Eve of Samhain (8 page)

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Authors: Lisa Sanchez

BOOK: Eve of Samhain
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I flipped the phone open and placed it against my ear. “What are you doing calling me? Where are you?” I asked, surprised she’d be up and out of the apartment so early. With all that had happened in the past twenty-four hours, I had a lot to tell her and was a bit disappointed she wasn’t home for me to talk to.

“Hey. I’m up the street at the coffee shop. Steering clear of Martha,” she said with a jittery sigh. “Do you want anything?”

I finished combing out my hair as I talked. “Thanks, but no. No time. Class starts soon and I’m running late. I need to talk to you, though. You gonna be home this afternoon?”

“Yeah. We need to talk about Martha as well. Do you know she actually told me if I touched any of her stuff, she’d put a hex on me? She’s crazy!”

I snorted and placed a hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. I felt horrible for losing it, as our roommate dilemma was really no laughing matter. “I’m sorry,” I said and giggled, no longer able to contain myself. “When is it that she’s giving you crap? Seriously, I
see her around. Ever.” Martha’s irritated pounding on the bathroom door a bit ago was the first real interaction I’d had with her.

“Go ahead. Laugh all you want. I caught a peek of her room, and I’m telling you, Voodoo Martha has some seriously creepy stuff floating around. She’s gonna put the whammy on either one or the both of us.” Jessica snickered as she spoke, and I knew that although our creepy roommate irritated the crap out of her, she was comfortable enough to make light of the situation. I knew she inevitably would be okay.

“Okay, got some reading to do. Talk to you later!” she said, and hung up.

I set my cell down, still smiling, and sat down near the outlet closest to my bed with hair dryer in hand. I wasn’t about to go back into the bathroom and face Pissy Girl again, opting to dry my hair in the sanctuary of my own room.

A short while later, after deeming myself fit for human eyes (faerie eyes as well), I grabbed my book bag off the floor and headed out to class.

Ambling across the lawns toward the center of campus, my stomach cried out, demanding to be fed. The damn thing needed to shut it. Didn’t it know I was watching my calorie intake?

“Jaysus, woman! Does your belly always make so much noise?”

I let out a loud squeak and jumped, dropping my book bag onto the ground in the process. I whirled around to see Quinn chuckling at my reaction.

“Ack! You scared me.” I bent down to retrieve my wayward bag. “And to answer your question, yes. My stomach talks back when I’m hungry.”

“Well, come on then,
mo chrói
. Let’s get some food in you before you start chewing on your shoes.”

Chapter 7

class with five minutes to spare, fully expecting yet another awkward goodbye with Quinn at the door. Much to my surprise, he waltzed past me into the large classroom, finding two seats near the back. He raised his arm and motioned for me to sit with him.

“What are you doing?” I asked, eyeballing him skeptically. “You have this class as well?”

“I do now,” Quinn said with a playful smirk. “While you were showering earlier, I persuaded the old bird working in the registrar’s office to let me add this class. A few sappy words and a cheeky smile was all it took.”

“Why?” I wanted to know his reasoning, though I was more than happy to have him seated next to me. Even if the subject matter of the class was embarrassing as hell.

“Well…for one…I’d like to spend more time with you.”

His admission sent my heart flying. If I had my way, I’d spend every waking moment with him.

“I also couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a Human Sexuality class.” He wore an impish grin as he pointed toward the front of the auditorium.

Anxiety swelled and I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to turn my head, but knew I had no choice.

Raising my eyebrow in question, I glanced over my shoulder toward the front of the room to see two giant posters occupying the space on the wall behind the instructor’s desk. One was a picture of an enormous flaccid penis. The other: a large depiction of the vagina. The two were no doubt learning tools for the class, a fact that didn’t help to alleviate my embarrassment.

My sharp intake of breath evidently amused Quinn, who then did his level best to muffle the snickers coming out of his mouth, while trying not to draw attention to us.

With cheeks ablaze, I turned to face Quinn. “What, may I ask, is so damn funny?”

a ghrá
. It was just the look on your face when you saw the oversized genitalia. You looked as though you’d never seen a man’s flute before.”

Flustered beyond measure, I sat silent for a moment before speaking. I looked down at my feet, avoiding his penetrating gaze. “Um…well, that’s because I haven’t…you know…seen a…penis before.” I felt his eyes burning a hole into my cheek, and stupid me, I raised my head to meet his eyes. The auditorium felt tiny and lacking in important things, like air.

How am I going to get through this?

Quinn wore a look of surprise on his handsome face, though he sat quietly while I continued my admission, refraining from teasing me, thank God.

Ugh! He thinks I’m a repressed freak. Better backtrack. Can someone just kill me now, please?

“That’s not exactly true…uh…I’ve seen flashes of…um…” Crap. Why couldn’t I say the word penis in front of him? I felt like a preteen learning about sex for the first time. I let out a deep sigh. “I’ve seen a few penises in movies, but…uh…never one so big as that, and never a real one up close.”

Oh, God! Did I just look at his crotch when I said that?

“And well…I have a vagina, so I know what that looks like. Um…yeah…” Word vomit took over and I blabbered away nervously, talking in circles. My palms were sweaty and my cheeks a flaming shade of crimson. Why was there never a spare shovel around when you needed one? I briefly considered using my pencil as a makeshift spade with which to dig a hole and bury my head in.

“So you’re a virgin, then?” he inquired softly.

“Yes. I, uh…I just never…” I couldn’t bear to look him in the eye. Acutely embarrassed, I did my best to avoid his piercing stare. There I was, at the ripe old age of twenty-one, an inexperienced virgin, sitting next to someone who was quite possibly the most virile, sexually experienced man on the planet. What was I supposed to do with that?

It was practically unheard of for someone my age to still have their virginity intact, and it was a source of both pride and frustration for me. I had no desire to give it up to some oversexed frat boy who wouldn’t remember to call me the next day. I also wasn’t fond of the idea of parading around my excess flesh. I was holding out for Mr. Right, and was proud I’d never engaged in meaningless sex. On the other hand, I took a serious amount of shit from just about everyone I knew, sans Jessica, for having a cherry that was still intact.

He looked at me through tender eyes. “Shhh,
mo chrói
. No need to be embarrassed. It’s refreshing to know you respect yourself enough to wait for the right person. You’ve just given me another example of why you are so different than most women.”

I scrunched my mouth up and made a face. “Yeah, I’m different, all right.” I glanced over to him with narrowed eyes. To be honest, his reaction to my abstinence was not what I’d expected. For a sexed-up love faerie who couldn’t keep his sword in its sheath for five hundred years, he seemed awfully supportive of my choice to abstain. I was good and confused.

He shook his head and leveled a reassuring smile in my direction. “Different is a good thing,
mo chrói
. Trust me.”

I fidgeted in my seat wanting desperately to change the subject. “What does
mo chrói
mean? I swear, I’m going to have to carry around a pocket translator just to understand you.”

Quinn laughed quietly and sat back into his chair, nodding toward the front of the auditorium. As I turned my attention to the front of the classroom, I saw the instructor hastily scrawling the name Professor White, in large block lettering across the dry erase board.

I heard Quinn whisper softly under his breath. “My heart. It means my heart.”

My body thrilled at his confession, a warm tingling sensation blossoming over my entire being. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to revel in the newfound knowledge of his pet name for me as the professor began speaking to the class.

“Sex!” His voice boomed so loudly I jumped in my seat. “Sex is on the forefront of society’s every waking thought. A hot commodity in today’s market, sex sells.” He paced back and forth in front of the class as he spoke. “In this class, we will explore the different aspects of sex and sexuality as it pertains to not only society, but ourselves as individuals.”

The professor passed out the class syllabus as he spoke, discussing the course outline and his expectations. My attention strayed from his speech as I read through the course summary. We’d be studying the multicultural history of sex, the male and female anatomy and physiology, as well as the various stages of arousal and response. My mouth felt unusually dry all of a sudden. I’d avoided this class for the past three years. There was no getting out of it now.

I chanced a look over at Quinn, who sat listening intently to the professor speak, acutely interested in what we’d be learning.

“Hey,” I said, trying to keep my voice down. “I thought you already knew all about this stuff.” Older than dirt and chock-full of life experience, Quinn probably could have taught most of the classes at the university as opposed to taking them. This class in particular.

He frowned and shook his head. “I’ve always focused my studies on history and literature. I’ve never given much thought to what makes my Johnny stand up, just feeling happy as a pig in shit that it does. This class should be bloody interesting.”

I snorted. “Your Johnny?”

“The Big Bopper. Ankle Spanker. Heat Seeking Missile.” He leaned back in his seat, crossed his legs at the ankles and snickered, pleased with himself.

I crossed my arms and pursed my lips. “What? Are we in high school here? Really, Quinn?”

He swiped a finger across his mouth to keep from laughing. “Well, what can I say? When you’re hung like a Clydesdale, you find yourself naming your appendage.” He shifted in his seat and glanced down at his crotch with a smile. “Captain Leviathan here is legendary.”

I laughed before I could stop myself. My hand shot up to my mouth and I flashed Quinn a look of death while swiping my other finger across my neck, signaling him to cut it out.

“What?” He tried to feign innocence.

I dropped my hand from my mouth. “Aren’t you a little old for the penis nicknames?”

He answered my question with a “humph” sound. “I don’t care how old a bloke is, he’ll always be happy to talk about dicks and diddies.”


“Breasts. Boobies. Knockers.” The corners of his mouth turned up and he flashed a perfect set of teeth.

“Ahem. We’ll be discussing the female anatomy in the weeks to come. Let’s try and stay focused on today’s lesson, shall we?” Professor White stood a few feet from Quinn and me, arms crossed and irritated at being interrupted.

Flushed and embarrassed beyond belief, I nodded morosely and buried my nose once again into the class syllabus, hyperaware of Quinn’s silent laughter next to me.


Quinn and I managed to make it through the rest of the lecture without another public reprimand, a fact I was extremely grateful for. We sauntered out of the auditorium in a leisurely fashion, paying no heed to the disapproving glare from Professor White.

Feeling guilty for making a poor first impression with one of my instructors, I resolved to be especially attentive in class from that point on.

We strolled casually to our Lit class where I found Jessica waiting for me, a look of apprehension swathed across her face. She cast me a cautious smile as I moved to sit with her. Quinn situated himself a few rows behind me, effectively giving me my space.

Class carried on, and I’d be damned if I could tell you what the lecture was about. Every bit of brainpower I possessed zeroed in on one thing or should I say one person: Quinn.

Motioning to me as we filed out of class, I walked over to where Quinn stood after telling Jess I’d meet her back at our place.

“So, where are you off to now?” he asked as we strolled through the grass toward the crowded quad. Dozens of students milled back and forth, hustling to and from their classes. A football whizzed past my head, landing a few feet from Quinn.

He picked up the wayward pigskin and launched it back at the large group of rowdy jocks who were tossing it around not far from where we stopped. The poor schlep that caught the ball flew backward and got the wind knocked out of him good.

My eyebrows shot up as I answered his question. “I’m headed home. Jess and I have some things we need to talk about. I can call you later if you’d like?” It was more of a question than a statement. I didn’t have Quinn’s number, and if I was being honest, I didn’t even know if the man owned a phone. Quinn had a knack for showing up out of nowhere, right when I needed him.

Quinn stood in silence for a moment, obviously mulling things over in his mind, but about what I hadn’t a clue.

Finally, he heaved a sigh and held out his hand. “Give me your phone,
a ghrá
. I’ll plug in my number for you.” He frowned when I handed him my old Nokia cell phone. “What the hell is this?” He held my phone between his thumb and finger gingerly, like it was roadkill.

“Uh, it’s my phone. What’s wrong with it?” I knew it was old, but the service was good and the plan was cheap.

“This is a piece of shite,” he said, holding up my ancient Nokia. “This…this is a phone,” he said with a smile, and pulled a sleek new iPhone from his pocket, admiring it with a shocking amount of reverence.

I rolled my eyes. “I see it makes no difference whether the male is human or a faerie, you’re all still infatuated with gadgetry.”

“Aye, my sweet. We’re six o’ one, half a dozen o’ the other. We’re all just the same.” He met my reproving frown with a wide, toothy grin, and despite my best efforts, I found myself smiling along with him.

With a sigh, Quinn handed me back my dinosaur of a cell phone, having entered all his pertinent contact information. “Mind yourself, and keep this in your hand when you’re walking about. If you sense any kind of trouble, call me.” He wore a staid expression on his handsome face, and I knew he expected me to do what he said.

I scowled and shot him an annoyed glare. “I’m a big girl, Quinn. I can take care of myself. Remember?”

Quinn treated me to an impressive display of posturing and a low, dismissive growl. He stood towering over me, with arms crossed, jaw clenched, and a harsh glare. Clearly, he intended for me to follow his instructions.

“All right, all right, fine,” I said, making a face. “I’ll call you if anything happens. Satisfied?”

More growling followed, along with what I assumed was a string of profanity in his old language. The only thing I recognized were the words “stubborn” and “git.” Scanning the area to ensure no one was looking, Quinn muttered a quick “later then” and disappeared before my eyes.

“You need to stop that,” I shouted into the empty space where he previously stood.

A faint chuckle floated through the air, and I shook my head with a smile.

The hustle and bustle of the street filled my ears as I hoofed it back to my apartment. The delicious smell of coffee wafting out onto the sidewalk as I passed by the local coffee house was too tempting to resist. I found myself walking the rest of the way home with a decaf soy mocha, my drink of choice when I felt particularly indulgent.

I took a sip from my hot treat, savoring the smooth, delicious liquid as I unlocked the door to my apartment and went in. All was quiet on the western front, which meant Jess hadn’t made it home yet, and I really didn’t have a damn clue where Martha was. Honestly, I didn’t know what Jessica’s beef with her was. She was silent as the grave and never home, which, as far as roommates go, was pure gold.

Enjoying another sip of coffee, I ambled down the hallway to my room, flipped on the light switch and dropped my bag at the foot of my bed. I turned around, fully intending to head back to the kitchen to grab a snack when I froze. My coffee slipped from my hand and crashed to the floor in a sticky mess, as paralyzing fear choked the air from my lungs, rendering me immobile.

Scrawled across the mirror that hung above my dresser in ominous, blood red lettering was a single, terrifying sentence that chilled me to the bone.
I’ve been watching you.

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