Dual Assassins (7 page)

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Authors: Edward Vogler

Tags: #FICTION / Espionage

BOOK: Dual Assassins
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“I don’t know for sure. He seems adept at hiding his true feelings. We plan on traveling back into the city tomorrow. Maybe we can also find out more if we cross the border.”

Rich flinched, “Cross the border, are you nuts?”

“Not at all, that should be easy. We’re only about twenty miles from the border. We can easily accomplish that in one day.”

Rich shook his head, “That’s too dangerous. Are you losing track of why you’re here? Or are you losing your mind?” Both men sat in silence as they sipped their coffee. Then Rich turned to Jim and said in a low voice, “If you go, I can’t have any knowledge of that…I don’t know a thing. You’ll be on your own, Jim.”

“Hey, whatever it takes, right?” responded Jim with a smile.

“I’ve heard you’ve become some type of hotshot, but I don’t know if you’re gutsy or just plain stupid. If you go, make sure you take Denny. Maybe he’ll keep you out of trouble,” then Rich shrugged and mumbled, “whatever.”

Through the doorway, Jim observed Bill Nickerson leaving the embassy with one of his men.

“Rich, I’ve got to go,” said Jim and jumped up from his chair. “We’ll continue this later.”

Jim left the office and pushed the down button on the second elevator. When he reached the first floor, he ran out the rear door to the parking lot and observed Nickerson and his partner leaving in an embassy car. Jim ran to an unmarked embassy car, got in and drove out of the lot. He spotted Nickerson’s car nearly a block away and he followed them from a safe distance. The city was still bustling with car and pedestrian traffic. Thousands of people were walking the streets. Women carried heavy loads on their backs, while others continued to sell their wares from wooden trays next to the buildings. Some men wore sport coats while most men and women wore long bulky coats that fell well below their knees, allowing their thick puffy white pants to show down to their shoes. Horses or oxen were pulling heavily loaded carts while the cars carefully negotiated their way through the streets. The bright lights of the many bars and clubs were already lit, which seemed to be calling for the night’s trade.

When Nickerson’s car stopped in front of a building, Jim pulled his car over, got out and followed them on foot.

The two men entered the white two-story building. Jim walked across the street from that building. When the lights were turned on and shone through the second floor windows, Jim dashed to the front door and entered the building. There was a large room with a wooden planked floor which was open to the second floor. Several small tables were butted together to form a large temporary conference table. Folding chairs lined both sides of the table. Jim quickly proceeded into an adjoining small room which was still dark. He stood just inside the double archway.

“This is where you’ll position yourself,” said Nickerson as he spoke to his partner from the second floor. “You can cover the first floor through the open railing. I’ll be on the other side. We’ll have him covered from both sides. And with the two guards on the first floor, we’ll be able to keep Henderson safe.”

When Jim saw the lights on the second floor flick off which also darkened the large first floor room, he bolted out through the lit vestibule and dashed to his car. He then returned to the embassy.

He couldn’t believe Nickerson had changed the meeting location and kept it to himself. Did Palmer know but decide to keep it from him? How could he keep Henderson safe if he didn’t know what was going on?

Chapter Sixteen

Reanna looked up
when she heard footsteps echoing in the hallway. When the policeman came into view, he walked directly to her cell and with a ring of rattling keys, unlocked and swung open the door.

The young officer said, “Maam, come with me please.”

The officer held Reanna’s arm as they walked down the hallway. She was surprised by his youth.

She could take this young guy. She knew she could…but should she?

The officer said, “I understand you want to make another telephone call. You can do that now.”

“Thank you.” They proceeded to the interview room. She sat at the table where the black telephone was placed. The officer turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. Reanna picked up the receiver and placed a collect call to Mac’s private number.


“Is that you, Mac?”

“No, who is this?”

Reanna squinted and puckered her lips as she searched for the right words, then said, “This is Lady Bell, I need help.”

After a slight pause, another voice crackled in the phone, “What can we do for you?”

“I’m being detained in the St. Louis Police Department and it’s imperative that I see Uncle Ted immediately.”

“Understood, Reanna. We’ll send Carl to you now and will work out the problem with the LEOs.”

Reanna slumped down in her chair with relief, calmly and smoothly said, “Thanks.”

“Not a problem. Arrangements have been made for you to travel to H.Q. this afternoon.”

“That’s a day early, isn’t it?”

“We’ll discuss that here tomorrow morning. Carl will have your travel itinerary along with your hotel reservation for tonight.”

“How’s Jim.”

“He’s doing fine.”

“And Mac?”

“He’s up and about already. He should be released from the hospital tomorrow. We’ll have you out of there before you know it, sit tight.”

“Thanks, I—” and the phone clicked.

Less than an hour later, she heard multiple footsteps. Reanna snapped her head up and observed Carl Johnson as he strode down the hallway. He was accompanied by a police captain and another man wearing a black suit.

The police captain opened the door and said, “You’re free to go, ma’am,” then turned and disappeared down the hall.

“It sure is nice seeing you, Carl.”

“I can imagine,” he responded. “Reanna, this is Leo Cretelli, FBI.”

Reanna stopped in her tracks and with a wavering smile said, “Uh…may I see your creds, sir?”

“Reanna, I know Leo, he’s okay.”

“That’s okay,” said Cretelli and he held up his credentials at eye level.

Reanna reached out and gripped Cretelli’s wrist and drew it toward her. She examined his I.D. and badge then let go of his wrist. “Thank you, Agent Cretelli.” She then turned to Carl, “Sorry, Carl,” as they resumed walking toward the office.

Reanna focused on Agent Cretelli and asked, “Do you know the FBI Agent Richard Ports?”

“No,” answered Cretelli, “do you know him?”

“No, I only met him once. Then do you know an FBI Agent Daniel Duffy?”

“No, I’ve never heard of him either. Where does he work?”

“Uh…I don’t know. I just recently heard of his name.” They approached the main doors.

She still didn’t know which one was the spy...or maybe both. She’d never forget either face

“Isn’t there something for me to sign?” asked Reanna.

Cretelli grinned and looked at Reanna, then Carl, then back at Reanna. “I don’t really know what’s going on here, but we will be processing the paperwork. Also, all references to Reanna Wilson and Yana Dolinsky will be expunged from all records. It will be as if you never walked through these doors.”

“Great,” said Reanna with a sigh. Carl and Reanna exited the building while the FBI agent stayed behind.

They got in Carl’s car and pulled out of the parking lot.

“This feels good,” said Reanna.

“I can understand that. We’ll head straight for your house. You need to get ready for your trip. You don’t have much time.”

“Yes, it’s a good thing I’m already packed. All I need to do is take a quick shower and change clothes and I’ll be ready. I can always catch some sleep on the plane.”

While Carl was driving, he slowly shook his head. “I may be attached to the agency, but I’m no agent. I just run S & S Engineering and the upstairs operation. I don’t know how you and Jim can do all of this stuff.”

Reanna grinned. Yeah, sometimes she wondered herself.

As the car pulled up in front of the house Carl said, “You go get yourself ready. I’ll wait for you here in the car.”

Reanna opened the car door and darted to her front door. She showered and dressed without any wasted movement. She called to mind when her life was simpler. She visualized her wonderful wedding to Jim on Waikiki Beach. But she quickly returned to the moment. She needed clarity and would have better focus if she remained in the present. With suitcase in hand, she exited the house, locked the door and hurried to the car. She opened the rear door and flipped her suitcase onto the rear seat. After closing the door, she climbed into the passenger seat, closed the door and turned toward Carl.

“Okay, Carl, I’m ready. Sorry I took so long.”

Carl didn’t respond, but remained sitting upright in the seat. “Come on Carl, let’s go,” and she gently poked him on the upper arm with two fingers. Carl didn’t respond, he just slumped forward hitting his head on the steering wheel and remained in that position. Reanna immediately spun around in her seat, looking for anyone else but the street was empty. Reanna thrust her fingers to his neck and felt his pulse at his carotid and eased him back to an upright position. Again she looked around and the street was still empty. She exited the car and sprinted up the front steps and into the house.

She dialed the ambulance service. “Come quick, someone’s been hurt. Yes, that’s right.”

“At Dory and Kossuth…hurry.”


She then dialed Mac’s number. She quickly informed the person of what just took place.

“We’ll have the police there for you as soon as possible. Are you ready to travel?”

“Yes, but hurry, Carl’s hurt.” Then she heard a click and she replaced the handset on the telephone base and ran back out to the car.

When she got in the car, Carl turned and said, “Uh… what happened?”

Reanna knelt on the seat and reached for his head as a few drops of blood trickled down and coated his gray hair. “You’ve been shot. You’re one lucky man. The bullet just grazed your head.”

“Are you sure?” He felt his head, then brought his hand down and noticed blood on his fingers.

Reanna twisted around in the car and spotted a bullet hole in the back seat. She had seen many of those over the years. “Yep, you’re one lucky man alright.” A siren sounded and increased in volume, she spotted the flashing lights racing down the street. The ambulance stopped next to the car.

“You’ll be alright, Carl,” said Reanna. “I’ve seen this a dozen times, it’s just a graze.”

“Maybe so, but all I want to do is run a company. I don’t want this kind of stuff…not me.”

Reanna grinned and exited the car as the ambulance attendants opened the driver’s door and began to examine Carl.

As soon as the ambulance left with Carl, a police car pulled up and two police detectives whisked Reanna away to the airport.

Soon she was fast asleep on a military aircraft headed for Washington, D.C.

Chapter Seventeen

Reanna was met
at the airport and driven to H.Q. on E Street. When the car pulled up in front of the CIA building, the driver said, “Miss, you may leave your bag here in the car. I’ll wait for you here.”

“And why is that?” asked Reanna.

“I’ve been instructed to drive you directly to the airport as soon as you come out.”

“Okay, thanks.” Reanna exited the car and headed for the large double doors of the facility. After she signed in, she was escorted to a conference room where Bruce Hemphill sat at the end of a long table. He stood up when Reanna walked through the doorway.

Reanna smiled and said, “Hello admiral.”

“Reanna, it’s been a long time. Come on in and sit down. We don’t have much time.”

“Okay,” she said and sat down at the conference table.

She focused on Hemphill when he spoke. “First of all, please remember to call me Bruce and not admiral.”

“Sorry, I forgot Bruce. It’s been awhile as you say.”

“Your mission has changed somewhat. Henderson will be leaving this afternoon and you’ll be on the plane with him. Henderson knows about you but he doesn’t want you with him. However, it took a conversation with his boss before he agreed you could accompany him. The secretary himself had to convince Henderson that you would prove valuable in his ensured safety. You’ll be traveling as his administrative assistant. Don’t let him out of your sight.”

“Okay, that’s not a problem.”

“You’ll be traveling out of Andrews Air Force base and when you arrive, go to the operations office. That’s where you’ll meet Henderson. He may be a little grumpy, but he’s expecting you.”

“Not a problem, sir.”

“I had a special cape made just for you. A man will give you the cape at the operations center at Andrews. You’ll understand more about that later. It’s imperative you get it and wear it before you board the aircraft.”

“Okay, I will.”

“Any questions?”

“Yes, how’s Jim? Have you heard from him?”

“He’s doing well…no problem. He’s right on target. You better go now. The plane will be leaving soon. Good luck to you.”

Reanna thanked Bruce and shook his hand. She exited the building and was driven to Andrews.

“I’ll make sure your bag gets on the plane, ma’am,” said the driver.

“Thank you.” She exited the car and walked into the operation center. There were several men talking in the center of the room in the midst of a heavy layer of cigar smoke. They stopped talking as soon as Reanna approached them and they stared at her.

“Mr. Henderson?” said Reanna as she reached out her hand for a handshake.

Henderson frowned and grabbed her hand, giving it one big shake, then said, “Are you sure you want to go, Miss Dolinsky?”

“Yes sir…orders sir.”

“Listen here, Missy. Don’t bother me or get in my way. South Korea is our ally. There’s not much of a need for you. Just stay out of my way, do you understand?”

“Yes sir, completely.”

“Good, see you in Seoul.”

What a wonderful trip this was going to be! She turned and walked to another man who stood next to an office doorway holding a gray cape.

“This must be for me,” she said as she approached the gentleman.

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