Duality (23 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Duality
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“So what are you waiting for? Shoot me then,” said Isaac casually.

“I’m not going to do that.” Still without taking his eyes off him, Hayden reached into his inner jacket pocket, took out a card and tossed it at Isaac’s feet.

“What’s this?” said Isaac.

“Pick it up.”

Isaac sighed and scooped it up. “It’s a phone number.”

“Mine. You’re not the only one who wants the Slatterys gone. I’m on the inside. We can work together.”

Marcus came through the door Isaac had, looking stunned to see his brother with a gun trained on him. In response he automatically raised his weapon.

“Put it down you dick,” Isaac told his brother.


“Shut it,” said Isaac. “Alright Hayden, this could work out. We’ll back off for now and we’ll be in touch. But if this is some sort of trick…”

“It isn’t.”

“If it is then I’ll fucking kill you and your blond bit too.”

“This isn’t a trick Isaac. You’re smart and a good businessman. Jared’s a fucking liability. If this hadn’t all gone tits up today because of your smarts Jared could well have been dead by now.”

“He would?”

Hayden nodded. “I was going to kill him during all the action but that went out the window. Call me and we’ll make sure he’s taken out permanently.”

Isaac nodded. “Alright Marcus, we’re out of here.”

“When you’re gone I’ll fire a couple of shots, for appearances sake. Don’t get spooked. Oh and Isaac, don’t forget I spared your life today. I could have killed you and your brother the second you came through the door.”

Isaac gave one solemn nod.

Hayden watched the two men back up towards the door, not turning their backs on him. They didn’t trust him but still, he couldn’t blame them. He didn’t trust them either.

Hayden fired two shots into the wall at the opposite end of the corridor then raced back to Katia and Tanya.

“What happened?” said Tanya as he grabbed Katia’s hand and led her to the door.

“I saw a figure and fired but they ran.”

“Who was it?”

“Don’t know, he was wearing a mask.”

“I bet it was one of Isaac’s men,” continued Tanya. “I’ll have the fucking lot of them slaughtered, the bastards.”

Hayden just let her rant as they all got into his battered car, sweat running down his back, eyes frantically scanning the surroundings, terrified Isaac had decided against his offer and was going to kill the lot of them instead. He even cringed when he started the engine, half-expecting it to explode but nothing happened and they set off down the drive at a pelt, Katia gripping onto the dashboard, fear but still a lot of strength and determination in her eyes. He was so proud.


Sweat trickled down Valentine’s back. He was certain he was being followed. For the past two days a shadow had been tailing him - at home, work, the golf course. He didn’t even feel safe at his Masonic lodge. He hadn’t seen anyone yet, it was only a feeling and part of him was wondering whether it was just paranoia knowing he held a dark secret of the Laws in the palm of his hand. He was painfully aware of what they’d done in the past, he’d gone to great expense to find out and he knew they’d taken life, particularly Ryan. It seemed he didn’t hesitate to eliminate anyone who got in his way and he’d just got in Ryan’s way spectacularly, who would do anything to protect his wife. But there was no way he could know he had the footage, unless that silly little tart Emily had blabbed. The sudden urge to visit her and find out gripped him. If she hadn’t told the Laws about the footage then there was no way they could know and he could be sure he was just being paranoid.

He had been heading home after an early morning game of golf but instead he turned the car around and drove through town to the little flat Emily shared with her sister, constantly checking his mirror to make sure he wasn’t being followed. It was early on a Sunday morning so there was little traffic. He was reassured to see no one was behind him. Naturally when he’d first decided to approach Emily he’d done his research and knew everything there was to know about her, not that there was anything very interesting.

He sat in the car looking up at the house she lived in, which had been converted into two flats. Emily lived in the ground floor one with her older sister. He wondered if he was doing the right thing, he didn’t want to make things worse but if he didn’t do something he’d go insane. He just had to know.

After locking the car he crossed the street and rang the bell, shuffling impatiently when it took some time for the door to be answered. He rang three times, refusing to leave until he had seen her.

Finally the door was flung open by Emily who was wrapped in a dressing gown, hair all over the place, looking pale, squinting against the sunlight. “What is it?” Her eyes widened when she saw Valentine. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Go away.”

When she tried to close the door he stuck his foot in it. He pushed his way inside, easily barging her out of the way with his bulk.

“Hey, you can’t do that,” she said.

“I just did.”

“Want do you want? I’m tired and hungover.”

“Is your sister here?”

Her eyes narrowed. “How the hell do you know I live with my sister?”

“I checked up on you before I even approached you. Have you told anyone you’ve given me the footage?” he ran on before she could question him further.

She swallowed hard, feeling sick, wishing she hadn’t drunk so much vodka the night before. “No, course not. I don’t want Ryan and Rachel finding out.”

Valentine released a long shaky breath and leaned back against the wall, making Emily fear he was having a heart attack.

“You okay?” she said.

“Fine. Now. I was sure someone was following me.”

Emily’s blood ran cold. “Why?”

“Don’t know.”

“You think it might be because of the footage?”

“It’s the only reason I can think of.”

“Have you seen anyone?”

“No, it’s just a feeling.”

She relaxed a little. “You’re paranoid.”

“And I’ve every reason to be, the Laws are dangerous. I hope you understand that. They might seem all pleasant and civilised, giving to charity and throwing their money around to buy themselves a decent reputation but you’ve got to remember they’re criminals and murderers.”

Emily wished she’d remembered that before she’d tried to bribe Ryan into having sex with her, what a bloody stupid thing to do. What if the Laws had got someone to spy on
They would be really pissed off if they found out he’d been here, they’d think they were plotting. She just wanted this fat turd out of her house.

“Well no one knows so relax or you’ll give the game away,” she said. “Now get out of here before someone susses.”

“Is your sister here? She hasn’t overheard?” he said, starting to panic.

“No, she spent the night at her boyfriend’s. It’s just me. Now go.”

“Yes, okay. Sorry for disturbing you,” he said before leaving.

Emily slammed the door shut behind him and locked it, her heart beating hard, wishing she’d told Valentine to get lost when he’d first approached her to spy on her bosses. Correction, ex-bosses.


Jules watched Valentine slink back to his car looking a lot less stressed than he had going in. She wondered if he’d shagged the blond tart. Granted, he was an ugly bastard but someone like Emily could easily be dazzled into opening her thighs by a lot of cash. But she decided there hadn’t been time, not even for someone who was as no doubt crap in bed as he was. No, Valentine Halliday looked like a man who was worried about something. The fact he looked relieved assured her that he didn’t know Ryan and Rachel were aware of what he’d done. If he did he’d be running for the hills or keeling over with a heart attack. Emily had put him off the scent. At least the stupid cow could do something right. Maybe he’d realised he was being followed? She would have to be more careful. Still, she was having a lot of fun.

She let him drive off, the tracking device under his car telling her all she needed to know. She would continue to shadow him, winding him up until he cracked. And if that didn’t happen quick enough, she’d make it.



Hayden and Katia stumbled into their flat, exhausted. Marie, who was looking after the boys, was shocked by their dishevelled appearance.

“Has something happened?” said Marie.

“We were in a bit of a car accident,” said Hayden. “It shook us up.”

“I can stay longer if you want to rest?”

“No it’s fine thanks, we’re okay,” he replied as Katia walked straight past the nanny and into her sons’ bedroom. “How have the boys been?”

“Very good, as always. They’re asleep now.”

“Good. Thank you Marie. You can go now.”

She nodded and left. Once she’d gone Hayden followed Katia into the boys’ bedroom. He found her gazing at her children fast asleep in their cots, their peacefulness calming her down.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Are you alright?” he whispered in her ear.

She held onto his arms and nodded. Taking his hand she led him out of the room, not wanting to wake the children.

“I really need a drink,” she said.

“I think I could use one too.”

He noticed her hand shake as she poured out two glasses of red wine but she looked calm, much better after seeing her children safe and well.

“Are you okay?” he said as she handed him a glass.

“I am now we are home and safe.” She downed half the glass in one go then slammed it down on the countertop and flung her arms around his neck. “I thought I might never see you again, first when we were waiting for you at the farmhouse and then when we heard those gunshots. I thought you were dead but it was you firing.”

“I was. At Isaac.”

She leaned back to regard him. “He was there?”

“Oh yes. I had a nice little chat with him.” They hadn’t had the chance to discuss the day’s events until now as a Slattery heavy had given them a lift home.

“Did he try to kill you?”

“No, he didn’t get the chance. I said we had very similar goals and that we should team up. Then I gave him my phone number.”

Katia laughed out loud with delight. “In all that chaos you actually managed to do that?”

“I did. He was definitely interested, especially after he’d failed to kill Jared. I said I was on the inside and that we could work together to achieve our mutual goals. We were right, Isaac is smart.”

“Which is also bad. Smart men are dangerous.”

“Yes but he will see our potential, unlike Jared. We can finally make our mark in the world with Isaac’s help.”

“I hope you’re right, I hope we’re not trading one madman for another.”

“Isaac isn’t mad. You should have seen him when I had the gun on him, he really kept it together. He’s not a lunatic like Jared.”

“So we just wait for him to call?”

“Yes and he will.”

“He’s going to expect you to kill Jared and if you don’t he will get mad.”

Hayden took her face in his hands. “You sound like you’re starting to have doubts. I thought we’d talked about this and were in agreement?”

“We were, I mean we are but after today…I was so scared.”

“I know but it’s over now.”

“No it’s not, it’s only getting started.”

“And we will come out on top, I promise you. With your brains we’ll run rings around this lot.”

“And with your strength we will kill them all,” she purred, sliding her hands up his arms, enjoying the power in them. “My warrior.” His words and warm presence were reassuring her, melting away all the fear of the day. Mischief filled her eyes as she unfastened his jeans. “I am your damsel in distress.”

“I doubt that very much,” he said, unbuttoning her blouse. “You’re so strong.”

“Just for fun,” she smiled, “I play the lady you just rescued and I want to show you how grateful I am.”

He kissed her, bending her back over the kitchen table while pulling down her panties. “Alright, if you insist.”


Robbie was at his post outside Katia’s front door, scowling at the phone in his hand, which showed Hayden and Katia at it again. They never seemed to stop. Hatred bubbled up inside him. He’d devoted his life to Katia, stood by her after Alex and his own brother had died and they’d been forced to flee Manchester. He could have abandoned her and her brats to their fate but he’d stuck with them, knowing they needed protection and a capable man to get them set up again. Now he was being pushed further and further out by Hayden, who was slyly hiring more men all the time, men he considered more useful than him. Now Robbie found himself a glorified babysitter. After little Alex and Daniel had been abducted by Mikey Maguire, Katia had become paranoid about someone taking her children so that was his job now, standing guard when she and Hayden were out. Robbie didn’t see this as the huge trust it was, instead he saw it as a slight on his abilities. He’d failed to realise Katia was trusting him with the most important things in the world to her. He also saw himself being steadily replaced, Hayden assuming the role he’d fantasised about for so long. He’d set up secret cameras in Katia’s flat so he could watch her all the time. He was so obsessed that he had to be able to see her even when he wasn’t with her but he hadn’t banked on seeing so much of Hayden Brody. That he could do without and he was getting seriously sick of the bastard but he was too afraid of him to ever tackle him directly. He wanted the fucker gone and he had been completely stuck about how to achieve that, until he’d overhead their conversation, thanks to his cameras. So they wanted to take Jared out. This was dynamite information but as yet he was unsure how to use it without hurting Katia. But he would watch and wait and bide his time, he was confident the right opportunity would turn up. Then, once Hayden was finally dead and gone, he would make sure he was on hand to console Katia and finally assume his rightful place by her side.

He waited until she’d reached her climax, zooming in on her face, blocking out the sight of Hayden, imagining himself in his place.

Once she was satisfied, a contented smile on her face, he shut down the feed, feeling very turned on. He’d save that one for later.


Valentine felt he might keel over at any moment. His hands shook, his heart beat so fast he struggled to breathe and he felt a little dizzy. He was absolutely positive he was being followed this time and it wasn’t just paranoia, he’d actually seen them, trailing behind him wearing jeans and a black hoodie with the hood pulled up, obscuring their face. They’d got cocky, thinking he was easy prey. Well they were going to have a shock. He was going to stand up to them, but how?

He tugged at his collar, wondering why he’d worn a suit and tie on a warm day like this. A shirt would have been enough but now he was sweating all over, the shirt stuck to his back. He couldn’t go on like this, it was fucking ridiculous but soon it would all be over. He was hosting a charity event that night and the Laws and Ryan’s mad sister had been invited. The cream of Devon society would be there and he would take great delight in revealing the Laws’ true colours to them all.

Glancing over his shoulder he saw the hooded figure was still there, maintaining a steady ten paces behind. They kept their head down, so he couldn’t identify them. He knew it couldn’t possibly be Ryan, the figure was too small and they didn’t move elegantly enough for Rachel. It could possibly be Jules, on the footage he’d seen she had the same sort of strut but then again, would they bother to do it themselves? No doubt they knew plenty of unpleasant individuals they could pay to do the grunt work for them. God only knew what sort of thug he had tailing him.

He was so concerned with the figure behind him that he failed to notice the one ahead.

“Oh, sorry,” he said as he accidentally shoulder-barged them.

“Watch it,” muttered the figure.

“Sorry,” he repeated distractedly, too busy looking back to give the person he’d walked into a second glance. “Jesus, I can’t take this,” he breathed, terrified that at any moment the person following him would catch him up. All he had to do was make it until tonight and once the Laws were exposed and arrested he would be safe.

He ducked into a pub, desperately needing some Dutch courage, fumbling in his jacket pocket for the phone Emily had given him, relieved to feel it was still there. He always carried it with him, terrified the Laws would somehow get hold of it before he could use it. He wouldn’t put it past them to break into his home or office.

“You alright Valentine?” the barman asked, concerned by the sweaty, agitated state he was in. The last thing he wanted was a pillar of the community having a coronary on his floor.

“Fine thanks Gordon,” he replied. “Just had a bit of a shock. Double whisky please.”

“Do you want me to call anyone?”

“Double whisky. Now,” he barked. He sighed and shook his head. “I apologise, it’s been a rough day.”

“So I see,” he said before walking away to fetch his whisky.

An hour later Valentine was a bit drunk, slouched at the bar, dreading the evening ahead. In a way it would be a relief to get it over with but he wasn’t looking forward to seeing the Laws.


Ryan glanced at his watch. “What’s she doing? We’re going to be late.”

“Go easy on her,” said Rachel. “She’s never got poshed up before.”

Ryan moved to the bottom of the stairs. “Jules,” he bellowed up them.

“Alright, keep your hair on. I’m coming,” she called back, censoring her language because the children were in the house. Rachel’s parents Gill and Rick were babysitting while they went out.

“Wow,” said Rachel as Jules descended the stairs.

Gill beamed up at her. “You look beautiful.”

“Give over,” said Jules. “I feel like mutton dressed as lamb.”

For the first time in her life Jules actually wore a designer gown. The charity event was an extremely formal affair, attended by the elite of Devon so she couldn’t turn up in her black jeans and hoodie, to her chagrin. As she had nothing suitable whatsoever in her luggage she’d borrowed one of Rachel’s dresses, a deep red gown that set off her dark hair and grey eyes. The straps of the dress were thick enough to cover the head of the snake tattoo. Rachel had done her hair, smoothing it down with hair straighteners into a bob. She’d then applied make-up, something Jules rarely wore, apart from thick black eyeliner.

“You look lovely,” said Ryan. “I hardly recognised you.”

“Oh charming,” she retorted, pushing at her breasts.

“Please don’t do that,” he said.

“Have you any idea how uncomfortable a strapless bra is?”

“I’m glad to say I don’t,” he replied with a raised eyebrow. “Jules,” he exclaimed when she continued to fumble with her breasts.

She snapped something at him in Latin and Ryan snapped something right back at her in the dead language.

Rick appeared with Leah.

“What are they saying Mum?” Leah asked Rachel.

“No idea,” she said, slightly breathless. She always found it sexy when Ryan spoke Latin.

“By heck lass, you look great,” smiled Rick when they’d eventually finished arguing.

“Yeah Aunty Jules,” said Leah. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you petal,” she smiled. She gave Rick a wink. “And you.”

Gill looked sharply at her husband when he blushed. Both of them were very fond of Jules, finding her brand of honesty refreshing and Rick, although he’d never admit it, had developed a little crush on her.

“Right,” said Ryan. “Now we’ve established that she looks great can we please leave?”

“Ryan hates being late for anything,” smiled Rachel.

“He’s so anal,” said Jules.

“You remember that time we were late for a family meal?” said Gill. “I thought his head was going to implode.”

“I’m standing right here,” said Ryan. He looked down and sighed when he saw Teddy at his feet, rubbing his head all over his black trousers. Rachel expected him to throw the cat out of the window but instead he picked him up and stroked him, Teddy going limp with contentment in his arms. “Why are you all staring at me?” he said, addressing the room.

“But the cat…your suit,” said Rachel.

“What’s a little cat fur?” he said, tickling Teddy under the chin. He smiled as they continued to gape at him. “Ready to go?”


The charity event was being held at the local golf club, which Valentine was a member of. It was the first time he’d ever felt nervous being there.

Valentine checked his watch. It was almost seven. Some of the guests had already arrived but the Laws hadn’t yet. No doubt they would be last, wanting to make a grand entrance.

He went through the motions, greeting people and shaking hands, pleased when the Chief Constable turned up. That was someone he wanted around when he showed them all his footage. His hand slipped into his pocket, caressing the phone. A special screen had been set up at the head of the room, an enormous one that could rival the local cinema’s, so everyone would have a good view of the Laws’ disgrace, including the Laws themselves. He couldn’t wait.

A waiter who understood technology much better than he did set up the phone, connecting it to the screen via a laptop, ready to play the footage on his word. He told the waiter to remain where he was and guard the phone.

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