Dual Assassins (8 page)

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Authors: Edward Vogler

Tags: #FICTION / Espionage

BOOK: Dual Assassins
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“Yes,” and he draped the cape over her shoulders.


“When you—”

“Flight is now boarding,” came the announcement and she rushed off to follow the men onto the plane wearing her cape.

She was seated three rows behind Henderson who sat with two of his assistants. It wasn’t long before the engines started and after a long taxi, the plane became airborne.

The speaker system crackled to life, “Welcome aboard, everybody. Our first stop will be in Seattle and then another stop before arriving in Tokyo where we will layover before we fly to Seoul the following morning. This will be a long trip so sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.”

Two days on an airplane would be the worst part of this entire assignment. Of course she’d see Jim again after those two days as well. She smiled when she thought of Jim and she removed her cape. She began examining it and found a small semi-automatic pistol in a modified holster fastened on the left inside pocket. It was loaded with a full clip. Vertically next to the left front seam was a narrow dagger with only a short handle showing. There was a small inside right pocket which contained a coiled piano wire with a small metal handle on each end. Hemphill knew to think of everything. She curled up in her seat to gain some much-needed sleep.

Chapter Eighteen

Jim stood outside
the main door of the Bando Hotel. At precisely 6:00 P.M., a car drove up in front. Kim exited the rear of the car and stood next to the open door and with a grin, waved at Jim to join him. Jim approached Kim and shook his hand, then Jim slid into the rear seat. Jim looked at the Asian driver but the driver didn’t acknowledge his presence. The left rear door opened and Kim slid in and closed the door. The car immediately pulled away.

“So nice you have time to visit this wonderful city,” said Kim.

“Where are we going?” asked Jim.

“We will be visiting several gates of the Gyeongbokgung Palace; the first one was originally built with over seven thousand rooms. It was nearly reduced to ashes in the fifteen hundreds. It was once the royal palace. Although slowly being rebuilt, it is still somewhat damaged today.”

After visiting two of the eight famous gates, they drove to the Geunjeongjeon.

“This is the Imperial Throne Hall,” said Kim. “It’s where South Korea became a Republic in nineteen forty-eight. After they spent a few hours touring some history in Seoul, they ended up at the Palace Hotel.

“We have nice dinner here.”

They walked into the building and into the dining room, then into a small adjacent room that contained one table with two place settings and two chairs. The flickering candlelight reflected the magnificent red and gold tapestries that hung from the walls.

Jim continued to scan the room and said, “This is a beautiful place. You wouldn’t know it from the outside.”

“Yes, this is old but beautiful place and it’s where I stay. The rooms are just as nice.”

They enjoyed their meal while conversing about many subjects although Kim’s focus seemed to be centered on the United States.

“What kind of work do you do, Mr. Wilson?”

“I work at S & S Engineering,” replied Jim.

“Where secret work takes place too, I understand.”

Jim stopped eating and returned his chopsticks to his plate. He shot a look at Kim as his eyes narrowed.

“No, no,” said Kim. “I don’t want any secrets. No,” said Kim. “But we could do some business together.”

When they finished their meal, the table was cleared by waiters wearing short white jackets. A woman entered the room wearing a sheer tight-fitting gold dress decorated with small black embroidered dragons. The dress emphasized every curve of her body and left nothing to the imagination. She carried a bottle in one hand and two stemmed glasses in the other. Jim was mesmerized by her entrance and watched every step she took. She placed a stemmed glass in front of each man and poured white wine from the bottle into their glasses.

She placed the bottle on the table and walked behind Jim. Placing her hands on his shoulder she leaned over next to his face. Jim inhaled her sweet fragrance as she whispered, “Sunbae, if there is anything else you would like, just let me know. It’s all available.” She then kissed him gently on his cheek and stood up. Jim watched her every movement as she sashayed to the end of the room until she disappeared through the doorway.

“Pretty lady,” said Jim. When he turned he caught sight of Kim grinning.

“Jim, we could do business together…yes, you and me. Let’s just get to the point. I know where you work and the activity on your second floor.”

Jim jerked his head back, and shot Kim a look. “Like what?”

“You make weapons…I know. There’s not much about your company that I don’t know.”

“What do you have in mind?” asked Jim as he got a fluttery feeling in his belly. He had to think and think fast. He wasn’t prepared for such a brash statement.

Kim reached into his pocket and pulled out a short stack of U.S. $100 dollar bills and placed them in the middle of the table.

Jim stared at the bills and said, “I won’t betray my country, if that’s what you want me to do.”

Kim took out four more stacks of bills and placed them on the table next to the first one. He then looked up, “I’m not asking you to betray your country. I would never ask you to do that. But here is five thousand in cash. That is a lot of money in nineteen fifty. All I want you to do is open the communications between you and me. That’s all I ask.”

“What do you mean?” inquired Jim.

“Well, you know. Once you’re back in the States, I just want to keep our communications open. That’s all…no more.”

Jim eyed the bills on the table. So he needed to keep in contact with Kim, but this could be treasonous.

“What is it specifically that you want me to do?”

“Just keep me informed of your progress....that’s all.” Kim reached out and pushed the five stacks of bills toward Jim. “Remember, I already know what you’re building. It’s not much of a secret anyway.”

“Okay, I can live with that,” said Jim. He scooped up the bills and put them in his coat side pockets. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

“Nothing now, I’ll be in contact with you later after you are home.”

“I can do that,” said Jim with a smile.

“Now it is time for a relaxing nightcap.” He turned toward the doorway and called out, “Chung Su-Young,” The beautiful woman returned in her golden dress and Jim observed every bounce with each step. Kim spoke in Korean and Chung Su-Yung smiled. She leaned down and held Jim’s arm, assisting him to his feet.

Kim remained seated at the table. “Jim, when you are ready to leave, my driver will be waiting outside to drive you. Have a pleasant evening.” He smiled and raised his wineglass in toast to Jim. Yung held onto Jim’s arm and they walked together out of the room. They rode the elevator to the third floor and proceeded to room 302. Yung unlocked and opened the door and they entered the room. Several candles were lit which illuminated the huge round bed with silk linens which took up most of the room with a sheer white canopy hanging from the ceiling and draped over its side. Soft music filled the room while Jim took in the scent of incense.

“Let me help you with your coat,” Yung said as she helped to remove Jim’s coat, then carried it to the closet and placed the coat on a hanger. She returned to Jim, “You need to make yourself comfortable,” as she pointed to the bathroom. “I’ll pour us some more wine.”

Jim entered the bathroom and closed the door. What the hell should he do now?
He splashed some water on his face, then flushed the toilet. Jim felt trapped and his mind raced through different options.

He rewashed his face and hands before he opened the bathroom door. He gasped when he entered the large room and saw Yung wearing only an open front chiffon jacket that stopped at her waist.

Jim felt his heart pounding in his chest, but stood frozen with eyes wide as he admired every inch of Yung’s young flawless body. Jim’s smile went stiff in an effort not to lose it. His feet refused to budge as Yung approached him.

She clutched his forearms and pulled them around her waist. She reached up to unbutton Jim’s top button on his shirt. He felt her silky smooth body and inhaled her perfume as she smiled and looked into his eyes. “I thought you were going to freshen up for me.”

“Uh…this is all very nice but…uh …but my stomach is not used to the Korean food and I fear I have started a bout with diarrhea. This is really bad timing. Can we get together some other time?”

“Oh sorry, yes of course.”

“Where’s Kim’s room?”

Yung pointed to the wall and said, “In the next room.”

Jim walked to the closet and retrieved and slipped on his coat. His forehead was wet with perspiration, not from the supposed diarrhea but from his nerves, but it made a good cover.

They walked to the door and Yung rose on her tiptoes wrapped one arm around Jim’s neck and kissed him. Her other hand found its way to his crotch and gently squeezed. “Come back when you can, I want to see you…okay?”

“Yes, of course. We’ll have a good time.” He exited the room and she closed the door behind him. He rushed to Kim’s room next door and softly knocked. When no one answered, he studied the door lock and reached into his inside pocket and withdrew a Lock Pick set. He pulled out two instruments and within a few seconds, the door was unlocked.

He opened the door and entered the room, closed the door behind him, and quickly check out the room. A briefcase sat on the desktop and he raised the unlocked lid and saw a Russian passport. He opened the passport and saw Kim’s photo and name inside.

He’d thought he was a Korean or maybe Chinese, but never expected him to be Russian. He replaced the passport in the briefcase and closed the lid. He began to cross the floor to the door when the interior door between the two rooms opened and in walked Yung.

“What are you doing here, Mr. Jim?”

Jim turned to Yung and cringed, “I wanted to apologize to Kim about me leaving early. I knocked on his door which was unlocked. I pushed it and it opened so I walked inside.”

Yung wearing a full thick robe stood with both hands on her hips, “Kim not like this. He not be happy.”

“What will it take for you
to tell Kim that I was in his room? That would be very embarrassing.”

She slowly walked toward Jim, looked up and said, “I have to tell him.”

Jim reached into his pocket and withdrew five stacks of $100 bills. “Here is five thousand U.S. dollars. Would that be enough not to tell him,” He cradled the money in two hands and extended his arm forward to Yung.

Yung raised her eyebrows but remained focused on the money. “Five thousand…American?” she said.

“Yes, all yours if you forget that I was ever here.”

She took the money and began to flip through the bills. She raised her head and stared at Jim. “Okay, you leave now. But when you return, you bring me more money.”

“I agree,” and Yung walked to the door and flung it open. Jim rushed to the waiting car in front of the hotel.

Chapter Nineteen

The day of
Henderson’s scheduled meeting finally arrived and Denny had not yet reported for work. When Jim noticed Nickerson still in the embassy talking with his partner, he decided to hightail out to the new, undisclosed meeting place without waiting for Denny. He emerged from the embassy and took the elevator to the first floor. He exited the elevator, then the rear doors of the hotel into the parking lot. The pavement was already wet. Thunder rumbled in the distance as dark clouds were rolling in fast for another round of rain. A mist was in the air and Jim shivered. He kept his .9mm pistol in his belt under his jacket and a small semi-auto pistol in his ankle holster. He drove to the new meeting location and parked the car a half block away. As he approached the building, two uniformed Korean guards with rifles at their sides talked and laughed while they stood at the front door.

Jim walked around the corner and down a side street and doubled back to the rear of the building. He approached the building and when he rose to the balls of his feet, he was able to peer through the windows. The rooms were empty and dark since the interior lights were off. The darkness of a gloomy day didn’t help either.

Jim found one unlocked window. He picked up an empty box lying in the yard and carried it to the window. He stood on the box, raised the window and climbed inside, carefully closing the window behind him. He tiptoed to the large room which was open to the second floor and was bordered by a wooden railing. The rooms were located on the outside wall. He walked to the small front room where he previously stood and listened to Nickerson talk with his partner.

Jim walked to the far end of the room and entered a louvered door storage closet. Several shelves contained dust covered paper products. He turned around and closed the door behind him. Peeking through the louvers he could view the small room and the foyer and a portion of the front doors. He heard some Korean voices but didn’t see anyone. Some men were definitely in the building. Muffling a sneeze caused by the dust and old paper, he suddenly heard English speaking voices. Jim squinted through the slats and saw Nickerson and his partner enter the front door and enter the large room beyond.

That’s it, this was definitely Henderson’s meeting place. Jim opened the door and walked through the small room toward the front door. Nickerson spun around and saw Jim walking in his direction.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” snapped Nickerson in a raised voice.

“I just came here to help…that’s all,” answered Jim.

“How did you find out about this place? It’s classified.”

“Are you kidding? Heck, Bill, half of the city knows about this place.”

“I told you I didn’t need any help. What don’t you understand about that?”

“I’m just doing my job, that’s all…no more and no less.”

Nickerson’s jaw clenched and he studied Jim coldly for a few seconds, then said, “Well, you’re here, you might as well stay. Just keep out of my way. Can you do that?”

“Sure, no problem.”

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