Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Dragon Heat (Dragons of Perralt Book 2)
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Chapter Seven

Laila punched her pillow for the thirty-third time. She couldn’t get comfortable. Two weeks she had prepared for this, and tomorrow was the big day. She would meet the Prince at tomorrow’s party.

Every waking moment had been in preparation for this. The constant badgering and correcting by Emily. The silent observation by Flint, his eyebrows rising only slightly every time she made a mistake.

Tomorrow. They would succeed, and she would catch a prince. Or, they would be discovered and thrown into the mines of Clakerly.

She shuddered at the thought.

What of Flint? she wondered. What did he think of all this? Yes, he would get his blessed coin. But, what did he really think? She had absolutely no idea what the man thought. He was a puzzle wrapped in a black cloth. Unknowable.

Over the last several days, as the party grew closer, the man had become quiet, almost reclusive. At times, actually a bit of a beast. Snapping at people. He’d even snapped at Emily when she’d pointed out that he could do a better job of setting an example.

He’d bitten her head off and then stomped out of the room.

What did it mean? Why was he so upset? This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? To provide her this service so he could get his damn coin back, and then be rid of her. That was all she was to him after all. A way to get what he wanted.

The thought saddened her. The man said she was desirable. She could still remember the warm glow that had flown through her body when he said the words. But, he hadn’t said that he found her desirable. Not really. Never done one thing to show her that he himself desired her.

Laila turned over again as she fought to find a comfortable spot. But, she knew sleep would elude her this night. Tomorrow was too important a day.

Flint was probably sleeping the slumber of a baby. Carefree.

They wouldn’t throw him into the mines if she was discovered. They wouldn’t behead him at dawn. Not him. No, he’d simply claim that she had fooled him as well.

She turned onto her back and studied the ceiling. This was ridiculous. Throwing the blankets to the side, she swung her feet over the edge of the big bed and found her slippers. Drawing his silk robe around her, she decided to go downstairs and get some warm milk. Maybe that could make her sleep.

As she made her way downstairs, she pulled his robe close. She was wearing his shirt, as well. This might be her last opportunity to do so. Flint had told her if there were to be a wedding, it would be fast. The prince was returning to his home within a few days. She might very well be whisked away at tomorrow’s party.

To never see him again, the thoughts tore at her guts like a ravenous cat.

As she stepped off the last stair, a subtle noise drew her attention. Someone was in Flint’s study. A soft light peaked from beneath the door. Who could be in there at this hour, she wondered.

Tapping softly, she opened the study door and peaked inside.

Flint stopped pacing and turned to look at her. He was dressed in a simple white shirt, open at the neck. And, tight pants that left little to the imagination.

She took a deep breath, holding it for a second. Their eyes locked, and she felt herself being pulled into the room.

“Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked.

She could only shake her head. “I thought to get some warm milk,” she finally said.

“Come, over by the fire,” he commanded. “Have a drink. Believe me, it will work six times better than warm milk.”

He poured her a healthy amount of amber liquid into a glass tumbler. It smelled of peat moss and smoke, she thought as she took a sip.

The liquor burned and made her choke. She coughed and had to fight the tears in her eyes.

He laughed. “Like wine, it’s an acquired taste.”

“Why would anyone want to get used to drinking that?” she said as she handed him back the glass.

He laughed again. “You don’t drink it for the taste, not really. You drink it because of what it can make you forget.”

She could feel the warmth from the whiskey spreading out from her stomach. “What do you want to forget, Flint?” she asked seriously. She desperately wanted to know more about this man. She wanted to know everything. She wanted so much more.

“No, not tonight,” he said. “We are not going to get into that tonight.”

It may have been the whiskey. But, she found herself saying what she truly wanted to say.

“Then, what are we going to do tonight?”

He halted for a moment as he stared down into her eyes. She could feel the energy flowing between them. That power that drew her to him. She could feel his eyes traveling over her body. Could feel the power in his size and strength.

She wanted this man. Wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything in her life. Just one night, she thought. Once in her life. She wanted to be with a man she could admire and love.

Yes, that was right, she might be able to love Flint. Who wouldn’t? The arrogant bastard was near perfect. Big, handsome, smart, rich, with a smile that could melt angle wings.

She took a deep breath and continued to stare up at him.

“What do you want?” he asked her. A simple question but she knew it hid a thousand meanings.

“I want to be held by a man I can respect. I want to be wanted by a man I want.”

He smiled gently and stepped closer to her. “Careful, Laila, you might very well get your wish.”

The way he said her name made her knees wobble. As if it were pure gold. As if she were a one of a kind treasure.

He smelled of leather and pine trees. Of warm whiskey and cold mountain tops. Her heart broke. She could resist no longer. That silly smirk and those devilish eyes pulled at her. This man was what she needed. For now, at least, he was all she needed.

She leaned into him. He leaned down to her. Their lips met. And, the world changed.

“Laila,” he moaned, as his arms wrapped around her. His hand shifted to the back of her neck, holding her in place as he tenderly devoured her lips.

His tongue gently probed, and she instinctively opened for him. This man was turning her insides into jelly. Turning her into a simpering mess of need.

She moaned into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around those massive shoulders of his and pulled herself closer. She could not get enough. More, she needed more, she demanded everything.

The man was pure hard muscle. She could feel his powerful heart beating in his chest. It made her think of some massive beast. Some wild thing from the dark forest that wanted to devour her.

She smiled to herself. Oh, how she wanted to be taken by this man.

Her body tingled as his hand roamed to her rear and began to kneed and caress. Her heart raced, and she had to fight to catch her breath.

“Oh Flint,” she said, as she felt his hardness pressing against her tummy. The feeling sent a pure bolt of joy through her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. He desired her. A man like this. A man such as Flint wanted her, the girl from Fifth Point.

He stopped kissing her for a moment and looked down into her eyes. He seemed to be asking her a question.

All she could do was stare back and nod. Yes, please.

He smiled, then bent and swiftly scooped her up into her arms.

“Flint,” she exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“I am taking you to my lair,” he rumbled.

“I can walk,” she said.

“And, I can carry you. Since I am bigger, we will do it my way.”

She buried her head into his chest and held on. Oh, how she had dreamed of this. Oh, how she had prayed that this man would want her. But, it was so much more than she had thought it would be.

This feeling of power that flowed between them. This feeling of rightness with the world.

But, what if she wasn’t any good. What if he found her lacking? A dozen bad thoughts threatened to take over. No, she told herself. She would not allow the negative thoughts. Not tonight. Tonight she was going to enjoy. Tonight she was going to experience and remember. It might very well be her last happy moment on this earth, she was not going to waste it on silly worries and regrets.

His hand under her legs shifted and slipped up under her robe to caress her bare skin.

She swallowed hard as small tingles traveled up her legs to her very center. She felt herself grow wet and swollen with want and need.

Holding him tight, she bit her lip, less he hear her cry of desire. Or worse, the servants, hear her moan of ecstasy as he carried her up the stairs. The least she could do was wait until they reached his room before she lost all sense of propriety.

He smiled down at her. Perfectly aware of what he was doing. His fingers tracing long, languid circles on the back of her thigh. It was enough to make a girl cry.

When he reached his room, she bent and turned the knob for him, looking up at him with a mischievous grin.

He answered with his smirk, then stepped into his room.


Chapter Eight

Laila’s heart continued to pound in her chest. They were going to make love. She was going to feel what a woman feels. The thought made her happy to her very soul.

She looked around his room quickly, perfectly aware that at any moment, he would make her forget her surroundings. Best if she orient herself while she could.

His room was simple. A big four poster bed on the far wall, dressers and wardrobes of simple dark wood. No mirror, she realized with surprise. Of course not, the man was perfect. He didn’t need a mirror to tell him that.

He stood in the middle of the room. Continuing to cradle her in his arms as he looked down at her. She felt her heart jump. The man looked as if he wanted to consume her in a single bite. Like he wanted to have her every way imaginable.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “Once I put you on that bed. I won’t be able to stop. You could tempt a stone mountain, woman.”

She laughed. “Yes, I am sure,” she said as she stared up into his eyes. “One time, tonight, yes.”

He smiled slowly as he thought of what was to come. It sent a warm shiver down his spine as ideas and fantasies jumped through his head.

Setting her on her feet, he slowly untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulders.

He gasped when he saw her standing there in his shirt. Her bare legs exposed to the night air and to his burning gaze. He gave her a devilish grin, then stepped forward to start unbuttoning the shirt.

She suddenly became nervous. What should she be doing? How was this supposed to go? She thought to the dancing master Flint had hired for her last week and his constant hectoring about her taking a misstep.

What if she did that now? Made a fatal mistake. What if she did something to ruin the night?

Flint saw the hesitation in her eyes.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered into her ears. “You are beautiful, you are all a man could ever ask for. Relax and let me lead you through the night.”

She felt herself relax into him. This was Flint. She could trust him. She had trusted her very life to this man. He wouldn’t allow her to make a mistake.

His fingers trailed down the front of her night shirt, slowly unbuttoning a button, then moving on to the next.

He gently pushed her shirt off and let it fall to the floor, joining the robe, then stepped back to look at her. Laila felt her entire body grow warm with embarrassment. The man stared at her, his eyes traveling over her breasts to the curve of her waist, and then to her sex.

He slowly licked his lips, and then looked into her eyes.

“You are perfect,” he said. “As perfect as a mid-winter sunrise over the mountains.”

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling back at him.

“Now you, I want to see you,” she said, as she stepped forward and began to quickly remove his clothes.

Their fingers and hands became tangled as they both fought to get him as naked as she was.

At last, his thumbs slipped into the waist band of his pants and pushed them down.

Laila gasped. The man was huge. A flutter of fear traveled through her. It was impossible. How could she ever take him?

She couldn’t take her eyes away from him. His manhood was fully erect. Throbbing, demanding. Pure male. Everything about it was fascinating. So different, so beautiful.

Without thought, she felt herself drawn to it. This burning need inside demanding that she touch it.

Stepping forward she reached for him, then hesitated, looking up. She silently asked if it was permitted.

He smiled back down at her. “Tonight, my dear, I am yours. Whatever you want.”

She smiled back, then returned to staring down at him. Slowly, she took him in her hand, unable to wrap her fingers all the way around him.

He felt of velvety steel. Strong, pulsing with life.

Slowly, she slid her hand back and forth over him.

“Oh, Laila,” he moaned. The sound of his voice sent a feeling of happiness to her heart. She was doing it right.

Suddenly, he bent and picked her up once again, only to lay her on his big bed. He stood over her, looking down at her for a moment. Savoring the beauty of her.

She let her eyes travel over him. Admiring every cut muscle, every hard bend, and sharp edge. The man was like a chiseled statue, perfection.

No, she reminded herself. He is a man, a warm, breathing, needy man. And for tonight, he was hers.

She reached out for him. He was too far away, she needed him with her.

He lay down next to her. The bed dipping with his giant size, rolling her into him. He laughed and pulled her tight. His lips kissing her neck, then her shoulders, slowly working their way down to her breasts.

Taking a nipple into his mouth, he began to suck and squeeze her breasts. Her world expanding a thousand times. Oh my, this new sensation went directly to her inner thighs. To the very core of her being.

He continued to suck on her breast. She held his head in place. Silently demanding that he continue.

As he tasted and took. His hand slowly traveled down her stomach to her mound. She felt herself growing with anticipation. A strong need building inside of her.

“Please,” she said. “Touch me, I need you to touch me.”

She could feel him smiling as he continued to suck at her breast. His hand hesitated for a moment then gently began to slip into her folds.

“Yes. Oh, yes,” she moaned as she arched into his hand.

Something inside of her let go, and she felt herself grow wet for him. A quick, embarrassment passed through her, but she quickly forgot about it as his finger slowly entered her body.

Never, oh my, never had she thought she could feel like this. As if her world were growing, as if everything in life was wonderful.

His finger began to caress and move back and forth, then his thumb found her button while his finger bent to touch something inside. The sensation made her jump. It was as if what she had thought was possible, was merely a dream of what was to come.

He continued to rub, to fondle, and caress. Building her higher, making her need. She felt herself swelling, expanding, preparing herself for him.

“Please Flint,” she begged. “I need you inside of me.”

He smiled up at her with that silly grin of his. She knew that she was begging, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her. Every instinct, every part of her being was demanding it.

He shifted to kneel between her legs. She bit her lip as she tried to prepare herself. Would it hurt? How much. What if they couldn’t because he was so big? What if it didn’t fit?

She was torn in two ways. She needed him desperately, but her fear made her muscles tense with anticipation.

“Relax,” he said “I will be gentle. We have all night.”

She smiled back at him, he understood her fears. Forcing herself to relax, she stared into his eyes as he positioned himself.

He placed himself at the center of her opening. She held her breath. Slowly, he began to enter her.

The feeling of fear mingled with the feeling of joy. It felt right, it felt like what she had always hoped it would feel like.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he began to work his way into her. Gently forcing her to open for him.

He was frowning with concentration as he began to sink deeper into her. When he came to her barrier, he stopped for a moment. Letting her adjust.

The feeling of being filled flashed through her. Already, she felt herself stretched and invaded, yet he had not yet fully entered her. How would she ever accommodate him?

He read the emotions on her face and lowered his lips to kiss her, then thrust through her barrier.

A sharp pain exploded inside of her but, quickly lapsed into a feeling of wholeness. He was through.

Still, he continued to push into her until he could go no further.

She felt a new sense of wonder. He was all the way inside of her, and the world was perfect. Her muscles instinctively clamped onto him. Holding him in place.

He threw his head back and moaned. Then, smiled down at her and shook his head.

“You little minx,” he said with a smile. “Two can play at that game.”

Then, he began to move inside of her. Slowly, almost removing himself, then forward, filling her once again. Over and over. Laila’s eyes closed and she was lost. The sensation of pure bliss was unbelievably joyful. Every ridge, every bump seemed to pass over a sensitive spot inside of her.

Every thrust lifted her higher. Made her want more.

“Oh, Yes, Flint,” she said. “Yes.”

Her body moved with him. Met his thrust. Rising higher. Searching for release.

He continued to move back and forth. A little twist and turn with each thrust as if he were trying to go deeper. Trying to reach every spot possible.

His hips continued to thrust into her over and over again.

Laila became lost in a world of senses with only Flint in this world. The feel of his shoulders under her hands. That manly smell of his that melted her insides. The sound of his breath, laboring as he fought to bring her higher. The taste of his salty skin.

“Yes,” she said, as she shook her head back and forth on the pillow. This man had become her entire world.

“Please,” she begged, as she searched for release.

He continued to thrust into her like some mighty monster taking her higher than she had ever gone before.

“Yesssssssssss” she screamed, as her world exploded. Wave after wave of pure pleasure passed over her as he continued to move inside of her.

At last, Flint gave out a mighty roar and thrust one last, hard time into her and exploded inside of her. Pumping her full of himself.

His throbbing explosion set off another wave of pleasure as she once again gained release.

Her world spun, and she feared she would faint. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, she held on. Desperate to remain with him. Desperate to be part of his world.

At last, her breath began to return. She could feel Flint's heart pounding in his chest. His heavy weight on her where he had collapsed. A delicious extra benefit. Being covered by this man. It sent a warm, soft feeling to her heart. She wanted to remain like this forever.

Flint, exhausted, laying on top of her. There was no better feeling in the world.

After a long moment, he rose up and looked down at her. He cocked an eyebrow, silently asking her what she thought.

She could feel her cheeks erupting with a blush. She had just had this man inside of her.

But the feeling of happiness could not be denied. This was what a person should feel like, she thought. All the time, every moment of her life.

Reaching up, she gently kissed him and whispered, “Thank you.”

He smiled back at her, “Don’t thank me yet,” he said. “We have all night. I hope to make it a night that neither of us can ever forget.

Laila felt a tear forming in her eye, she pulled him down to her so that he wouldn’t see. She would never forget anything about this man. She knew perfectly well that she would spend the rest of her life remembering tonight.


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