Enticement (26 page)

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Authors: Madelynn Ellis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Enticement
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Evie followed his lead. “When you came back from Japan, did you know about me?” she asked.

He padded across to the window ledge and resumed his earlier seat, sighing at the molten remains of the ice-cream. “I hadn’t had any contact with Ross, hadn’t a clue whether he was with anyone or not. I kind of hoped he was, because he’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve to be alone, but on the other hand I hoped it wasn’t serious.”

“But we were serious.”

“Yes, but I didn’t know that before seeing you together, and you’d already got in the shower with me by that point.”

“And that changed things?”

“Evie, it changed everything. I knew you understood Ross when you did that and that you cared about pleasing him. I just had to hope you liked me well enough to let me get close to you both.”

She slowly digested the explanation, churning it over to see what sort of hummocks it made. “I like you,” she said eventually, turning to face him. “I like you a hell of a lot, particularly when you’re not being moody. And Molly, Tony, and whoever are all morons for thinking you’d ever hurt someone in that way.”

“Like,” mused Kit. His lips brushed the edge of her jaw. “I guess it’s too early to push the boat out a little further than that.”

She knew exactly what he meant, and maybe she did love him, but it was far too early to admit that.

Chapter Sixteen

Kit didn’t come home that night. He claimed he was staying at Rose Cottage to make sure the new roof didn’t leak, but Evie suspected there was more to it than that. She lay on the bed listening to the rain pound against the window, wondering what sort of turn their relationship would take next. Was Kit trying to give her and Ross space or time to adapt?

Ross came home soaked. His clothing plastered to his skin and his hair darker for being wet. “I hear you sorted things out with Kit.” He stood at the end of the bed and shook like a dog, splattering everything with water droplets, before tugging her off the bed into his arms. “Come outside with me.”

“What for?” she asked, still thinking of Kit and their earlier coupling.

“Puddle jumping. And maybe some other jumping.” The same answer he’d offered on numerous other occasions. They’d frolicked together in plenty of puddles, but they’d never yet made love in the rain. Ross desperately wanted to, but the thought of such exposure made her shiver, and he’d never pushed the issue.

“I don’t know, Ross,” she teased, although not entirely feigning her reluctance. “It’s cold and I’ve got my pyjamas on.”

“Evie—you know I’ll soon warm you up.” His enthusiasm tugged mercilessly at her. Ross grinned as two wet patches spread across the front of her pyjama top from their embrace, revealing the dark areolas of her nipples. “God that is so sexy. Let me see them really wet.” He leaned forward and palpated one nipple with his tongue, leaving the fabric even wetter, and her nipple perked up and excited, eager for more. “Yes…oh, yes.”

Ross suddenly pushed her away. “I’ll give you a thirty second start. If I catch you, you’re mine.”

“And if you don’t?” she called, already edging away from him to slip her feet into her trainers.

“I’ll wash the dishes for a week and you can take naughty photographs of me pleasuring myself.”

Excitement fluttered in her chest at the prospect of sitting at the centre of a sea of photographs of his rampant cock in close up, and arty framed images of his pecs and shoulder blades.


Evie was in the living room when she heard him call. She ran through the kitchen and down the back steps into the garden. Taking Ross at his word, she avoided the street and prospect of him claiming her on the village green, and headed for the gate at the bottom of the garden that lead into a copse of woodland instead.

The rain felt cold against her face. It trickled down her neck and ran into the neckline of her top. The thin fabric of her pyjama bottoms quickly turned transparent and clung to her body like a second skin. Evie darted amongst the trees, conscious of not veering too far off the path in the dark. It was slightly drier beneath the bowers, and the air smelled of mulch and pine needles.

Ross came crashing through the undergrowth behind her. Evie kicked hard and managed to stay ahead, until she snagged her foot on a tree root and came crashing down in a pile of sodden leaves.

Ross dived upon her.

Evie squirmed beneath him until he caught her arms and pinned her wrists either side of her head. Then she lay still and panting, a tempest raging inside her. They were outside. It might be dark, but it was still early. There’d still be folks about.

Ross switched his grip to one hand, freeing his other up to explore her body. Her clothing was virtually transparent now, save for a few garish patches of colour where the rain had yet to soak through. He roughly fondled her breasts, then wriggled his palm beneath her and hooked his fingers around the drawstring waist of her pyjama bottoms and tugged them down.

He pushed one cold finger inside her and stroked at her hot inner walls. Then two fingers, which he withdrew slowly and ran upwards to scissor around her clit and coax it from its hood.

“Ross,” she hissed.

“You’re hot for this. Don’t try and deny it.”

She couldn’t, even though the wet leaves stuck to her back, and the cold drizzle made her constantly conscious of the fact that they were outdoors and exposed.

“You’re not going to scream, are you?”

Evie shook her head. Sometimes when they fucked, she couldn’t help making a noise, but she’d bite her tongue in two before she drew attention to them like that out here.

“Good.” He dragged her bottoms down a little farther, so they lay coiled in wet folds around her knees. She felt his cock nudge her belly, and then prod purposefully between her thighs, until he found his goal. Unlike his fingers, his rod was hot as molten steel. He pierced her with his heat, driving as deep as the position would allow, until their hips lay stacked upon one another and every movement provided welcome friction for her clit.

Ross took his weight on his arms, using his strength to hold her down as he slid into her and stroked back again, repeatedly filling her until he forced mewls from her throat.

“That’s right.” His lips grazed the side of her neck. “Let me hear how much you want it. You love me fucking you, don’t you, Evie? You’re insatiable. You just can’t get enough of my cock to satisfy you.” She tried to lift herself against him, longing to feel the play of his muscles beneath his skin and the thump of his heartbeat pounding against her chest.

But whatever game they were playing didn’t involve closeness and kissing, instead it was about power and dominance. Him holding her down and taking what he wanted, as swiftly or as slowly as he wanted it. The fact that his actions aroused her to distraction was seemingly incidental, though undoubtedly deliberate. She wondered how much of this was provoked by whatever Kit had told him on the phone about their earlier encounter. There was no escaping a little jealousy.

“Ross! Gawd, ease off a bit. We’ll be seen.”

“I don’t care if we’re seen. And nor do you really.” Kit had told him, or at least he’d mentioned the fact that they’d been observed. Evie fought to release her wrists and managed to get one free so that she could caress Ross’s face. “Let’s go inside. You can hold me down just as well on the kitchen floor.”

“Yeah.” Ross pulled back onto his knees. “But it won’t be the same. And I did tell you what I was going to do when I caught you. Maybe you should have stayed inside if you didn’t want me to shag you out here.”

His thumb split the lips of her sex and dragged across her clit, making her writhe. Ross peeled off her pyjama bottoms and trainers and tossed them aside. Evie squealed as he exposed her entire lower half, but Ross’s hands swept reassuringly up and down her legs. “I don’t know why you’re so scared. You look fantastic naked. All these soft curves. If anyone sees us the only thing they’re going to be thinking is what a lucky bastard I am to have you.” He lifted her legs up straight and cradled them to his sides. “Watch,” he hissed.

Evie lifted her head a little and watched him rub the plum tip of his cock against her labia, drawing circles around her entrance. Much as she longed to run indoors, her body craved the deep press of his cock again.

“Say yes, Evie.”

Ross pulled off his shirt and chucked it onto the pile of clothing beside them. Raindrops chased across his pecs, and formed rivulets amongst the soft V of hairs between his nipples, that narrowed down towards his naval, only to thicken again at the base of his cock.

“Yes,” she whimpered.

Ross surged into her immediately, so their bodies slapped together and her breasts bounced with the motion. Ross’s palms closed around their thinly veiled weight and roughly moulded and massaged them. She climaxed quickly, the sharp pleasure tingling across her cold skin, barely dispersing before he was bent over her again, and had locked his mouth with hers.

Evie entwined both her arms and legs around his back.

Swift and eager he moved, his glans tugging at her already sensitized flesh every time he reached the brink. “Oh, I’ve been waiting for this. You’ve no idea.” The words of praise, of thanks continued to spill from his lips. “Ever since that first day when I saw you in that sheer sundress and the rain turned it into tissue-paper plastered to your skin. Oh, Evie. I could fuck you like this five times a day, every day, and never have enough.”

She believed him, every word of it, though she suspected he’d find some method of including Kit into their wild couplings. “Hard,” she breathed into his eye. “Fuck me faster and don’t slow down.”

“Yeah.” His chest expanded with his next breath and his weight slammed into her, driving her across the pile of leaves and up against the tree base.

Evie braced her hands against the bark. “I mean it. Don’t stop.”

Every stab of his cock warmed her from the inside out. Perspiration burst across their skin where their bodies lay moulded together, wetting the places the rain didn’t reach.

“Oh, Evie!” He sucked air through his teeth on a backstroke and froze, his eyes closed, and jaw protruding with the strain. “I can’t…” he gasped, thrusting forward again so that his cock convulsed deep inside her. A swift roll of his pelvis set off a second orgasm for Evie. Unlike the fire-flash blink of the first one, this one drummed like the rain and jerked her hips, while her insides clenched tight around his spasming cock, until they both gradually quieted.

They lay pressed together, listening to the sounds of the forest for several minutes, neither quiet ready to move. “I love you. Thank you.” Ross dropped a kiss onto the tip of her nose and then carefully rolled off her. He helped her regain her feet, and they stood looking at one another. Ross held her hand and swirled her beneath his arms. He backed her up against the bark of the oak tree squatted on the ridge behind them. “Mind if I carry you home, my merry water nymph?”

“I think dryad is more appropriate,” Evie replied as she tried to extract leaves from her hair. She gave up after the first three and stooped to collect her clothes instead. They were wet and streaked with dirt. She wrinkled her nose at the prospect of forcing her legs inside their covering. Ross tied his shirt around her middle instead.

“I did say I was going to carry you home.” He did just that. Stumbling a little over the uneven ground, he carried her straight upstairs and ran a hot bubble bath that they both climbed into. “I think we should have Kit’s name added to the lease,” he said as they sat snuggled together surrounded by fluffy white foam.

“Is he going to want that? He has Rose Cottage.”

“But we can’t all move in there yet. There’s no proper bathroom for starters. I’d rather we persuaded him to stay here a bit longer first. I don’t like him staying over there on his own. He’s already had one…accident. Heavens knows what could happen if anything more major occurred.”

Evie noticed Ross pause, but didn’t remark upon it. She didn’t like the idea of Kit staying alone in that big house either, but she suspected he’d refuse the offer of a joint tenancy. He seemed intent on working his way into their relationship at his own pace now they were over the initial hurdles. And maybe he was right. Perhaps separate retreats would serve them better for awhile until they really got to know one another. Besides, as had been demonstrated on two occasions already today, there were times when only having two of them around served their purposes better than being a constant triad.

“Maybe we should just all think in terms of moving into Rose Cottage when it’s restored, and give ourselves some breathing room for a bit.”

Ross tugged the plug chain up with toes. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. It is nice to have some just us time.”


While it was nice to have some us time, it was also nice to have Kit home with them in the evenings, but increasingly he seemed to be putting in long hours remodelling Rose Cottage. Ross too seemed overburdened at work. Spring had arrived, and with it, extra duties around the local farms in addition to the seemingly never ending queue of sick pets. Tourists started flocking to Melton Manor again so that even Evie was thoroughly worn out by the evenings. Sex started sliding into a secondary role to companionably chilling out playing video games or watching a movie together. Once or twice, they’d even spent the night over at Rose Cottage, huddled together for warmth on the twisted iron-bed.

With them all spending so much time away from home, Kit had begun taking Mimmy with him for company. For her part, the rapidly growing kitten had well and truly taken to the rambling old house and the execution of its fauna. She’d been delivering Kit a nice half-chewed mouse or baby bird every lunch time for the last week.

“Anyone home?” Evie called before she hurried in carting a shopping bag, although she knew the answer from the lack of cars on the drive. “Good.”

Having showered and made a cup of tea, she settled in the living room to paint her toenails. The boys might not have been missing their love-making, but she was feeling increasingly antsy; young male visitors to the big house had been turning her head all day, and it wasn’t a make out session with her vibrator she craved to still her wandering eyes. That meant taking a few minutes to put on the glitz and work out a seduction strategy for when her two boys did eventually crawl home.

Smiling, Evie smoothed the hem of her new dazzling white sundress. It was composed of three silky thin layers that hung to just above her knees, and embroidered with tiny red poppies. In combination with her new open-toed sandals it was sure to capture Ross’s interest. She was hoping that what lay underneath would nurture Kit’s attention. It’d hurt like hell, but she’d had her bikini-line waxed almost bare. She stuck her hand inside the leg of her panties and smoothed a fingertip over the baby soft skin, raising a tremble of excitement that left her wet and eager. Sex was certainly going to be interesting. Maybe this was the reason Kit preferred to be nude down there. Evie dabbed a finger in her moisture and brought it to her lips. The scent and taste of her own body further caused her insides to liquefy. Maybe a quick preparatory orgasm just to take the edge of her need, so she wasn’t completely gagging for it when they got home would be a good idea.

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