Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2)
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Chapter Thirteen

Laila woke to a damn bird singing in a damn tree. The dark night had just started to turn gray. Not light enough to see any distance but, light enough to know the night was coming to an end.

If the bird didn’t stop singing soon and let her get back to sleep, she was going to get up and hunt it down, and then, wring its’ damn little neck.

She scrunched in closer to Flint. The man was warm, comfortable, and about as sweet to sleep next to as anything in this world.

Even if it meant the hard ground for a bed and a log for his pillow. That was acceptable if it meant she got to cuddle up next to him. He might not want her. He might be perfectly willing to hand her off to some toad of a prince. But, the man was warm.

He snored gently, his chest rising and falling with each breath. She smiled to herself as she listened to his heart beat. Strong and powerful in his chest. Like a mighty beast.

Why couldn’t it be like this forever?

The previous day’s events began to play out in her mind as she fought to tune out the bird. The dress, the party, the Prince. All of it flashed through her mind. The tingle in her hand when she slapped the Prince. The sight of Flint’s shoulders and strong back when he changed in her hovel.

Everything was right there. Fighting for her attention.

She thought of them running through the city. Of the walk through the dark fields, hand in hand. All of it was there. But, none of it mattered. Not even the fact they were being chased into the wilderness. No, nothing mattered. What was important was that she didn’t have to marry a fat prince, and she got to sleep in Flint’s arms one more time.

Smiling to herself, she thought of their night together. The night before the party where she had waited for him. Of being carried up the stairs to his room.

A flush of sensations traveled through her. Gritting her teeth, she had to fight the growing feeling as she tried to ignore the passion building inside of her.


He smelled of pine and leather. His own unique aroma. All man. He felt hard and solid under her head. His arm was wrapped around her waist holding her close and secure.

Oh, how she wanted him one more time. Her insides grew alive as she imagined him waking and taking her right there.

But how? she wondered. How could she make him?

Not for the first time, she regretted her lack of experience. Lady Emily would know. She would have Flint awake and wrapped around her little finger.

Laila, she thought, you can do this. You are a woman, he is a man.

Biting her lip, she allowed her hand to slowly travel down his hard stomach.

He grumbled in his sleep but didn’t waken.

Her heart raced, and her breath quickened as she gathered her courage to gently slide her hand into his pants.

A gleeful sense of wantonness passed through her. She held her breath unless he waken, but the man didn’t stir. He was out to the world. So much for the watchful warrior, she thought as her hand slid over his maleness.

He began to grow hard as soon as her hand wrapped around him. She marveled at the soft, velvety feel of his skin. Everything about this man was hard steel and sharp angles. Yet here, at his most intimate, there was soft skin over a rock hard shaft.

Swallowing with a big gulp, she began to explore along his length. Her fingers touching and feeling every ridge.

She continued to rest her head on his chest as she explored. Her heart beating faster as her insides grew wet with need. A part of her feared he would wake and find her doing this to him. Yet, another part wanted to shake him awake and demand that he take her immediately.

Leaving his manhood, she removed her hand to unbutton his trousers. She gasped as he sprang free from his pants. Long, thick, pointing to the sky. Demanding attention.

She once again began to run her hand over him. Listening for any change in his breathing.

He shifted and moaned in his sleep. Laila smiled to herself as her hands drifted lower to cup his balls. She fondled them gently. Learning, sensing. Discovering everything about him.

Squeezing her legs together she tried to control the burning need growing inside of her. The sight of him in her hand did something to her insides. Made her want him even more.

Maybe? If she was careful? The thought brought a smile to her face as she gently wormed her way out from under his arm. Being careful not to stop caressing him, she rose and straddled him. Her knees resting on either side of his hips.

Was she really going to do this? Take what she needed? Yes, her body screamed at her. Do it.

Glancing at him one more time, she confirmed that he was still asleep. Laila licked her lips and closed her eyes so that she could concentrate. Pushing aside her undergarments, she positioned him, holding herself above him, ready.

Her wet opening craved him. Slowly, she lowered herself. Letting him fill her to a beautiful fullness. Spreading her, rubbing against her very core.

Yes, she thought as she took him. All of him, inside of her. He was hers, and she was his.

Smiling to herself, she looked down at him and squeaked. He was awake. Smiling back up at her.

“I wondered how long it would take you,” he said with that cocky grin of his.

“You ba …” she began to say when he thrust up into her. Lifting her.

“…stard,” she moaned. Oh the feeling of pure physical pleasure that washed through her removed all other thoughts. All she could feel was him inside of her, filling her, stretching her to the fullest.

His hands wrapped around her waist and held her in place as he began to thrust up into her. Over, and over, each time lifting her. She quickly began to match his rhythm. Rocking forward with each thrust. Rubbing her most sensitive spot again him every time.

“Oh Flint,” she moaned as he grew faster and faster.

“Yessss, there, right there.” He had found the spot.

“Laila,” he said, as he thrust up into her one last time, his hands locking her in place. “Yessss,” he exclaimed, as he exploded into her.

The pulsing warmth pushed her over the edge and into oblivion. The world for Laila exploded into a million lights, each of them a different color, as she continued to ride him. Milking him for every last bit of pleasure.

At last, she could take no more. Collapsing onto him she buried her head on his chest. Listening to his mighty heart pound inside of him, matching her own heart, beat for beat.

What had she done? This man didn’t want her. He might want her body. But, not her. Would he be upset at her?

Before she could ask him, though, his long arms wrapped around her and pulled her in tight. A sense of security and oneness washed over her. He was pleased with her, very pleased.

Sighing, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep again. Resting on Flint’s mighty chest. The most perfect place to sleep.

Her last thoughts, as she slowly sank into slumber, was to regret that she didn’t have a small piece of bread to feed that damn bird. He most definitely deserved it.


The noon day sun warmed her shoulders. Laila couldn’t stop frowning as they walked down the dirt road. Neither of them talking. Each lost in their own world.

The feelings she had for this man were overwhelming her. The pure strength of it terrified her. All she could think about was him. She wondered what he thought. Wondered if he would once again try to find her a prince.

It was obvious he had no desire to explore this attraction between them. Nothing beyond the pure physical. He wouldn’t share anything about himself. He never told her what he thought about her. It was like talking to a brick wall.

No. For dear Golden Boy, it was all a fun adventure. Good times, and then, goodbye.

“What are we going to do?” she asked. Not because she doubted their future. More a simple desire to know. “We don’t have any weapons. And, other than the earrings you let me borrow, we don’t have any money. Maybe we could use them to buy you a sword and me a dagger.”

“Those are your earrings, Laila,” Flint said. “I won’t trade them for a sword. I’m not that desperate.”

Her heart melted a little. The gorgeous sapphire earrings where hers? Never, in her entire life had she ever thought she would own such a prize. But, seriously. They couldn’t walk across the Twelve Kingdoms without money.

“What about Mr. Sharp, Mrs. Peabody, and, the rest? Will they be all right?”

“I will get word to them. They will be taken care of, I assure you. The City Watch won’t press them too hard. The last thing the city elders need is a reputation for hurting respectable servants. If they did, nothing would get done in Quaster.”

Laila bit her tongue so that she might stop pestering the man. It was obvious that he wasn’t worried. The last thing he needed was her pressing him with a thousand questions.

They continued walking. She so wanted to know more, but felt this wasn’t the time or place. No, with a man like Flint, it would take patience. He would only ever reveal his secrets slowly.

Sighing, she glanced over at him. She might not know what was going to happen, where they were going, or why. But, she was with him. What more could a woman want?

Besides, it sure beat Fifth Point.

Skipping to catch up, she fell into step beside him. They might not have any future together, she thought. And, who could blame him? She was an orphan from Fifth Point. But, at least she had this morning. No one could ever take that away from her.

Flint glanced down at her for a moment, his eyes sparkling as if he could read her mind. Her cheeks began to grow hot. Impossible.

Suddenly, his face grew stern and concerned as he came to a halt. His feet sliding in the dust.

Turning, he looked back down the road they had just traveled. Laila's heart jumped to her throat as she saw the panic dance into his eyes.

He twisted and looked down the road in the direction they were heading. Then his head swiveled around them, searching the fields and distant trees.

“What is it?” she demanded as she fought to gain control of the raging fear building inside of her.

He nodded behind them.

She squinted in the sunlight, bringing a hand up to shade her eyes.

Twenty horsemen were approaching. A cloud of dust rising behind them.

“Is it the Prince and his men?” she asked.

“No one else would be on this road,” he said as his shoulders slumped.

“What should we do?” Laila asked with bated breath. “Should we run?”

Flint shook his head. “We’d never make the trees.”

“What then?” she demanded. “Even you can’t take on twenty men. Especially without your sword.”

Flint glared back at their pursuers. They were coming into focus now. Armored knights. Each knight was mounted on a large horse. Laila’s stomach clenched up and shrunk to the size of a pebble. It was the mines then, she thought. She would end up in the mines for sure.

Shaking his head, Flint looked down at her, his eyes had become sad, almost defeated. The sight of him like this scared her more than anything. If Flint was giving up, then they were truly lost. Surely, there was something they could do.

He took her shoulders in his hands, then crouched a little so that he could look her directly in the eye. She thought for sure he was going to tell her to run while he stayed behind and tried to hold them off.

No way. It was not going to happen like that. She would stay with him.

Instead, he swallowed hard and said, “Laila, we have one chance. One chance only. I want you to forget everything you’ve ever thought you knew and keep an open mind.”

What was he talking about? She could hear the thundering rumble of the horses as they tore down the road toward them. What did Flint mean?

She furrowed her brow and returned his look.

“In a minute, I want you to climb on my back.”

“What?” she asked. Unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Trust me, you will understand. Climb on my back. Do you hear me? Forget everything and climb on. Hold on tight, and I will get us out of here.

Laila couldn’t believe what she was hearing, it didn’t make sense. She glanced at the approaching riders. Several were pulling their swords, preparing to charge. Still, others were unslinging their bows and removing arrows from quivers. What? Cutting them to pieces wasn’t going to be enough.

“Trust me,” Flint said again. “And, I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

Laila tore her eyes away from the approaching riders and studied Flint. His eyes looked at her with a sense of deep guilt and a little fear.

Sighing, he stepped away from her and toward the oncoming hoard. Laila screamed and moved to join him, but he held up a hand and shook his head.

Then, without warning. Without any sign of what was to come. He erupted into a pillar of flame.

Laila screamed. No, not Flint.

A golden pillar of flame and smoke rose into the air. Twisting in a tight spiral, then disappearing into nothingness.

Laila’s stomach, heart, and her soul fell to the ground in disbelief.

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