Dominque (Knights to Remember) (4 page)

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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acob couldn't remove his gaze from the exquisite sight before him. His entire body reacted to this man, and he had to hold everything inside so tightly he felt like his chest was stuck in a vise. Since Jacob first saw his picture on the Secret Pleasures website, he’d been enamoured by his beauty and elegant poise. Jacob was stunned seeing him at the bar when he’d been so verbal about not having him for the evening. Jacob couldn't be in the same country as him, let alone see him kneeling before him and calling him sir. He desired him too much.

“Get up,” he whispered gruffly, still not being able to look away from the sophisticated young man before him.

Those big, brown, hesitant eyes met his, and Jacob felt the growl come from his lips before he could stop it. They were pure as fresh snow, exquisite in their unfathomable gaze, like his whole being shone through them, lighting up the room. He watched in astonished silence as the brunette moved gracefully and with practised ease from his knees to stand at his side, head still partially bowed, gaze on his chin, breathing a little fast but otherwise standing perfectly calm before him—waiting.

“You’re not who I requested.”

“I knew I would be a disappointment to you. I'm sorry I don’t please you, Mr Buchanan.”

“Why are you here when I specifically asked for the other man?”

“There was a last minute complication which couldn’t be resolved any other way than me being here. I know I'm not what you want, but—”

Jacob stopped him there. There wasn’t anything in the world he wanted more than this man. “It’s too late to argue about this now.” He glanced down, noticing how the slender build to his companion melded against his seamlessly as they walked into the ballroom, his steps matching Jacob’s in perfect timing, each foot connecting to the floor in unison to his. “Your name,” he hissed out. “I dislike it. Change it.”

For the first time, those wide, brown eyes met his directly, a flash of defiance maybe showing in them, but quickly concealed, leaving only bewilderment.

“Your profile. I saw it. Refused it. It said your name was Alasdair. That was my father’s name. I’d prefer a different one.” Jacob was confident it wasn’t his real name, and changing it shouldn’t be too much to ask. He probably had a whole list of names he used with different men. “Well?”

“Um… Dominque?”

“Fine.” Jacob nodded. “Much better.”

“Thank you.”

“I'm Jacob. Not Mr Buchanan. You're my date, not some stranger I just picked up. We met not so long ago in case anyone asks.”

“Very well. Where?”


“Where did we meet? I don’t want to say the wrong thing.”

“I don’t know. Some bar. A wine bar in… Where are you from again?”


“Okay, Leeds. Two months ago.”

Jacob placed his hand on the base of Dominque’s back, attempting to make him move faster. As soon as he touched him, he regretted it. A thrum of need passed through him, pulsing and warming his body up, heading down to his cock which jerked in his pants.

Jacob faltered for a second, eyes shifting down, surprised to see the shock he felt etched on the exquisite features of Dominque. Whatever he felt, the beauty beside him felt it too and Jacob didn’t know which he hated more—his own body not listening to him, or the escort teasing him had picked up on it. “Let’s just… get this over with.”

As soon as they entered the crowded room, Jacob spotted the bar and headed for it, dragging his ‘date’ with him. Not being a big drinker, he simply ordered two flutes of champagne, then turned to survey the room, scanning it for his colleagues.

It was a big night, one which helped or hindered careers, and being seen with a date, one who was suitable and fitted in, one who could represent Jacob and flatter him to others, was something he wanted from the pretty man beside him. “I presume you’ve been to many occasions like this?”

“Yes. Many.”

“I preferred the other one because his profile mentioned he was studying advanced cellular and molecular biology. His experience, if it were true, would have been beneficial to me.”

Dominque tilted his flute back, giving the impression he was drinking, but Jacob was close enough to spot a single drop never made it past his lips. “Harry, the one you chose, he’s very intelligent. He apologised for not being able to make your date. He’s usually very reliable.”

“And what about you?”

Dominque looked into his eyes, blinking a few times, that cute little bemused look shining through again. “What about me?”

“I don’t suppose you're some sort of student in your spare time?”

He smiled softly, tilting his head slowly. “What spare time?”

“Hmm.” Jacob looked over him again.

The tux Dominque was wearing fitted him like a glove, obviously tailor-made and expensive, the cologne he wore was rich and musky, not well known, hair perfectly coiffed and well looked after, even his nails looked like he had weekly manicures. He was groomed within an inch of his life, so well put together. The perfect package.


He could see why Dominque would be in constant demand. Jacob turned from him, the need to escape growing inside. “Let’s mingle before the speeches starts.” He drained his glass, leaving it behind, but before he could walk off, Dominque’s arm was slipped into the crook of his elbow. “What are you doing?”

The dark expressive eyes of the young man shot to his and then to his arm. “You said we were dating. Don’t you touch your dates?” A half smile made it onto those pink, plump lips.

“I don’t date. Hence why you’re here.” It was uncommon for him to be touched in any way outside of the club.

“If it makes you uncomfortable…”

“It does.” Jacob sighed, stopping the slender arm from slipping from him. “But… I understand the need for the contact, so you may continue.”

“I'm sorry.” The softly spoken apology made Jacob breathe faster. “I feel like I'm getting everything wrong and I don’t want to. Usually, before a function like this, I would speak with you direct days before so we could plan the evening. I'm usually more organised. I like to plan.”

“As do I.” Jacob gave him a brief smile before turning from him. “Just continue as you are doing.”

Jacob made his way through the immense room, dodging the huge round tables with copious amounts of balloons hovering above them, the music already too loud for his tastes, and he knew later in the night when people had drunk their weight in champagne and the other free booze floating around, it would be much louder and his personal space would be intruded upon even more than it was already.

The heat from Dominque pressing against his side was a constant irritation, or an itch which he needed to scratch, he couldn’t decide which. He had to fight every moment to not turn around and take in his new companion’s features up close, not as up close as he would like to do.

What he’d like was to have the willowy young man laid out on the black sheets of his big bed, creamy flesh displayed for only him, body stretched out by the silk ropes tied to his ankles and wrists, a plug spreading his hole open and a cock ring keeping his length rigid and dripping as he calmly waited to be touched. The vision of Dominque patiently waiting for his touch sent shock waves of need through him, ending up with his cock half hard and him a little breathless.

He realised his grip had tightened around the svelte waist in his hold, and released a breath, letting the tension leave him. The last thing he needed was a stiff cock around these stuffed shirts. He smiled at someone he knew, not personally, only from running into occasionally around these sorts of things, and then he glanced around, seeing a few people he worked with nearby.

Most of his staff gave him a wide berth, his bad temper and stoic personality made it difficult for people to get close, but there was one person who he actually classed as a friend. Robert. They’d known each other since university, and despite Robert being older, Jacob progressed faster and shared most of his classes.

Jacob nodded at him as they neared each other, watching Robert’s calm brown eyes immediately shifting to the five feet ten erotic vision of Dominque beside him. Those honest eyes couldn’t hide the desire which rushed through him, and Jacob half smiled, coyly looking down at Dominque for a moment before raising his brow at Robert.

“Evening, Mr Barrett.” Jacob held his hand out, smirking more.

“Jay.” Robert spoke slowly as he shook his hand, those eyes still set on Dominque.

A stupid and irrational spike of jealousy hit Jacob as Robert held out his hand to Dominque, but he introduced them, if only to get Robert out of the way and leave Dominque alone with him. “This is Dominque.”

“Hello, Mr Barrett.” Dominque’s melodious voice caressed Jacob like a silk mitten, and he sighed internally. He was confident there was
this man could do which wouldn’t turn him on.

“Call me Robert.” He grinned as he flashed his eyes back to Jacob. “I had no idea you were dating anyone. This is a welcome surprise. It’s nice to meet you, Dominque. How on earth did this miserable bastard grab someone as charming as you? And where can I find someone just like you for myself?”

Dominque chuckled, husky and low, the vibrations running from him and through Jacob’s arm. “It’s nice to meet you too. I’m newish.” He winked wickedly at Robert before turning his attention back to Jacob, those doe eyes widening and warming as soon as they connected to Jacob’s. “We only met a couple of months ago, and I'm terribly bad with names. I'm sure Jacob’s mentioned you before.” The lie was so softly spoken, with the right amount of shyness and embarrassment at not recalling him. Taking the blame for Jacob and easing Robert into the illusion Dominque so naturally surrounded them in.

“Just in passing.” Jacob gave Robert a bigger smile. He could see the hundred and one questions running through his mind. “We’ll catch up later. I have a speech to give in half an hour. Have you seen him?”

He meant Stephen, who organised all the charity events and who Jacob had been working with for a few years getting the cash in and drafting in surgeons to donate their time for free.

“He’s back there.” Robert nodded his head in the direction of the stage.

“Thanks. I’ll be back later for drinks.”

“Well, don’t come alone.” Robert could be a huge flirt when he wanted to be, but Jacob couldn't really blame him. Dominque was like a beacon flashing in the black of night, drawing the attention of everyone around him. “You know, this one is incredibly boring, I'm pretty sure you’ll have a much better time with me.” He laughed and Jacob shoved him a little. “But seriously…” Robert paused for effect and Jacob sighed, feeling Dominque giggle a little. “I'm sitting right here if you need company while he’s busy tonight.” He held his hands up and opened his dark eyes wider. “I swear to be good. No inappropriate touching or anything. Unless you want me to, then of course—”

“Robert! Fuck off.” Jacob was laughing. He only ever really laughed like this with Robert. It was all fun and games. Robert was just overly happy to see him with someone. “Get your own.”

“It was nice meeting you, Robert. Hopefully we’ll see each other again tonight.” Dominque moved closer to Jacob, placing his hand on his chest and smiling brightly at Robert as they walked off. “He was very nice. Is he a good friend of yours?”

“He is.” Jacob paused mid-step, looking down at him. The thought occurred to him Dominque could be in Robert’s bed if he paid for him, and Jacob wasn’t too sure how he felt about that. “If he asked for you, would you accept him as a client?”

Dominque coughed a little, dipping his head as he covered his mouth. “He doesn’t know I'm for sale.” Dominque looked up through hooded lids into Jacob’s eyes. “But if he booked me, it’s my role to… I wouldn’t have to. If this is all… confidential.” Dominque glanced around him, a slight nervous edge to his stance which had been hidden before. “But of course, I can't promise I haven't met anyone here before. There’s always that matter to consider.”

“I'm presuming those who know you, paid for you at some point and would rather it not be common knowledge.”

“Hmm.” Dominque played with his shirt cuff while he looked at his feet. Those downcast eyes did wicked things to Jacob’s cock, and he turned from him.

“So, you won't be advertising your wares on our date?”

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