Double Her Fantasy (3 page)

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Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Double Her Fantasy
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“We had a lot to talk about.” She locked gazes with Trey, hoping he’d take her message and lay claim to her.

The cowboy smiled. “If you’ll excuse me.” He stepped out from behind the bar. “I have a few calls to make. Business.” He strode across the room into one of the bedrooms, closing the door behind him.

Had he just dismissed her? After all the sweet things he’d just said to her? He handed her off to his brother without a backward glance? What the fuck?

Garret took his place behind the bar and poured an inch of Scotch into a heavy crystal tumbler. “Are you okay on wine?”

Her glass was still half-full. “Yes, thank you.”

“Let’s get comfortable.” He came out from behind the bar and held out his hand to her.

Megan let him help her from the barstool. They carried their glasses to the seating area. She sat at the end of one of the leather couches, her mind on Trey, and the hope that she’d get to see him again.

Garret followed her and sat right next to her, stretching his arm along the top of the couch behind her. “What did you two talk about?”

Gritting her teeth, she resisted the urge to get up and move to the other couch. Jeez, he just moved right in. “Would you believe we didn’t mention you once?”

His mouth dropped open an inch, then a big laugh rolled out of him as he tipped his head back. When he looked at her, his eyes shone. “Would you believe I’m not narcissistic enough to expect that you had?”

Her lips curled as she fought to keep a sober face. “Not really,” she teased.

“Goddamn, you’re a firecracker.”

With a sigh, she set down her wine and slid to the edge of the couch. She’d seen enough. “I don’t think—”

“Hold on, Megan. I invited you here for a reason, and I haven’t gotten to it yet. I imagined a little small talk would be appreciated, but…” He downed his drink and set the glass on the table. “I need to apologize. For my behavior in the elevator.”

Garret watched as Megan’s deep emerald eyes glanced away then back at him. “There’s nothing you need to—”

“There is.” He didn’t mean to cut her off. Again. But he needed to get this out. “I was acting like a jerk. Running late, had a rough scene to film.” He shook his head. “Not excuses, but my head wasn’t where it should have been.”

She blinked a couple times. “Okay.” She looked unsure.

He patted the back of the couch. “Finish your wine. Let’s talk.”

After a second’s hesitation, she picked up her glass and sat back. “What was the rough scene today?”

He smiled. “Ladies first. How was your day?” His hand eased a fraction closer to her and her hair touched his fingers. Thick and silky. Damn, he’d like to have a fistful of it, pull her to him and kiss those red lips. Her skin looked so soft, perfect, kissable. He needed to taste her everywhere. His gaze dropped to where her dress gaped enough to show him a little of her cleavage. A fist of heat tightened low in his gut.

“…the flowers you sent me.” She took a sip of wine. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

Damn, she’d been talking the whole time he’d been planning a seduction. He could bluff, or… “Megan, you’re gonna think I’m an ass, but would you say that again?” He swallowed. “I was staring at you but my brain wasn’t focused on your words.”

Her smile was wicked. “You think I couldn’t tell? Do you want to know what I asked you?”

He hesitated, then made a face. “Yes?”

“I said if you didn’t stop staring at me like that, I was going to find something to dump over your head.”

“Uh huh.” He took her empty wine glass. “Like the flowers I sent you?”

She laughed. “Oh, so you

Easing his arm from behind her, he slid his knuckles across her shoulder and down her bare arm. “Listening. Enjoying you.”

A shiver jittered over her body.

Good. She felt it, too. A connection too hot to douse, and too powerful to ignore.

As he leaned closer, her eyes darkened. “More?” He used his sexiest screen voice.

Megan’s breath hitched as she drew it in. “More?” Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.

A manic rush of blood filled his cock, and his head felt like he’d jumped backward out of an airplane. Every instinct told him to kiss her, now, fast and hard, but he didn’t want to spook her. “Wine?”

She nodded. “No.”

He chuckled. “Your lips say ‘no’, but your body says, ‘yes’.”

Drawing a deep breath, Megan pressed her fingers to her mouth for just a second. “I’m pretty sure I’ve had enough. Thank you.”

Garret stood and turned from her, hiding his erection. Picking up his glass, he walked to the bar. “What’s this?” He tapped the small pad of paper with the likeness of his brother drawn in pen. “Did you do this?”

She nodded. “A habit of mine. I like to capture people.”

“It’s really good.” He splashed a little more single-malt into his glass, grabbed a chilled bottle of water for her, and walked back to the couch, holding the paper. “Tell me about your work.”

They talked for nearly an hour. She told her story, he talked about his acting, the bones he’d broken, and the ranch that he’d finally began to love.

She had tears in her eyes when he talked about his need to leave the Silver Spur right after high school, and how his parents called him every day and told them how much they missed him.

“But do you enjoy acting?” She turned fully toward him. “Would you ever give it up?”

He didn’t know how she’d guessed his inner conflict. He did like acting, performing impossible stunts, living in the spotlight. Somewhere inside him, though, his cowboy nature struggled to break loose.

He gestured to Trey’s closed bedroom door. “He drops hints every time we’re together. He could use my help running the ranch. It’s a lot of work for him, and his taking days away from it to help me here this week, well, it puts him behind.”

Her full, red lips parted, then closed.

He could tell she wanted to ask him more.

Her mouth curled in a sweet smile and all his thoughts headed south. He wanted to hold her then, so badly it nearly choked him. She was everything he was looking for in a woman. But what about Trey? “I’m gonna see what’s keeping him.”

“Trey.” She said the word like she’d forgotten he was here. She sat up. “I should get going.”

“Hold on for just a minute. I have an idea.” He jumped up and knocked on Trey’s door, then barged right in and closed the door behind him. His brother sat at the desk, his laptop open and a spreadsheet running.

“C’mon out.” Garret pointed to a stack of books. “Bring that notepad and a pen.”

“Is she…”

“Still here. You like?”

“Hell, yeah.” Trey stood. “The heat between us nearly fried my brain. You?”

“I think she’s perfect for us. She’s smart and funny. Sexy as all hell, and wants us both.”

His brother’s brows drew together. “Do you think she’ll want to?”

“I think she might.” Garret moved closer. “I’d bet my left arm that she’s safe, too. She doesn’t strike me as someone who’d run to the tabloids.”

“I got that same impression.” Trey grinned and handed his brother the paper and pen. “Let’s make this happen.”

Letting her see the real man behind his superstar persona, and the big heart behind his brother’s cowboy veneer was easy. This would be the tricky part. They had to talk her into accepting them both.

Chapter Three

Garret followed Trey out of the bedroom and stood next to his brother in front of Megan.

She stared up at them from the couch, her eyes wary.

“Will you do something for us?” He handed her the notepad.

“Sure.” She took the pen from him, a small smile curving her mouth. “I’m guessing this involves drawing?”

“Do you mind?” Garret was a little jealous that she’d drawn his brother, and he wanted to see what she’d make of him.

Her smile spread, lighting her face. “I’d love to.” She sat back. “Do you want to be superheroes or villains?”

In unison, Garret said, “Villain,” and Trey said, “Hero.”

She laughed, the sound filling the room with light.

Garret elbowed his brother.

Trey nudged him back. They didn’t need to speak their agreement. She was the one.

“You guys…I haven’t taken enough psych classes to analyze that.” She found an empty page. “Just stand there a minute while I sketch your bodies.”

Megan’s word hit Trey like a caress. “Sounds like fun.” His voice came out low and slow.

She gave him a disapproving look, but tempered it with a smile. After a few minutes, she had them sit on the couch across from her.

Trey watched her work. The concentration on her face was seductive. He could imagine that same face as he drove his cock into her pussy, and his brother slid into her ass. Her breasts bared to his kisses, he’d suck and nibble until she cried out her pleasure.

Goddamn, he needed her. He got up and picked up her wine glass, Garret’s glass, and came back from the bar with refills for them and a beer for him.

“I don’t draw as well when I’m tipsy.” Her eyes darted quickly from Trey’s face to the paper then back again.

you do well when you’re tipsy?” Garret asked.

Trey held his breath, hoping his brother hadn’t gone too far.

But she laughed. “Inside joke. I told Garret I have an amazing voice when I have enough to drink.”

Trey looked at his brother. “I think we need to test that out.”

“Agreed. Have supper with us tomorrow night. There’s a place a few blocks away that has karaoke.”

She sighed. “I’d love to, but I have an early flight the next morning.”

Trey sat forward. He didn’t want to lose her. “Stay another day.”

Megan stopped drawing and set the notebook on her lap. Her gaze jumped between the two men. She had to be conflicted. Both of them had poured on the charm. She couldn’t realize they both planned to have her.

“Just an early supper, then.” Garret said. “We’ll pick you up at six. There’s a nice restaurant in the building next door.”

Trey heard the desperation in his brother’s voice. He didn’t want her to leave so soon, either.

“Okay.” Her voice sounded too soft, resigned. As if she would be calling to cancel tomorrow. She probably didn’t want to hurt either of them by choosing the other. Looking at the notepad, she made a couple more strokes. “Finished.”

They stood and walked to the couch where she sat. Trey patted her hip and she moved over enough so he could sit next to her while Garret bracketed her on the other side.

Her warm, sweet scent drifted upward, and he heard Garret draw in a slow, deep breath just as he did.

She sat immobile between them, as if overwhelmed by the two of them so close.

Trey lifted the paper. His character wore cowboy gear, including chaps and spurs, with a big “T” on his chest. The face was strong and rugged, the eyes staring soberly out. “That’s amazing, Megan.”

Garret took the notepad. His likeness wore jeans, black work boots, and a black T-shirt. In the drawing, flames burst from his body.

“You captured the cowboy perfectly.” Garret looked at Trey, a teasing look in his eyes.

“You got that daredevil, too.” Trey winked at her. “The flames are exactly his style.”

Megan still sat unmoving. Trey handed her the wine glass as Garret set the paper on the table. The brothers’ eyes met, and Trey knew what their next step would be.

“How about you in the middle?” Trey asked.

Her gaze flew to his. “What do you mean?”

Her uncertainty clutched at his heart. “Draw yourself in between me and Garret.”

She looked at the paper and took a sip of wine.

Garret downed his Scotch. “The three of us.”

Her head swiveled to look at Garret, then at Trey. Cherry-red color stained her cheeks. As Trey had expected, Megan stood and stepped over his feet on her way to the door. “I’ve really got to run.”

They started to rise.

“Don’t get up. Please.” She looked at her wine glass, then glanced around for a place to set it, deciding on the entry table by the door. “I enjoyed this evening.” She picked up her purse and turned to look at them. “Thank you.”

For once, his baby brother was thankfully silent.

“We’ll call for you at six tomorrow. We’ll have a quiet supper and talk.” Trey made his voice firm yet gentle, the same tone he used to calm a skittish horse.

She looked at him and Trey could almost feel her backbone straighten. “All right.” Turning, she walked out.

“Damn.” Garret put his ankle on the opposite knee. “Did we handle that badly?”

Trey shook his head and finished his beer. “She’ll come around.”

“It’d better be soon. She’s leaving day after tomorrow.”

“Not if I can help it.” Trey would pay her way home, pay for her suite for another week, hell, he’d be tempted to tie her to his bed if she said she had to go home. He looked at his brother. “We need a strategy.”


Megan paced her suite at five minutes to six the next evening. She’d spent last night and most of the day going over everything the brothers had said. There was only one thing they could have meant. A threesome. When she’d first realized what they wanted yesterday, sitting between them, the testosterone nearly melting her, it had terrified her.

As she’d prepared for bed, the idea took hold, visuals of the three of them heated her blood and tingled heavy and needy in her core. Her dreams of their hands and mouths on her body had her twisting in the sheets and waking with her breath panting and her thighs clenched tight around her wet, pulsing pussy.

Sometime during the day, when she’d realized she couldn’t concentrate on the convention any longer, she’d made her decision. It was going to happen. She’d snuck out of the hotel and found a sexy red spaghetti strap dress to wear. Now, with her black pumps and purse, her hair hanging straight and long, she felt like an evil temptress. Was she so sexy that she’d seduced two men into sharing her?

She laughed. “No effing way.” They must have done this before. But what made them want to have the same woman? Some kind of brotherhood thing that women couldn’t comprehend?

Could she really do this? Could she be with two men? Two
Her whole body tingled. A Megan sandwich, two outrageously sexy men pressing against her. Loving her, making her scream…which name would she scream?
would cover it.

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