Duality (10 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Duality
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“You know I think I’ll change my mind about that massage,” said Jules. She winked at Sabine. “Do you do full body?”

“No she doesn’t, she does nails,” interrupted Tracey, who was very protective of Sabine. “But I do.”

Jules’s smile fell. “Oh. In that case, I’ll have my nails done, if you can do anything with these stumps?” she smiled, holding her hands out for Sabine to see.

“I’m sure I can. This way,” smiled Sabine, leading her to a chair, Jules’s eyes fixed on her backside as she followed her.

“Were they just…?” began Daina.

“Yes,” replied Tracey and Rachel in unison.

“I wonder what Ryan will say about it?”

“Probably good luck Sabine, you’ll need it,” replied Rachel.


Mikey and Jez had gathered together the core team of their empire to the bungalow for a meeting - Declan, who was Mikey’s cousin from Ireland, Mark Cameron, who acted as their primary bodyguard, Grant Stokes, who was in charge of security and Shane Wyles, who was only eighteen. They’d brought him up from Nottingham after he’d helped them out during the Jared Slattery incident. He was very smart and naturally business-minded and he’d kept their secret well when Mikey had pretended to be dead after the compound was blown up. For that reason alone they trusted him implicitly and they brought him in on all their business dealings. After seeing their way of life kill so many of their family members Mikey and Jez weren’t sure they wanted their sons to come in on the business with them and in Shane they saw a possible prince to take everything over once they were too old.

They’d just related to their inner circle their meeting with Toni McVay and the fact that they were both heading up to Glasgow.

“I don’t like it,” said Grant. “Could be a trap.”

“I don’t think so,” said Jez. “Like Toni said, why go to the trouble of luring us up there and landing herself with two bodies to dispose of when she could easily have us executed down here, well away from her?”

“The McVays can’t be trusted.”

“True,” said Mikey. “But our arrangement with them brings in an enormous amount of money. I could understand it if things were going badly but they’re not.”

“She could have someone wanting to take things over, someone offering a bigger slice of the pie,” countered Grant.

“She knows full well the third parties involved in our arrangement will only do business with us and without those third parties the whole chain falls through. We’ve put some feelers out and apparently things haven’t been right in the McVay clan for a while. A lot of people don’t like a woman in charge and Uncle Tam is an old hand at this game, they think he’d be better at running things than Toni.”

“And Uncle Tam doesn’t like us,” said Jez. “If he’s put in charge then there’s a good chance he’d attack us. By supporting Toni we’re protecting ourselves.”

“I’ve got to admit I’d rather have her running things rather than that crazy, tubby little bastard,” said Mark. “I’ve heard about Tam, he likes cutting people up with a machete.”

“And Toni likes scooping out people’s eyeballs and keeping them in glasses cases,” said Grant.

Shane stood in the corner, practically overloading with excitement at the mention of the McVays. He knew all about them, they’d taken up a big spot in his gangster scrapbook. He hoped he went to Glasgow, he’d love to meet Toni McVay, who was a legend.

“So what does everyone think?” said Jez, addressing the room.

After Alex had turned into a dictator Mikey and Jez were always careful to ask their employees’ opinions as well as each other’s.

“I think we should go for it and support Toni,” said Mark.

“Me too,” added Declan.

“Yeah, Glasgow. Definitely,” said an excited Shane.

“Looks like I’m outvoted,” sighed Grant.

“We’ve not much choice in this mate,” said Mikey. “If we don’t go and Toni wins then she’ll see our lack of support as a huge slight and it’ll be war again.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said, looking troubled. “But if you support Toni and she loses, Tam will see it as a huge slight too.”

“Then we’ll just have to make sure Tam loses,” said Jez. “Now, we need to decide who’s coming with us and who’s staying.”

“I’ll come,” said Shane.

Jez smiled indulgently. “I like your enthusiasm. You’re in. Declan, we think you should stay, we want someone with the Maguire name still here.”

“Fine by me,” he shrugged.

Jez’s eyes flicked between Mark and Grant. “We want one of you to stay and one of you to come with us. Choose between the two of you.”

“Hold on,” said Grant. “What about Jules?”

“Jules is down in Devon with Ryan and Rachel,” said Jez.

“What does she think about all this?”

“She doesn’t know and she’s not getting involved. She’s pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” said Grant with surprise. “Who’s the culprit?”

“Jackson Driscoll. They might be getting married. So I’ve ordered Jules to stay well out of things until after the baby’s born. That’s why Declan will be in charge here while we’re away.”

“If you don’t mind Grant I’d like to go to Glasgow,” said Mark. “I’ve got an uncle up there I wouldn’t mind saying hi to if we get time.”

“Fair enough,” said Mikey. He looked to Grant. “That means you’re staying here.”

“Okay but I want it put on record that I don’t like this.”

“Objection noted.”

“When do we leave?” said Shane eagerly.

“Tomorrow morning,” said Mikey. “Mark, you can drive.”

He nodded.

“Great, everyone go home and pack,” smiled Jez.

When they’d gone Mikey got up and shut the office door behind them. “Grant has a point.”

“I know,” sighed Jez. “But what choice do we have? We need to make sure the person we want to work with wins.”

Mikey nodded. “You’re right and if we change our minds we’ll be in the prime position to take out Toni.”

Jez looked more cheerful. “We can’t lose.”



Rachel returned home with a much more upbeat Jules, her nails nicely painted black.

“Have fun?” said Ryan, kissing Rachel.

“Yeah, it was good. We went to the salon.”

He looked amused. “Jules, in a salon?”

“I’m not completely unfeminine,” she sniffed. “Besides, there’s this really hot girl who works there with the sexiest accent.”

“She means Sabine,” said Rachel.

Ryan’s eyes narrowed. Just like Rachel he was very protective of Daina and Sabine. “I suggest you stay away from her. She’s been through so much, the last thing she needs is to be…Julesed.” Ryan, along with Jez and Riley, had rescued Daina and Sabine from the horrific brothel they’d been trafficked to. He’d seen first hand what they’d been subjected to and he would not allow anyone to hurt either of them again.

“I’ll be gentle, promise,” she smiled.

Ryan’s expression was stony. “Aren’t you supposed to be getting married?”

“Correction. I’m considering getting married and if I’m going to be chained to the same man for the rest of my life I’m entitled to a little fun first. Jax would understand.”

“That man must be a saint,” said Ryan. “You do not hurt Sabine. She’s just coming to terms with her sexuality. She’s already been scared off men, I don’t want you scaring her off women too.”

“Seems to me she’s come to terms with her sexuality pretty well, she was flirting her arse off with me. She’s invited me to go on your girl’s night out tonight,” she said, looking to Rachel. “You invited me anyway but it’s nice to be wanted.”

“I’ll keep an eye on them,” Rachel told Ryan.

“I hope you mean that sweetheart.” He looked to Jules. “None of your extreme Venom high jinks please.”

“Did I just hear Ryan Law say high jinks?” she laughed.

He pursed his lips. “No tying her up, no spanking and absolutely, definitely no choking her.”

“Hey, I don’t need all that anymore since Leighton died.” Her smile was sultry. “Well, except the spanking. And the tying up. Oh, and there’s the whipped cream and ten volt battery.”

Ryan held up a hand. “Please, no more.” He went rigid, jaw tensing when he felt something brush against his legs. He looked down at his feet and scowled. “What is that doing back?”

The ginger cat looked up at him expectantly and meowed.

“He never left,” said Rachel. “I’ve not managed to track down his owner yet. No one seems to know where he came from.”

“He can’t stay here.”

“Why not?”

“Look, he’s getting hair all over my trousers again,” he exclaimed when the cat rubbed his head against his calves.

“Jesus Ryan, it’s only a cat.” Jules scooped the cat up and his eyes closed with bliss as she tickled his cheek. “He’s lovely. If I had a nice big farmhouse I’d take him home.”

“Feel free.”

“He can’t live with me, it’s all concrete and cars, He’s a country cat. This place is perfect for him.”

“He’s not staying here,” said Ryan. “The animals stay outside, I’m having nothing on the inside.”

Jules shook her head. “Why did you move to the country? You’re such a wuss.”

“What did you just call me?” he retorted.

“Big Jessie.”

Rachel smiled when they started to squabble, the cat looking from one to the other in consternation. It sounded like they’d been brother and sister all their lives.


Mikey returned home to the sound of an unfamiliar voice in his house, a soft, feminine one.

Puzzled, he walked through to the vast kitchen, which hardly got used because Amber was a useless cook and she ordered most of their meals in. Standing there holding his son was a woman he’d never seen before in his life. She was plain, early twenties, mousy brown hair hanging down her back like string.

“Who the bloody hell are you and how did you get in here?” he demanded.

The girl jumped, large watery eyes startled. “You…you’re Mr Maguire?”

“Too right I am. How did you get in here?”

The girl looked terrified. “Mrs Maguire hired me. I’m the new nanny.”

“Nanny? We don’t have a nanny.”

“I was hired this morning Sir from the agency to work five days a week.”

“Amber,” he yelled, making the girl jump again. “Amber get in here.”

“She’s not here Sir, she went out.”

“Where?” he growled, turning her pasty skin even paler.

“With her mum. They went to the shops.”

Mikey took Josh from her and held him close. “I’m sorry but we don’t need a nanny.” With one hand he rummaged through his pocket, produced a wad of notes and dumped it in her hands. “Now please leave and tell the agency that we do not want or need a nanny. If anyone rings up telling you we do then they’re lying. Do you understand?”

“Y…yes. Sorry,” she rasped before practically running from the room, stuffing the money into her pocket as she went.

Mikey took Josh into the lounge and settled him down with his toys in his playpen while he made a couple of calls. First he called Amber but of course there was no answer. He couldn’t believe she’d gone behind his back like this, after she’d said she wouldn’t hire a nanny. Why couldn’t she look after their son herself? Next he called Declan and told him to get round to the house with his gadgets to check no bugs had been planted or anything that could compromise them. A stranger had been left alone in their house all day, anything could have happened.

While he waited for Declan to arrive he played with Josh, so relieved that his son was okay. After what had happened just three months ago he couldn’t believe Amber would be so reckless.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you little man,” he said softly, too softly for Josh to hear. “Not even your own mother.”


It was Amber’s turn to get a shock when she returned home clutching more shopping bags holding a range of expensive and completely useless items. She dumped the bags on the floor in the hallway, stamped her high heeled foot and screeched, “what do you shower of idiots think you’re doing?”

All the men wandering about the house stopped to frown at her.

“It’s alright guys, just keep working,” said Declan, descending the stairs.

She planted her hands on her hips, scowling. “Declan, what are you doing to my house?”

“Boss’s orders,” he replied. “We’re checking for bugs or anything that may have been planted.”


“You’ll have to discuss that with Mikey.”

Amber felt nervous when the door to the lounge swung open to reveal a grim-looking Mikey, his disapproving gaze flicking down to the shopping bags.

She decided to go for defiance. “What do you think you’re doing?” she said to him.

Mikey jerked his head to the door and disappeared back into the lounge. Sighing, she stepped over the bags and followed him.

Mikey closed the door behind her, so his men wouldn’t overhear their conversation.

“Where’s Josh?” she said haughtily.

“Asleep. You left him with a stranger.”

“Clara is from a reputable agency, I didn’t just leave him with anyone, she has the qualifications.”

“For Christ’s sake Amber, we just discussed this and we agreed we wouldn’t get a nanny.”

“Actually you told me and as usual I was forced to obey.”

“That is not how it was and you know it. Stop making me out to be some sort of dictator, I’m sick of it.”

“It’s alright for you swanning off whenever you feel like it. I want a life too Mikey,” she shrieked.

“Will you keep your voice down?” he said, conscious of his men moving about the house. “This is your mother, isn’t it? One minute you’re fine, we’re getting along well then you spend some time with her and you start having a go at me and doing things that put this family at risk.”

“How was Clara putting anyone at risk?” she snorted.

“She was a weak, flaky girl who could be easily bribed or intimidated and who I wouldn’t trust to look after a goldfish. I don’t care how many pieces of paper she has, she was just a kid herself.”

“She was fine and what are we going to do when I start work? Or are you not going to let me now?” she huffed.

“Of course I am, I’ve even managed to get you a job at a salon training in nails. But we will not bring strangers into the house to look after Josh. Instead we will take him to a reputable nursery with security and professionals to look after him. What is so wrong with that?”

“I might not have time to drop him off, I’ll be too busy with my new career.”

Mikey gaped at her. “Are you actually serious?”

Her green eyes flared. “Excuse me?”

“You’ll be working ten till two four days a week, that’s all they had available. Plenty of women manage to drop their kids off at nursery or school then go to work. Why should you be any different?”

“Because we’re rich. I shouldn’t have to struggle or put myself out. I had years of struggling stuck on that estate.”

Mikey’s temper flared. “You think you’re the only person who’s struggled? I was stuck in a psychiatric hospital for years because of my own brother. Jesus Amber, I would have given my right bollock to be stuck on a council estate rather than in that place. Taking your son to a good nursery is not struggling. What planet are you living on? I’ve had a gutful of your mother mouthing off and convincing you I’m a terrible husband when I’ve never done anything to hurt you. All I do is look after you and I’m sick and tired of being made out to be the bad guy.”

“And I’m sick of being told what to do.”

“You don’t like it you can leave.”

Her mouth fell open. “What?”

“I will not have you making me out to be some sort of controlling, abusive shit. You are completely free to do what you like, all I ask is that we don’t have strangers coming into our home while we’re not here and you know what? A lot of people would agree with me. I am not being unreasonable. I also asked you to start controlling your spending then what do you do? Come back with a shitload of shopping bags.” He knew he was shouting but he was getting to the end of his tether with her. “There’s lots of families in this country who can’t even afford to buy food and you’re wasting money on crap that you won’t even look at again. It’s obscene. Now stop making out that you’re hard done by and grow up. I need a wife not another fucking kid.”

With that he stormed to the door, leaving her to gape at him. He stopped just before he went through it. “I’m leaving for Glasgow in the morning and I’ll be gone a few days. I’ll be sleeping in the spare room tonight. If you behave yourself while I’m gone then we might just have a future together. Grow up and stop listening to Mummy so much and start behaving like an adult. If you don’t then we’re done and I mean that.”

With that he left, slamming the door shut.

“Mikey,” she rasped when she’d eventually recovered her voice. She hurried to the door and flung it open just in time to see him disappear upstairs, face like thunder.

Declan, who was hovering in the hallway, gave her a sympathetic smile. She scowled at him simply because he was Mikey’s cousin and slammed the door shut, both furious and worried. He’d actually threatened to divorce her, she couldn’t believe it. Amber knew she had to start playing it smarter otherwise she was going to lose her cushy life. In a way Mikey was right, her mum never stopped badmouthing him even though he didn’t deserve it, she had to give him his due, he was a good husband. He let her pretty much do what she wanted plus he’d never laid a finger on her. Some of her friend’s husbands weren’t afraid to give their wives a slap now and then. Today was the first time he’d really raised his voice to her but she’d pushed him. Deep down she’d known bringing Clara into the house would kick things off but she’d let her mum convince her that it would put Mikey in his place, show her that he couldn’t boss her about but he’d only been thinking of all their safety. She’d been so scared during all that business with the Slatterys, having men with guns in her home, being sent away with Cathy and the kids out of harm’s way while their husbands fought a war. If she was honest with herself it turned her on that they’d won. A large part of her attraction to Mikey was the power he wielded. At first it hadn’t been that at all, she’d been pregnant and scared and he had been so sweet to her. Then she’d learnt just how powerful he was as well as rich and that had become his main attraction. As an added bonus he was so handsome and really good in bed. If she didn’t want to lose all that she had to toe the line and start ignoring her mother’s bile. She knew her mum’s real hope was for her to divorce Mikey and come away with a huge heap of money. In the event of a divorce Amber knew Mikey would always look after her, she’d never want for anything but her mum was labouring under the delusion that she’d get it all, including the legitimate businesses. What Amber had tried to explain to her and failed was that a lot of Mikey’s money was hidden, his businesses under pseudonyms. She’d only get a fraction of what her mum thought she would get.

She couldn’t allow Mikey to divorce her, there was no way she was giving up the house and the money as well as the most powerful man in Manchester. Her lips curled into a smile as she came up with a plan.

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