Euphoria (23 page)

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Authors: Erin Noelle

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Euphoria
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The wedding ceremony was perfect, even with Ashlynn announcing she had to pee in the middle of the vows, and the reception was even better. I couldn’t stop smiling as I saw our friends and family eating, dancing, and having an overall great time. As the evening came to an end, Mase came up to me and grabbed my hand. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

He led me and all of the guests outside, then walked over to the event coordinator and whispered something in her ear. Returning to me, he stood behind me and circled his arms around my waist, pulling my back close to his chest. A song began playing through the outside speakers and he started singing lowly into my ear, then all of a sudden, the sky filled with butterflies… thousands of them. I stood there in complete awe, looking up into the heavens as the beautiful creatures blanketed the sky. He continued his serenade “Come to me my sweetest friend, this is where we start again…” When the song was over, he turned me around in his arms and pressed his forehead to mine. “Scarlett Alexandria Templeton, I have finally found my euphoria.”



“Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.” ~Dalai Lama




The End

A huge thank you to my family for their continued support throughout this entire year as I’ve embarked on this journey that I never planned on taking, especially my husband and my girls who have had to deal with my hours upon hours of time spent in the cave. They keep a smile on my face and remind me of why I am doing this. I love you all so very much.

Jennifer, Kiersten, and Trina ~ You ladies are amazing. I can’t thank you enough for the time that you spent helping me with this book, your feedback and support are priceless.

Tracey ~ My Lenora. I love you, sissy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hang Le and Toski Covey ~ for an amazing cover, yet again. Bless your hearts.

The real life Heather ~ you are more of an inspiration than you could possibly know. I can’t wait to read one of your books in print one day soon. You bring a new definition to evil…

My C and Drea ~ unicorn lovers unite forever, girlies. Thank you for keeping me sane and giving me an outlet to bitch and moan, but most importantly for being awesome friends.

Robin ~ my personal DJ ~ thank you for providing the music that helped inspire so much of this writing and being a great friend

The bloggers ~ thank you for all the time that you put into reading and reviewing these babies of ours, you’re the reason that I can continue to do this

About the Author

Erin Noelle is a Texas native, where she lives with her husband and two young daughters. While earning her degree in History, she rediscovered her love for reading that was first instilled by her grandmother when she was a young child. A lover of happily-ever-afters, both historical and current, Erin is an avid reader of all romance novels. She has recently self-published her first novel, Metamorphosis, which hit both USA Today and Amazon best-selling lists, and is currently working on the sequel, Ambrosia, to be released later in 2013. Most nights you can find her cuddled up in bed with her husband, her Kindle in hand and a sporting event of some sorts on television.


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Erin Noelle

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The Promise ~ S. L. Jayne


14 years ago - July 1999

"Goodnight, Avaloo, I love you more than the stars."

I giggled at the nickname she calls me when she is in a happy mood.

"Goodnight, Mommy. I love you lots and lots too, more than the stars."

After putting the story book down on my nightstand my mom tucked me into bed and kissed me on the forehead. It was the same routine every night. My bed time was 7:30pm, mom would dedicate thirty minutes to me so we could have our one on one time.

The sound of crying jolted me from my sleep, I sat up in my bed and listened. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, it read 9:35pm. Who could be crying? I thought to myself. We live on a quiet street and our houses are close together, so if I can hear it why can’t anybody else? I got up from my bed and walked across my room to the window. I couldn't see anybody out there. As I turned to make my way back to bed I saw her stand up, I rushed to open the window.

"Rylee? What are you doing out here this late? Why are you crying? What's wrong? What has happened?" I said panicking, I couldn't stop the questions flying out.

I had a feeling it was something to do with her step dad Nate, but I didn't want to mention him and upset her more. She looked at me with tears streaming down her face. She dropped her head, her voice was shaking.

"I had to get out of there, Ava. I hate him. Can I come in? Please." she whispered.

"Yes, get in here, what’s wrong, Rylee? We will have to be quiet so my mom doesn't hear us though."

I helped her through the window and we settled on my bed. I have so many questions right now. I want to ask her what has happened but I know she just needs a friend to listen and not ask questions right now. Sitting with my back against my headboard Rylee lays her head in my lap facing the window and I stroke her hair.

"Take deep breaths, Rylee. You don't have to tell me right now what has happened but this time is different, all the other times that you have been upset you haven't gone against the rules and left the house. Is it that bad?" I said in a hushed voice.

She takes a deep breath and I hear her breathing even out and she nods her head.

"He told me I spend too much time with my mom when I shouldn't because she loves him and Connor more than me." She said through a jagged breath.

A mixture of feelings are rushing through me in this moment. Shock, sympathy, anger, hurt. All for my best friend, the one that is so sweet and funny and caring. How could somebody say something so cruel to her?

"That isn't true, Rylee. He is lying. Your mom loves you and Conner the same, she loves spending time with you. You need to tell your mom what he has said, or we can tell my mom? We can do it together, you won't be alone."

She really needs to tell an adult what is happening, she has told her mom things before but they were different things, things like when he bought Conner more candy than her or when they went shopping and Conner got a new toy but she didn't. Those things her mom overlooked and said it is because he is younger and doesn't understand the word
just yet. She looked up at me shaking her head.

"No, Ava. I don't want to tell anyone. My mom will think I'm being silly and that will make him happy knowing my mom thinks that." She crinkled her nose. "And I don't want to do anything that will make

I giggled at her looking mean and nodded.

"Okay. We'll do whatever you want, whenever you're ready." I smiled. "Don't forget my birthday is in one week so you will get a night away from him. I can't wait, my sleepover is going to be so much fun."

She got up off the bed and started walking towards the window, I followed her so I could close it when she left.

Turning to face me she said. "I know I can't wait, I hope Nate says I can come."

“Thank you for letting me come in.” She smiled big. “I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Even if God sent me an angel I don't think she would be better than you. We'll be best friends forever and ever."

My face broke into the biggest smile and I hugged her tight.

"Aw, Rylee. You are the bestest friend anyone could ask for, we will definitely be best friends forever. Anyway, you know who my crush is so I have to be nice to you so you don't tell him." She burst out laughing.

"Shhhh!" I reminded her that we needed to be quiet.

"Oops, sorry!" She lowered her voice but it was still slightly high pitched. "You had to make me laugh, but I do feel better now that I have laughed. Thank you. Oh and don't worry, your secret crush on Ryan Sanders is safe with me."

She giggled as she climbed out of the window and made her way across the grass to her house. I could throw a stone and it would land in her backyard, that's how close our houses are. I saw her stop half way.

"I won't tell him that you
talk about him on our movie nights and how perfect you think his hair is." She said over her shoulder and ran the rest of the way before I could say anything.


I woke up on my birthday morning to my mom walking into my bedroom singing happy birthday to me.

"Happy birthday, Avaloo. Daddy is downstairs cooking your favorite breakfast." She handed me the small box that is wrapped in bright pink paper with a small bow on top. I sat up quickly in my excitement and smiled up at her.

"Thank you, Mom. I'm going to love it, whatever it is!" I said as I ripped the paper off and opened the box.

I gasped when I saw it, there were two silver necklaces with a love heart pendent hanging on each chain. It was one of those necklaces that Rylee and I had talked about on one of our movie nights, the kind that when the two halves were put together it said
best friends
, we wanted one so bad. I hope she is allowed to come tonight, it won't feel the same without her. I climbed out of bed and gave my mom a big hug.

"WOW! Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much, I love it! I can't wait to show Rylee and to give her the other half." My face was hurting from smiling so big.

"You're welcome, sweetie. I'm glad you like it and I'm sure Rylee will love to have the other half." She smiled back at me. "Now let's go and eat pancakes and get the rest of your presents."

The day went really fast, mom and I decorated my room with balloons and banners and now I am all ready for my friends. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Rylee comes. I hear the doorbell chime and I make my way to the door. Lillie- Mai and Hanna have arrived together. I was so happy to see them.

"Hi! Come in. We have candy, soda, movies and make-up. It's going to be so much fun!" My words come out
fast, it always happens when I'm excited. I took them into the living room, we sat down while my mom got our drinks.

"Rylee should be here soon." As soon as I finished my sentence there was a knock on the door.

I jumped up and ran to answer it, hoping it was Rylee. I opened the door and jumped up and down when I saw her standing there. "YES, you came! I'm so glad you're here. Come in, Lillie-Mai and Hanna are here too." She gave me a huge smile.

"My mom said I could come, I'm so happy right now!"

It was getting late and Lillie-Mai had already giggled herself to sleep. We had watched a movie, had makeovers, ate lots of chips and candy, and were hyper on soda. We laughed until our tummy’s hurt while we talked about boys, being famous, and our favorite boy bands. Hanna was the next to fall asleep leaving Rylee and I awake, we lay in my bed together talking about our future plans. Rylee was telling me her thoughts.

“We should live in California and we can get famous boyfriends and have a double wedding!"

I laughed. "Yeah, great idea, Ry. We can share an apartment and go to the beach and shopping trips and then eat all the ice cream we want while we watch movies."

She turned and smiled at me. "Have you had a good birthday?"

I nodded my head fast, "I've had a great birthday. I’ve had so much fun! Oh, wait. I have a surprise for you."

She looked at me and frowned. "For me? But it's
birthday, Ava."

I giggled. "Yes, for you. I know it's my birthday and this is part of my birthday. Close your eyes and hold out your hand." I took the necklace out of the box and placed it in her palm. "Open now!" Rylee opened her eyes and stared at the necklace.

"Oh my gosh, Ava! Is this one of those necklaces?"

I nodded at her, knowing exactly what kind she thought. I helped her put it on, "Now we really are the bestest of friends." When Rylee turned around to face me I could see her eyes filling up with tears.

"What's wrong, Rylee?" She stepped towards me and hugged me.

"I want to move away, Ava. As soon as we are old enough, I want to get away from
and all of his nastiness. Please say you will come with me? Please. We can move to California, as soon as we are done with college. Please, Ava." She was begging me to say yes.

What could have been said to her that would make her hate Nate so bad? I wish she would tell me what's happened.

”Okay, I'll come with you. We'll move out of Boston and make a new life in California." I said as I nodded at her.

She stared at me with her eyes wide open. “Really? No questions asked, you're really going to move away with me?"

I nodded "Yeah, Rylee. No questions asked. I'm there."

She looked at me with serious eyes. "Pinky promise?"

I smiled back at her, knowing what this promise means to us both. We only pinky promise on things we will never break. I will make sure I get my best friend far away from here one day. I held out my pinky finger and she hooked hers around mine.

"Pinky Promise."



New Beginnings

By: S.N. Williams

Estimated Release Date: Middle of January 2014

Laying there I hear people talking but can’t seem to open my eyes. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I talk? What the hell happened to me? Did I die? Why can’t I open my eyes? I am starting to freak out then I hear beeping in the distance. It sounds like a heart monitor. That has to be my heart right? It’s eratic. Am I in the hospital? How did that happen? I can’t remember anything happening. I keep hearing myself scream hoping they hear me. I try to move my legs and they feel as they way a ton. I try my arms next, with the same feeling of being weighed down. I hear the door open and hear two people come in through the door. Finally someone heard me. I hear them saying something about how lucky I was to still be alive. I hear whoever it is talking that they had to put me into an induced coma. Coma. I am in a coma. They continue to talk saying it was necessary with my brain swelling. I feel one of them pulling at something in my arm. I feel liquid going through my vein in my hand. I scream again. They can’t hear me. All my screaming was in my head. I hear the door open and they are gone. What the hell happened? I need to know what is going on. I need my husband. Not being able to hold on any longer I see darkness coming. I am dying right? Then I am gone.

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