Duality (21 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Duality
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“Frankly, yes. I’ve done my research, I know that torture once upon a time was a part of your daily lives.”

“I beg your pardon?” said Rachel, eyes turning black.

Ashley didn’t let this deter him, although this habit of hers never failed to unnerve him. “And you,” he continued, addressing Jules. “The bounty hunter with links to the Maguires.”

“Of course I’ve got links to them, my last name’s Maguire,” she said as though he were simple. “Must have taken a lot of detective work to figure that one out.”

He chose to ignore the barb. “It’s also rumoured you work for them.”

“I don’t work for anyone now. I’m pregnant so I get six months doing nothing. Until the baby arrives, then it’ll probably be chaos.”

“The point I’m trying to make is that usually I would consider these men’s claims to be ridiculous and ignore them but in this case I’m making an exception because I don’t think their claims are as far-fetched as the rest of my men think they are.”

“I don’t believe this,” said Ryan. “Rachel and Jules were attacked, they defended themselves and you’re accusing them of being in the wrong. Are you actually serious? What do you think they should have done, stood there and let them attack them?”

“Of course not and I’m very relieved they did defend themselves. If that was all they’d done then I wouldn’t be here now but they didn’t, they took it further.” Ashley forced himself to confront Rachel’s black eyes. “Didn’t you?”

“No,” she hissed. “Those cowardly bastards got exactly what was coming to them.”

“Yeah they did,” chimed in Jules through a yawn. “They couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, which is why they only attacked women or men on their own.” The yawn turned into a grin. “It was great showing them what women are really capable of. Look, I hold my hands up, I did threaten to make one of them eat a snail.”

“A snail?” he frowned.

“Yeah, in garlic sauce.” Her look was dreamy. “Bloody beautiful. Is it dinner time yet? I’m getting hungry.”

Ashley looked to Ryan and Rachel. “I know about your vigilantism.”

This threw all three of them and they remained silent.

“You seem to think I’m some thick country bumpkin copper but I know everything that goes on around here. People who are causing trouble suddenly end up with a spell in hospital and then become model citizens. That has never happened before, not until you moved into the area.”

“It’s nothing to do with us,” said Ryan.

“Don’t treat me like an idiot,” said Ashley. “There’s no one else around here with the sheer force to do this or with the influence to get away with it.”

“We’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” countered Ryan.

“I’ll tell you what I’m talking about. You tortured those men to find out details about their gang.”

“And I say they’re lying,” said Rachel.

“No they’re not. I’ve been in this game long enough to tell when someone’s lying. They’re willing to talk to a specialist gang unit about their activities just as long as we keep them away from you.”

“So what are you saying Ashley?” said Rachel. “Do we need our lawyer?”

“No. I’ve persuaded them to keep their ridiculous story to themselves. I told them it wouldn’t do them any favours in prison, which is where they’re going to end up, we’ve been after these men for a while. I just want you to be aware that I know what you’re up to and that you need to stop.”

“If you supposedly know what we’ve allegedly been up to,” said Ryan. “Why only mention it now?”

“Because I wasn’t a hundred percent sure, not until now. This is the only friendly warning you’ll get. Stop it now.”

“Or what?” said Jules.

“You will be arrested.”

“You going to put your cuffs on me?” she purred, holding out her hands.

“Yes,” he said.

“Ooh, my kind of man. You got a big truncheon too?”

Ashley sighed. “Have you finished with your innuendoes, which I’ve heard many times before by the way.”

“I bet you have,” smiled Jules.

“If you’re trying to distract me you’re not going to succeed,” he told her before turning his attention back to Ryan and Rachel. “I can’t prove anything against you for the torture of the men in the restaurant and neither am I going to try, they deserved it. But I am warning you - stop the vigilantism. If you don’t it won’t go well for you.”

“You seem to think there’s something you can arrest us for,” said Ryan.

“I know you’re clever Ryan but one day you’ll slip up.”

“And you’ll be waiting?” he said with an amused smile.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

“I’m not. I think the whole thing’s ridiculous. You’ve been watching too many films Ashley.”

“Ryan’s right,” said Rachel. “We’ve not done anything wrong and if someone is beating up scumbags then you should be pleased. It’ll take some pressure off you.”

“So that’s the stance you’re taking, is it? You’re pleading ignorance?”

“We can’t admit to something we didn’t do,” said Ryan.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” said Ashley. “Most people would kill to lead the life you live and you’ve got three kids. This isn’t a game.”

Ryan’s gaze darkened. “No one thinks it is.”

“On your heads be it. I just want it known that when all this inevitably comes tumbling out I won’t hesitate to nick you. I don’t like vigilantes, they only make things worse.”

“Maybe people wouldn’t feel the need to become vigilantes if you lot did your jobs properly.”

“Ryan, that’s enough,” said Rachel. “I’m sorry Ashley but you’ve got this wrong. Those men were lying and we’re not vigilantes.”

Ashley’s expression was grim. “I hope you mean that Mrs Law. I’ll see myself out.”

As he turned for the door he released a cry and crashed to the floor.

“Bloody cat,” he muttered, sitting up on the floor, rubbing his shin.

Teddy sat with his nose in the air, looking extremely put out.

“Oh dear Teddy, are you okay?” said Rachel, bending down to pet him.

“Sod the cat, I could have broken my neck,” said Ashley.

“You could have damaged our cat with your big boots,” said Ryan.

“Are you alright Ashley?” Rachel asked him while Jules remained where she was on the couch, laughing.

“Fine,” he muttered, dragging himself to his feet. “I’m sure it did it on purpose,” he said, nodding at the cat.

“Teddy is a he, not an it,” said Ryan. “And he spoilt your dramatic exit.”

Ashley just gave him a withering look before limping to the door.

Ryan smiled down at the cat, who looked up at him expectantly. “Good Teddy,” he said, stroking the top of his head. “So you don’t like police either? My kind of cat.”

“Well that’s a good friend we’ve just lost,” said Rachel.

“What do you want to be friends with a copper for?” said Jules. “Good fucking riddance if you ask me. But he did have a point about the vigilantism. It might not end well for you.”

“Rachel and I have discussed it,” said Ryan. “And we’re going to carry on.”

“I knew it, adrenaline junkies. Well you’ve had plenty of warning, it’s up to you. I just hope you’ve got a good lawyer.”

“Don’t worry about us, we can look after ourselves.”

“We’ve something else to be concerned about,” said Rachel, holding up the letter she’d been reading before Ashley had interrupted. “We received this in the post this morning.”

“What is it?” said Ryan.

“An invitation to a charity event tomorrow night at the golf club, arranged by Valentine and Kirsty Halliday.”

“It’s not much notice,” said Ryan. “Leading me to believe they have something unpleasant planned.”

Rachel nodded. “You’re right, especially as the invitation includes Jules.”

“Charming,” said Jules.

“I meant they don’t know you,” said Rachel.

“I would feel much better about being there if we’ve removed the compromising footage from Valentine’s possession,” said Ryan. “Especially in light of Ashley’s visit.”

“You need a burglar and I’m your woman,” said Jules. “Don’t say not in my condition,” she added when Ryan frowned. “A bit of robbery never hurt anyone.”

“I’m quite sure that’s not true,” he said.

“There’s not much choice,” she urged when Ryan and Rachel looked at each other. “This needs doing ASAP.”

“Okay,” said Rachel. “But we’ll plan it so there’s no physical risk to you.”

“Great, sounds good,” said Jules. She yawned and stretched. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to my nap while you formulate diabolical schemes.” She curled back up on the couch, settling into the cushions. “Mmm, so comfy.” A second later she was snoring again.

“I hope Jackson knows she snores like that,” said Rachel. “Could be a deal breaker. What do you think that was about the elephant?”

“I shudder to think.”

“Ashley’s going to be watching us.”

“That doesn’t worry me in the least.” He cupped her face in his hands. “After what we’ve faced do you think he’ll be a problem?”

“Possibly. He can’t be bought.”

“But others higher up the chain of command can. I’ll ensure we have some insulation against anything he might attempt. I’ll put some feelers out.”

“Good thinking,” she said, leaning into him for a hug. Despite Ashley’s warning there was no way they were giving this up. She looked down when Teddy put himself between her and Ryan. “Looks like someone’s jealous.”

Ryan bent down to pick him up, the cat purring contentedly in his arms. “You know, I think I was wrong about Teddy. He’s a good cat.”

“You mean he can stay?”

Ryan smiled and nodded. “Just as long as he keeps tripping up coppers.”

Teddy nuzzled his face with his nose, indicating that he was more than happy to.



Brodie’s office was slap bang in the centre of the city and Mikey and Jez felt a little uncomfortable about being so exposed but they had little choice. Brodie had been smart about his choice of location and there was nowhere to hide.

Mark was driving and followed Caesar’s car to the front of the building. There was no back entrance so they were forced to park on the main road.

Rather than make a mad dash inside the building and draw attention to themselves Mikey and Jez took their time, heads down, sunglasses on. Toni took no such precaution. She had Caesar open the car door for her and she strode across the pavement in all her finery, diamonds glittering in the sunlight, revelling in the admiring glances she was receiving.

They followed her upstairs to the second floor, Toni throwing open the door.

Two men who were hunched over desks looked up, neither of whom was Brodie. Both men were younger, in their early twenties, one ginger and so pale he was almost transparent, the other an exotic-looking black man. They soon discovered both were absolutely huge when they got to their feet in greeting.

“Brodie’s no’ here,” said the ginger one hostilely.

“In that case, we’ll wait,” said Toni.

“Brodie won’t like that,” said the black man.

“You know I never care what Brodie likes Christian,” said Toni. “We’re waiting. You can try throwing us out if you like?”

“It’s pointless Chris,” said the ginger man. “Let them stay.”

“I knew you’d see sense Ross,” smiled Toni. “You know Mikey Maguire and Jez Law of course?”

Judging by the way their eyes bulged, they did.

“I’ll wait in Brodie’s office,” she added.

“That’ll only piss him off even more,” Christian called after her.

“That’s the idea my sweet,” she called back before disappearing into the office at the back of the room with Caesar.

Christian and Ross turned to look at Mikey, Jez, Mark and Shane.

“Someone going to put the kettle on then?” smiled Jez.


Brodie walked into his office with Cassandra, both pleased with a good day’s work. Their smiles soon dropped when they saw who their visitors were.

“What the fuck do you shower want?” demanded Brodie. His anger was turned on Ross and Christian, who were in the process of serving their guests with biscuits and tea. “And what do you pair of fannies think you’re doing? Why don’t you put on fucking miniskirts and give them a lap dance while you’re at it?”

Shane was unable to repress his bark of laughter.

“And what are you laughing at wee man?” Brodie demanded of him, causing Shane’s grin to fall. “Have the hard men of Manchester set up a youth employment scheme?”

“Jesus, you just can’t control that mouth of yours, can you?” said Mikey.

Brodie’s hands balled into fists. “It’s no’ my mouth you need to be worried about.”

“Take it easy Bossman,” said Cassandra.

“I’m trying but it’s difficult when fucking Mancs keep popping out at me. Get out of my office,” he bellowed at them.

The door opened and a funny little mole-like man popped his head around the door. “Could you please stop shouting? My client is trying to find his zen.”

Brodie rounded on him. “You don’t get out of here in three seconds flat I’ll zen your head right up your client’s arse.”

The mole-man sighed, indicating he’d heard that threat before. “Is it so much to ask for a bit of peace and quiet?”

“If you find any let me know, I’d love some,” said Brodie.

Cassandra was the one who took over, stepping before Brodie to speak to the mole man. “I’m sorry Roger, we’ll keep it down.”

“Thank you Miss Carlisle,” said Roger. “As always your lightest touch has the desired effect.” He scowled at Brodie. “Get yourself some help you deranged man.”

Roger quickly vanished when Brodie bellowed at him to get out.

“Wow, someone needs to switch to decaf,” commented Mikey.

Brodie’s amber eyes gleamed. “You after that fight pal?”

Mikey thought that would be the perfect thing to release the pressure inside him and his hands balled into fists. “Anytime.”

When Toni strode out of Brodie’s office he forgot all about Mikey. “What the hell were you doing in there?” He rounded on his employees again. “Did you actually let her go in there?”

“We didn’t have much choice,” replied a sheepish Christian.

“Course you had a choice. You could have grabbed her by her curly heid and thrown her out the window.”

“Think of the mess that would have left on the pavement outside the office,” said Cassandra. “It’s not fair to inflict that on the general public.”

“Perhaps you’re right hen,” he said, glare fixed on Toni. “It would be diamonds and eyeballs all over the place.”

“Oh I do love paying you a visit Brodie,” said Toni. “It’s never dull.”

“Why are you bothering me again? I’ve got a lot on.”

“You said you’d help me out with Malc.”

“This again?”

“I need your help Brodie.”

“You need help, I agree with that.”

“Malc trusts you, he’d let you lure him out.”

“Lure him out? If you think I’m going to trick that poor sod into a trap so you can kill him then you’re certainly aff your heid.”

“Now Brodie, be sensible.”

“No Toni. I don’t care whose eyes you threaten to take, I’m not fucking doing it. You’re pushing me too far. Maybe my old pals on the force would be interested to hear about what you’ve got going on?”

Toni’s eyes turned black. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh yes I would if it gets you and your bunch of saggy bawbags off my case. I’m sick of the sight of the lot of you.”

“What a shame because we so enjoy your company,” said Jez sarcastically.

“Shut it ya fucking tadger.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” said Jez with a carefree grin.

“Christ you’re annoying,” said Brodie.

“I’m guessing that’s something you hear a lot.”

“Bossman,” said Cassandra, grabbing his arm when it appeared he was actually going to make a lunge for Jez. “That’s not going to help.”

“It’ll make me feel better.”

“There is that but it would make a terrible mess of the office and we redecorated not long ago.”

“Sassy,” smiled Mark who was rather liking the look of Cassandra. “I like that.”

“Don’t bother flirting,” said Toni. “Normally Cassandra would be in the mood to respond but saying she’s unlucky in love is an understatement.”

“Shut it Antoinette,” said Cassandra coldly.

“Don’t push it sweetheart,” said Toni, equally coldly.

They all looked from Cassandra to Toni and back again, getting the feeling there was much more to it than that.

Toni turned her attention back to Brodie. “I don’t want you to lure him out to us. Actually I want to hire you.”

“Hire me?” he spluttered. “For what?”

“I want you to follow Malc, keep track of his movements, who he’s seeing, where he’s hanging out.”

“And that’s it?”

“That’s it. Just information, that’s all. I promise I’ll pay you well.”

“You can keep your dirty drug money.”

“I’ve got other things that are dirty.” she smiled.

“Like your arse?”

“That’s it,” said Caesar, pulling a gun and aiming it at Brodie. “I’m sick to death of your fucking mouth.”

“Caesar, please,” said Toni. “We’re trying to keep things civil.”

“That’s no’ possible with this prick,” he seethed.

“Put it away.”

“Do as Mummy says,” said Brodie.

“Bossman, please,” said Cassandra.

“You should listen to the ladies,” said Mikey, actually enjoying the show. “Are all Scottish men so under the thumb?”

Caesar and Brodie turned their furious gazes off each other and onto him.

“What is the point of you anyway?” said Brodie, addressing Mikey and Jez. “I thought you were here to help. Maybe if you got your fingers out of your arses you wouldn’t be here bothering me.”

Anger surged through Mikey but he kept Jez’s words in mind and forced himself to keep calm. “There are some jobs only a grunt can do. And why are you so obsessed with arses?”

“That’s it,” snapped Brodie, lunging for him.

But Cassandra, Christian and Ross pulled him back while Mikey laughed.

“Will you calm down?” Cassandra told him firmly.

Brodie sighed and held up his hands. “Alright, sorry. I’m just sick of this lot, they’re getting on my tits.”

“The sooner you do what I ask the sooner we’ll be off them,” said Toni.

Brodie’s amber eyes were ablaze with rage as they glared at her, his anger building until they all felt he was going to snap and go on the rampage. Then cunning filled those unnerving eyes, as though an idea had occurred to him and the danger dissipated. “Fine, I’ll keep an eye on Malc,” he said.

“You must allow me to give you recompense for your trouble,” said Toni.

“Damn right you will. You know what I want. John Lyons.”

“Dead or alive?”

“Well I can’t make him dead if he’s already dead, can I?”

“I was hoping to do that myself, you’re not the only one he screwed over.”

“You don’t like it find yourself another spy.”

“I’ll tolerate it, seeing how you’re the best in the city.”

“Good. Now we’ve got that sorted the lot of you can fuck off. I might get a client and I don’t want them seeing your ugly mugs.”

“Come on boys, time to go,” said Toni.

As they filed out Brodie and Mikey glared at each other, both itching for the fight they’d promised themselves they would one day have. Mark winked at Cassandra but she just stared back at him stonily, which was a disappointment.

“Who’s John Lyons?” Jez asked Toni on their way down the stairs.

“An ex-polis, like Brodie. They set up this business together when they got sick of being on the force and criminals constantly getting let off the hook. However Lyons couldn’t walk the fine line between justice and criminality that Brodie is so adept at. He started dealing for our family. With his contacts he could get us access to sources that had never been available to us before. But he got greedy and ripped us off. At the same time Brodie found out what he was up to and Lyons stabbed him, leaving him for dead.”

Mikey thought it a shame he hadn’t finished the job. “And Brodie’s after revenge?”

“As am I. It’s just a matter of who gets to Lyons first. However, now I’ve promised him and Brodie is not someone I want to get on the wrong side of. Not even my brother was stupid enough to do that.”

“Why not? He’s just a cheap PI in a crummy office.”

“That is where you’re entirely wrong,” she said coldly. “He is extremely influential in this city, plus he is entirely without fear, as you’ve no doubt realised. I’ve never known anyone with balls the size of his, metaphorically speaking of course. Unfortunately he refuses to show me his real ones. He is one hell of an ally.”

“And one hell of an enemy.”

“As long as he is useful to me he will survive, which he understands perfectly well otherwise he wouldn’t have agreed to help. Plus I so enjoy our little sparring matches, I find them incredibly exciting.” She ended this sentence with a lascivious moan that encouraged Mikey to jog on ahead, away from her.


The closer Isaac’s car got to the farmhouse near to where the Slatterys were hiding out the more nervous he got. The only reason he’d survived so long in his line of work was because of his gut instinct. He’d learnt that it worked much better than logic and had saved his life more than once. Now his gut was doing a serious jig so bad it made him feel sick.

“You car sick now?” said Marcus as he drove them along the narrow country bends.

“It’s not that,” said Isaac. “Something’s wrong. I don’t like this.”

“Why not? Finally we get the fucking Slatterys out of the way then everything will be ours.”

“It’s too easy.”

“It’s fine.”

Isaac’s gut twisted. “We’re making a mistake.”

“Will you take it easy? If we turn back now we’re going to look like a right bunch of fucking girls.”

Isaac glanced in the wing mirror at the two black cars with blacked out windows behind them holding the rest of their men. If they backed out now they’d lose face in their employees’ eyes and that could be lethal. Show any weakness and there was always someone waiting to take you out. “Too late to turn back now I suppose but we need to change tactics. No direct assault. This could be a trap.”

“Relax. They don’t even know we’re coming.”

“They might expect us to track them through their food supply. I would. Or what if the farmer couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut and told Slattery someone’s been asking questions? Maybe we’re being too predictable?”

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