Eve of Samhain (7 page)

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Authors: Lisa Sanchez

BOOK: Eve of Samhain
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“Sorry.” I couldn’t contain my excitement. “Your curse is almost over. You couldn’t have been more than twenty-two when you were damned, and you’ve lived for five hundred years. You’re almost free.” I watched as he eyed the couple seated at the table next to us grimly.

“Ryann, I’d rather not have to scrub the memories of each of the patrons here. Could you maybe keep your voice down?” He shook his head at me, but I saw the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile.

“Sorry, but I’m right, aren’t I?”

Tight-lipped, he averted his gaze for a moment, then met my eyes. “Not exactly.”

“What do you mean ‘not exactly’?” The tone of his voice made me uncomfortable.

“Look, Ryann.” He sighed. “Can we just enjoy the rest of our meal, and not talk about the damn fucking curse? I’d really just like to keep it light for the rest of the evening. Would that be okay with you?” Mentally worn, his shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. I dropped my insistent attitude. I refused to be the cause of any more pain for him.

“Okay, I’ll drop it. For now anyway.”

He seemed to relax at that point, easing back into his seat. I watched as he savored his food as well as the new beer one of the wait staff placed before him. He’d had several pints and looked completely normal. Were faeries not affected by alcohol?

We spent the remainder of our meal playing twenty questions. Quinn, no doubt excited at the opportunity to connect with someone on an emotional level rather than just a physical one, inundated me with a barrage of questions ranging from things as trivial as what I liked to eat, to what my goals in life were.

“And your family? Where are they?” he asked, plopping the last bite of fish into his mouth.

I looked down at my plate and pushed it aside, no longer hungry. “My parents died when I was two. I’ve been on my own for as long as I can remember.” The carefree tone of our conversation took a turn, and the air filled with an uncomfortable tension.

The weight of his stare prompted me to look up, and my eyes were met with a soft expression. “I’m so sorry, Ryann. Losing your parents at any age is rough, but losing them as a child is doubly hard. It’s made you the woman you are today, though. Strong, determined.”

I nodded quietly and fiddled with my napkin.

We sat in silence for a moment, both of us avoiding the heavy issues of our pasts. At that moment, I understood his desire to keep things light for the evening. With the enormous revelations he made earlier, a little bit of levity was definitely on the menu.

I yawned unexpectedly, not realizing how tired I was. Though it wasn’t late evening yet, the busyness of the past few days zapped away most of my energy.

He wiped his face with his napkin and tossed it onto his plate. “You’re tired. Let’s get you home.”

I wasn’t ready to say goodnight to him yet, but the sensible part of me knew I should get back to my apartment and at least attempt to get some sleep. I wasn’t sure if that was a possibility. Being around Quinn amped me up and left me giddy and excited. I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, okay.”

Quinn slapped several large bills onto the wooden table and stood. He looked down at me as I struggled to scoot toward the edge of the booth. Out of habit I’m sure, Quinn held his hand out toward me as I stood, offering his help.

I reached for him without thinking and felt crushed when he realized his mistake and yanked his hand away before we made contact.

“I’m, uh…I’m sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck and drew in a quick breath. “Fuck. I’m sorry,
a ghrá
. I’ll try to be more careful.”

The urge to scream was overwhelming. How could I spend any kind of time with him and not touch him? With the simplest of things like helping someone out of a booth being off limits, the craptastic rules forced on me were more than I could take. Especially when every fiber of my being wanted to jump him.

“It’s okay,” I said and forced a smile as we strolled toward the exit.

Autumn in Hanaford Park was pleasant, the evening air unseasonably warm. The streets were filled with a mix of college kids and locals alike, enjoying the last bit of nice California weather before Mother Nature got snippy and caused a dip in temperature. The short walk to my home was again quiet, yet somehow comfortable. There were still a million things I wanted to ask him. As old as he was, he possessed a wealth of knowledge, and I couldn’t wait to pick his brain. He seemed so happy to finally be able to have a conversation with someone that wasn’t enhanced or manipulated by his curse, so I left my questions for another time.

As we approached the entrance to my apartment, I reached into my bag, pulling out my keys to unlock the heavy door. “Well, this is goodnight, then.” I looked up at him through my eyelashes and chewed on my lower lip. I wanted so badly for him to lean down and kiss me, to confirm his feelings for me in the physical sense. I knew that wasn’t a possibility and fought with myself to not appear disappointed when the kiss never came.

“Sweet dreams,
a ghrá
. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled down at me and once again held his hands inches from my face, ghosting the air just above my flesh, as he could not touch me.

I was breathless, drunk from his close proximity, but somehow managed to make it inside my apartment, hyperaware of Quinn’s gaze wafting across my flesh as I slowly closed the door. Tired as I was, I didn’t want to go to sleep. I was too afraid I’d wake up and realize the events of the evening had all been a dream. I opened the door to my room with a sappy smile drawn across my face and plopped down onto my bed with an excited squeal.

Chapter 6

of my alarm clock wrenched me from my sleep, and I rolled over quickly to silence the annoying piece of crap. I’d tossed and turned all night, replaying the events of the previous day over and over again, and felt exhausted. How I would keep Quinn’s true identity a mystery was beyond me. There were no secrets between Jessica and me. I literally told her everything, and lying to her was not something I particularly wanted to do. She’d spot my deceit in a heartbeat. I was a terrible liar, and anyone who knew me well always saw through my sad attempts. But what choice did I have? None. I had to keep his secret to myself, not only to protect him, but also to keep people from thinking I was an absolute nut job.

Truth be told, the idea that I’d lost my mind still weighed heavily on me. I was either insane, or someone had slipped me a mickey while I worked, and I was lying in a drug-induced coma somewhere while my mind enacted out vivid fantasies. Whatever the case, I was screwed.

I cracked one eye open, noticing the clock read six a.m. Begrudgingly, I crawled from the warmth of my bed and stumbled to my closet. My workout clothes and sneakers were scattered on the floor, so I picked them up and headed for the bathroom. After dressing and pulling the sides of my hair back and out of my face, I grabbed my iPod and tiptoed out of the apartment. No sense waking Jessica or Martha. I wasn’t ready to face them yet.

Eager to get moving, I set off at a leisurely pace toward the university, thinking if I had time after my run, I’d hit the campus gym for some weight training and ab work. I may be top-heavy and sport a meatier butt and thighs than most, but my tummy was flat, and of that, I was proud.

I picked up my pace, hyperaware of my surroundings. Still a little spooked, I grimaced, remembering the sense of unease I felt yesterday on my run, along with the creepy experience with the dog at work.

The chimes on the university clock rang. Class didn’t start for an hour and a half. That left just enough time for weight training before I needed to book it back to my apartment for a shower. Placing my iPod ear buds in my ears, I scrolled down to my favorite work out playlist, letting the sounds of Britney Spears’ “Womanizer” blast through the tiny speakers. I found the song oddly appropriate, given my new friendship with Quinn, and laughed quietly to myself as I grabbed a pair of free weights.

A tugging sensation pulled at my gut while I worked through my reps. Someone was watching me, and the feeling nearly bowled me over with its intensity. My already flushed skin tingled and burned, and my heartbeat kicked up a notch. The corners of my mouth automatically lifted and I sucked in an excited breath. I set the weights down and turned to scan the room. Only one person brought about that type of reaction in me: Quinn.

Only one way to find out

“Quinn,” I called out, trying my best to not look like a complete idiot. “Quinn. Are you in here?”

Silence rang through the air. I did receive a few odd looks from various meatheads and diehards who were also working out, no doubt wondering who the hell I was talking to.

Good job, Ryann. Way to look like a complete freak, talking to yourself.

Blaring the volume on my iPod, I finished up with the free weights, mentally cursing myself for forgetting to bring a towel. I was a sweaty mess and resorted to wiping myself off with my sweatshirt. Gross.

“Have a nice workout?”

I whirled around to see Quinn, leaning against the wall of the corridor I’d just entered.

He looked like he belonged in an Abercrombie ad, dressed in distressed jeans with a tight-fitting, white t-shirt clinging to his impressively sculpted chest in all the right places. The clothes accentuated his muscular body well, but it was his gaze I couldn’t tear my eyes from. Quinn truly possessed the face of an angel. His sapphire eyes pierced my soul.

He smiled widely at me, flashing his pearly whites, but the intent didn’t reach his eyes. Those beautiful baby blues still held an underlying hint of sadness. Something haunted him, and I needed to know what it was.

“Yeah, actually, I had a great workout.” A blush crept onto my already flushed face. “Hey…were you watching me the entire time?”

Quinn didn’t answer me, opting to flash me a flirtatious grin instead.

I raised an eyebrow. “And before, during my jog?”

He shrugged and continued beaming, while I stood open-mouthed and aghast.

A group of diehards exited the workout room, and I bit my lip to keep my trap shut until they were out of earshot. “Why didn’t you answer me when I called out to you? I looked like a psycho calling your name and talking to myself.”

He straight out laughed at that point, and I had no clue why.

My temper flared. “What is so damn funny?”

“You,” he said, choking with laughter. “When you’re angry, you talk with your hands and your arms flail about, this way and that. It’s quite funny.”

“Well. So happy to be your source of amusement.” My voice filled with sarcasm, and my cheeks burned. I purposely threw my arms about for his benefit.

Damn annoying faerie.

Yeah, I was annoyed. But as pissy as I felt over his hidden voyeuristic escapade, I was equally as happy to see him smile. Those lips…that mouth…his whole Goddamn face—it lit up like the sun.

His happiness was infectious and it drew me in with its warmth and comfort.

“All right, all right,” he said, holding his hands out in front of him in surrender. “Sorry, love. Where are you off to next?”

“I’m actually heading back to my place to shower before I go to class.” I swiped a nervous hand over my sweaty hair and cringed. While Quinn appeared ungodly handsome and good enough to eat, I looked a rank, nasty mess.

“Let’s go then. I’ll walk you.” He moved from the wall and took off in the direction I’d been heading earlier. His divine, powerful scent permeated the air, and I practically drooled all over myself. The man smelled delish—masculine and sexy all rolled up into one intoxicating scent. I stifled the urge to sniff him repeatedly.

“Should you maybe put your sweatshirt on?” He pointed to me with a brow raised, his oh-so-kissable lips turned down into a frown.

My stomach seized up like I’d been kicked. He thought I looked fat. On fire from my workout, I hadn’t bothered to cover up and was now regretting that decision. Frankly, I was a bit shocked by his words. Size eight was on the larger end of medium, but I was certainly no contender for
The Biggest Loser

He opened his mouth to say something only to slam it closed seconds later. His scowl grew exponentially as he eagle-eyed my clothes and scrubbed at his head in frustration. “You’re seriously not thinking of walking about outside like that, are ye?” He paced back and forth, one hand on his hip, the other rubbing the back of his nearly bald head.

I looked away, hot tears forming in my eyes. Why was he being so cruel? Most guys liked ample T and A. I glanced down at myself. Nope. No muffin top, and the cellulite was covered. I wore a pair of shorts, a full Lycra tank and a sweatshirt wrapped around my waist.

I crinkled my nose and shook my head. “Seriously? You think I look that bad?” I peered down the hallway, waiting for someone to harpoon me.

He stopped pacing the narrow hallway and stood inches from me, feet wide and arms crossed. “What? Bad? No.” His eyes zeroed in on my cleavage. “Do you really think you ought to be showing off that much skin for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to see?”

Ah…now we were getting to the heart of his question. Quinn didn’t want anyone looking at me dressed in skimpy workout clothes, not because he thought I looked fat, but because he thought I looked good. A rush of warmth traveled throughout my body. Quinn was jealous. My flushed skin was the only thing keeping me from exploding everywhere all at once.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek, the sharp pain squashing the urge to squeal like a kid in a candy-store. Take that, skinny bitches of the world! The hot love faerie thought I looked good. “Here. Hold this.” I held out my iPod, which he took from me, taking care to not touch my hand with his own. I untied the sweatshirt from my waist and pulled it over my head. “There. Happy?”

He dropped my iPod into my outstretched hand, his face wearing a whole lot of smug satisfaction. “Quite.”

“Just so you know, I work out all the time, and this,” I said, sweeping my arm out in front of me, “is what I usually wear. And don’t forget, my work uniform isn’t much better.”

Quinn shook his head and scowled. “Aye. Don’t remind me. Those tiny, little…”

“Booty shorts?” I said, finishing his sentence for him. “Yeah, I have to wear those and the matching tank every time I work. Better get used to seeing a little skin.” We lived in the twentieth century, and Quinn needed to get with the times. I didn’t mind appeasing him here and there, but I wasn’t about to revert back to the Stone Ages and cover my ankles before going outside.

He answered me with a grumble as we made our way outdoors.

“So why are you in college?” I asked as we strolled along the green lawns that led toward the quad. “I mean, you have five hundred years’ worth of knowledge. What more can you learn?”

“Boredom,” he said easily. “You can’t imagine how absolutely monotonous life can be when you’ve lived as long as I have. Not to mention, there is that constant desire to connect with people. The curse…it prevents me from…really connecting to anyone. But just being around people…helps. It gets lonely sometimes,” he said, trailing off.

My chest ached as I listened to him admit he felt lonely. To live as long as he had, having no one to confide in, no one to share with had to be maddening. Acting on instinct, I reached for him, wanting to offer up comfort.

Quinn shot me a warning look.

I dropped my hand to my side, my fingers flexing, crying out in agony for just one touch. “Oh, God. I forgot, sorry.”

We walked for a bit in comfortable silence until we reached my apartment, stopping just in front of the door. I looked up at Quinn unsure of what to do. I took a step forward with my hand raised, then realized my mistake and let my arm fall awkwardly. Normally when parting ways with a friend, I’d treat them to a hug or kiss. With Quinn, this was impossible. Neither of us knew quite what to say or do and an uncomfortable silence filled the air.

Quinn let out a deep, aggravated sigh. “Oh, for the love of fuck! I can’t take this. I’ll be back later to take you to class.” He motioned toward the door, wanting me to go inside before he left.

I bit down on my lower lip, nodding, as I unlocked the door and walked in. I looked over my shoulder to see him watching me, his hand held up as if to say goodbye. He was gone in an instant, vanishing into thin air. I jumped from the suddenness of it.

Damn. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.

After locking the front door, I hauled ass to the bathroom, thanking the Good Lord above it was unoccupied. I needed to hit the water locker in a bad way. The piping hot shower not only washed away the sweaty remnants of my workout, but helped ease the residual tension pent-up within me after parting ways with Quinn. As the scalding hot water rained down onto my skin, I closed my eyes, letting my subconscious mind take over my thoughts.

The sweet citrus smell of my shampoo permeated the air as I massaged the foamy suds into my scalp and down the length of my hair.

“Let me help you with that, a ghrá,” Quinn’s voice
whispered suggestively. A pair of strong hands stroked my sudsy locks, drawing the shampoo through them in a leisurely fashion. Every inch of my body felt awake, alive, and on fire. The soft pads of his fingertips caressing my skin brought my body to life with a tingling sensation that covered me from head to toe.

“Mmmm…” I moaned in sheer delight, closing my eyes and reveling in the feel of his magical hands as they washed my hair.

My heart jumped the moment one of his hands slid down to my waist, the other moving to gently wash the skin just above my collarbone.

The air in the shower felt heavy and thick with a mixture of hot steam and growing desire.

“Lean back, Ryann. Let me wash you.”

With heavy lidded eyes, I leaned into the wide expanse of Quinn’s chest, the deep contours of his muscular pecs pressing against my back like a large, stone wall, solid and strong. Despite his massive size and considerable strength, he bathed me with extreme tenderness, whispering soft words from his ancient language which I couldn’t understand.

A small moan escaped my lips as his fingers grazed the side of my breast, and my back arched ever so slightly, pressing my naked bottom against his large—

“Hey! You about done in there?” The sound of my very annoyed roommate wrenched me from my fantasy.

Holy crap!

“I’m almost done,” I shouted, completely mortified.

Shit. What the hell was that?

“All I know is there better be some hot water left or I’m going to be seriously pissed.” A loud pounding shook the bathroom door and the chafed voice continued to yammer.

I rinsed myself off at a breakneck pace, wrapping myself in a towel and exiting the shower, avoiding the annoyed stare of my somewhat phantom roommate, Martha, as I flew out the door. Visibly pissed, I was afraid she’d incinerate me with her scary, kohl-lined eyes and freaky mojo.

I darted back to my room, quickly throwing on some clothes, all the while trying to make sense of what just happened.

I just had a sex fantasy about Quinn. I’m in so much trouble.

Having only known Quinn for a couple of days, our relationship, if that’s what you could call it, was in its infancy. If I was already having steamy sex fantasies about him when I barely knew him, I could only imagine the level of sexual frustration I was in for in the weeks to come, given my inability to touch him.

I sat on the edge of my bed, running a comb through my hair, when my cell phone went off. I jumped, dropping the comb onto the floor. Bending down with a groan, I plucked it from the carpet before reaching for my phone, which sat on my nightstand. Jessica’s smiling face shone on the small screen.

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