Enticement (25 page)

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Authors: Madelynn Ellis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enticement
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“You haven’t lubricated it properly. I’m sure I was particularly specific about that.”

“Oh! I’m sorry. I forgot. I do still have it.”


“My satchel.”

“Get it.”

God, he was going to allow it. They were genuinely going to do this. When she’d fastened the straps of the harness in the bathroom, she still hadn’t believed things would play out this way.

Kit took off his clothes as she stumbled around trying to lay her hands on the bottle of lube. He was stretched out upon the bed, perfectly naked save for his mortar board when she finally climbed up beside him.

“All Ross’s coaxing to let him fuck you in the arse inspire this?”

Mute, she nodded.

“Go slowly. Take your time.”

Kit clasped the iron foot rail, balancing on his knees, while Evie removed her skirt before slathering lube over the stubby dildo. She hadn’t dared buy anything bigger. This had been an embarrassing enough party purchase. Still, its circumference was easily the size of four of her fingers squashed together.

Kit arched as she rubbed it against his anus.


“Yes, sir.”

“I hope you don’t mind an audience.”


He pushed back against the persistent pressure and crooned as the dildo found its mark. Evie watched the black cock slide in and out to the motion of her hips, and his odd remark bypassed her thoughts. To begin with he let her set the pace. But it didn’t last. He wanted more. Harder…faster. “That’s it. That’s right. Do me good,” he barked while she smoothed her palms over his back, noticing how the knots of tension there dispersed a little every time she slid forward. “Yes, Evie!”

“Tell me how it feels.”


Having anticipated more than a one word answer, she felt floored by his monosyllabic reply. No wonder that he enjoyed Ross doing this. Suddenly, Kit pushed upright. He leaned back against her, forcing the black cock deeper. He ground his bottom against her groin, providing a welcome dart of pleasure as the motion tugged at her swollen clit, before he reached back and entwined his arms loosely about her neck. “Kiss me,” he sighed. His breathing was erratic as they kissed.

“Stroke me.” He was in control again, if indeed, he’d ever lost it. “They’re still watching. Show them what you can reduce me too.”

Again the reference to onlookers, but in the fantasy they were supposed to be in his office.

“Do you see them, Evie? Do you see them watching us? They want to be us. They dream of performing like this.” She spied them then, little black dots in the distance. She and Kit were facing the window, and his fan club sat perched amongst the treetops. Laura and four others, staring at them as she stroked her hand up and down his cock, and all the while the dildo connected them.

Over and over Kit had refused to stroke himself for her pleasure, but in many ways feeling him for herself was better. It wasn’t so visual, rather it focused on textures. Smooth flesh, the taut skin over the head of the glans. He bit his lip, and rested his head against her shoulder. His eyes closed. Slowly, his breathing deepened.

“How long have they been out there?”

“From the start.”

Evie shuddered. What she and Kit were doing was personal, not something she wanted shared with the entire population of Kirkley. Word of their antics would quickly pass around.

Her hand stilled upon his cock.

“You’re in control. A little shame is healthy,” Kit coaxed. It didn’t stop her longing for a curtain.

“It wasn’t supposed to be this real.”

“It feels fucking real to me.” He laughed and the sound caused ripples of delight to run down her back.

“Why aren’t you bothered? Are you so used to performing that you don’t care who watches or what people think?”

“They all think I’m Satan anyway; a little sexual deviance won’t make a ha’p’orth of difference.”

“Kit!” She grasped the base of the dildo and pulled free of him. Here they were, back to the issue of Sammie again. Was she a phantom now destined to haunt them for eternity?

“Run out on me now and you forfeit everything,” he warned. “Us, and what we both have with Ross.”

One hand on the buckle that held the strap-on in place, Evie paused.

“Stay, and finish what you started.”

“Kit, I’m not even turned on anymore.”

“Aren’t you?” He turned to face her. “Well, let’s see what we can do about that.” One touch—his index finger traced over the very tip of one nipple, and despite two layers of fabric she felt it as though he were caressing bare skin. Her womb clenched, every muscle tightened. Kit unfastened the buttons of her blouse so that the edges parted to reveal the soft curves of her breasts. “Take it off. And the bra too. Come and fuck me naked.”

Evie bit her lip. She couldn’t revel in their perversity like he could, she could only think of those girls watching, judging her.

“I can see this is going to take some more focused persuasion.” Instead of leaning forward to engulf one nipple as she’d anticipated. Kit rolled on to his back, and propped himself up a little on his elbows. He looked perfect—washboard abs, the hairless simplicity of his body. His cock lying across his abdomen, the skin of it darker than that of the rest of his body, and dashed with blue veins like an oriental vase. Kit covered his balls and erection with one hand, and then made deliberate eye contact with her. “You have shared. And I wouldn’t want you to think me a liar.”

Slowly, he began to masturbate.

When Evie watched Ross perform, it often seemed that there remained a barrier between them. The same sort of distance that separated actors from their audience. With Kit, that distance seemed lessened. He stroked himself with absolute confidence, seemingly without regard for how he appeared to her, and he looked at her the whole time.

Evie watched his pupils swallow up his equally dark irises. His mouth fell slack. She wanted to photograph him, to capture this image of him for eternity: his expression, the way his hair fell across his brow and the way his hand curled around his shaft.

“Fuck me,” he mouthed.

She didn’t wait for a second request, but obeyed him, their observers forgotten. Kit could make the whole world disappear. It just stopped existing when he focused his attention like this. Nothing beyond the here and now mattered.

He mewled as she entered him. They rocked together gently, like an empty swing swaying in a summer breeze. “That’s it, Evie. You feel so good inside me.” His thumb swept up around the tip of his cock, not touching the eye, but lightly tormenting the skin around it until his breaths became indulgent gasps.

“I want to see you come,” Evie admitted.

“Yeah.” His actions seemed to find extra focus, until he was sprinting towards the finish. He didn’t stop, even as the semen pooled upon his stomach. Evie dipped a finger in it and smeared it across his parted lips. Then she jammed their bodies together and kissed him hard.

Kit unbuckled the harness and hooked it over one of the iron bedposts. “We’ll be keeping this. I want to see you use it on Ross.” She shook her head, but something told her Kit would prevent it being awkward, and that Ross wouldn’t balk at the idea in the same way she’d anticipated if she’d asked before Kit had tumbled into their lives.

“Come here.” Kit lay down again. He had her shimmy up the length of him, until she sat astride his head, clinging to the bars at the foot end of the iron bed. Kit’s tongue lathed her clit so that his chin gleamed with a little more moisture every time he tapped her bum to make her lift up so he could take a breath. He tongue fucked her, and he tormented her clit, alternatively sucking and petting it, until her heart raced so fast she thought it would leap free of her chest. When it came, her orgasm gripped her tight, squeezing her, enfolding her, and then letting her float. Evie clung to the bedstead, unable to move and aware that there were tears rolling down her cheeks.

When she did finally move it was only because her muscles protested the position. Kit hugged her to him so that her head rested upon his chest and pulled the bedclothes around them.

“This is where I first had Ross.”

“Not up at the ruins?” Evie cocked her head up to look at him, but his gaze remained fixed upon the scarred ceiling.

“We started out at the ruins. Kissing. Hands inside each other’s pants. Got ourselves all hot and bothered. We’d both made out up there with girls before, but doing each other there in broad daylight seemed a little too risqué. There are things that people will accept stumbling across and there’s stuff they get up in arms about.”

“Are you suggesting Kirkley’s inhabitants are anti-gay?”

“I think they’re anti-gay sex in their back gardens. Just catching the pair of us kissing would have set them all in a proper tizzy. So we came here.”

Evie’s fingers traced the letters of Ross’s name across Kit’s lower abdomen. “Tell me about it.”

“Ross was nervous. He had sunburn from sitting outdoors for days on end, but he still managed to look bleached. And he had all this gorgeous hair. It must have come down to his waist. I recall wrapping it around my hand as a means of holding onto him as we kissed.”

“Had you kissed guys before?”

Kit shook his head. “It was odd at first. It was like kissing a girl, except he needed a shave so he was all sandpapery and coarse. Oh, and all tongue.”

She’d seen pictures of Ross with his hair long, but he’d already cropped it short by the time they’d met, and as much as she tried to picture Ross and Kit as younger men, her imagination refused to comply. The image cemented in her brain was that of them as she’d first seen the together as lovers, when she’d walked in on them in this house, two full-blooded men, neither afraid of touching each other or of being a little rough.

A chuckle rumbled through Kit’s chest. “He kept saying ‘it’s unreal, man. It’s unreal’. He was all hands but he didn’t know where to put them.”

“But I suppose you did?”

“I’m not saying I knew any better than him, but I like to think I was a little better at hiding my lack of experience. I know I was better at hiding my nerves.”

Evie rolled across him and straddled his hips, the thought of Kit and Ross in bed together for the first time making her horny all over again. “Go on.”

“I got on top, a little like you are now, and I held our cocks together while we rubbed up and down each other. When I couldn’t take anymore, I went down on him. You’d think he’d never had a blowjob before he came so fast.”

“And then did he do the same for you?”

“Uh-uh! I didn’t exactly trust him to suck, not considering how much his teeth kept chattering, and actual penetration was out of the question.”

“But?” Her brows quizzically furrowed.

“I know, considering what we’ve just done, but, I wasn’t so comfortable with the idea then. Japan and being steaming drunk once too often changed that. We didn’t actually properly fuck, until… well, just before you turned up.”

“That was your first time?”

“Second…well, third, technically.”

Evie petulantly pinched his nose between her curled fingers.

“Anyway.” Kit brushed her off. “We did the old public school boy thing and I came thrusting like a maniac between his thighs. I think Flora was actually home by that point. God knows what the poor dear thought of the bed creaking.”

A strong mental picture of an old lady in a chintz shawl standing downstairs looking up at the ceiling filled Evie’s thoughts. “Probably thought her good for nothing nephew was busy disgracing another poor girl.”

“Might account for the dirty look she gave me when the police turned up and said Sammie was missing. The police actually searched the house. I don’t think Flora believed it’d just been Ross and I upstairs. Gay?” He shook his head. “She knew me too well for it to even occur to her.”

The haunted look had returned to his eyes. Evie stroked his jaw. “She wasn’t aware of your penchant for threesomes involving your best mate, then?”

“We did that away from home.”

She nodded her understanding. “But…so, the three of you never really happened, then?”

Kit gave a regretfully headshake.

“I think I asked Sammie about a dozen time. Guess I lived in hope, but I knew she wasn’t up for it after the explosion I got at the first time. She was a serious monogamist at heart.”

Evie pressed her palms to his chest. “I thought I was too.”

“Does it bother you that you’re not part of a compact little breeding unit anymore?”

She scowled and swiped at his face. “What a horrid thing to say.”

Kit caught her wrist. He toppled her and stretched over her, holding her down. “It’s true though. I’ve heard all the gossip about you and Ross. Folks don’t start predicting weddings and babies without cause.”

“I thought I wanted to settle down,” she confessed. “It was mostly me, rather than Ross.”

“And now?” She felt his cock stiffen where it lay sandwiched against her leg.

“Things are a little different. I can’t marry both of you.”

He leaned into her and rubbed their noses together. “Oh, I’m sure it’s legal somewhere.” He changed tactics and kissed her instead until she moaned as his erection brushed the lips of her pussy. The ache in her cunt surprised her a little so soon after an orgasm, but she wanted him, and she guessed she’d grown used to having two lovers. However, Kit did nothing more than tease, and eventually he sat up and fished about for a T-shirt.

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