Gaddafi
elections, intervention and
interests in Libya
intervention, lessons from
leading from behind
New Beginnings speech, Obama
no war for oil
participation at Tripoli International Fair
pleas for help from
public position, on Libya uprising
renewed diplomatic relations, Libya
severs diplomatic ties with, 1981,
terror list, removal of Libya from
trade with Libya
travel ban, Libya, lifted
Wheelus Air Base, in Tripoli.
See also
US entries
United States Liaison Office, Tripoli
Unity arguments, postrevolution
Benghazi, first five days
dead and injured, Benghazi
initial victories of rebels
Libyan, as model for intervention
Libyan, Internet and
military crackdown
rooftop protests, in Benghazi
Saif's speech
success of Libyan
See also
Arab Spring
US Constitution Article I, Section ,
US Department of Commerce
US Liaison Office-Tripoli (USLO)
US-Libya Claims Settlement Act
US Marine Corps Hymn
US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
USAID, postrevolutionary finances in Libya
US Congress, Obama, intervention and
US Department of State International Visitors (IV) Fellowship
Usfoor, Jaber
US Libya Business Council
US Predator drone, Gaddafi's convoy and
, bombing of
, capture of
US State Department Human Rights Reports
US State Department International Visitor Fellowship (IV)
US Tomahawk missiles
Vandewalle, Dirk
Vanity Fair
Viorst, Milton
Visa restrictions, on Americans to Libya
Vision of Libya's Future, A (dissident white paper)
Voice of London
Volpi, Guiseppe
Warfalla tribe, Libya
War of the Worlds
, argument
War on Terror
War Powers Resolution of 1973,
Warrior women
Washington Post
Watassimo charity organization
Water, in Libya
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Webb, Jim
Welch, David
Weldon, Curt
Welles, Orson
West, ignorance of Libya situation
Wheelus Air Base, Tripoli
White, Wayne
Wikileaks cables
decline of relations and
embarrass Gaddafi
on Gaddafi's mental issues
lifestyles of Gaddafi children
relationship between Sawani and Saif
To the Whores of Tripoli
Williams, Gwyn
Wolfowitz, Paul
Women's rights, in Libya
Woodside Petroleum
“Woolf Inquiry,”
World Bank
World Chess Federation
World Festival of Black Arts (FESMAN)
World Health Organization
World War I, Italy in Libya and
World War II, destruction of Libya in
Yefren rebellion
Yellow hats, mercenaries
regime change in
Yergin, Daniel
Yom Kippur War
Younes, Abdelfattah
assassination of
NTC and
rebel commander
resignation of
Younes, Abu Bakr
execution of
militarization of schools and
Youth Guard
Youth-led revolution
YouTube, Gaddafi blocks videos
Zakaria, Fareed
Zawaya, lodging
Zawiya revolt
Zayed, Sheikh
Zui, Mehdi
Zuma, Jacob
Zwara Corridor
Zwei tribe, Libya

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