Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series (44 page)

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Authors: Jeff Kinney

Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction

BOOK: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series
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XKe big teenager most Kave caogKt my eye, because tKe next tKing X knew, Ke was looking at tKe CKeese, too. And X guess tKat gave Kim tKe idea Ke was looking for.

Rowley got singled out first. XKe big kid grabbed Rowley and dragged Kim over +o tK« CKeese.

Kiow, X don't want to say exactly wKat Kappened next, because if Rowley ever tries to run for President and someone finds out wKat tKese guys made Kim do, Ke won't Kave a cKance.

So XII f>u+ it to you tKis way' XKey made Rowley _tKe CKeese.


X khew +tay were
r*»ke me do i+, +00. I s+ar+ed +0 j>ar»c, because X kr*w X wasn't goirvg -ho fee able +0 -figh+ my way 00+
-Hvs si-toa+ioh.

So X did Some fas+ ialkiftg instead.

A^d believe i+ or no+, i+ ac+ually worked.


I guess -me -teenagers were satisfied they had made their point, because after +Key made Rowley finish
the rest
the Cheese, the let us go. "They go+ back in their -truck and -took
down the road.

Me and Rowley walked home together. But neith* one
us really said anything on the way back.

I -thought about mentioning to Rowley that maybe he could have gulled out a couple
his karate moves back there, but something told me -to hold
on that thought
right now.



Tuts jay

A+ school today, the -feathers le+ os outside after lunch.

+ took al>ou+ five seconds for someone to realize the Cheese was missing from its spot on +he blacktop.

E-verybody crowded around +o look a+ where +he Cheese used to he. Nobody could believe it was actually gone.

People s+ar+ed coming up with -these crazy theories about what happened to it. Somebody said that maybe the Cheese grew legs and walked away.

Xt took all mv self-control to keep ry mouth shot. And if Rowley wasn’t standing right there, X honestly don’t know if X could have






A couple o+ the guys who were arguing over what happened +o the Cheese were the same ones who were edging me and Cowley on yesterday afternoon. So X knew it wasn’t going to he long before someone put two and two together and fgured out that we must have had Something +o do with it.

Rowley was starting to panic, and X don’t blame him, either. Xf the truth ever came out about how the Cheese disappeared, Rowley would be finished. He d have to move out of the state,

"Thai's when X decided io speak up.

X iold everyone ihai X knew whai happened io ihe Cheese. X said X was sick of ii bein^ on ihe blackiop, and X jusi decided io gei rid of ii once and for all.

For a second ihere, everyone jusi froie. X ihou^hi people were goin^ io siari ihankin^ me for whai X did. bui boy, was X wron^.

X really wish X had worded my siory a liiile differenily. Because if X ihrew away ihe Cheese, ^uess whai ihai meani? X+ meani ihai X have ihe Cheese Touch.


Vlell, if Rowley appreciated wKat X did for Kim last week, Ke Kasn't said it. But we've started Kanging out after school again, so X guess tKat means me and Kin are kack to normal.

X can Konestly say tKat so far, KaVing tKe CKeese ToucK Kasn't keen all tKat kad.

Xt got me out of doing tKe Square Pance unit in PKys E-d, kecause no one would partner up witK me. And X Ve Kad tKe wKole luncK takle to myself every day.

Today was tKe last day of seKool, and tKey Kanded out yearkooks after e,gKtK period.

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