Distorted Hope (31 page)

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Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

BOOK: Distorted Hope
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I stepped inside, clutching the ring in my hand. I walked over to his desk. “I’m sorry for bothering you, Patrón, but I needed to return this.” I set the ring gently on his desk so he wouldn’t think I was being spiteful.

We both stared at it for a moment. “Thank you, Kyra,” he said in a strained voice. “You may go.”

“Thank you, Patrón.” I turned and left his office and went back to the women’s house. And I ran to my room and wept.

Amé, Laurie, and Julia came in and comforted me until I could stop crying. By the time dinner came around, I was composed again. Mostly.

The girls ate dinner at the same time as the men, but in their own dining room just off the kitchen. I picked at my food. Pasha encouraged me to eat more but soon realized it was a fruitless effort. She squeezed my hand after dinner. “It will work out,
. Don’t give up hope.”

I went into the living room with the other girls, as one of the ‘other’ girls for the first time that night. I hated it. I tried to walk by Patrón without saying anything, but he caught my elbow as I walked by.

“That was rude, Kyra,” he said, not in an angry voice. “I know you’re angry with me, but that does not give you an excuse to be rude.”

“I’m not angry with you, Patrón,” I protested quietly, looking up at him. “I’m sorry. I will not do it again.”

He pressed his lips together and nodded, releasing my arm.

I looked around, not sure what to do. Even though I’d lived here for almost a year, I’d never done this before. There were six men in the room, including Patrón, and eight girls. Pasha didn’t usually come in the evenings.

Amé motioned for me to go to her and I did, sitting on a rug beneath one of the big picture windows. “The men will call us, or come get us, when they want us. Aside from that, we can just visit and have fun.”

The first moment we’d had alone, Amé had apologized profusely about me seeing her in bed with Patrón. She had been shocked when he had called for her that afternoon and started having sex with her. She had tried to stop him but had been warned very firmly to not protest. I told her I understood and didn’t hold it against her. I hated the image it had left in my mind, but I knew she’d only done it because she had to.

I stared out the window as the evening passed. None of the men called for me. I figured they still thought of me as Nathan’s and didn’t take it personally. I knew they found me attractive and honestly, I appreciated their sensitivity.

But Patrón didn’t. He called me over after it was clear no one else would. “Kyra, I believe Toby would enjoy your attentions tonight.”

“Yes, Patrón,” I whispered and went to the blond man in his early thirties. “May I please you, sir?” I asked in a slightly louder voice so Toby could hear me.

He cleared his throat and nodded. “Sure, Kyra,” he said, glancing at Patrón.

I met his gaze as I knelt before him and saw the sympathy in his eyes. He shifted in his seat and settled back as I unfastened his pants and began licking and sucking on his growing erection. I’d only given four men blowjobs, if you counted Pavel, but obviously had mostly been with Patrón. Toby wasn’t lacking in the cock department, but he was much easier to take into my throat than Patrón.

“Oh, fuck, Kyra,” he groaned and caressed the back of my head as I took him down my throat. I took that as a good sign.

“Enjoying her, Toby?” Patrón asked, bringing tears to my eyes. I closed them so they wouldn’t be seen. Crying was probably considered rude.

“Uh, huh,” Toby mumbled, tangling his fingers in my hair.

Patrón chuckled and I squeezed my eyes shut so the tears wouldn’t fall.

A few minutes later, Toby’s hands tightened in my hair and he groaned as he came in my mouth. “Fuck,” he whispered, stroking my head as I swallowed.

He tugged gently on my hair and had me look up at him. “Thank you, sweetie.”

I gave him a shy smile and he stroked my cheek.

“You can take her to bed if you want.” My mouth opened in surprise at Patrón’s words. Toby looked at him, clearly disturbed.

“I… No, that’s okay, Nathan. That blowjob was good.”

Patrón must have given him a look because he sucked in a deep breath and nodded. “Thanks.” He didn’t sound very enthusiastic. He glanced down at me and raised his brows. “Shall we?”

“Of course, sir.”
Well, I guess I’ll have my second anal experience tonight.

I didn’t look at Patrón as I left. I was trying to keep my composure as I followed Toby up to the third floor. I hadn’t been up here before.

The area surrounding the stairs was open. I saw video game systems, a couple of TVs, and even a gym area in the corner. There was a patio, like on the second floor, and Toby’s room was to the left, all the way around to the end of the U-shaped patio.

Toby opened the double-glass doors and motioned me inside. I walked in and he close the door behind me.

I turned to look at him and chewed my lip. He looked about as at ease as I felt, which wasn’t very much. Patrón basically told me to come upstairs and have sex with him. I knew Toby was one of the guys who liked to play rough. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me maliciously, but I had heard from Madison that he had a whole toy-box in his closet.

“You like playing?” Toby asked from the doorway.

“I haven’t done much,” I admitted. “Na— er, Patrón played a little with me.”

“I won’t if you don’t want to, Kyra. We can just go vanilla.”

“I’m here to please you.”

“One of the rules is we don’t play with those who don’t like to play.” He sighed. “I don’t know what the hell is going on with him, but when he snaps out of it, I sure as hell don’t want him coming after me for hurting you.”

“I don’t think there’s anything for him to snap out of.”

“Kyra, I’ve never seen a guy more in love with a girl. Whatever is up is ass will… I dunno. He’ll get over it. He has to.”

I shook my head. “I really don’t think so. When he took me last night, he was resolved. He wasn’t angry, just… determined to rid himself of me.” I swallowed back tears. “This is what I was brought here for, anyway. I may as well get used to it.”

“Dr. Perez is trying to reach Mark to let him know what happened. He’ll be able to talk some sense into him.”

I shrugged, wanting to change the subject. “I should probably tell you, I’m on my period.”

“Is it heavy?”

I shook my head. “Patrón, um… Well, I can do anal now.”

“Nathan was the first in your ass?” He looked sympathetic.

I winced and nodded. It had hurt at first, but after a while, it started feeling good. Especially when he played with my clit. I had a very intense orgasm with him in there.

“Are you hurting?”

“A little. Not bad.”

Toby studied me for a moment. “You want to try playing a little? We can stop whenever you want. You’ll have a safe-word.”


He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Playing’s only fun if both parties want to do it. I promise, I won’t hurt you… well, more than you want to be. And I might be able to get your mind off of stuff for a while.”

I smiled. A genuine smile.

“You have such a pretty smile,” he murmured and leaned down to kiss me. He was only about five-feet-eleven but that was still several inches taller than me. His blue-green eyes were light and cheerful and he had a very cute dimple in his left cheek. He was also a very good kisser.

I moaned as his tongue probed my lips. My lips parted and to my surprise, I eagerly accepted him into my mouth. Maybe I would be able to forget my broken heart for a little while.

Days passed and then weeks as I tried to get used to being Patrón’s sex slave. By the end of two weeks, I’d slept with all of the men at the hacienda. Patrón made sure of that. Well, the ones who were there. Mark still hadn’t returned.

I had to watch as the other girls got to spend time with Patrón. He never touched me. He was polite and even kind, but he never touched me. I gave up hope things would go back to the way they had been. The girls kept encouraging me to keep hoping, but I couldn’t. It was just too painful. It was easier to just accept my new place in his household. Well, not easier, but simpler. Kind of.

About a month after my ‘status change,’ Mark came home.

I was giving Colin a blowjob, facing away from the entryway, when he came in.

“Ah, Mark,” Patrón said in a pleased voice. “I’m glad you’re back.”

Mark was home?
Just like that, the pain of hope returned.

I heard several sets of footsteps come closer.

“You must be Austin,” Patrón said, standing and disappearing from my peripheral view.

“I am,” a male voice with an accent replied. British, I think.

I held my breath, waiting to hear if there was another female brought in, like I had been, but all I heard was Patrón invite the new person to sit down.

I heard creaking as people sat down in the chairs around me. Colin cursed quietly and stiffened as he came in my mouth. I fixed his pants and then stayed in place until I was given leave to move.

“Where’s Kyra?” Mark asked from behind me.

I felt a tap on my head and looked up to see Patrón motioning for me to turn around. Shame filled me as I stood and turned around to face Mark. What would he think?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man more surprised than Mark at that moment. He stared at me for a moment and then shot a dirty look at Patrón. “What the fuck is going on, Nathan?”

Patrón’s tone held a warning. “Be careful, Mark.”

Mark’s dark eyes darted back and forth between us.

“She’s where she should have been all along. We can discuss it further at a later time.” Patrón’s voice was firm. “It’s been a long trip. Would you like her?”

Mark still hadn’t recovered from his shock and just stared at me. I gave him a small smile.

“If you don’t, I’m sure one of the others would like her.”

Mark pressed his lips together and looked at me for a moment longer, then nodded. “Come sit by me, Kyra,” he said in a gentle voice.

I quickly made my way around the table and sat on the floor between his and Patrón’s chairs.

“I apologize for that, Austin,” Patrón said in a cordial voice. “There have been some changes around here Mark was unaware of.”

“I see,” Austin said. “I believe he told me you were engaged.”

“Yes. That is one of the changes.”


Patrón asked about traveling, and the conversation veered away from the uncomfortable subject. Mark put his hand on my head and stroked gently. I closed my eyes, savoring the touch of someone I knew cared about me. Not that the other men disliked me; I knew they liked me. But Mark… Mark was protective of me. He was the one who brought me and I think he felt a little responsible for me.

Mark put slight pressure on the side of my head and I looked up, wondering if he wanted a blowjob. I started to move and he shook his head. “You’re tired,” he said quietly. “Rest your head on my leg.”

I gave him a grateful smile and did so. His hand didn’t leave my hair and I found myself drifting off to the sensation. It had been over a month since I’d been touched like this. The other guys weren’t mean, by any stretch of the imagination, unless they were playing so. They treated me with respect. But I missed gentle caresses.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted.

“She’s a slave, Mark,” Patrón said. “Treat her as such.”

“I will treat her as I wish. That’s one of the benefits of having a slave, isn’t it?”

“We need to talk in the morning.”

“Yes, we do.” Mark turned quickly and walked away, to the stairs, I assumed. That was confirmed when we started going up.

“I’m awake, sir. I can walk myself.”

“Don’t call me ‘sir’, Kyra,” Mark muttered.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly.

Mark stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down at me, cradled in his arms. “What happened?” he asked in a bewildered voice.

I hadn’t cried in almost a week, but I felt my eyes burning as the tears threatened to return. Mark kissed my forehead and walked quickly to his room, closing the door behind him.

I hadn’t been in here before, though I knew where his room was. It was a good-sized room, almost as big as my old room, though more square than L-shaped. He had a king-size bed in the middle of the back wall and a desk with a computer on it next to the door. A pocket door in the far wall opened to the bathroom.

He set me down on my feet and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. That did it. I lost it.

I cried hard as he held me, stroking my back and massaging the back of my head. At one point, he guided me over to the bed and pulled me into his lap, cradling and rocking me. When I tried to stop crying, he told me to cry as long as I needed to, and I cried until I had no more tears left.

“What happened?” he asked, kissing the top of my head. “You guys were fine when I left.”

“I got my period,” I explained. “I wasn’t pregnant and he got upset. He said I ruined everything.” In a halting voice, I told him what had happened, from Patrón disappearing and finding him drunk, to hiding in the garden because I was afraid of him. I told him about Patrón’s resolve to not let me in again and his cool kindness to me from that moment on.

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