Double Her Fantasy (7 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Double Her Fantasy
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Trey’s voice reassured her, somehow.

“Hi. It’s Megan.”

“Hi.” He paused. “Are you still in Chicago?” His voice sounded tight.

“Yes. I am.”

He let out a huge breath. “Thank God. You have no idea…”

She heard a clomp.

“Sorry, let me text Garret while we talk.” He paused for a second. “You know, we were both up at four this morning. He wanted to sit in front of your door and tackle you if you came out with your suitcase.”

Megan laughed, visualizing it and knowing that the impetuous star might just have done it, too.

“Sweetheart.” His voice rolled low and comfortable. “I’m on my way.”

“Here?” She looked around at the mess in her room.

The phone clicked.

“Crap.” She pulled the bed together and threw her clothes and shoes into the closet. As she closed the mirrored doors, the doorbell sounded in the living area. She ran barefoot to let Trey in.

He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her, spinning them both a couple times before setting her down. His eyes held warmth. “Damn, I’m glad you stayed.” Slowly he lowered his head until his lips brushed hers.

She snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him full and hungry, leading this time, tasting him and tickling his tongue with hers. Against her hip, his arousal pressed hot and long.

When he slowed the kiss and looked into her eyes, she knew things were getting too deep, but she had no desire to back away.

He stepped back and grinned at her shirt. “Is Alpha Woman one of yours?”

She slid her arms from him and tugged her shirt down. “Uh huh. You know the comic?”

He nodded. “I’ve seen it in stores.” He lifted an eyebrow. “How does her life parallel yours?”

Megan laughed. “Really? I haven’t had coffee yet, and you’re interviewing me?”

“You haven’t eaten yet?” He looked at his watch. “Do you want room service? Otherwise, there’s a great place for omelets a few blocks down.”

Her stomach growled loudly. She touched her belly with one hand and smiled. “Looks like omelets are the winner.”

He shook his head and grabbed her again in a bear hug. “I’m really happy you’re here.”

She let her heart fill with the joy of being wanted. “I think I made the right choice.”

Holding her close, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m sure you did.” He smacked her butt. “Get some shoes on and let’s go eat.”

“Garret?” Why hadn’t he come running to see her, as Trey had?

“Working. He’s been gone since daybreak.” He furrowed his brows. “You’re okay with that, right?

“Sure.” Why wouldn’t she be?

“We…” He glanced away, then back. “We have a rule.” He lifted a hand. “We’ll talk after we eat.”

As she turned toward the bedroom, she said, “Actually, after breakfast, I’ll need to do some clothes shopping.”

“Sure. We’ll make a day of it.”

She looked at him over her shoulder. “You’d go clothes shopping with me?”

Trey stood there, tall and gorgeous in his brown cowboy boots, sexy jeans, and a navy T-shirt, his hair combed back neatly, a too-serious look on his face. “I’d go anywhere with you, sweetheart.”

The cowboy’s words touched an empty spot in her soul. Her throat clogged for a minute before she pasted on a smile and ducked into the bedroom. Hell, her heart was in for so much trouble. How had he snuck under her defenses and made it impossible for her to imagine being without him?

Breakfast was amazing. They sampled each other’s omelets, fed each other cubes of fruit and pieces of toast with marmalade. They talked about his ranch, her characters, and Garret’s busy life. As they were leaving the restaurant, Trey’s phone buzzed.

“It’s Garret.” He pressed the screen. “Hey.” With a smile, he said, “Yeah, best news I’ve ever heard.” He pulled her close to him. “She’s right here.” Trey handed her his phone.

“Hi.” Her voice was quiet, her nervousness manifesting in her shy mode.

“Baby. I’m so fucking…Sorry, so glad you stayed. Jeez, we were a mess waiting for your call last night.”

“Sorry I kept you in suspense. I just needed to sleep on it to be sure I’d made the right decision.”

Trey looped an arm around her and got them walking toward the shopping district. The sun warmed her and lifted Trey’s scent into her nostrils.

“You won’t regret it. I promise.” Garret’s tone sent a sexy shudder through her.

Another voice sounded through the phone.

“Megan, I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. It’s gonna be a late shoot tonight, but I’d like to take you out after. Maybe hit a club or a bar. Sound good?”

“Sure.” She looked at Trey. “I’d like that.” Did the invitation include his brother, too?

“Just the two of us. We can get better acquainted. Damn…hang on.” He must have pulled the phone from his ear when he shouted, “Hey, who’s the star of this movie anyway!” He laughed. “Fuck you, too.” His laugh sounded closer. “Sorry about that, baby. Gotta show these directors who’s boss, you know.”

She chuckled. “You’re pushing your luck.”

“Na. I’m golden.” He sounded as if he was running. “I’ll call you when I leave the set. It’ll be late, so traffic won’t be too bad.”

“Okay. Be careful, Garret.”

Silence. “Wow, that’s really sweet. Thanks.”

She could feel a hot blush climb her neck to her cheeks. “You’re welcome.”

“I can’t wait to see you. Bye.”

“Bye.” She handed the phone to Trey.

“You two are going out tonight?”

She nodded. “Is that…” She didn’t know how to ask about the dynamics of a threesome. “After we finish shopping, can we go back to the hotel? I have a few questions I’d like you to answer.”

“Uh huh.” He glanced down at her. “Ones that should be asked in private?”

She nodded.

“I figured we’d get around to that sooner than later.” He gestured toward a big department store. “Wanna start in here?”

The window manikins wore the cutest sundresses. “Yes, please.” Excitement filled her at the prospect of filling Trey’s hands with packages. “Prepare to be my shopping bag mule.”

He laughed and did a very good impression of a donkey’s hee-haw.

After five hours, they’d found dozens of bagsful for her and a couple of non-western items for him. They called Garret’s limo, stuffed the bags into the trunk, and headed back. At the front door of the hotel, Trey helped her from the limo.

As she stepped out, a half dozen cameras flashed in her face.

“Who’s this, Trey?”

“Where’s Garret?”

“Who are you, lady?”

She ducked her head and slid her sunglasses on then held her purse over the graphic on her shirt. She didn’t need anyone tying her life to a movie star’s.

Trey slung an arm around her as he told the driver to pull the limo around back to unload. “Just an old friend, guys. A little lady who I knew in Texas who lives in Chicago, now.” He pushed through the reporters, calmly and efficiently. “Garret’s on the set, and you know I can’t be givin’ out that address, no matter how much money you offer.”

A few of the reporters laughed.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re gonna have lunch in the bar and catch up on old times.” He pulled her with him into the lobby.

Security guards kept the media outside.

Once they were in the elevator, she took a breath and slid off her dark glasses. “God, how do you put up with that?”

He shrugged. “That’s why I’m not his permanent manager. They just think I’m his big, oafish cowboy brother, along for a free ride and a good time.”

She frowned. “You’re nothing like that.”

Trey’s heart skipped a beat at the concern Megan showed for him. He pressed a thumb between her eyebrows and massaged. “Don’t take it so seriously. The less they think of me, the happier I am.”

She grabbed his hand and tugged it down, leaning in close. “I think a lot of you. Does that count?”

He grinned and kissed her, hard and fast, as the elevator doors opened on their floor. “My place or yours?” he murmured.

“Mine, if it’s okay.”

“Yes, definitely.” On their way past, he directed the concierge to send the packages to her suite.

They ordered lunch and she poured them each a frosty mug of beer.

He lifted his and tapped hers. “You’re a beer drinker?”

“Sometimes.” She blushed. “I like to try new things.”

He pulled her down next to him on the couch. “Like last night.” He kissed her neck, breathing in her floral scent, nibbling her soft skin.

She nodded and sipped her beer. “It was…” She looked into his eyes. “Amazing.”

“Yeah.” He sounded breathless, and didn’t care. He wanted more of this woman.

“Before we…” She set down her glass. “Would you tell me about this lifestyle?”

He set down his, too. “Like what, particularly?”

With a shrug, she asked, “You’d mentioned a rule, before. I mean, can you and I…one on one? Or is it always three?”

He touched the flaming red color on her cheek. “We learned that for the sake of the overall relationship, it’s best if we only have sex when it’s all three of us. It’s a jealousy thing more than a fairness thing, if that makes sense.”

She smiled. “So it wouldn’t matter that it wouldn’t be fair if you and I spent four days in bed together and Garret had to work. But it would drive Garret crazy knowing we’d left him out.”

He laughed. She was smart, sexy, and funny. “Right. Essentially, we grew up as jealous of each other as we were proud of one another. It’s complicated, but it works better when it’s all three.”

She paused a second and he could almost see her formulating questions.

The doorbell rang.

Trey answered and stood back to let the chauffeur in with the bags. “Where would you like these, Megan?”

“On the table would be fine. Thank you.”

The silent man nodded, deposited the bags, and left.

Trey dug through the bags.

She walked to the table. “You’re looking for your things?” She pulled a dark blue bag out of the bunch and set it next to him.

“Uh uh.” He searched for a minute then pulled a slinky red teddy from one of the bags. He wagged his brows at her. “You thought you’d sneak this by me?”

She smiled and grabbed for it, but he pulled it back. “You gonna wear this for us?”

Nodding, she held out her hand. “I’d model it for you now, but that just wouldn’t be fair, would it.”

He handed it to her, his cock hardening wickedly behind his fly.

Holding it by the tiny straps, she formed it to her clothed body and wiggled. “Yes?”

“Oh, yeah, sweetheart. When you’re ready for another night like last night, you just slip that on and come knocking.”

A frown formed on her face. “When I’m ready? What does that mean?”

Chapter Seven

Trey took the silky teddy and slid it back into the shopping bag, clenching his jaw to get his desire under control. Gesturing toward the couch, he searched for the words to tell Megan what he and his brother had decided.

They sat and she waited silently.

“Garret and I talked this morning. We want you to hold the reins on this thing.”

Her brows rose in a silent question.

“We both want you. Desperately. But to be fair to you, we’re gonna let you pick the time.”

“Oh.” She sat back.

“Actually, it was Garret’s idea. He wanted you to have some space to get comfortable with us.”


He wished he could read her mind as easily as he read Garret’s. “Last night, you tried to sneak out of our suite.”

“No.” She sat up then plopped back again and grimaced. “Yes, I guess I did, didn’t I.”

“You did, and it tore us both up. We knew we’d moved too fast on you.”

She looked at him, her eyes soft and dreamy. “And Garret thought of this, huh? I’m surprised. Seems to me you’re the one who’s usually in touch with
and things like that.”

He faked a shudder. “Feelings? Damn. Is that how I come off?” He grabbed her sides and tickled. “I’m gonna have to be a little tougher on you.”

She screamed with laughter as he pinned her down and wiggled his fingers into her sides.

He found himself on top of her, her eyes shining, her breasts pressing hard into his chest as she caught her breath. It’d be so damn easy to take her. Peel off her pants and spread her legs, taste what his brother said was the sweetest pussy he’d ever eaten. Make her scream in ecstasy a dozen times, a dozen positions.

He pushed himself off her and stood.

Her eyes dropped to his fly and she quickly sat up. “This is going to be difficult, isn’t it?”

Nodding, he walked to the wall of windows. “Yeah. It sure is.”

Outside, the afternoon sun reflected off Lake Michigan. He’d like to rent a boat and take them out on the lake, show her the town from that angle. They’d have plenty of time together while Garret was filming, and he needed to find activities that wouldn’t strain his self-control.

He stayed where he was, even when he heard her grab her shopping bags and walk into the bedroom. No amount of silent demands made his cock soften.

When the doorbell rang again, he had no choice but to answer it with a rise in his jeans.

The room service waiter had just carried the tray into the room when Megan came from the bedroom. “Would you please put it on the coffee table?”

She plopped on the couch and immediately stole one of his French fries.

“Hey.” He closed the door behind the waiter and walked toward her. “You’re the one who wanted fresh fruit. Get out of my fries.”

She grinned. “I couldn’t resist. They smell so good.”

He sat next to her and ate one. “Uh huh. Taste good, too.” He held one up to her lips but pulled it back when she bit for it. “I’ll make you a deal. You can have half my fries if I can have all the strawberries on your plate.”

“All of them?” She picked one up and held it to his mouth.

They ate from each other’s fingers.

He leaned in for a kiss, mingling the potato and fruit in their mouths. Damn, he liked her. Almost too much. Was he intentionally searching for all her good points and ignoring her bad ones?

He ended the kiss. “Tell me what I’m missing.” He furrowed his brow. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

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