Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 (9 page)

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Really insightful,

I teased, bumping my
shoulder into him.

The color purple makes me break out
in hives.


I laughed.

like you are mental.


he shrugged.


Flirting with Knox was

I believe in Vampires.

Oh really,

he laughed.

Yep. I have slept with the blankets
up to my neck every night since I was a kid.


he chuckled.

Because when I was a little kid I
watched Dracula, and not a corny one, the legit Bram Stoker

Dracula. And it scared the hell out of me. I was like eight or something and I
thought Dracula would come into my room and bite my neck as I slept so I used
to bunch the covers around my neck so he couldn

get me. Well fifteen years later and I still sleep like that.

And I


he taunted.

more like irrational fear. You know, the kind where you don

know how it started but it is so ingrained and runs so deep that you can

help but hold onto it for fear of losing yourself to it.


I said, turning to
really look at him.


Knox was surveying the
room and still had not looked at me.

That was deep.

His eyes shot to mine.

Not half as deep as I want to be in

he growled as he took
one slow, stalking step towards me.

Oh. My. God,

I yelped, taking a step
back from him.

Are you serious right

His constant need to
push sex was driving me bat-shit crazy.

As a heart attack.

Another step from him
and a back step from me.

You need to stop,

I lamely warned. I
could not decide if I wanted him to stop talking or stop stalking. Another
step. His intense need for me shone through his multicolored eyes.


Another step indicated
he was doing anything but.

I am only
getting started.

My whole body flushed portraying how his
words affected me and that pissed me off.
The defiance I felt
against him, my father, and this club came roaring to life.

Fuck you!

I seethed as I turned
to walk away. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me against him.

Finally, we are on the same page,

he growled in my ear.

K is ready to play.

Knox named his dick.

named your dick?

This man infuriated me like no other. I
bucked against his hold. A sound like nothing I ever heard escaped from my
throat as he pumped his hips against me. My eyes closed and my breath stalled
in my lungs when he did it again.
Why did it feel so good whenever he
touched me?
Another pump and his stiffness pressed against my lower back.


boomed across the room.
His hips stilled and the steel band around my waist loosened as I looked up and
saw Colton staring at us.

Knox buried his head in my hair. His lips brushed my
neck as he whispered,

When I am as deep as I
want to be inside of you PRINCESS, you will finally know that you are MINE
inside and out.

With those parting words, Knox immediately
released me. I instantly missed his heat, his body pressed to mine. This
reaction shocked me. I turned to find him right as he disappeared outside.




Got a long list of ex-lovers.
They'll tell you I'm insane. Cause you know I love the players. And you love
the game.

belted out Taylor Swift

Blank Space.
new fave as I folded some of the t-shirts and shorts that Emma had given me.
She was pretty cool and I was happy that she and her twin danced with us
yesterday. The women asked to do it again today, but I was glad I told them I
needed to skip a day. I was beyond sore from just that little bit of bumping
and grinding. I could not even imagine how I would feel if I would have taught
them to twerk.

I was half stretching and dancing in place when
thick arms wrapped around my waist dragging me into a hard body and even harder

You got a long list princess?


voice was as gruff as his fingers were soft, running them up my arm to push my
hair out of his way. His lips a whisper against my neck as he waited for my


I breathed. Goose bumps
exploded across my skin. My nipples hardened as he began to sway with me. I
pressed back against him, admitting to myself that I had missed the feel of him
last night in bed.

How many?

He asked, grinding into
my ass.

Does it matter?

I wanted to talk about
anything but this, like where he was last night.

Did any of them?

I thought one did, but I was wrong.

And that was the truth.
Sam was my best friend and I thought sex would make us more, but instead it
made us an impossibility. He wanted something I could not give . . . me. I
would never belong to anyone.

What were you wrong about?

Our hips still in time
with the music.

I thought sex would change
everything, but it didn

t. It only made it more

kissed my neck, right at my spine. I shivered in response.

And now?

I was so lost in his touch that I could not follow
his train of thought.

Now what?

Would sex complicate things for

Another thing about
Knox that turned me on, he got straight to the point when he wanted to know
something. No games!


I moaned as he palmed
my breast.

You sure?

I hesitated. My resolve
to stay strong melting away with his touch.

Turning me in his arms, Knox

mouth slammed into mine. Like a bitch in heat, I rubbed up against him trying
to gain friction where I needed it most.

He invaded all my senses.  Knox was everywhere. His
taste exploded in my mouth as his tongue invaded when I moaned again. The open
air and masculine scent that was all Knox surrounded me as his body pressed
against mine. I heard a groan deep in his chest when he squeezed my ass,
bringing me flush against him. Taking a step back we both gasped for air as my
eyes found his to see a prism of desire staring back at me from his hypnotic

Not able to wait any longer, I grabbed Knox and
climbed up his muscular body like a monkey in a tree until my legs wrapped
around his waist and I hung my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth back to
mine.  Our kiss turned primal as we clawed at each other


I want you,

he panted as he rained
kisses down my neck and across my shoulder. He carried me to the bed, placing
my butt on the edge as he hung over top of me.

Then have me.

I encouraged him by
squeezing him tighter with my legs.

Resolve replaced the
hunger in his eyes as he tossed me on the bed. Knox made quick work of my
clothes, before his body covered mine as he kissed my lips then slowly moved
down my body.

Knox stopped at my belly button as he swirled his
tongue around it.

You still leaving?

It was a question this
time. In my hesitation, hope flared in his multicolored eyes making them glow
from the inside out.

I am.

My voice thick with
desire and frustration that he was bringing this up now.


Desire and a hint of
anger evident in his voice.

Tell me damn it,
because I know you want me as much as I want you.

To prove it, he ran a
finger through my folds, then another drenching them with my desire before
running those same fingers across the lips. His tongue followed the path of his
fingers. I tried to kiss him, but Knox was too fast as he kissed his way back
down my body.



turned into an


as his tongue explored
my folds and played with my clit.


I begged as I tried to
push his head back down when he started to pull back.

Tell me,

he panted. His breaths
sawed in and out of his body, further teasing my sensitive lips and throbbing

I want you. Please,

I whimpered.

You have me, but do you really want


I cried as I thrust my
hips pushing his fingers in and out of me.


The club?


I whined. I could not
take it any longer. I pushed my hand between his mouth and my body, hoping to
relieve the craving he started in my body.

Knox brushed my hand aside. Spearing me with his
eyes, his mouth clamped down on my clit and sucked hard. My hips bucked as he
added one finger, then a second setting a frantic pace that was driving me
closer and closer to the edge. I was strung so tight and his ravenous pace only
stretched me further until I exploded crying out his name. It felt like I was
floating through time as sparks flew through my body and across my vision.

It is one and the same.

Knox said, pulling me
back to the here and now.

Me and this club
go hand-in-hand.

My thoughts were in disarray as I made
eye contact with him. He had moved to stand next to the bed. His desire for me
so evident in the thick cock that strained against his jeans.

But I don

want the club.

was the truth.

was I second guessing myself? The orgasm was good but it was not that good, or
was it something or someone else making me second guess?

Knox . . .  my mind echoed.

Then you don

really want me.

Knox turned to leave. He was leaving?


spilled from my lips,
halting him in his tracks. I scrambled out of bed and walked to stand in front
of him. Unbuttoning his jeans, I said,

me take care of you,

as I got down on my knees.



Every man

fantasy was on her knees looking up at me with big, round, gray eyes. Dylan was
salivating for my cock and I wanted to give it to her so fucking bad; to show
her who the fuck she belonged to. I would brand her with my cock, plant my seed
so deep down her throat that she would taste me for days. Any other woman and I
would have grabbed her hair and fed her every fucking inch, but this was not
every other woman. This was my woman. MINE! Even if she denied it at every

Say you


I fisted her hair,
forcing her eyes to look at me. She fought against my hold to shake her head


not yours to take care of.

Even on her knees angry with me,
she was a sight to behold and it enraged me to think of any other man seeing
her like this.

But someone else will?

she gritted out. A
spark of jealousy flared in her eyes.

last night?

It shouldn

matter to you,


I know,

she bit back. It
angered her to say it aloud.

But it does.
Where were you last night?

Does it matter?

I needed to know if it


she admitted.

Then what does that tell you?

I demanded getting sick
and tired of this game we had started without even realizing it. My cock raged
as I tucked myself back in before pulling Dylan to her feet.



I silently willed her
to do it as I looked directly into her eyes. Storm clouds had once again
gathered letting me know she was going to put up a fight. The slightest head
shake told me all I needed to know.

After all of this and you still won

say it. Fuck! Then you really don

want me.

I took a step back from



argued Dylan.

want the man standing in front of me right now. The one who saved me from my
worst nightmare, and still saves me every night from reliving them. I want to
wake up in the safety of your arms every morning. I want to see where this
could go.

And what about Colton and Wesson?
What about Logan and Cam? Don

t you want to
see what happens with them as well?


uttered Dylan.

You can

even see what is right in front of your face.

Oh, you think you know me just
because you went all caped crusader on my ass? You know nothing.



I agreed.


know you all that well, but I sure as hell know who you are acting like.

Oh yeah. Who?

From everything I have heard you
are acting just like your mother.

Get the fuck out.

Why? Because I am telling the

You don

know shit.

I know she was offered this family
on a silver fucking platter and in the end she fucked it over and then walked
away, just like you are planning to do.


How could he know about
the Night Demons? Could I even do that now? Even if it was for my own mother?

Once this shit is over, and it will
be very soon, you are just going to walk out those doors and never look back.

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