Double Her Fantasy (6 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Double Her Fantasy
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Megan smiled, caressing his balls as she licked one last line from the base of his cock to the head. She pushed up on her arms, giving him the chance to ease from under her.

He surprised her by moving closer and lifting her, his hands on her shoulders. She rested her arms on his shoulders and the new angle sent Trey’s cock rubbing against her g-spot.

Against her lips, Garret said, “You’re incredible, Megan.” He kissed her, long and slow as his fingers traced down the sensitive flesh under her arm, tickling enough to startle a giggle from her. When his palms brushed her hard nipples, shockwaves of pleasure flooded her core.

Behind her, Trey plunged into her faster, his hand eased over her hip and cupped her mound, rubbing in soft circles to the beat of his driving hips. “Come for me, sweetheart.” His finger traced her wet pussy lips, sliding upward to circle her tender clit. “Come for us.”

She felt it rising, the tidal wave that would send her flying.

Garret pinched her nipples and sucked her tongue into his mouth.

Trey’s clever finger wiggled on her clit, sending a manic surge of fire up her spine, his cock rammed into her, long and thick, hitting every tingling nerve in her pussy. He wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her close. He bit her shoulder, and she lost all perception of reality.

Surrounded by a silent universe, she let the orgasm take her, spin and twist her until all she felt was them. The touch of her men’s hands, Garret’s lips, Trey’s cock deep inside her pussy, and his teeth grazing her flesh. She heard a scream and knew it was her own, but didn’t care. Every cell in her body stung with pleasure and fulfillment, total abandon and release.

Sucking in a deep breath, she let the feeling swirl through her, their touch keeping her at the top, prolonging every bit of ecstasy she could gather. Then slowly, with a soft sigh, the tension flowed from her, letting every muscle relax.

Trey kissed the spot he’d bitten. A little sore, she loved that he’d left his mark on her. His staff was hard inside her, but his body shook. He must have come with her, and she’d been too out of touch to notice. Without taking his cock from inside her, he lifted her and laid her on her side, his chest pressed against her back.

Garret lay in front of her, his head propped up on a bent arm. “Beautiful. Look at her, Trey. Her face. Goddamn gorgeous.”

His brother slid his cock from inside her and rolled her onto her back. Trey’s eyes were half-lidded, hot with his afterglow. “You are a sexy woman, Megan.” He kissed her, his mouth possessing hers, his tongue twining with hers, tasting her thoroughly. “More beautiful with your climax still racing through you.” His kiss slowed and he pulled back, smiling. “And I liked hearing you scream.”

She felt her cheeks warm. “Did I?” She touched his cheek. “I can barely remember.” Turning her head, she laid the back of her hand on Garret’s chest. “You two have a lot of natural talent.”

The men laughed. Garret rubbed her palm while Trey nibbled on her neck.

The long day, the stress of her job, and the worry she’d had about being with two men eased out of her and she closed her eyes. A shimmering aftershock clenched at her core, then her mind melted into sleep.

Garret watched her for long minutes. How had he grown so attached to her in such a short time? Sure, her looks, her body, her willingness to sleep with both he and his brother were a hell of a turn on. But there was something about her. Indescribable. Connecting to something in his head and his heart that didn’t want to let her go.

Light from Trey’s phone lit the darkened room. On the device, Garret saw a calendar. His brother was checking a few weeks ahead. Their gazes met above Megan, and he nodded toward the living room.

Garret got up slowly and slid into his boxer briefs. Trey rose and covered Megan with a blanket. Always the considerate one, his brother.

Trey followed him out of the bedroom and closed the door.

He automatically walked to the bar. “Checking the calendar?”

Trey was right behind him. Sitting on a barstool, he set his phone in front of him. “Yeah.” He scratched his head and yawned. “You’ll be here for another two weeks. I’m heading home in six days.” He looked at his brother as he leaned back on the stool. “What’re we going to do about Megan?”

Garret set a longneck on the bar in front of his brother and splashed an inch of Scotch in a glass for himself. “I want her. Wanna see if this can work.”

Trey’s eyebrows rose then dropped. “We’re agreed there. We’ve gotta figure a way to keep her.”

He took a gulp of Scotch. “You make her sound like a prime heifer on the auction block.”

Trey turned his beer bottle on the wooden surface of the bar. “Didn’t mean any disrespect. I’m just afraid she’s gonna bolt.” His gaze bore into Garret’s. “We knew she hadn’t done anything like this before.”

He leaned his forearms on the bar. “Yep. I know what you’re saying. She’s gonna be embarrassed and wanna slide out from under us.”

Trey grinned. “Great analogy. Fuck. Did you hear her come? Her cunt was squeezin’ my cock like a python. I shot my load into her so hard and fast, I nearly passed out.”

Garret’s cock stiffened and he set his jaw, needing to get some of her pussy, and remembering her lips on his head. “That blowjob she gave me was fucking fantastic, too.”

With a long sigh, Trey shook his head. “That ain’t all of it, brother. She’s got something else, too.” He took a pull on his beer. “Something I wanna get to know.”

Garret ran his finger around the rim of his glass. “Yep. I felt it, too.” He lifted a brow and met his brother’s gaze. “Scary, ain’t it?”

Trey nodded. “It is. We’ve got to figure out our next—”

The bedroom door opened. Megan stepped out, fully dressed, and stopped just outside the threshold. “I’m…um…” She gestured toward the front door.

Trey stood and followed Garret over to her.

Her eyes traced their bodies, clad only in underwear, both of them sporting hard-ons that would send a weaker woman running.

“Don’t leave.” Garret ran his hand from her shoulder to her elbow.

She bit her lip. He saw her uncertainty.

Trey gestured to the couch. “Sit a minute. We should talk.”

She stiffened, sucked in a breath, and let it out with a nod. “Okay.”

He waited for her to take a seat so Trey and he could sit next to her, but she chose one of the chairs instead of the couch. Not a good sign. He caught his brother’s eye and nodded that Trey should take the lead on this. His brother was the more diplomatic of the two of them.

They each took seats on opposite ends of the couch. Trey relaxed back on the cushions; a tactic he used to put people at ease. “Is everything all right, sweetheart?”

Megan took a breath and tapped her fingertips together in her lap. “It’s just that…” She blinked a few times, as if she couldn’t reconcile what had gone on. She smiled. “It was great.”

Garret’s tension eased at the same time Trey sat forward.


She clasped her hands in her lap. “I’ve got an early flight, and I need to pack.”

“Baby,” Garret began. “Stay a couple more days.” He opened his heart and searched for the words that had never come easy. “I don’t want this to end. I want to know you better.”

She furrowed her brows, her dark green gaze locked with his. “What are you saying?”

Trey cleared his throat. “We’re going to be here for a while longer.” His fist clenched. “Cancel your flight. We’ll cover your suite for the week, and I’ll book your flight home whenever you want. Just give us a few more days.”

She didn’t move for a few seconds. “You’re saying this…” She drew a triangle between the three of them. “You want this to be…”

“As long as you want, Megan.” Garret sat forward. Had she imagined it was just a one-night thing? “Give us time to get to know you. And for you to adjust to this lifestyle.”

“Life. Style.” Her voice trailed off as she stared out the window.

Trey looked at him, concern showing on his face.

Shit, had he said the wrong thing?

She stood, her hand on her stomach. Glancing at each of them, she shook her head.

Chapter Six

Garret got up off the couch, his gut clenching, as Megan turned to leave the suite. He couldn’t lose her…
couldn’t lose the best thing that’d happened to them in years. Maybe ever. “Megan, listen—”

Trey stood and made a small slashing motion.

Yeah, he’d been about to push too hard. One of his trademark moves. Trey knew better how to handle delicate situations like this.

“Take a little time.” His brother took her hand in his. “Think it over.” Trey gestured to him. “He’s right. This is a lifestyle, not just a one-night thing, sweetheart.”

Garret took her other hand in his. “You…” A swell of something emotional rose from his chest into his throat. “You make us happy.”

Her gaze shot to his and she blinked away the tears shining in her eyes. She looked at Trey.

His brother ran his fingertips along her jaw and smiled. “You do. I’ve never felt…” He swallowed. “Stay, Megan. Please.”

Garret had never heard his brother beg. Had never heard that tone of voice, that quiet sincerity. Holy fuck, was the cowboy falling? An ache spread from his clavicle across his chest. Goddamn, was
falling, too?

“All right.” Her voice came out breathy. “I’ll think about it.” She eased her hands from theirs and turned toward the door. She stopped. “I’ll call you.”

Garret looked at Trey. Her meaning was obvious. She didn’t want them calling her, pounding on the door of her suite, sending her six dozen roses and a ten-pound box of chocolates.

She picked up her purse and walked out the door.

The quiet snick of the latch catching sent Garret’s stomach lurching. “Fuck. What do we do?”

Trey strode to the door. “Nothing.” He held up her shawl, or wrap, or whatever women called the square of fabric they used to keep warm. “She left this.” He rubbed it between his fingers and breathed deeply, trying not to be too obvious that he was catching her scent.

Garret nodded. “That’s a good sign.”

Trey set the fabric on the entry table and walked toward his room. “Her flight leaves in nine hours.”

“Hell, I’m not gonna get any sleep.” Garret walked toward the bar.

“You’ve got an eight o’clock call tomorrow morning.”

He grabbed his glass of Scotch and headed for his own room. “Yep.” His bed would be lonely without her next to him.

Trey stood at the door to his room, staring in. His brother would have it worse. His bed would smell like her. Perfume, woman, and musky sex. Their gazes met in wordless communication.
She had to stay.


Megan closed the door to her suite and leaned against it. “What am I doing?” She’d just had sex with two men. Brothers. It had been the most spectacular experience of her life. Her mouth watered and her breasts tightened just remembering the way they’d loved her.

She shook her head and dropped her purse on the table. It had nothing to do with “love” and everything to do with sexual compatibility. The thrill of being with two sexy men: one an actor who’d starred in her fantasies so many times, and the other a cowboy whose amazing body and dominant personality swept her away.

Unzipping her dress, she walked into the bedroom. How would she ever choose…? She stopped, her hand halfway down her back. She didn’t have to choose. This was their lifestyle. They chose to share one woman. Dropping her hand, she flopped into the puffy bedroom chair.

How long could it last? What if she fell in love with one or both of them, and they grew tired of her? What if—

She cut herself off with a groan. “Getting too far ahead of yourself.” They’d asked her to stay for a week, not move in for a lifetime. If she could slow things down a little, maybe spend a couple days getting to know them, as they’d suggested.

Could she live that lifestyle, though? It seemed at odds with everything she’d ever known. Her reclusive, quiet home, her small-town life that waited for her. She could be there in less than a day. The thought of making her early flight to Canada shot a piercing blow to her heart.

She had nothing pressing back home. She’d cleared her schedule for a week to recuperate from this trip. Why not stay? When she’d walked out of Trey’s bedroom, she’d almost convinced herself that the guys had had enough. That they’d wave goodbye and be glad they didn’t have to make excuses to get her gone.

Their request, phrased with such emotion, nearly brought tears to her eyes. She dropped her head back on the chair and closed her eyes. She could give this…give them…a couple days. Savor this exquisite experience that left her body hot and twitchy, and her mind wanting another orgasm, or twelve. Nothing binding, no promises would have to be made. Reaching over, she picked up the house phone and pressed the button for the front desk. “Hi. I’d like to extend my stay. Is this suite available for another week?”


She woke at nine the next morning after the most restful sleep she’d ever had away from home. Once she’d reserved her suite for an additional seven days and had gone online and re-booked her flight a week out, she’d collapsed into bed wearing nothing but a smile.

The morning sun peeked in through the space she’d left in the curtains. Today would be as unforgettable as last night. She imagined the men’s faces when she told them. After, they’d show her
happy they were by giving her a sticky, sweaty hour in bed.

Megan showered and dressed in the only casual clothes she’d brought. Her gym clothes. Long, satiny black pants and a white T-shirt emblazoned with her character, Alpha Woman, in her red leather pants and bustier, holding her flaming spear.

She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. With her hair wet and slicked back, no makeup, and junior department clothes, she looked five years younger than her thirty years. “Oh well.” It was either this, a dress, or a pantsuit. The guys would just have to deal with it until she could do some shopping.

Nerves butterflied in her stomach when she picked up the phone and read the directions for dialing another room. When the phone started ringing, she seriously thought about hanging up. Until she heard a click.

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