Dual Assassins (13 page)

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Authors: Edward Vogler

Tags: #FICTION / Espionage

BOOK: Dual Assassins
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Jim stared at Duffy’s head, which was face down in the toilet bowl. The water was streaked in red. His hair was floating on the water’s surface like the tentacles of an octopus.

This son-of-a-bitch tried to end his marriage with Reanna. It would take someone a lot stronger than him to do that.

Jim grabbed the ‘Out of Order’ sign that was taped on the adjacent stall door, and placed it on the stall door now occupied by Duffy. Jim removed his suit coat as he crossed the floor to the wash basins. He rolled up his sleeves and with a head that was pounding, began to wash his face and hands. He looked up and saw his face in the mirror. He had another swollen eye and blood oozed from his split lip. He splashed water on his face and patted it dry with a paper towel.

He flung his jacket over his shoulder and exited the restroom. Several guests stopped talking as they saw Jim’s swollen face. He wound his way through the various tables until reaching his own. He placed his folded jacket with wet sleeves over the back of his chair and sat down. Mr. and Mrs. Kiefer had already left and the conversation between MacDonald and Reanna came to an abrupt stop. Jim saw the frightful look on Reanna’s face. She shot to her feet to assist him, but he raised his hand and waved her off. She sat back down but in her eyes a storm was brewing. MacDonald eyeballed Jim, then got to his feet and proceeded to the restroom.

“Are you okay, hon?” asked Reanna. “What happened?”

“Other than a bit of a headache, I’m fine. And in case you’re still wondering which FBI Agent was the imposter, I can now tell you it was Dan Duffy.”

“Duffy?” Reanna responded in a raised voice. “I’m going to grill him! Is he still in the restroom?” she asked as she began to rise to her feet again.

“Sit down, hon.” Jim gently tugged at her arm and she sat back down.

Reanna looked at Jim and asked, “Is he…?”

“Yep, his talking days are over. And I guess you can say our mission is finally complete as well.”

Reanna gently wrapped her arms around Jim’s neck and gave him a special hug and kiss. “Thank goodness it’s finally over. Welcome home, sailor.”


Jim returned to
S & S Engineering and continued with his work as director of research and development. He also became more involved with the second floor activities. Reanna resumed her duties as the surgical nursing supervisor at the hospital.

A few weeks later, when Reanna returned home from work, Jim met her at the front door holding two stemmed glasses of her favorite white wine.

“Welcome home, sweetheart,” he said. Without any words, they both raised their glasses in a quiet toast and let the wine trickle over their lips. They crossed the living room floor and sat on the sofa.

“Okay honey,” said Reanna. “What’s going on?” They both set their glasses onto the coffee table.

Jim twisted toward Reanna, reached for her and held her hands. He gazed into her eyes, then brought her hands to his lips and gently kissed them.

Jim lowered her hands down to his lap and uttered, “Uh…”

“What is it, Jim?”

“MacDonald called me today. He’ll be here in two days and he wants to talk with both of us.”

Reanna slouched and looked at Jim, “Does that mean…?”

Look for Moscow Madness, a Dual Assassins’ sequel to be released in 2016, and find out what Mac presented at the meeting. Follow Jim and Reanna as their adventures continue in another international spy thriller. Is there another undetected mole?

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