My Personal Trainer: Heavy Weightlifting (Book 2) (Erotic BBW Romance)

BOOK: My Personal Trainer: Heavy Weightlifting (Book 2) (Erotic BBW Romance)
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Chapter One - Chapter

Ch. 1

Chapter Two - Chapter

Ch. 2

Chapter Three - Chapter

Ch. 3

Chapter Four - Chapter

Ch. 4

Chapter Five - Chapter

Ch. 5



My Personal Trainer

Heavy Weightlifting

Trace Dex

Copyright © 2013 Trace Dex

All rights reserved.

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Trace Dex

(Tweeting random thoughts)

(Very NSFW)


This book is part 2 of the
My Personal Trainer
series, if you haven’t read the first one, you can get it here:
My Personal Trainer: Heart Racing Cardio Edition

  • Disclaimer
  • This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

“You’ve made tremendous progress, Maddison!”

I’ve worked really hard this past year to finally hear those words come out of my doctor’s mouth. All of my diet and exercise has finally paid off.

“Am I still at risk?”

“Well…” the doctor said as he moved his glasses away from his face to look at me in the eyes, “I’m glad to tell you that you are no longer at risk! I’m very proud of you but you need to make sure that you keep it up. It’d be a shame if you reverted back to your old habits.”

I nodded, confident that I would never have to see the old me again.

Jonathan has continued to be my personal trainer throughout this whole experience. I was continually losing weight and keeping the pounds off with his guidance — not including the pounding he actually gives me. After dinner that one night, things with him just got hotter and hotter.

I blame the extra cardio we did every other day under the sheets for the constant decline of my weight. Not only did his hard cock help me lose weight, it also filled me with joy: physically and mentally.

* * *

I didn’t have a training session with Jonathan today but I couldn’t wait to tell him about the good news. I knew he had a shift today so I wanted to surprise him at the gym. I’ve become familiar with his schedule because he wasn’t able to fuck on the days he had other clients; those shifts were longer than usual.

Upon my arrival at the gym, I tried to be as stealthy as possible to surprise him from behind. I checked everywhere — the weight room, upstairs with the cardio equipment, the small classes with the rooms — no Jonathan.

“Is Jonathan working today?” I asked one of his coworkers.

“Yeah, he’s probably in that room over there,” she said, pointing towards a door labeled Staff Only.

“Would it be okay I went in? I want to surprise him!”

“Sure, go ahead,” she said, uninterested at my excitement.

I stood behind the closed door, imagining his excitement at seeing me in my head. I opened it halfway and saw Jonathan peer over at me, startled. My giant smile quickly faded when the door opened all the way, revealing his arms wrapped around the waist of some skinny bitch. I glared at her and looked back at Jonathan.

“M-Maddi-“ he said.

I slammed the door behind me and ran out of the gym. How could I be so stupid? My world was spinning.

I peeled out of the parking lot, scowling at my rear view mirror to see Jonathan make his way outside.


My tears impaired my vision so I pulled over at the market. I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed and I hated everything.

I slammed the door behind me as I stomped towards the market. All I could think about was the image of Jonathan with his arms around a girl I didn’t know. I grabbed a cart and went on a shopping spree. Soda, chips, cookies, ice cream; you name it, it went in my cart.

After loading all the food into my car, I sped towards my house like an angry drunk ready to cause havoc on some unsuspecting victim.

I stopped by the fried chicken joint on my way home, making sure to buy plenty of actual real food to supplement the junk food I just bought. I was going to have a feast tonight and I didn’t give a fuck about what anyone had to say about it.

Miraculously, I made it home safely. I turned on the TV, sat on the couch and began to eat bite after bite, sipping on all the carbon dioxide filled sugar liquid goodness. It’s been a long time since I’ve had much of this kind of food and I was feeling satisfied.

I lay there in a crapulous state, surrounded by the crumbs of my defeat; tears streaming down my face as I stared at the television. My stomach hurt and I felt sick. Sick of Jonathan, sick of me, sick of what I just ate, sick of it all.

The show playing on TV displayed a woman sitting at her vanity, putting on mascara with a guy apologizing at her feet about something he’d done. I didn’t really pay attention to the story but it was pissing me off even more so I began to think of possible ways to get revenge.

I got up, crumbs falling of my body and headed towards my laptop.

To Whom It May Concern,

One of your valued employees, Jonathan, has been having sexual relations with one of his clients inside of the gym.

My cellphone wouldn’t stop ringing and I knew it was Jonathan calling. I was too pissed to write anything else, my phone was annoying me so I closed my laptop, shut off my phone, and headed to bed.

This was easily the worst night of my life.


It’s been a week and I’ve done so much damage to my body by eating and drinking everything in sight. I continued to get daily phone calls from Jonathan along with a few house visits, which I all ignored. I probably gained about 20 pounds in this week alone.

I decided not to send the email to his boss because it was too childish. As much as I hated him, I knew how shitty it was to be unemployed so I let it go. Plus, I couldn’t come up with a coherent enough message that didn’t scream Pissed-Off-Sex-Slave-That-Was-Cheated-On.

I headed to the kitchen, ready to finish the half-eaten cake that I started on the night before. Someone was banging on my door and I knew it was him. He usually stopped after a few minutes but today he kept going. It got so loud that I started to worry about my door; convinced his strength would easily break down my door so I finally opened it.

“Maddi, what the fuck?” he yelled as he made his way into my house. “Do you know how worried I was?”

“What do you care?” I yelled back.

“I’ve been trying to contact you for days now!”

“Oh, I haven’t noticed,” I said sardonically.

“Look, I know what you THINK you saw, but it wasn’t what it looked like,” he said.

“Oh, yeah? So you’re telling me you weren’t alone in a room with some fucking bitch, and you didn’t have your arms wrapped around her waist?”

“I mean, I was… but it’s not like that!”

“Then explain to me what the fuck was going on in there because as far as I know, this is the shit you do with every client, myself included. I was so fucking dumb to fall for you,” I said, trying to hold back my tears.

“She’s a coworker, Maddi,” he explained, “It’s not uncommon for us to be in the same room together, especially the staff room.”

“Then why were your hands around her!” I yelled.

“Maddi, you came in at the worst possible time. I was in the middle of measuring her waist and if you hadn’t stormed off, you would have seen the measuring tape in my hands,” he said.

“Measuring her waist? What do you mean? Why would she need that?”

“She’s new and we have this weird thing on our staff where we record our measurements and weight to see if any of us start slipping by the end of the quarter. I know it’s dumb but it helps keep the staff in shape,” he said, “The measurements for everyone is available on a giant whiteboard inside the staff room. I can prove it to you tomorrow.”

I began to get dizzy. His story seemed plausible and I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

“Actually, here I have a picture of it on my phone,” he said.

He zoomed into the whiteboard with a list of all the staff members and their stats, confirming everything he just said. I started to choke up and a tear fell onto his phone’s screen.

“You believe me now, Maddi?” he asked as he gently placed his finger under my chin, lifting my head to look me in the eyes.

I nodded, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I just saw you and that girl and I just couldn’t think anymore and—“

He placed a finger on my lips, “Shh, it’s okay. I’m sorry it looked that way, too,” he said with a smile and then he hugged me. I’d missed his strong arms around me; I began sobbing and holding him closer to me.

“Let’s not let this happen again, alright?” he asked.

We let go and I nodded, now with his hands holding my face. His focus shifted side-to-side on both of my tear-filled eyes. He kissed me softly on my lips which made everything feel better.

Afterwards, he began making his way around my house. I stood there watching him closely, knowing how low down he’d be for how much I’ve let myself go. It was a giant mess — wrappers, crumbs, empty take out boxes from multiple fast food places stacked all over the place.

“Maddi…” he said, still looking around in displeasure.

“I know,” I said softly, “I’m sorry, I-I just—“

His eyes fixed on me as he shook his head in disappointment, “This isn’t good, Maddi.”

I couldn’t look him in the eyes so I stared at a candy wrapper near my foot.

“You need to be disciplined,” he said.

My eyes began to glow as I slowly looked up. He had that familiar grin on his face. “Yes, I’ve been a bad girl. I need to be punished.”


Jonathan grabbed my phone charger out of a nearby socket and headed towards me. I backed up slowly until I had nowhere to go, bumping into the wall.

“You’ve been very, very bad,” he said as he grabbed my wrists and began tying them with the cord.

“How can I make it up to you?” I asked.

He tightened the knot and slammed one hand against the wall, trapping me.

“Just you wait and see,” he said, looking me up and down.

I couldn’t contain my excitement. I wanted to smile but I forced myself not to.

He grabbed the collar of my old XXL t-shirt I had on and ripped it right down the middle exposing my braless breasts. He began kneading my taut nubs as he slid his other hand down my gray sweatpants.

“Wet already, huh?”

Before I could reply, he slid a finger in and I let out a soft sigh. I could feel myself dripping onto his hands as he moved it in and out, flicking my g-spot with every stroke. He began ravaging my neck while caressing me faster and faster. I felt his fingers stroking my inner wall then sliding straight back in, making me wetter and wetter.

The juices of my arousal cascaded down my legs, leaving imprints all over my sweatpants. I couldn’t contain my moans as my breathing grew heavier and louder.

Jonathan pulled my pants down and threw them across the room. “Spread your legs for me, baby,” he drawled in a low seductive tone while he bent down and placed his arms under my legs. With one swift move, I was on Jonathan’s shoulders, lifted up with my head inches from the roof against the wall. I was still heavy and I knew I got heftier this past week but that didn’t seem to faze him. I felt his hot breath breathing against my wet mound.

He slowly slid his tongue against my throbbing slit and stared up at me. My tied hands grasped the back of his neck as his tongue began fucking me. It felt surreal, like I was floating on a cloud as my entire living room began to blur in my vision. “Mhm, look how greedy you are here from all the neglect this past week,” he breathed, his voice muffled as he probed my damp folds. Caught up in the sensations, I could only groan in reply.

His arms began to lower and I slid down, pressed against his chest, with my legs spread above his muscular biceps. He pressed against my neck, slowly tasting and worshipping my sensitive spots as he walked towards my bedroom, carrying me.

He placed me down and turned me around to face my bed. He pulled my hair behind my neck, whispering hungrily, “I’m going to punish you real good,” as he pushed me onto my sheets.

My hips were pinned on top of my pillows as I faced down with my joined wrists grasping the edge of my bed. I watched as his boxers landed near the side of my face. He got on top of me and I could feel his hard cock sitting between my ass cheeks. He slapped his erection against my hole before sliding it down to my quivering folds.

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