Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 (8 page)

BOOK: Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3
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Shut up Trigger,

Campbell said at the same
time Colton asked,

Watch what?

An evil spark gleamed in the man named Trigger

eyes as he looked to Colton and said,

you didn

know. Your sister here is a stripper and offering lessons and I was just asking
if I could watch.

Oh shit.

As if everything moved in slow motion, I saw Colton
reach back and then extend his arm which landed perfectly in Trigger

face. The smack of Colton

s fist on Trigger

cheek brought everything to real time. Brothers were jumping up and into the
fray as they pulled Colton away from Trigger. Plates and food flew across the
table and onto the floor in their haste. Tank jumped between Colton and us,
shielding us from any wayward action, while Logan and Campbell both screamed
and got up to move out of the way.

Me. I just sat there and laughed. Stupid men.
Another case in point. The cut did not matter. They were all stupid, angry,
brooding men. Working in a bar, I was so used to this elaborate show of
testosterone, that it did not even affect me anymore.

The brothers eventually pushed Colton outside, while
a few others helped Trigger into the kitchen. Tank double checked that we were
alright before going to check on Colton.

Never a dull moment,

Logan finally said.

Ready for those lessons?

I looked to Cam and

Hell yeah,

Cam immediately


do this.

You in?

I was now just looking
at Logan.

It can


Her answer surprised me
and I could tell it surprised her as well.

Let me grab Emma.

Logan turned and ran up
the stairs, while Cam linked her arm in mine leading me down a hallway.

There is a smaller room back here
that we cleared out a while back. We usually do work out tapes or something
since we can

t really get out while all the
crazy shit is going on.

No one leaves?

That was crazy.

Emma leaves for her shift at the
hospital, and a few others to run errands and do other stuff. But a brother is
always with them.

That is kind of crazy.

We live in a crazy time.

Amen sister.





So what happened this afternoon?

I asked Tank as we sat
at the bar watching brothers roll in from the text that went out saying church
was in fifteen minutes.

Trigger starting shit as always,

Tank replied. He tipped
his beer up, gulping down the dark amber liquid.

Damn, that brother does not know
when to keep his mouth shut. Let me guess, Trigger ran his mouth and got a
fistful from Colton.

Pretty much,

laughed Tank.

What were they fighting about this

It was getting old how
much those two fought.

Your princess.



What the hell?

was she even a topic of conversation?

Doc cleared her so she came down
with Logan this afternoon. I guess the girls were chatting while Colton and I
grabbed some food. Trigger overheard, said something shitty, and got punched in
the face.

To Dylan?

Trigger was about to go
round two with me.

Nah, even he knows better. He said
it to Colton.

finished off his beer and stood, right as Trigger came down the steps. He
looked right at me when he reached the bottom. I knew from the look he wore he
was coming to start shit with me.

I can

wait until the next party,

he started.

Beer me.

And why is that Trig?

I was not in the mood
to deal with his shit, when all I really wanted to do was run upstairs to check
on Dylan to see how she was feeling from her little adventure this afternoon.

To see your girl in action.

He was talking to me
like I was stupid or missing something.

What are you talking about?

The shit-stirring grin
that Trigger wore was starting to rub me the wrong way.


time brothers,

called out as he walked out of his office and down the hallway.

Even though Trigger started this, I planned to end
it as soon as church was over. I was going to skip Trigger and his bullshit
altogether and go straight to the source. As I followed Trigger and Tank down
the hallway I could hear music from one of the backrooms. A couple of the
brothers were loitering right outside the door, whispering and pushing on each
other in a too excited way that had the hair on the back of my neck standing

I bypassed the double doors to our meeting space and
walked down to join Lefty, Woods, and Tru.
Uptown Funk
grew louder as I
got closer until I was finally standing behind them. It took me a minute to
process what I was seeing, and what I found both pissed me off and made me the
horniest I could ever remember being since I discovered what girls were for at
age fourteen. Emma, Amber, Logan, Campbell, and Heart were all facing Dylan at
the front of the room, who was showing them moves that were better left to my
bedroom. She would do a couple of moves and then the women would mimic her to
the best of their ability. All the while shaking their asses and touching
themselves in ways that their men wished they could see right now.

But my eyes were only on the beauty at the front of
the room. Each sway of her hips or thrust of her pelvis had my heart pumping
blood straight to my cock.
Hot Damn!
You said it right Bruno Mars.


The President

stern voice had all of us turning our heads.


A few grumbled apologizes and cock adjustments were
made as we filed into church.

Now that we are all here,

Wesson muttered as he
banged the gavel.

Whistler, update.

Well it looks like we have a
visitor in town. The sheriff department called to let us know that an unknown
biker showed up last night and is staying at the motel at the edge of town. He
has kept mainly to himself, but has been seen throughout town today.

Any clue?

asked Prez.

Was going to check it out tonight.

Take Woods with you,

Prez ordered and
Whistler nodded. He looked to Colton and said,


Lefty and Woods have given us the rough
layout of the Hellhounds

compound. We know all the ins and outs
of every building. There is one main building, with two small buildings. One is
the living quarters, and the other looks to be their garage.

Colton paused as he
looked around the table.

My first proposal is we
hit them in one week

s time. It gives us
time to work out teams and a game plan. Gunner assures me we have all the
firepower we need.

Ok. Let

vote on that. All in for doing this in one week?

Everyone, even
Whistler, raised their hand.


ordered Prez.

Next we need to decide who goes and
who stays. I propose four teams. Team One stays and the other three go. Team
Two and Three would be for front and back entrances, while Team Four is the
break-and-enter. Team Four would be responsible for taking the most hits while
working to get into the clubhouse. Team Two would act as the diversion and Team
Three would cover Team Four.

Another vote brothers.

All hands went up.

Colton nodded and continued.

four teams are written out here.

He then handed a stack
of papers to Tank next to him who then took one and passed it on. When it came
to me, I grabbed the paper and looked for my name. Team Four, exactly where I
wanted to be, but knew that was not an option. Prez beat me to it when he said,

stays. Switch him and Trigger.

A look passed between Colton and


Colton consented.

I was relieved that the decision was taken out of my
hands, but felt an uneasiness that I would not be there to cover my brothers


team leader is noted with an asterisk next to their name. So the four team
leads are Tru for Team One, Whistler for Team Two, Gunner for Team Three and
myself for Team Four.


Prez commanded. All
hands went up.

All team leads get with
your teams over the next twenty four hours after you have come up with your own
plan of action. We meet back here in two days to discuss. Meeting adjourned.

An eerie silence
followed the sound of the gavel. We filed out without a word. Every brother
headed straight to the bar. Ax and Rabbit must have read the dire looks on our
faces, because shot glasses were immediately placed on the bar and the Jack
flowed, as we were all handed a beer.

A couple of shots and two beers later, the ladies
finally walked out of the back hallway looking sweaty and pleased with
themselves. I pulled my ass up and walked straight to my princess when I saw
her walk out last.  I just needed her in that moment, and the sight of her with
flushed cheeks and a little sweaty, had my cock standing at attention.  I
wanted to see her like that under me, but would have to settle with just
feeling her body against mine.



I was barely into the main room when Knox took me in
his arms in front of everyone, and although I felt their eyes burning a hole in
my back, I lingered in his arms. He buried his nose into my sweaty hairline and
took a deep breath. Goose bumps broke out all over my skin.
Damn the way
this man affected me!

You smell amazing,

he murmured against my

the ocean, salty and wet.

And you smell like whisky and a
good time,

joked back as I pushed his chest, needing space and a chance to get my bearings.
His presence alone sparked a deep desire within me.

I am a good time.

His husky voice fanned
the flame of that desire.

I bet you are.

I hated the tremor in
my voice, giving him all the ammunition he needed to know he affected me. A
shit-eating grin appeared on his face. Knox gave me the space I needed to
breathe as he led me over to a smaller group of people at the bar. I was
thankful that I knew most of them. As if reading my mind, Knox introduced me to
the man with Emma.

Dylan, this is Tru.

My husband,

Emma finished.

Nice to meet you,

I said, shaking the
hand he offered.

Same here,

said Tru.

Everyone seemed pretty somber as subdued
conversations happened all around.

Is everything ok?

I looked to Knox.

It will be,

was all he said as he
placed a kiss on my forehead.

What happened this afternoon?

The change in topic
threw me, as did the space he kept between us.

What do you mean?

With Colton,

he explained.

Oh. Colton was mad at a brother for
talking shit.

Trigger did!

About what?

His multicolored eyes
bore into mine.

I figured you would have heard by

Indulge me, please.

Although he added the
please, I took it for the demand that it was.


I whispered.


His words warm against
my cheek as he hovered next to me, close enough to touch, but keeping his

Because I was telling Cam and Logan
about myself and the fact that I worked at a bar and occasionally stripped was
made known to a table full of brothers. Trigger ran his mouth to my big brother
and has a shiner to prove it.

Knox laughed. The tension eased from my body at the
sound. Was I really nervous he would reject me because I stripped?

Hence the dance lessons today.

It was my turn to laugh.

saw that.


have missed it.

We both laughed. At that moment someone
turned up the music. Hozier

Take Me to
filled the room, drowning out the conversations around us. It felt
like we were in our own bubble as everything faded away. We stayed in that spot
as we just stared at each other.

Tell me something about yourself
that no one else knows.

It was my turn to throw a curve ball
into the conversation.



His smile contagious as
I smiled back.

I don

like cucumbers.

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