Euphoria (20 page)

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Authors: Erin Noelle

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Euphoria
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I was a nervous fucking wreck. Damn if I didn’t crave a shot or five of whiskey for the first time in over seven months. I had been on stage in front of people hundreds, maybe thousands, of times before, but for some reason, that night seemed so different… so significant. Jobu’s Rum had finally gotten our big break ~ we were headlining in Las Vegas to kick off our tour! It was if the night set the tone for the next four months of shows, and I wanted it to be flawless.

My schedule had been booked solid from nine o’clock that morning straight through until show time. After breakfast, we had interviews, followed by a photo shoot, and then a sound check. We were fed a late-lunch-slash-early-dinner before attending an autograph signing and photo hour. There was barely enough time to shower and get dressed before we were due backstage for the show. Everything was so different from when we opened for VanderBlue, when we just showed up, went on stage to perform, and then hung out backstage signing a few autographs. We were really given the star treatment, and it was cool as shit. I made sure to tell Jag how appreciative I was several times throughout the day.

As I got dressed for the show, I wondered how Scarlett’s day had gone. I had done everything I could possibly think of to make it a day that she’d remember forever too. She had played such a huge role in getting me to that point, and I wanted to not just show my gratitude, but to let her know that I would always love her and wanted the best for her always. I stood in front of the mirror in just my jeans and ran my fingers over the word I had tattooed on my upper chest. Euphoria. It was my reminder every day of what I was striving for. I smiled as I thought about her reaction when she opened the bracelet. I really hoped she loved it; I thought long and hard about each of those charms and I knew each one would be special to her. Flying Max and Andi out to be with her once I found out she was coming alone was just a bonus. I loved knowing that the three of them, along with Marcus, would be in the front row, experiencing it first hand with me.

Cruz tapped on the door and walked in the bathroom without waiting for a response. “You ready for this, man?” he asked me.

I turned away from the mirror and looked at him. “More ready than I’ve ever been. Let’s do this.” I slid the plain, fitted black t-shirt over my head and my feet in my black and white checkered chucks before following him out of the room.

The closer we got to show time, the more relaxed I got surprisingly enough. There were a ton of people backstage; I didn’t have any idea who half of them were. I practiced some of the stress relieving techniques that Heather had taught me, and got myself into a happy, secure place mentally. Jag came into the waiting room and told us it was time to follow him out. When we took the stage, the cheers from the crowd were overwhelming. I looked out into the audience and all I could see was a sea of people. Our first single,
She’ll Never Know,
from the new album had released two weeks prior and had done well on the charts, but I had no idea that many people even knew we existed.

Before we began our first song, I thanked everyone for coming out and being a part of such an epic night for Jobu’s Rum, especially our family and friends that had made the trip to see us. I looked down at all of them when I made the comment, overjoyed to see each of their faces. Then, wasting no more time, we began what would end up being the best show of my life. The excitement buzzing through the air was electric, and every one of us felt it deep in our bones. The music flowed out of us like it was what we were born to do. At one point, I ripped my shirt off and gave it to Scarlett. I was like a man possessed; the music had completely taken over my body. We played through many of the songs on our latest album as well as a couple that would come out on the next one. As the show was nearing the end, the lights were brought down a little and I took a moment to address the crowd again.

“I just wanted to thank you all again for coming out this evening. We’ve got two more songs for you before we wrap it up, and I just wanted to say something about them beforehand. This next song we are going to play is a cover of one of my favorite songs. I first played it one night in my brother’s bar back in Houston by myself, and at that time it summed up how I was feeling about someone spot on. Then, once the band started playing together again, it was how we ended each of our shows. The last song, which is our latest single, is actually the song I wrote in response to the first one. I think it’ll all make sense here in a minute.” I winked at the crowd, which was answered by a deafening roar of screams and whistles.

I grabbed the stool sitting on the side of the stage and we played our version of Let Her Go once again. However, at the end of the song, Sebastian played a bass line that led us straight into the next. During that time, I looked down at Scarlett and said, “I hope you always know.” Then I poured my heart out into the last song of the night.


Dark and dirty I couldn’t find my way out

Shiny and white you never had any doubt

Together a mess that could only be made in Heaven


So can you tell me where my Heaven went

Who’s bright idea was it to let her go

Can you tell me where my Heaven went

My biggest fear is that she’ll never know


Lost and confused it was you that I feared

Eager and ready you allowed me to steer

Together a mess that could only be made in Heaven


So can you tell me where my Heaven went

Who’s bright idea was it to let her go

Can you tell me where my Heaven went

My biggest fear is that she’ll never know


An angel and a devil that fell in love

Chaos created and it fit like a glove

Together a mess that could only be created in Heaven


So can you tell me where my Heaven went

Who’s bright idea was it to let her go

Can you tell me where my Heaven went

My biggest fear is that she’ll never know


My biggest fear is that she’ll never know

She’ll never know that I loved her so


A thunderous roar of applause accompanied by a standing ovation followed the last note of the song. We took our bows and ran off the stage straight into our dressing room. I felt higher in that moment than I ever had on any drug; it was out of this world. We took a few minutes alone as a band, to both calm down and exchange some serious man-love. Then we opened the door to frenzy of people waiting for us. I cut through the crowd of mostly females pawing and pulling at me, looking for one person. As soon as my eyes found her, I could feel my heart beat again and I remembered to breathe.

I ran up to her and scooped her in my arms, hugging her so tightly I may have bruised her ribs. I could feel her crying on my shoulder, and I only prayed they were happy tears. I sat her back on her feet and looked in her eyes, “Why are you crying, Angel?”

She smiled through her tears, “I’m just so proud of you. You were fucking amaze-balls, Hotpants.”

I threw my head back, laughing, “Did you just say
, both in the same sentence? And call me Hotpants?”

She giggled and nodded hard. “I think I did. All of this debauchery in Sin City must be wearing off on me,” she joked.

Shaking my head, I put my arm around her shoulders and looked around for the rest of the gang. Standing off about ten feet were Marcus, Max, and Andi. I ran over and hugged each one of them, thanking them again for coming. Then I told all of them to follow me back to the room where they were having the after-party.

A few hours later, I was completely wiped out and all I wanted was to go to sleep. I looked around for the rest of the band and my friends and family and said good night to each of them. The party was still in full swing with the alcohol flowing and bodies grinding against each other in the middle of the dance floor, but I had no reservations at all about retreating to my room to get some much needed rest. As I was making my way to the door, I saw Scarlett standing and talking to one of the producers. I didn’t much care if it was rude or not, I grabbed her hand and asked if I could talk to her for a minute. She politely excused herself from the guy and followed me out of the room.

“I just wanted to thank you again for being here. I know I’ve said it a gazillion times, but it really means a lot. I’ve missed you.” I looked down at her wrist and saw the charm bracelet. I grinned and looked back up at her. “Did you like it?”

“Are you kidding? It’s one of the best things I’ve ever been given; I know you put so much thought into it.” She pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you for not just the bracelet, but for all of today. It’s been an amazing experience.”

“I’m actually headed to my room, I’m exhausted. Are you gonna stay down here a while longer?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m pretty tired too. I’ll head that way as well. It’s already after two and my plane leaves at eleven in the morning.”

“I’ll walk you to your room to make sure you get there safely,” I said without giving her an option. I put my hand on the small of her back and walked us towards the elevators.

Once we made it to her door, I did my best not to get emotional, but damn if it wasn’t hard. I knew that we’d still text and stuff, but since I was going to be on the road for the next several months, I didn’t know when I’d see her again. I circled my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me just as tight. We stayed like that for several minutes before pulling away.

“Goodnight, Angel. Let me know that you made it home tomorrow,” I said before turning around and heading back to the elevator.

“Mase,” she called out. I turned around, half hoping she’s ask me to stay but half hoping she wouldn’t ask me to make that decision. My eyes caught hers, and she smiled so brightly that the hall lit up. “Never worry that I don’t know; I’ve always known.” She then slid her key card and disappeared behind the door.



Once I slipped into my room, I immediately kicked my shoes off and stripped out of my dress. I didn’t even bother putting my pajamas on; I just climbed into the lush bed in my panties, collapsing face first into the feathery softness. As I slid my arm under the pillow, one of the charms on the bracelet caught on the sheet, reminding me that I need to take it off. I unhooked the clasp and reached across the bed to lay it on the nightstand. It was then that I noticed the seventeen missed calls and texts on my phone.

Snatching it up quickly, I scrolled through it noting that the first few calls were from a number that I didn’t recognize, but all of the subsequent calls and texts were from Crys. I listened to the first message and my heart stopped beating. I didn’t even bother listening to the rest; I immediately called Crys back, I didn’t care what time it was.

“Scarlett, oh thank God,” she answered the phone. I could instantly tell she had been crying.

“What’s wrong, Crys? What happened? Where’s Ash” I asked frantically.

“I need you to come home as soon as possible, Scarlett. You’re in Vegas, right?”

“Yes, I came for Jobu’s Rum opening show. Why? What happened? Where is Ash?” I asked again, my voice getting more demanding.

“I’ll explain everything when you get here. I’ve already looked at flights for you and the earliest one out of there is at six fifteen,” she paused for a minute and I could hear her talking to people in the background but the sound was muffled. “So that’s just in a few hours from now. When you get back, go to your apartment and we’ll meet you there.”

“No!” I screamed. “Tell me right now what is going on! You can’t just leave me like this for the next few hours. Obviously something has happened to Ash, and damn it, I deserve to know what I’m coming home to!” My entire body was shaking with fear. I knew if she wasn’t telling me, it must be bad. Mentally, I had already started preparing for the worst. Maybe he had a bad car crash and broke some bones or had a head injury...

“Scarlett, I don’t want to do this over the phone. Try to calm down and I will see you in a few hours,” she said calmly.

“Tell. Me. Now.” I demanded through gritted teeth.

She let out a long sigh and then I heard her start crying. “He’s gone, Scarlett. He’s gone,” she choked out through muffled sobs.

I hung up the phone on her and went completely numb.


Slipped Away ~ Avril Lavigne



I don’t know how long I sat there; it could’ve been two minutes or two hours. Eventually I pulled myself off of the bed and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I needed to call someone, but I wasn’t sure who. I stared at my phone thinking that she was going to call back and tell me it was some sick joke, but that never happened. I looked at the clock for the hundredth time, but the numbers displayed had no meaning to me. I didn’t know what I was doing.

I decided to call Max to let him know; he would want to know. He answered the phone cheerily, “Sweetheart! Where are you at? You disappeared from the party!” There was a ton of hooting and hollering in the background so I assumed that he was still downstairs.

“Umm yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I’m heading home,” I said in a voice that didn’t even sound like mine.

“Heading home? Scarlett, it’s like four o’clock in the morning. Are you drunk?”

“No… not drunk, and yes, my flight is at six fifteen so I’m heading to the airport now.”

“Hold on,” he replied. I heard him excusing himself as he got out of the crowd. “Okay, sorry about that. What’s going on? Did something happen with Mase?”

“No, nothing with Mase,” I swallowed hard as I felt the tears pricking at my eyes. “I just need to go home.”

“Scarlett, tell me what the fuck is going on!”

“Ash is dead,” I blurted out.

“I’ll be right there,” was all I heard before he hung up.

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