Revelation of Blood

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Authors: J. L. McCoy

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Revelation of Blood
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Revelation of Blood

By: J.L. McCoy



Copyright © 2013 J.L. McCoy


All rights reserved. Without limiting the
rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the
prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above
publisher of this book.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author
acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various
products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used
without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not
authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark


Cover by: Omar Rodriguez V.



Email:[email protected]


Editing by: Virginia Cantrell

[email protected]


Interior Formatting by: Katie Salidas/Rising
Sign Books






This book was so much fun to write, but as
always, I couldn’t have done it without the support of my wonderful
readers and admins.

So much goes on behind the scenes when I’m in
the middle of a book, and sometimes it can get a little crazy,
stressful, ect. Without the help of Virginia Cantrell and Jacqui
Flanders, my Facebook admins, I’d have gone completely insane by
now. They don’t just help me run the page, they go above and beyond
every single day to help me make this series what it is. Their
ideas and feedback have been critical to Revelation of Blood (SMVS,
#5). The book quite literally couldn’t have been written without

To V and Jax: Thanks for staying up late to
brainstorm with me, the awesome suggestions, the virtual hugs, and
most importantly your friendship. There aren’t enough words…

My Alpha/Beta Team: Angel Herrera, Nichole
“Nikki” Carriere, Ashley Pitts, Anita Smith-Shields, Lee Freidman,
Virginia Cantrell, and Jacqui Flanders – Thanks for reading the
manuscript and giving me your honest feedback. Best team a writer
could ever hope for. I adore y’all!

Fans/Readers/Facebook Followers: You guys
rock my freakin’ socks on a daily. Your incredible enthusiasm for
the series is my driving force. I write harder, faster, and better
because of you. I seriously can’t thank you enough for your support
and friendship.
Please know that I couldn’t be
more grateful for each and every one of you
. *hugs!*

Bloggers: I don’t know how I got so lucky to
find a group of you that have supported and carried me since the
beginning. Your posts, features, interviews, ect. give this series
life and you help spread the word all over the world. Huge thanks
to Justine Littleton and Bex from Bex n’ Books (Fun Fact: Bex was
the very first blog to feature me! Huge thanks to her!), Cassie
Hoffman and Cynthia from Cynthia Shepp Book Reviews and Editing,
Natalie Idrogo from ~NarlyNut’s Book Lovers~, Katie Salidas from
Written in Blood, and the rest of you beautiful dolls. I’m forever
appreciative of all you do. You are the most selfless and giving
group of girls I’ve ever met and I’m so thankful for your continued

Tech Crew: Virginia Cantrell – (Editor),
Katie Salidas – (eBook/Print Formatter), Omar Rodriguez V – (Cover
Artist). Thank you for another amazing book! I couldn’t do this
without all your hard work, support, and friendship and I consider
myself truly blessed to have found each of you.

Cover Model: Kellie Albanese – Little sister
and ceramic painting partner-in-crime. Working with you is so much
fun and I want to thank you for giving life to Skye. You’re the
best and I love ya’, kid!

My Fam: Hubby, Mama, Daddy, Meme, aunt Joy
and everyone else. You fill my heart. There aren’t enough words to
convey how much you mean to me. Thank you for everything. <3

Thank you for buying this book and I hope you
enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

If I’ve left anyone out, I sincerely
apologize. All mistakes herein are mine and mine alone.



For Smelly Kellie…


Chapter One



“It’s pointless,” I huffed as I rolled my
eyes and threw my hands up in frustration. “I can’t do it! How many
more times are you going to make me try this today?”

“As many as it takes,” Hagan said stubbornly
as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a look that
plainly stated he was in this for the long haul. “Take a deep
breath and try again, Morrison.”

It had been a little over two weeks since I’d
almost died in the showdown with Amun and the first day that I was
given the green light by Archer, my boss and new boyfriend, to
begin my training again with Hagan. Hagan said he’d take it easy on
me today, since my wounds had only been completely healed for a day
or so, but his idea of taking it easy and mine were two totally
different things.

It was early Wednesday afternoon, the day
before we were set to fly to Boston for my Sacred Vow Ceremony with
Cardinal Flannigan, and we were smack in the middle of the dance
floor at The Mausoleum. Hagan had been trying to help me access my
Divine Power of teleportation for the last two hours, but it was no
use; nothing was happening.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, sir,” I sighed
and rubbed my pounding temple. My headache was steadily increasing
in intensity with each try I made. “I don’t even know how I was
able to teleport the first time. Are you sure it wasn’t just some
freak occurrence?”

“Yes, Morrison,” Hagan chuckled as he cocked
one eyebrow at me. “If it happened once, it will happen again. You
just need to tap into that part of yourself and cultivate the
ability. Keep trying.”

I shot daggers at him with my colorless eyes
and huffed unhappily as I prepared myself to start again. I ignored
his amused smirk and I closed my eyes as I tried to center myself.
Systematically, I blocked out all the sounds around me; the traffic
outside, the liquor bottles softly clinking in their boxes as the
delivery driver unloaded them into the stock room, and the sound of
Hagan’s breathing. Once everything was still, I silently willed
myself to teleport.

Okay, Skye…teleport! Shit. Nothing
happened. Okay. Well, go on. Do something! Vibrate, damn you. White
White light!
Shit. Hmm… Uh…red team go
, I
silently commanded but nothing happened, as usual.
Balls! I
think I’m broken.

“I think I’m broken, sir,” I pouted and
slumped my shoulders in defeat as I opened my eyes. “Nothing’s

I looked up to see Hagan’s face scrunched up
as if he was in pain and his shoulder’s shaking. No sooner had I
made the assessment, then he was exploding in thunderous laughter
that had him gripping his sides as his body quaked.

“Good God! You should have seen your face,
Morrison!” he guffawed as he leaned over and howled. “I thought you
were going to bust a blood vessel! Your face-”

“Dammit! It’s not funny!” I growled as I took
off one of my black Converse chucks and launched it at him.

He barely reached up in time to stop it from
hitting his head. “I assure you, kid…it was hilarious,” he hooted
and wiped at his eyes.

“Ass,” I pursed my lips unhappily and crossed
my arms over my chest. I hated being made fun of…especially when I
had a headache. “I’m trying here!”

“I know, I know,” Hagan breathed, holding my
chuck up in surrender as his other hand gripped his side. His
laughter slowly died down and he tossed my shoe back to me.

Ifreann na Fola
. I haven’t laughed that hard in at least a

“Glad I could amuse you,” I sarcastically
puffed out as I put my shoe back on. “I’m taking five. I need a
damn drink. My head is killing me.”

“I bet it is, with all the facial
calisthenics you were doing,” Hagan started to chuckle again and I
scowled as I passed him on my way to the bar.

“Not another word or you’ll be pulling my
shoe from your handsome Irish arse next time.”

He made a zipping motion across his lips with
his fingers as his eyes danced with silent laughter. I couldn’t
help the slight twitch in my lip as I fought a tiny smile of my

Hagan and I had bonded quite a bit over the
past few weeks. I was forever grateful to him for standing up for
me and saving me when Ruarc and his army wanted to kill me when I
first awoke to this new life. After Amun was captured, Ruarc had
given him the unprecedented choice of returning to Ireland with him
and his brethren or staying in Austin, Texas to continue training
me. I have to admit I was pretty shocked when he told me he had
decided to stay, but I was also glad. I had really grown to like
Hagan. Pádraig had also decided to stay with us, but the decision
caused a bit of strife between him and Ruarc. Turns out, you can’t
just quit the army; once you’re in, you’re in until the final
death. But Ruarc and Pádraig must have worked out some sort of deal
because he was living in Archer’s house and bunking with his
boyfriend, and my vampire best friend, Trey for the time being.
Archer happily found a spot for Pádraig working at The Mausoleum
bouncing the first floor and helping us handle the occasional rowdy

Walking behind the bar, I grabbed a bottle of
Merlot from the shelf and poured Hagan and me a tall glass.

“Why do you think I’m having such a hard time
accessing my Divine Power?” I asked Hagan as I took a seat next to
him on the barstool. “The Empath thing is easy for me; I just feel
it. It’s the same with the Telekinesis; I just point or motion to
the object I want to move and it does. Why is teleportation giving
me an issue? I thought this Divine Power stuff was supposed to be

Hagan took a long sip from his glass and then
licked his top lip appreciatively. “It normally is. I have a
feeling you might be overthinking things, though. If we can’t get
you to teleport on your own, I fear our next option is to recreate
the events which caused you to teleport in the first place.”

I started choking on my wine and hurriedly
set the glass down on the bar as I grabbed a napkin to wipe my
mouth. “Recreate the events?!” I screeched, my eyes wide with fear.
“You can’t be serious! That requires the Sword of Saint Patrick and
probable death! Thanks but no thanks, dude. I’m not going through
that shit again. I’ll gladly live out the rest of my immortal life
and contend with having a stunted Divine Power. Nothing is worth
going through all that again.”

“No, Morrison,” Hagan rolled his eyes. “I’m
not talking about using the Sword of Saint Patrick. I’m not that
reckless. I’m talking about a battle; attacking and injuring you
enough where we will push you to your ultimate limits again.
Hopefully we can trigger the shift and you can lock on to that part
of you that allows you to do it.”

“Okay, so you don’t want to kill me, you just
want to mess me up pretty good,” I nodded my head sarcastically
then scoffed. “I don’t think so, big man. I’m not too keen on the
idea of pain at the moment, seeing as how I just spent two weeks in
nothing but.”

“Lose the sarcasm, princess,” he rolled his
eyes as he set his drink down on the expensive Italian marble bar

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