Duality (6 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Duality
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“Calm down,” he said. “You’ll make yourself sick again.”

She grimaced. “Urgh, I can’t take any more of that.”

“Why are you so jittery?”

“It’s the stupid doctor, he’s got me all worried. What if something’s wrong with it? I was smoking and drinking before I found out I was pregnant.”

“Everything will be fine, you’re healthy,” he said, taking her hand. “Think positive.”

For once Jules was relieved to have someone to lean on and she gripped onto his hand.

“Jules Maguire?” said a gentle voice.

A nurse with a kind face peeked her head into the waiting room.

“Yes?” she replied, for once sounding timid.

“Would you like to come through?”

Jules swallowed hard and looked to Jackson, who took her hand and gently urged her to her feet. She clutched onto him as they walked into the small scan room.

“Don’t look so scared,” smiled the nurse. “I don’t bite. Would you like to lie down?”

Her calm manner went a long way to putting Jules at her ease, the efficient way she worked reassuring her that she had done this many times before.

“Is everything okay?” Jules anxiously asked as she ran the scanner over her belly, which was shiny with gel.

“Yep, everything looks fine,” replied the nurse, her eyes on the screen. She pointed to the centre of it. “There’s your baby.”

“That little blob?” said Jules, squinting to see. “Looks like a peanut.”

“I can assure you it’s not a peanut,” replied the nurse with a smile. “And it appears to have settled in nicely.”

Jules released a shaky breath. “Thank God for that.”

“You were worried?” said the nurse.

“My GP said because of my age there could be complications.”

“There is an increased risk but you’ve no health problems. It’s all looking good.”

“See, told you,” said Jackson, planting a kiss on her lips.

“Aww, look at Daddy, he’s all excited,” smiled the nurse before turning her attention back to the screen.

Jackson looked to Jules, wondering if he should set the record straight but Jules shook her head and smiled. “Yes he is.”

Together they left the hospital, Jackson’s arm around Jules’s shoulders, both of them studying the scan photo.

“I can’t believe that’s inside me,” she said.

“Yes, the peanut,” he smiled. “It’s real now sweetheart,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Have you thought any more about my offer?”

She stopped and looked up at him. “I just need a little more time. I want to make sure I make the right decision, for us all.”

He nodded and looked at the ground, disappointed, he had hoped the scan would persuade her to say yes. “I want you to know that even if you turn me down I’ll still be willing to be a father to this baby, to protect you both from Jared.”

“Thank you, you won’t believe how much I appreciate that,” she said, going up on tip-toes to kiss him. “I’ve had an idea. I need to clear my head for a bit, this has been such a shock and I can’t see anything clearly. Ryan and Rachel invited me to spend some time with them in Devon and now Mikey’s basically sacked me off until after I’ve had the baby I’ll take them up on that offer. I’ll give you my decision when I get back.”

“I really hope you’re not gone too long.”

“I won’t keep you in suspense,” she smiled. “But I want to get to know my older brother and his family. I’ve spent quite a lot of time with Jez and Cathy and their kids and I want the same with Ryan.” She sighed and screwed her eyes shut. “Shit, I haven’t told Jez.”

“Want me to come with you?”

“It might be better if I go alone. He’s not going to be impressed.”

“Even more reason for me to come with you.”

“That’s very sweet but I need to do this alone then I’ll head down to Devon.”

“Travel carefully, won’t you? And no getting into fights down there.”

“It’s Devon. What can possibly happen?”


“You’re what?” yelled Jez.

“I’m pregnant to Jared Slattery,” replied Jules perfectly calmly.

“You’re going to have a baby, that’s wonderful news,” smiled Cathy, Jez’s wife, running a hand over her own pregnant belly. “I think you should be a bit nicer about this Jez.”

“Nicer? Do you have any idea who Jared Slattery is?”

“Well, no. What does it matter? Jules is happy.”

“Jared Slattery was responsible for attacking the compound, for almost killing Mikey, for trying to kill me and for kidnapping Jules.”

Cathy’s smile fell. “Oh.”

“Yeah but he’s a good shag,” grinned Jules.

“Don’t you dare fucking laugh,” bellowed Jez.

“Oy, keep your voice down,” chided Cathy. “The kids are upstairs.”

“Sorry,” he said more quietly.

“Listen, it’s no problem,” continued Jules. “Jax has said he’ll be a dad to the baby, he even offered to marry me.”

“He did?” exclaimed an excited Cathy. “That’s lovely. When’s the wedding?”

“I’ve not said yes yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because I need to make sure it’s the right thing to do.”

“You love him, don’t you?”

“Well, yeah.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“He’s not like me, he’s so sweet and gentle, when he’s not kicking the crap out of someone in the cage anyway. I don’t want to ruin that. Plus I like him loving me. If we get into a serious relationship he might stop.”

“Not if it’s the real thing he won’t,” said Cathy, taking her hand. She was very fond of her sister-in-law. “And I think it’s the real thing between you two.”

Jez rolled his eyes. “Could we leave the bloody heart-to-heart to Jeremy Kyle? This is serious business. Jared Shaw is a psycho and if he gets wind of this he’ll come charging up here for his kid with his mad mother in tow.”

“That’s why Jax said he’d take the baby on as his own,” said Jules.

“Slattery won’t fall for that.”

“Why not? How will he even find out anyway? He’s all the way down in Kent.”

“Word travels and you know it.”

“It’ll be fine,” she said, waving a dismissive hand.

“Course it will,” said Cathy. “Stop putting her on a downer Jez, this is exciting news. You’re going to be an uncle.”

He sighed and nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. But we must be careful to keep this quiet. Mikey’s going to hit the roof.”

“He already knows.”

Jez’s lips pursed and his eyes filled with suspicion. He was all too aware of the strong attraction between Mikey and his sister and he constantly worried about them acting on it. “You told him before me?”

“I had no choice. It was at the meeting with Denny,” she said meaningfully.


Cathy looked from one to the other, divining something bad had happened but not wanting to know the details. That was the only way her marriage to Jez survived.

“So I’ve decided to go and stay with Ryan and Rachel for a while, clear my head and think over Jax’s proposal,” announced Jules. “I’ve been meaning to go and visit so now’s the ideal time. They don’t know yet, I’ll just show up on the doorstep. It’ll be a nice surprise.”

Jez’s lips twitched. “Ryan will be delighted.”

“Yep. See you then, I need to go and pack.”

“Look after yourself,” said Jez, following her to the door. “No drinking or smoking or fighting.”

“Yes, I do know, I’m not an idiot.” Her face paled and she clamped a hand to her mouth. “I need to throw up in your toilet before I go,” she said, rushing for the downstairs bathroom.

“Oh joy,” sighed Jez when the sound of her retching echoed down the corridor.



Ryan sat in the gallery of the courtroom, arms folded across his chest and a scowl on his face, attempting to stop himself from leaping into the dock and finishing the job on Brian Crossly, Eddie Cope and Gerard Kerrell. After what they’d done it didn’t seem right that they were still breathing when so many men were dead because of them.

Rachel’s hand in his soothed him. The families of all the Dartmoor Butchers’ victims were sat with them, including the parents of John Owen, the boy whose flesh these freak shows had made him eat. Fortunately he’d vomited it back up again but his parents knew about that and he couldn’t bear to look at them, it made him feel ashamed, even though he’d had no choice in the matter. Brian and Gerard had threatened to hurt Rachel and their children if he hadn’t eaten it. They’d had to listen to the facts of the case and the scumbag defence lawyer had used the forced cannibalism as mitigation to prove his clients weren’t in their right minds at the time of the crime, forcing them all to live through it again. Ryan had watched the judge carefully and had been relieved to see that he didn’t buy that pathetic excuse for a second. No matter how long Brian, Eddie and Gerard got, Ryan was going to make damn sure they suffered every single day of their sentences, thanks to his friends on the inside.

Cheers went up around them as the judge gave all three men life sentences. He gave Crossly and Kerrell whole life orders, which meant they would never be released from prison. However Cope had to serve a minimum of ten years before being considered for parole.

“What?” exclaimed Ryan, leaping out of his seat. “He was just as guilty as the other two.”

“Sit down,” Rachel urged him, tugging on his sleeve.

Ryan looked round at the victims’ relatives and decided to shut his trap, not wanting to cause them any more pain.

“Ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath as he retook his seat.

“The judge had no choice,” Rachel whispered back. “The only evidence they had against him came from Crossly and Kerrell.”

“Suppose,” he glowered.

As they were led back down to the cells beneath the court Kerrell was sobbing his heart out, overweight body pink and quivering. Crossly kept his head down, unable to look at anyone as the relatives jeered at them. Cope however remained defiant, head proudly raised. He’d once been the local mayor, a highly respected citizen and his ego refused to allow him to let go of that self-image. Just before he disappeared below he turned his head to glance at Ryan and his lips curled into a derisive smile.

When Ryan tried to leap out of his seat, intent on throttling the bastard, Rachel gripped onto his arm. “Sit down right now,” she hissed at him.

The guards leading the prisoners as well as the police officers in the room all looked at him warily, hoping he’d see sense and take his wife’s advice. The last thing they wanted to do was restrain one of the victims.

Ryan looked down at his wife and realised attacking Cope probably wouldn’t be his finest moment. Judging by the smirk on his face that’s exactly what the fucker wanted him to do.

Ryan’s chest heaved before he retook his seat, looking cool and calm again.

“He is not worth you being charged with contempt of court as well as assault,” she told him.

“I know. Sorry.”

Cope gave him one last smirk before he vanished below.

“No doubt he will appeal and his greasy lawyer could make a strong case,” said Ryan.

“That won’t happen.”

“All they’ve got is Kerrell and Crossly’s evidence against him. It’s a distinct possibility.”

“We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.”

Ryan just nodded, feeling weary. He wanted to go home but first they had to negotiate all the press congregated outside the court. This case had made the national press, Ryan’s involvement only making the story even juicier.

Outside the courthouse they ignored all the shouts and questions of the reporters, who let them pass, knowing it wasn’t smart to get in the way of a Law. Gratefully they climbed into the car, shutting the doors, cutting out the noise of the street.

They drove home in silence, Rachel at the wheel, giving Ryan the opportunity to mull over the day’s events. At least Kerrell and Crossly would never be free, that at least was something.

“Are you okay?” said Rachel when they finally returned home, concerned by how quiet he was.

Ryan tore off his tie, threw it across the room then puffed out a breath. “Fine.”

“You don’t look it.”

“It was just having to be around those creatures again. It offends me that they’re still breathing.”

“Me too but at least they’re going to pay for what they’ve done.”

“Every. Single. Day,” he spat.

She took his face in her hands and kissed him. “It’s over with now. Let’s put it behind us.”

“You’re right. Now we can get on with ours,” he said, trying not to think about Eddie Cope’s inevitable appeal hearing. He pulled her hard against him. “Leah and Ethan are at school and Aaron’s at nursery. We must take advantage of this time to ourselves.”

He kissed her hard, demanding, pushing her up against the wall while unfastening her blouse. Rachel was almost overwhelmed by him, he was lost in that place where all he could think about was making love to her to help him forget all the bad things, just for a little while.

“No, not now,” he exclaimed when the doorbell rang.

“Ignore it,” she breathed as his hand slid up her skirt and inside her panties. “Oh yes,” she moaned.

“Oh no,” he growled when the bell rang again. He lifted his head out of Rachel‘s neck. “Bugger off,” he called.

There followed the sound of the door opening and a voice called, “hello, anyone home?”

They both froze.

“Is that…no, it can’t be,” said Rachel. “She would have warned us.”

“She wouldn’t,” muttered Ryan, releasing her, jaw set, eyes flashing.

Jules walked into the lounge towing a suitcase on wheels and grinned. “I’m here.”

“So you are,” said Ryan flatly.

“Oh dear, did I interrupt something?” she said with a saucy smile, noting how flushed and breathless they both were.

“Yes,” said Ryan. As he looked at his younger sister he softened to her slightly, recalling the time only three months ago when he’d thought she was dead, shot to death by Jared Slattery. But that had been a set-up to make her family think she was gone. Before that he’d thought of her as a bit of a pain in the arse but after coming so close to losing her he’d determined to get to know his younger sister properly and now was the perfect time.

Rachel watched in amazement as Ryan enveloped Jules in an awkward hug.

“It’s good to have you here,” he said.

Jules, equally surprised, looked up at him in amazement. “Big brother, I hope you’re not getting soft in your old age?”

“Me? Never.”

“And a smile too. Bloody hell, this is too weird, I’m off back up to Manchester.”

“No you’re not,” said Rachel. “You’re staying with us for a while.” She embraced her too. “And you’re so welcome.”

“Even though I interrupted you when you were about to shag?” she said with a mischievous grin.

“Yes, even because of that.”

“Great. Where are the kids? I want to get to know my niece and nephews.”

“Leah and Ethan are at school and Aaron’s at nursery.”

“Oh well, never mind, I’ll see them later. Now, do you want to show me to my room or do you want me to go to the pictures until you’ve finished?”

“You’re staying here?” said Ryan.

“Yeah.” Jules’s smile faltered. “Is that okay?”

“Of course it is,” said Rachel. “The granny flat is still being built but we have plenty of spare rooms.”

Jules’s grin returned. “Thanks. To be honest, I need a bit of peace and quiet to get my head together.”

“After being kidnapped by Jared Slattery?” said Rachel.

“Oh no, I’m well over that,” she replied with a dismissive wave. “But I did get another shock recently.”

“What’s happened?” said Ryan, feeling both concerned and wary at the same time.

“Do you want the long version or the short?”


“Okay, you asked for it. Well, I’m pregnant to Jared Slattery but he can’t find out because his mum is insane and would try to take the baby off me. So Jax has offered to marry me but I don’t know if I should accept, even though I love him because I’m worried that he’ll end up hating me and that I’ll destroy him. Mikey and Jez know and Mikey is pretty okay with it but Jez is spitting feathers. Mikey has said I can’t work until after I’ve had the baby. So I’ve come here to get my head around everything and hopefully make a decision.”

Rachel and Ryan blinked at her in amazement.

“You’re joking?” said Ryan.

“I wish I was. Life would be so much simpler.”

“You’re actually pregnant with Jared Slattery’s child?”

“Yep, there’s no doubt. I’ve had a scan and everything,” she said, producing it from her jacket pocket and holding it out.

Rachel was the first to take it and smiled. “Wow, beautiful but I thought you couldn’t have children?”

“Me too. Turns out Alice told me the doctor said I couldn’t all those years ago out of spite.”

Rachel’s eyes turned black. “The bitch.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve let her know how displeased I am.”

Rachel thought how much like Ryan she sounded sometimes. “Is she still alive?”

“If you can call the half-life she has living.”

“And Jackson Driscoll has asked you to marry him?” said Ryan. “
Jackson Driscoll?”

“I know, he must be off his head,” she smiled.

“Well wonders will never cease.”

“Thanks a lot,” snapped Jules.

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s okay, my hormones are all over the place. If I’m not throwing up I’m bursting into tears. It’s making me soft.”

“I find that hard to believe,” smiled Rachel. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

“Woo-hoo,” exclaimed Jules when Rachel took her arm and led her to the stairs. “Rachel Law is taking me upstairs. This is a great day.”

Ryan sighed and rolled his eyes, wondering how he was going to get through the next few days. Still, he’d much rather have Jules here getting on his nerves than lying dead in a shallow grave somewhere.

A meow distracted him from his thoughts. He looked down to see a large ginger cat rubbing his head against his leg. They didn’t have a cat.

“Urgh,” he said, backing up. “Where did you come from?” He frowned at his leg. “You’ve got fur all over my trousers.”

The cat didn’t care. He parked his bum on the floor and started to meow. Loudly.

“Come on you. Out,” said Ryan, gesturing to the door.

In response the cat lifted his leg and began to lick his backside.

“Oh no, I’m not having any of that in this house. Out you.”

The cat ignored him, continuing to wash itself.

“That’s enough. I said out,” said Ryan, pointing to the door.

“Who are you talking to?” said Rachel, descending the stairs.

“This cheeky little bastard,” he said, gesturing to the cat, who stopped licking himself and curled into a ball at Ryan’s feet, preparing for sleep.

“Awww, he’s lovely,” smiled Rachel, scratching the cat under the chin, who closed his eyes with pleasure.

“The cat gets more action than I do,” muttered Ryan, folding his arms.

“Here you go,” she smiled, reaching up to scratch Ryan under the chin.

“Very amusing. It must have come in with Jules. I’ll get rid of it.”

“Leave him be, he’s having a sleep and it’s started raining.”

“So what? He doesn’t belong here.”

“It’s not Jules’s cat, is it? If it was I’m sure she would have mentioned it but she’s full of surprises so I’ll check.” She moved to the stairs to shout up, “Jules, did you bring a cat with you?”

Jules jogged down the stairs with a frown. “Sorry, it sounded like you asked me if I’d brought a cat?”

“I did,” replied Rachel, gesturing to the ginger tom, who had fallen asleep on the floor next to Ryan.

“No, I’m not a pet person.”

“Just like Ryan,” said Rachel with an amused smile. “He must have snuck in. I’ll ask around, see if anyone’s lost a cat.”

“Please do it quickly,” said Ryan, lip curled.

“What’s wrong with your face?” said Jules. “You live in the countryside in a farmhouse.”

“Yes but all the animals are outside. That I can cope with.”

“The mighty Ryan Law intimidated by a cat,” laughed Jules.

“I am not intimidated but cats defecate where they like, they scratch, they leave fur all over the place and they like to sleep on your bed.”

“They don’t defecate everywhere,” said Rachel. “Actually they’re very clean.”

“Yeah,” said Jules. “Get over yourself Ryan. Besides, he’s cute,” she said, bending down to pet the animal, whose eyes sleepily opened. “He’s alright for a cat.”

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