Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 (11 page)

BOOK: Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3
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I quickly showered and was drying off when a knock
sounded. If Knox knew what was good for him he would give me more time. But
when was the last time Knox knocked?

Just a second,

I yelled. Throwing on a
pair of jean cut-offs and a tank top, I opened the door. A gasp of surprise
left me when I saw who was at the door.

Holy shit! Max stood in my doorway.


I whispered as I pulled
him into the room. I stuck my head out and looked up and down the hallway to
find it empty.

What are you doing

I looked him over and
saw the cut with Prospect on his chest.


a fucking PROSPECT for the Soul Reapers? Does Sam know?

It was our idea,

he said.


Ax now.

What the . . . How the . . . What
the fuck is going on?

I paced back and forth in the room
trying to take in something else that was crazy and insane.

Listen I don

have much time. I need to get back to the bar.

What? What bar? What are you
talking about?

I will be missed if I am up here
too long,


just sit down and listen for two minutes.

I can


was all I said as I
gestured for him to start. He nodded in agreement as he cracked his knuckles
like he always did when he was serious.

Ok. To make a long story short.
Your mom used to bang Lucifer

s dad.

He held his hands up in
surrender at my gasp.

I know and she did it
while she was still with Wesson. All hell broke loose and your mom disappeared.
No one could find her. Sam

s dad was a
Night Demons

He had no idea who your mom was when he and Sam moved in between our houses
when we were in middle school. Right before Sam

dad died he encouraged Sam to join the Night Demons and carry on the family
legacy. So he did, wanting to please that bastard. I mean we always heard about
the Night Demons MC two towns over. Hell you worked in their favorite bar.
Anyway, one day Lucifer said they were looking for a Becky Price. The name didn

ring any bells so Sam never made a connection with you . . . until one day when
Lucifer had a picture of this Becky when she was younger. And hot damn it was
like looking at you. Sam freaked out and came to me for help. I was already a
prospect and wasn

t sure if I could but I
told him I would keep an eye and ear out. But nobody here ever mentioned you.

Why didn

Sam just tell me?

It was so much to take in.

Because he did everything in his
power to protect you.


I did not get it.


His laugh held no

Dill, he is madly in love with you.


No way. Sam is with Meredith.

Only because you don

want him and she desperately does.

I don

. . .

But I did. It was
always there just under the surface of our friendship. I tried to ignore it for
so long. All the


talk and wanting more,
but I thought he had accepted what I offered him - friendship.


deal with this right now.

My pacing grew faster as I raked my
hands through my hair.

I know. Just let me finish my

I stopped pacing and
looked at Max . . . Ax.

Sam told me what he
could. Lucifer was going to use Becky . . . well Rebecca to get an in with the
Soul Reapers. Sam had no idea you were related to the President. And we were
both afraid that Rebecca would offer you up instead. So Sam led the search for
her to keep the club away from you.

Why didn

you guys just tell me?

Sam thought it was too dangerous,
yet here we are. He didn

t know that Lucifer had
connected the dots with you.

I could not believe this.

Lucifer came to me and said that
the Night Demons would go after my mom, Sam and you if I did not go with the
Hellhounds and be used as bait for the Soul Reapers. Once I was in I would be
given access to a phone Lucifer would call on to get all the details of the
layout and people and guards. Yet I have barely been out of this room.

I know. Knox has kept access to you
pretty limited. There is a leak within this club. Someone working with the
Hellhounds, who is probably the one who will give you what you need. I have no
idea if the leak knows that the Hellhounds are working with the Night Demons.
You need to tell Knox or Colton what is happening.

Why can


Well for starters they would
probably kill me for being the leak, but they can

know I know anyone from the Night Demons. There is some bad blood among those
two clubs for shit I don

t even understand. They
have a long history of violence against each other. You are just another in a
long line of shit. Plus, I want to become a brother of this club. I am only
helping Sam, not the Night Demons. I know Knox was charged with watching over
you from Prez.

Wait! What?

Did he just say I was a
job to Knox?

Yeah. Prez wanted someone to watch
over you. I don

t know all the details
I just know that Knox got the job.

How do you know this?

Trigger was mouthing off about
having to switch places with him when we attack the Hellhounds

camp after drinking too
much last night.

Holy Shit!
he pressuring me to stay because it was his job or because he wanted me to?


Ax said pulling me back
to our conversation.

Hold on.

My mind was spinning.

was you in the safe house who came in and talked to me?

Yeah. I wanted to say who I was,
but was afraid you would say something that might get us both in trouble.

There is so much going on. The
Hellhounds said things to me that I still don


We don

have time for more right now. I need to go and so do you.

Go where? Why?

Well that is the second thing I was
coming to tell you.


We have Sam.





The sound of my fists connecting with flesh was the
only sound in the room.


A face shot. Followed
by a gut shot. He hissed in pain.

The sound of Whistler

voice stopped my next punch in mid-air.

why don

you tell me why you are in Camden City.


We could do this all night boy,

Whistler added.

you could make this easy on yourself and just tell us a few basic things. Who
are you? Why are you here?

Another dramatic pause.


want to have to take a crowbar to your bike. A man

ride is his life, and we can end that just like we can end you.

Silence. A head nod from Whistler to me.



A knock on the door paused the beating as Gunner
joined us giving us the all clear sign. I opened and closed my fists. They
burned like a mother fucker, but there was no way I was giving this up until we
had answers.

Did you come alone?

I paused my assault
waiting to see if he would answer Whistler.


It was barely a sound,
but at least we were starting to get somewhere.



Her name on his lips
had me tagging him twice more before Tank could pull me off of him. No one was
going to hurt her ever again, especially not this asshole.

Tell us why you want Dylan,

Colton demanded as he
stood between me and the dead man.

Our captive spit a mouthful of blood on the floor as
he struggled to sit up straight in the chair he was tied to.

is everything to me and I could not let her be used anymore.

No one is using her here.


calm voice rang throughout the room.

Someone is,

was all he said.

Tell us what you know NOW,

thundered Whistler.

I know that you got a leak in this
club. I know that you cannot protect Dylan. And I know that all hell is about
to rain down on this fucking club.

Another head nod from


Who the fuck did this guy think he was? He came into
our town to spew this shit like its public knowledge.


His head hung off his neck as his breath wheezed in
and out of his body.

Colton tapped me on the shoulder and replaced my
body with his in front of our captive.

you know Dylan had family in this club?

A head shake.

did you know she was here?


gonna kill me.


growled Colton.

A picture,

he coughed. Colton was
about to hit him again when he continued.

had a picture of a woman who looked just like Dylan. I put the pieces together
and tried to cover it up.


Colton presssed.

And it didn

work dip shit.


Colton jabbed him square in the gut.

Who had the picture asshole?

Colton clenched and
unclenched his fists that lay at his side ready to strike at any moment.

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