Double Her Fantasy (8 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #erotic romance

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“Missing?” She picked up her light tuna wrap.

He shook his head. “You just seem too perfect. Like I’ve been looking…” He’d almost admitted he’d been looking for someone like her. “I need to know more about you. I can’t help but feel we’re connecting, here.”

Her cheeks pinkened. “I feel that, too. But do you really want to hear all my secrets?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“And you’ll tell me all yours?” She grinned and grabbed another fry.

He set his jaw and stared for a moment. He had his own history, one he didn’t share very often. But he wanted to open up to Megan. “Let me start.”

“Okay.” She set her wrap down and got comfortable on the couch.

“I’m impatient.” He shrugged. “Hell, you can tell that. I’m asking some personal questions after knowing you for less than two days.”

“Definitely impatient.” She winked. “What else?”

“Judgmental. But in a good way. I run the family ranch, and I’m a good judge of character. I know when I’m being lied to, when someone’s hiding something, when there’s a cause to be cautious.”

She tipped her head, her eyes revealing a spike of temper. “And which of those am I?”

“That’s the thing.” He felt mystified. “I don’t get that from you. Like you’ve got nothing to hide.”

A half-cough, half-laugh burst from her chest. “Really? Oh, man, you
a superhero.” She looked into his eyes. “Everyone has secrets, Trey. Mine…” She shrugged. “I guess they aren’t very damning.”

He didn’t move, didn’t speak. Waited for her to continue.

“I’m a recluse most of the year. I had some problems with…” She swallowed hard and shivered. “In college, I had a stalker. It was bad. Bad enough that he went to jail.”

Trey eased his arm around her and pulled her close. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

She shrugged. “It’s over, and I feel safe now, but I like my privacy.”

He kissed her forehead. She’d love it on the ranch. The urge to protect her, hide her from the world in the safest place he knew came as a surprise to him.

“Ready for another secret?”


She nervously tugged at the fabric of her pants. “I changed my name.” Her eyes were wary as she looked up at him. “After the stalker, I mean.”

His chest hurt for her. All she’d had to go through. “I don’t blame you.”

They sat for a few minutes, snuggled together. Something tried to burst out of him. Words of promise, of a future where he’d protect her and she’d never have to worry again. Damn. He couldn’t remember when he’d been this anxious to have someone in his life.

“Okay.” He sat forward and grabbed the TV remote. “Enough secrets. Let’s watch a movie and eat.” He went right to the Western channel. “I need to get some work done this afternoon, and you should probably take a nap.”


“Garret said he’s taking you out tonight.” He fed her a bite of his hamburger. “After you go clubbing, he’ll find an after party and keep you out until sunrise.”

“Hm. That’ll be different.”

Trey heard the hesitation in her voice. “He was raised a gentlemen. You don’t have to worry about him getting crazy.”

“I wasn’t worried about that. I trust him well enough.” She gave him a grimace. “I was more concerned about being out with him. With the paparazzi following him.”

“He knows how to avoid them. You’ll be safe.”

“Promise?” She laid her head on his shoulder.

His heart thudded a couple times. “Promise.” He’d tell his brother about her stalker and they’d choose clubs where security was at maximum.


Garret rode the elevator to the 37th floor. He checked his watch. Nearly eleven p.m. He made a quick stop in his suite to shower and change into a suit, keeping quiet to avoid waking his brother.

Trey had called him earlier and warned him about Megan’s shy side, told him about her stalker, her having to change her name. It had made Garret so angry, he’d nearly punched the wall. Something about her brought out the fighting cowboy in him. The only good thing was this confirmed his belief that she’d never take their lifestyle to the tabloids.

He jogged across the concierge level and rang her doorbell.

She opened it, standing there in a sexy green dress, nearly the color of her eyes, spiky heeled black sandals, and a gorgeous smile.

“Goddamn, you look good.” He stepped forward and tugged her to him. He kissed her, tasting her lip gloss, and smearing it all over him. Running a hand up from her neck, he played with her long, thick hair.

She melted into him, her mouth opening for his tongue.

He tasted her, teased and sucked at her. With a quick nip on her full lower lip, he eased back from her.

“That color looks good on you.” She handed him a tissue.

He wiped his lips. “Tastes good on you.” A rogue wave of desire washed down into his cock, hardening it, tightening his balls. Those lips of hers had been all over his shaft last night.

Her eyes darkened. Her nipples puckered. The energy between them could light the whole city.

“Better get going before I toss you over my shoulder and carry you down to my suite.”

She picked up a little black purse on a chain. “The tossing and carrying might be fun.”

He grabbed her arms gently.

“But, I know this evening is about us getting better acquainted.”

“Baby, with one word, all that ‘get to know me’ crap is history.” He said it as a joke, but he meant it as a promise.

“I’d like that, but I’m intrigued by the fact that this waiting period was your idea.”

He took her hand and led her to the elevator. “Yep. Dumbest idea I’ve ever had.”

She laughed and leaned into him. “It’s perfect.” Once in the elevator, she asked, “Why did you suggest it?”

“After you almost ran out on us last night, I saw the need to slow down.” He shrugged. “You’re important to us. To me.” Damn, too deep. Pulling her against him, he grabbed her tight, round ass. “Right now, though, with you in my arms. Mmm. I could really get things speeded up.”

She rotated her hips, pressing her belly against his quickly hardening cock. “I know what you mean.”

Everything in him told him to take her back upstairs, wake his brother, and show her a few new positions for the three of them. He’d let it be her choice. When the elevator doors opened, he pointed to the control panel. “Back upstairs?”

She shook her head. “Let’s go dancing.”

They slipped out a back door. The limo was waiting a block away with an open bottle of very nice champagne. Within minutes it stopped at a club he’d remembered had a great dance floor. Once inside the VIP door, flashing strobes, loud, thumping music, and scantily clad women had Garret tapping his foot.

Megan shook her head. “I feel a little old for this.” She had to yell to be heard above the noise.

He laughed and dragged her into the middle of the dance floor. “How old are you?”

She had some moves. “Thirty.” She definitely looked younger. Turning, she bumped her bottom against the front of his pants.

Watching her hips rotate as she spun back around fed a deep hunger to be buried inside her.

“What’s that look for?” She grinned.

He pulled her against him. “You know damn well what I want from you.” He kissed under her ear, tasting her sweet flesh.

“Wait.” She eased back. “How old are you?” Her face lost color. “You’re really young, aren’t you?” She stopped dancing.

He guided them into a slow dance, even through the wild rhythm of the music. “Yep. I’m sixteen.” He grinned. “But I have a fake I.D.”

She swatted his arm. “Serious, please. You’re twenty-one, right?” Her face held worry.


Dropping her forehead to his shoulder, she cursed something unintelligible.

Garret notched a finger under her chin and tipped her head up. “Does age really matter?”

Her eyes shifted back and forth as she looked into his. Hefting a long sigh, she shook her head. “I guess it shouldn’t, right?”


She bit her lip. “How old is Trey?”

He laughed at the fearful expression on her face. “He’s almost thirty. That’s why he’s so stuffy and serious and I’m not.”

She giggled. “He is not, either.” Winking, she added, “Well, not that bad, anyway.”

Spinning them around in wild circles, he laughed. He hadn’t felt this happy and free in years. When he led them back to the VIP section, their drinks were waiting at their table. Megan slid into the booth and he followed. He lifted his glass of Scotch, she lifted her wine glass, and they touched them together. “To getting to know you.”

She looked too serious as she sipped her wine.

He sat back and spread his arms across the top of the booth. “You’ve got questions. Go ahead and ask.”

Playing with her wine glass on the table, her body tensed.

“Are you and Trey the only kids in your family?”

His chest pinged a quick ache. “Yeah. There were two babies between me and him, but they were both stillborn.”

Her face fell. “I’m sorry. If this isn’t—”

“No.” He covered her hand with his. “It’s fine. It goes a long way toward showing our family dynamic.”

She waited, a soft expression on her face that made him want to kiss her silly.

“When I came along, healthy and handsome…” He grinned.

Megan nodded. “Very true.”

“Anyway, they kept me safe. So safe, in fact, I got to feeling smothered more often than not.” He took a gulp of Scotch. Those old feelings of frustration crept in. “By the time I was old enough to speak for myself, Trey was already working the ranch. I had a pony, Trey had a stallion. I got to cut the grass on a little lawn tractor. Trey was planting wheat and baling hay.”

“Do you wish you’d been more involved in running the ranch?”

He hefted out a breath. “Hell no! I was ready to leave when I was fifteen. Shit.” He glanced at her. “Sorry, ma’am.”

She smiled. “Now you’re sounding like a cowboy.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He ran his fingers across her jaw. “I looked up to Trey, wanted to do some of the things he did, wished I had a fancy name like Derrick McGatlin the Third.”

Choking a little on her wine, she laughed. “His name is Derrick? Oh, jeez, I didn’t even think of Trey being short for ‘the third’.

“He doesn’t like to be called Derrick, so don’t use it unless you really want to get him riled up.” He played with a lock of her soft hair. “And don’t ever tell him I told you his name.”

“Okay. Promise.” She snuggled closer to him.

He wrapped his arm around her. It felt too damn good.

“So you left for college?”

“Uh huh. The parents kept me on such a tight leash, I knew the only way to have some fun would be to study hard in high school and get to college. A party university in California where I could cut loose.”


“You say that like you want to analyze me.”

“No, thank you. I’m just picturing you skipping classes and organizing frat parties.”

“That just about covered it. After two years, I had so few credits, my parents told me to buckle down or find something else to do with myself.” He gestured to the waitress for another round.

“How did you get into acting?”

“I moved to LA and got a job doing stunts. I didn’t tell my parents, though.”

She laughed. “I don’t blame you.”

He leaned in for a quick kiss. Most women he told the story to were appalled at his deceiving his parents. Megan took him as he was.

She hooked her hand behind his neck and held him there, kissing him with a passion and determination that gave him chills. Despite her reserved front, there was a hot, wanton woman inside. And he wanted to bring that hellcat out.

Their waitress set down their drinks along with a couple glowing bracelets.

Garret picked one up. “You know…” He turned to her. “I think we’re both too old for this place.” He downed his Scotch and slid out of the booth. “Let’s go. I know a club more appropriate for our maturity level.”

She nodded, slid halfway out, then grabbed her wine. “To acting my age,” she toasted, and drank half the glass. Standing, she smiled. “Ready.”

That smile, her beautiful face, her perfectly irresistible personality. Could this be the real thing? Could he be getting too close too soon? “I think I am.”

Riding in the limo along the lake, they finished the champagne. At the new club, a more reserved spot with an older crowd, he took her out onto the twentieth-floor balcony.

Above them, the stars twinkled, a sliver of moon winked down, and a soft breeze set her shivering.

“Baby, you should have brought one of your shawls.”

“Shawls?” She laughed. “I’m not a grandma, you know. They’re called wraps.”

“Yep. I think Trey mentioned that. Didn’t sink in, though.”

“He’s very…thoughtful.”

He knew it was true, but it made him feel a little inadequate. “Our Grandma Truvie, who
wear a shawl, called Trey ‘soulsome and roundy’.”

Megan stopped at the railing. “Soulsome. Yes, I see that.”

He pressed against her back and wrapped his arms around her. His shaft filled and twitched as her sweet ass warmed it.

He had to clear his throat. “Roundy meant that he has no sharp edges.”

“Hm. I don’t know. He’s impatient. He told me that himself before he asked me to tell him all my secrets.”

Her secret. Hiding from the world because of a stalker. “He told me, baby, about your stalker. I wish I’d been there to defend you.”

She turned in his arms. Her gaze met his, her eyes sparkling with tears. “That means so much to me, Garret.”

He opened his mouth and closed it again. He’d almost said,
you mean so much to me
. Goddamn emotions. Always bubbling up and getting in the way.

“I’d do anything for you, Megan.” It was the honest truth. He’d whatever it took to keep her safe.

“Can I ask you something?” She seemed tentative.


“How many…” She sighed. “Trey and I were talking earlier, and I wanted to ask him, but thought I’d wait and ask you.”

“How many?” He knew where she was going with the question, but wanted to hear it from her own beautiful mouth.

Her body stiffened. “How many women have you shared?”

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