Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2)
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Flint immediately oriented himself as he frantically searched the sky for the Gray . Then, he halted and saw Laila on the ground.

He looked again to the sky, then once more down at her. She could see the doubt and worry in his eyes. Should he follow the Gray or should he see to her?

Laila pushed herself up, he needed to know that she was unharmed.

The giant dragon seemed to relax for a second. Then, burst into flames. Just as he had done only days earlier on the castle landing.

Laila gasped. She would never get used to seeing him emerge from the flame and smoke. This tall, strong body, glorious in appearance. This beast of a man.

Her heart began to beat again. He looked unharmed. He had just wrestled a fire-breathing dragon through half the forest, and the man looks like he just came from Sunday brunch.

“You forgot this,” he said, as he held out the gold locket.

“No, I didn’t,” she said. “I don’t want the coin. Your family should have it.”

“To hell with the coin,” Flint yelled, as his eyes narrowed in anger. “Mother has it, even now she is probably putting it with the others.”

He’s mad at me, she thought. Her stomach turned over. Could she blame him?

“This is your locket,” he continued, “I gave it to you. Remember? Besides, you can’t leave.”

“Why?” she yelled back at him, as he continued to walk towards her.

His eyes softened. “Because I can’t live without you and I’m not living in Quaster. The city is too dirty and crowded. I much prefer my family’s castle.”

Laila’s heart lurched to the side. What did he mean, couldn’t live without her? What did he mean to hell with the coin?

He finally stopped in front of her bringing both hands up to hold her shoulders. “Laila,” he said, his voice tender and kind. “I realize that you hate the fact that I am a dragon. A monster.”

Her heart melted. He meant it. All of it.

“I love you, Laila, be my princess,” he said.

Laila stood there, speechless. Unable to move, unable to function. He thinks I hate him because he is a dragon.

“Flint, I don’t hate the dragon in you. It is what makes you special. Strong, powerful, and a little dangerous. Believe me. What I feel for the dragon isn’t hate. It is love and admiration.”

“But, I saw the look in your eyes,” he said with a confused frown on his brow.

“I wasn’t mad about the dragon. I was furious that you kept it a secret from me. I realize I’m only a girl from Fifth Point. And, I’ll never be what you need in this world. But, I couldn’t stand the idea of you keeping secrets from me.”

His frown slowly melted away. “The girl from Fifth Point?” he said. “Laila, you are so much more. Don’t you know, you are the most intelligent, brave, and might I say beautiful woman I have ever known. A deadly combination that has twisted me around her little finger. There is something you need to know. When a dragon falls in love. It is forever. There can be no one else in my life. For me, it will always be you. I don’t care that you are from Fifth Point. I never have.”

The girl from Fifth Point burst into tears and threw herself into his arms. This was her man, her dragon. And she was his. There would be no other.

He smiled down at her and winked. “Now comes the hard part,” he said.

“Wwwhat?” she blubbered as she tried to wipe away a tear.

“Telling my mother.”

Laila laughed and held onto him. Afraid if she let go, the magical miracle that was Flint would disappear.



Flint wrapped an arm around her waist and held her tight to his side as they made their way into the castle.

Laila buried her head into his side and returned the hug. She wondered if they would ever let each other go.

“I think we should tell my mother together,” Flint said.

“Tell her what?” his mother said from behind them.

The two twisted. Laila noticed that Flint’s face had lost a little color.

Pulling himself up to his full height, he said, “Mother, Laila and I are getting married this afternoon, in the village church. You are more than welcome to join us if you wish.”

Laila cringed inside. This could not possibly end well.

The Queen studied him for a moment, then looked at Laila. She felt her insides turn to mud as she realized what the Queen must be thinking. Her son, marrying a guttersnipe from Fifth Point. Not in her lifetime.

The Queen looked back and forth between them, and shook her head.

“No, you won’t,” she said with that imperious voice.

“Mother …” Flint began.

“No, you listen. No Princess of Perralt is getting married on a Tuesday afternoon. With no planning, no preparations. No. I won’t have it. Laila, really, I am disappointed in you. You must learn to put your foot down with this one.” The look she shot her son would have quelled greater men.

“No,” the Queen continued, “you and Laila will be married in two weeks. She will wear a gown of white. We will get word to Drake. He and Elsbeth, and the twins will have time to get here. In fact, Drake can walk her down the aisle.

“This afternoon. I won’t have it,” the Queen continued, as she brushed pass them.

“And, one more thing,” she said over her shoulder, “no more nights in each other's room. I won’t have the servants talking. No, you can wait. Do you hear me, Flint?”

“Yes, Mother,” he said with a resigned voice. Then, he leaned down and whispered in Laila’s ear, “Don’t worry. I know a dozen other places we can be together.”

She giggled. Her world was wonderful. She was going to be a princess. She was going to be with Flint.

“Come along,” the Queen said to Laila. “We have a thousand details to go over.” 

Laila swallowed hard as she stepped away from her prince. She, Laila Mason, was going to live in a castle with the prince of her dreams.

Yes, he might be a bit of a beast at times. But, he was her beast. All hers.

The End



I would like to thank my family and friends for all of their support. Especially my mother, who passed along my love of stories. I would also like to thank Sheryl Turner for her assistance in editing.

As with any story. It is you the reader that makes it come alive. Thank you so much for reading Dragon Fire.



Author Note

As always. I love to hear from my readers. If you would like to contact me, please send me an email at [email protected] or check out my Facebook page at facebook.com/sher.dillard


The first book in the series
Dragon Fire
is available at Amazon














Nothing says big and bad like a fire-breathing dragon.


Elsbeth needed help. Big, bad help. The only solution is the reclusive Drake. The only man brave enough to dare the Forbidden Forest. He might be rather rough around the edges, and heart stopping handsome in that big, tough way of his. But, she will ignore those wide shoulders and the attraction that pulls at her heart. At least she hopes so. After all, she has a kingdom to claim and protect.


Drake had enough problems of his own. The last thing he needed in his life was a pampered princess. But, the Princess unknowingly claims an ancestral promise. He is duty bound to help her. Duty bound to protect.


The Forbidden Forest will be easy. Around this woman, taming the beast inside of himself might be impossible.



































































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