Read Dominque (Knights to Remember) Online
Authors: Nicole Colville
“No!” Dominque stood up straighter, staring right into his eyes. “I would never do that. I'm yours. Only yours.”
“Fuck,” Jacob cursed to himself, standing back and running his hands through his hair. The last thing he needed was to hear those words from those pink, cock sucking lips, sounding so sweet as they fell from his lips.
“I'm sorry… I can't seem to please you. If you'd like to tell me what you expect from me, I could do better.”
Jacob took two champagne flutes from one of the servers, handing a glass to Dominque without looking at him, instead, choosing to stare out at the crowds surrounding them. “Pleasing others, that's your aim, isn't it? To please. To serve.”
“And outside the job, do you live to please, Dominque, or is this a role you play?” Jacob slid his gaze to Dominque beside him. He was staring into his glass, watching the bubbles rising to the top, looking far too thoughtful for such a young man. “Dominque.” Jacob ran his hand down his back, barely touching, just floating over his jacket.
Dominque peeked up at him, brown eyes meeting his, and Jacob saw a shot of raw honesty in them which he hadn't seen so far. The flash of sadness disappearing as quickly as it came and back were the placid, controlled eyes and demure smile. “I'm afraid I work too many hours for much of a personal life, but doesn’t everyone want to make other people happy?”
“Not everyone.”
“And you?”
“You sound like you meant to include yourself in that list, but I don’t think you belong there.”
“And why would you think that?” Jacob observed him fake another sip of champagne.
“Because of all this.” Dominque surveyed the room, resting his gaze on the pictures of some children Jacob and several other surgeons operated on the previous year. Before and after shots, showing how they could play and act like they couldn't before their spines were straightened out and the pain had eased. “Because, Mr Buchanan, you care a lot. More than most people I meet. Look at the happiness you and this charity which you work with have brought to these children.” Dominque stepped closer, reading the short inscription attached to the pictures. “Look at their smiles.” He glanced back over his shoulder and smiled kindly. “I'm quite sure I've never made anyone smile like that.”
Jacob tapped his foot on the floor, rocking on his heels slightly while he tried to not look at Dominque. “Perhaps.”
“You have a big heart.”
“Don’t judge me on the basis of this one night. There's much more to me than this. Not all good.”
“No one is good all the time, Jacob.” Dominque was closer to him, pressing his palm on his chest and gazing up at him with those sympathetic chestnut eyes.
“Flirting with me is a dead end. Trust me on this. I'm afraid there are no extras happening on this date. I don’t fuck men like you.”
Dominque’s eyes widened, then he slipped back into his detached façade and smiled prettily. “If I flirted with you, Jacob, if I really tried—” He fixed his penetrating gaze on Jacob’s, no hesitation, no questioning, only pure confidence. “—you couldn't stop yourself from fucking me.” Dominque leaned into him, almost touching, leaving just an inch between them as he whispered against his neck. “Every man wants me, Jacob.
“And for the right price, they can have you, right?” Jacob grabbed hold of Dominque’s elbow, moving away before he lost control and threw him over the table beside them, not caring who watched as he rode his pert arse. “I can promise you, Pet, I won't be one of them.” Jacob could have kicked himself in the bollocks for letting that slip out.
Dominque’s eyes widen and his lips parted. “Why didn’t you want me? When you called and went through my profile, why didn’t you want me? What's wrong with me?” Dominque stepped back and stared at him. “What did you want from me that you couldn't have?”
“I didn’t go through your profile, I didn’t have to. Just seeing you was enough.” Jacob stood back, turning to look at the stage. They were getting ready for the speeches to begin and he was the keynote speaker. “I'm going to get you settled at our table and introduce you to everyone.” He took a deep breath. He shouldn’t have snapped at Dominque. This wasn’t his fault. It was all down to Jacob and his lack of control. With a long inhale of air, he turned to look down at Dominque and attempted a more relaxed smile, not the curt one which he’d been offering. “Try not to embarrass me.”
ominque played with the barely there plate of food before him. He wasn’t hungry as he’d eaten on his last date a few hours before, but he hated to look unappreciative of what looked to be a delicious meal.
He was sitting with who he guessed to be two of Jacob’s bosses and their wives along with the organiser of this event and his partner. Beside him sat a very elegant lady who so far hadn’t said much and seemed quite shy. Dominque guessed, like him, she had little knowledge of the conversations happening around them and decided to just look interested and supportive but not join in much.
She was called Bettina, and her husband had finished giving the first speech of the night. Dominque found it interesting, but it was all boring facts and figures which went over his head. He understood the basics, there were so many unfortunate children in the world who didn’t have access to the National Health Service in the UK and suffered incredibly for the rest of their lives if they didn’t gain the support of this charity, but how it was delivered left a lot to be desired.
Jacob left them halfway through the main meal to take his place on the staged area and Dominque felt even more on display now he was alone. He was aware from the very beginning being with Jacob was an event all on its own. Obviously the guy didn’t date, and if he did, they weren’t invited here to meet his co-workers. He was intriguing to them and he would catch their sneaky looks and whispers, but tried not to react to them, instead being the dutiful boyfriend and concentrating on Jacob. Now he was gone, he could feel the unspoken questions waiting to come out.
During the lull from one speaker to the next on the podium, the crowd began to chat and Dominque felt the hand of Bettina on his, turning to look into her round blue eyes and smiling.
“Jacob is such a good speaker. He has such passion.” She spoke slowly and with a very heavy Russian accent. As it was the first time she’d spoken to him, Dominque understood better why she hadn't been so vocal. Her English wasn’t very clear.
“I had no idea you were Russian.” He grinned at her and moved closer. “If you want, we can be rude and continue this conversation in your native language.”
“You speak Russian?” She opened her eyes a little wider, then smiled. “How?”
“My dad’s from there. He spoke it at home, I picked it up. I decided to keep up with it just in case. A second language is always helpful.”
“Speak to me in Russian.”
Dominque chuckled before turning toward her and slipping back into the language he would always associate with his dad. “Where did you meet your husband?”
“I’m not a mail order bride. He didn’t meet me on the internet and pay for me.” She turned her nose up and Dominque laughed. “Most people think that and I've grown bored of defending myself against something which I shouldn’t have to.”
“That thought never crossed my mind.”
“It does with most people.” She gazed at her husband sitting across from them. He was a little older than her by about five years Dominque would guess, but the way their eyes held each other’s gaze, and the devotion he saw in them, was obviously showing a couple in love. “We met when he came to perform an operation for the charity not too far from my home village. I'm a nurse you see. I was drafted in to help with the operations and make sure the parents and patients knew what was happening. Allan doesn’t speak Russian—well, he does a little now, but not much. That was five years ago and we’ve been together ever since.”
“That's beautiful.” Dominque smiled at her as he rested his chin on his hand. “You're lucky to have found him.”
“And what about you and Jacob?” She leaned in closer. “He’s never been seen with anyone. He didn’t hide he was gay, but he’s never spoken about anyone, and then here you are. Everyone was beginning to think he would never meet anyone.”
“Oh well, we met in my home town not too long ago and just kind of hit it off.”
Bettina laughed, a husky one which made him smile. “Jacob hitting it off with someone. Sorry, I don’t buy it. He’s about as chatty as a mute. How on Earth did he capture your attention?”
“He’s very handsome.” Dominque wasn’t lying. Jacob was tall and fit and he held himself with a quiet, assured confidence which many would be attracted to. “He has a good heart.”
Bettina nodded, kissing his cheek softly. “Not many see that in him despite all the hard work he puts into charities such as these. They presume it’s to advance his name and position, but when you hear him speak, I don’t know how they can think that.” She gave him a quick look up and down. “I always wondered what his type was.”
“Oh.” Dominque felt himself blush, because if one thing was
clear to him, he was nothing like what Jacob wanted. “I’m sure he has a varied taste in men.”
“We wouldn’t know. Like I said, you’re the first we’ve seen.”
“Well… I hope I haven't disappointed anyone.”
She laughed again and her husband smiled at her. “How could you ever disappoint anyone?”
“I do.” He glanced at Jacob making his way to the front of the stage, the noise surrounding them dying down a little.
“He’s cold, a lot of men are in his position, but like my Allan, he can't hide how he looks at you when he thinks no one is looking.”
Dominque’s interest piqued. “He looked at me?”
“Hmm.” She turned to look at Jacob, standing so poised behind the podium, watching with stern eyes as the room became quiet. “Like he couldn’t quite believe you were there.”
“Oh.” Dominque shook his head.
Yeah, Jacob can’t believe I’m here. I’m not supposed to be here.
When Jacob began to speak, Dominque was able to sit and watch him, listening as his gravelly voice filled the room, his barely there Scottish accent seeming to be more prominent through the microphone. He started quite stiffly, talking about the beginning of the charity ten years ago and how far it had come, but when he moved on to talking about the children he’d met, what condition he’d found them in, describing the pain and the daily struggles they and their family had to go through, Dominque felt tears brimming in his eyes.
He spoke with such a strong emotional need to convince those around him to help, almost angrily pointing out how many children there were in need of help and time was running out for them. Dominque and those around him became enamoured listening to him. The personal details and emotions he added to his speech made it a much more attention grabbing one than the previous person delivered.
Dominque was convinced by the end of it he wanted to help too. This evening would have cost a thousand pounds and he made the decision there and then he would write a cheque for this weekend’s paycheck. He could do with the three grand he’d made, but how could he take money from Jacob after been so moved by his speech and seeing the children who needed Jacob and other surgeons like him who were willing to give up their free time to travel to these countries and perform the surgery they so desperately needed—he wouldn’t take any money.
After Jacob finished, Dominque and Bettina chatted together, mostly in Russian, and ignoring the glares from another woman sitting opposite them. He listened intently as she regaled him with tales of their escapades to China last year, listing all the amazing sites they’d seen and how they’d visited an adoption agency there, beginning the long journey of adopting a baby girl they fell in love with. It had taken months and months and the little girl had been nine months old when they could finally bring her back to England, but they were so happy.
Dominque sighed and cooed at the pretty little girl’s pictures on her phone, congratulating her husband. She was so adorable and Dominque spoke about Angelique, slipping up and mentioning how he’d looked after her due to his mum being ill. He felt like a dad in some ways, but a dad she didn’t want.
Bettina kissed his cheek softly when he fell silent, not wanting to utter the answer to the question which he could see hanging from her lips. After years of being asked it, he saw the signs and Bettina seemed to understand his hesitancy and why he‘d fallen silent. “It’s okay, little one. I understand.”
Dominque hated saying the words she’s dead. He never spoke about his mum, but sometimes it was unavoidable. “It’s still so difficult.”
“I know. It takes time, but truly, losing your mother is something you will always feel deep inside.”
Jacob slipped into the seat beside them, first two buttons on his shirt collar were open and his bow tie was hanging loose around his neck. “I'm ready for a drink.” He filled his wine glass up and took a few long drinks, draining the glass quickly as he drifted his sexy eyes over Dominque’s body. “How’ve you been?”
Dominque’s heart sped up with the effect of that look and he quickly averted his attention to the stage and to the next speaker while he collected his thoughts and his heart before glancing at Jacob reclining casually in his chair. “Good. Bettina and I have been chatting.”
Jacob tried to hide his surprise, but it leaked out anyway in his wider eyes and slightly open mouth, and Dominque turned to Bettina, speaking softly in Russian to her and making her laugh.
She turned to Jacob and nodded her head. “This one,” she said a little too loudly and slowly, trying to pronounce each word carefully. “He is a keeper. Look after him and never let him slip through your fingers.” She waved at her husband and he smiled at them both. “Allan, I have a new best friend. I love him.”
Allan laughed, then looked at Jacob. “She’s a tough one to break. If your lad’s made this much of an impression on her, then you did good, my friend.” He lifted his glass, and then smiled at Dominque. “I'm sure we’ll be seeing each other again if Bet has anything to do with it.”
“Oh yes,” Bettina said, changing back into Russian. “I have friends who I love and who I can speak to, but you—” She kissed his forehead again. "I really, really need to know you more.” She leaned in closer. “Even if things don’t work out with him, you still stay friends with me, huh?”
“We’ll keep in touch.” Dominque would too. He liked her a lot and he planned on leaving his personal mobile number with her before he left.
“Well, that’s nice, isn't it, Dominque. New friends.” Jacob rested an arm on his chair, brushing up attentively against Dominque’s back and causing him to heat up and grow cold all at the same time.
“Yes, everyone’s been very nice to me. Thank you for inviting me.”
Jacob’s eyes flashed with a little humour, then he gulped his wine down. “I have to mingle more. Seeing as though you're so good at making new friends, you're coming with me.”
Allan laughed. “He could sell sand to an Arab. He has a trustworthy face and a pleasant nature. I'm pretty sure no one could say no to him.”
“Most people don’t. Isn't that right, Dominque?” Jacob whispered the last part into his ear, making Dominque stiffen hearing the almost sneer come from his lips. For a man who booked escorts, Jacob obviously disliked the role they performed. “Let’s go.”
After walking around and chatting to a few people, and Dominque using every bit of charm within him to gain their interest and support for Jacob, he was asked to dance by Stephen who Dominque guessed had an important role within the charity. His partner was involved with the venue and too busy to join him and as Jacob was busy with several surgeons making sure he had them signed up for a few operations in the following months, Dominque allowed himself to be manoeuvred around the dance floor, laughing and probably flirting too much with the handsome silver fox who had him in his arms.
“Hmm, if I wasn’t practically married and ten years younger, I'd be running away with you tonight.”
“Oh, just for the night? I'm upset.” Dominque widened his big, brown eyes even more, giving him the full on puppy dog eyes and watched him smile.
“Jacob is incredibly lucky to have you, I hope he knows that. I feel he’s been ignoring you all night.”
“This is a very important night for him and for the children who need his help. I don’t blame him for wanting to dedicate his attention to them and not me.”
“Well, he’d better make it up to you somehow. I know I have quite a few ideas in mind on how I would.” His gaze moved over Dominque’s shoulder and he smiled. “Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Jacob, looking for your little piece of heaven?”
Dominque stepped back to Jacob’s side, slipping his arm through Jacob’s.
“I was only pointing out—”
“Yes, I heard, Stephen.” Jacob’s arm was slipping around his waist as he bit back the clipped response, one Dominque was sure shouldn’t have happened given Stephen was sort of Jacob’s boss. Jacob ignored everyone else in the room and turned to look into Dominque’s eyes. “Shall we dance?”