Descending Surfacing (11 page)

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Authors: Catherine Chisnall

BOOK: Descending Surfacing
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Oh- er- fine thanks. And you?’

Very well. I think you should-‘ She was interrupted by the boys coming in, and hastened away to deal with them.

Miss, can you help me?’ asked Shane immediately. The other boys sniggered but he ignored them.

What is it?’ He hadn’t even been given any work yet.

I have to tell you something,’ he hissed. But before he could, Olivia started the lesson.

Please stop giggling, boys. Really! Are you two year olds?’

That made them giggle even more but I ignored them.

I circulated as per usual, and was ostracised as per usual. Three weeks ‘til the end of the half term and my resignation!

He’s a right wanker,’ muttered Darren. ‘Shagging an old bird.’

She’s not a minger, though. I wouldn’t mind,’ replied Connor.

Not that again, I thought. Tyler’s ears must be burning.

I saw another learning support assistant, Sharon, at the door, peering in looking for someone. This wasn’t unusual. Boys were always being removed from class to see their learning mentors, or other staff members.

Miss,’ said Shane. He made a warning face and I turned to see Sharon conversing in a low voice with Olivia. All the boys were watching with bated breath. I turned back to Shane, trying to decipher his coded messages.

Could you come here please, Emily?’ Olivia had her falsely jolly voice on. ‘Sharon is going to take over in the class for the lesson,’ she whispered, turning away to hide what she said from the boys. ‘Could you go and see Leanne in her office, please?’

My feet were heavy as I trudged down the gleaming cream corridors. The building was like a spaceship - endless corridors all looking the same, the humming of vast air conditioners, people walking about in overalls. Perhaps an alien would suddenly rush towards me and eat me. That would be pretty much welcome at the moment.

Hello. Sit down,’ said Leanne. ‘I assume you have some idea of why I wanted to see you?’ She didn’t waste time with niceties. Di was there too. She wasn’t wearing her usual benevolent expression.

I nodded as slightly as I could. Make her say it out loud.

Mr Norton has made a complaint against you. He says you are having a sexual relationship with Jamie and he’s living with you at your home.’ She waited, watching me.

I paused. ‘Yes. I am. He is.’

She looked away. ‘Emily, I was so hoping you were going to deny it. People would take your word over Mr Norton’s any day. Can you tell me what happened?’

I started with a brief account of being stuck in the lift. It sounded so silly when spoken aloud to my boss.

So, you and Jamie Norton got stuck in the tower lift and you kissed him?’ Leanne looked disbelieving.

We thought we were going to die. It was like one of those disaster movies. We were both scared and it just happened.’

It wasn’t so long ago you spoke to me of your concerns about Jamie,’ said Di. ‘You came to me because his behaviour made you think he had problems at home, then he seemed to settle down and you said he was just being funny with you personally. How did that end up with you having a relationship with him?’

I paused. How did it? Why hadn’t I just accepted that he didn’t like me and ignored his behaviour? Why didn’t I push him away in the lift?

I- I don’t know,
’ I said at last. ‘It all just happened.’

Things don’t just happen though, do they? You must have had something to do with it,’ said Leanne.

No, I suppose not.’ I couldn’t meet her eyes.

Anyway, the more serious concern is that Jamie has now been excluded because of you. The fight with Luke was because he thought Luke had told everyone about your relationship with him.’

Yes, I know.’

And you kept this quiet? I’m sorry Emily, but this is looking worse and worse for you.’

I gulped.

Emily, we’ve been worried about you for some time,’ added Di kindly. ‘Brian and Peter have said you aren’t focussed in lessons, even Roger said you mentioned a while back that Jamie and his friends were upsetting you.’

If you’ve been worried about me, how come nobody told me and talked it over with me?’ I asked.

That threw them.

Well, you’re part-
time. It's hard to get hold of you,’ said Leanne defensively.

I waited.

Anyway, didn’t you get your performance review with Sally Anne?’

Yes, but-‘ I shrugged.

That should have addressed any concerns.’

But it was- Sally Anne told me clearly that the reason I had the performance review was because OFSTED were coming and she wanted to make sure I said the right things.’ That shut them up again. Actually perhaps it wasn’t a wise tactic to get them off-side. ‘But I’m leaving soon, as you know. My notice ends at the end of the half term.’

Sorry Emily but that looks even worse, I’m afraid,’ Leanne hit back. ‘It makes it look as if you stopped acting appropriately with the students because you were going to leave.’

I shrugged. Maybe I had done that subconsciously.

Anyway, we have Jamie and his father coming for the meeting in ten minutes. I just wanted to give you a chance to explain to me privately first.’

Shit. Fuck. As Jamie would say.

We all waited in silence for the Nortons to turn up. Leanne did paperwork, Di typed at the computer and I just sat.

The phone rang and Leanne answered it.

I have been worried about you, Emily,’ Di said at once. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t help you more when you complained about Jamie. I just thought you were letting it get to you too much and should be tougher. I’m sorry.’

My eyes filled with tears. All I wanted was a bit of recognition, support and even friendship at work. The only person I’d got it from was a student.

There was a firm knock on the office door and Di leapt to answer it.

Come in. W
ould you like tea or coffee?’

Coffee, please, Madam,’ said Mr Norton, obviously feeling uncertain as to how to act in this environment. He was wearing a business suit this time. I stifled a giggle at how uncomfortable he looked and risked a glance at Jamie. He was very much in the background, head down, hands in pockets.

Coffee or tea, Jamie?’ asked Di gently. He shook his head. I felt sorry for him. He looked defeated. What had I done to him?

Mr Norton was glaring coldly at me. Leanne finished her call and set her phone to voicemail.

So, Mr Norton, we are just waiting for the Principal to arrive and we can get the meeting started.’

The Principal! She was not a person you wanted to annoy. The few minutes stretched out in silence. Leanne was getting Mr Norton to sign papers, what the hell was that about?

Sorry to keep you.’ Sonia Velasquez glided in. ‘Mr Norton. Jamie. So, this meeting is to decide what to do in this situation. I would like those involved to give their sides of the story. Jamie, perhaps you’d like to go first as you are the one we are concerned about.’ She caught my eye and if she could have turned me to stone on the spot, she would have.

Tell us what happened Jamie,’ said Di gently, trying to encourage him.

It- I- ‘ H
e shrugged helplessly.

When did you start having a relationship with Emily?’

When the lift broke down that time. I- I kissed her- and stuff- cos we were scared. Can I smoke?’

Sorry, not in the office. What happened after that?’ Leanne took over the questioning.

My dad chucked me out-‘

Chucked out is a bit harsh, Jamie. I just-‘ Mr Norton interrupted.

Please. Let him finish.
’ The Principal would not be disobeyed.

Dad chucked me out. So Emily said I could move in with her.’

Di was looking more and more uncomfortable.

She forced him!’ interrupted Mr Norton again. ‘She wanted his EMA as well as his-’

Mr Norton!’ thundered the Principal. ‘Please keep silent.’

Do you like living with Emily?’ continued Leanne.

Jamie paused. ‘Yeah. It's nice there. She cooks for me; I’ve got my own room. We went out to a club, we-‘

You went out to a club with her? Even though you’re under eighteen?’ Leanne gave me a look of disbelief. ‘Were you drinking alcohol?’

Course. It was all free ‘cos she knew the owner.’

This was getting worse and worse. It sounded like I’d seduced an innocent child and led him into bad ways. Although he was far from innocent.

I’m sorry, Principal. This is really bad,’ blustered Mr Norton. ‘My Jamie’s a good boy. He’d never go into a club unless this slapper forced him.’

Jamie’s look of disbelief was worth seeing. And luckily everyone saw it.

Hm,’ said the Principal. ‘Now I think we need to hear Emily’s side.’ She gave me a scornful glance.

I- it's just as he said. It started in the lift and just carried on.’

Oh come on. That’s very unconvincing. You are a grown woman. You could have restrained yourself.’ The Principal couldn’t help sounding disgusted. She paused. ‘Sorry, Leanne, this is your meeting.’

As Sonia said, why didn’t you just restrain yourself, Emily?’

I- I don’t know. I was just scared. I thought I was going to die.’ My voice shook.

And when you realised Jamie was homeless, why didn’t you contact me, or a learning mentor? That would be the correct procedure. Di could have helped him find somewhere to live.’

I- I don't know. It was dark. He was cold and had nowhere to go and it was my fault his dad chucked him out.’

Your fault?’ Leanne looked from me to Mr Norton to Jamie.

Yes. It was because of us being stuck in the lift that Jamie couldn’t do something for his dad, and his dad said it was the last time he’d let him down and chucked him out.’ I babbled.

Mr Norton looked disconcerted.

That’s not right. Your assistant is lying,’ he said to the Principal, acknowledging her as the one with the power.

Could you explain more slowly, please, Emily?’ Sonia asked gently.

Because of me, Jamie got chucked out of his home.’

I see. So you felt guilty.’ She paused. ‘This is a very complicated situation. I suggest we move on to a solution. I take it you do not wish to take legal action, Mr Norton?’

I said to myself.
Don’t give him the option, please!

I’ve considered that,’ he said, a mercenary gleam appearing in his eye.

Because I can assure you that the police and legal system will be very thorough. They will look in detail into every aspect of this, including your home life.’

Clever Sonia!

Er- but on the other hand maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea. It all takes time doesn’t it, and it's best just to sort it out ourselves.’ Mr Norton smiled placatingly.

So, to find another resolution.’

I want her sacked!’ exclaimed Mr Norton, thumping the table. ‘She’s abused my son and she has to pay!’

Before anyone else could speak, Jamie did.

She didn’t abuse me. I wanted it.’ He glared at his father. I guessed this was one of the few times he had ever stood up to him.

You don’t know what you want,
’ sniffed Mr. Norton. ‘You’re a teenager. You’ll shag anything if it opens its legs.’ He sneered at me.

Please!’ the Principal held up her hand. ‘Let’s not lower ourselves to obscenities.’ She took a breath. ‘I understand that Jamie has been excluded until the end of term. Am I right, Leanne?’

Yes, you are. It was a serious assault on Luke but obviously there were extenuating circumstances. Jamie can return after half term if he wants and continue the course. I think he should try and make amends to Luke somehow. Emily has resigned, as you know, so will leave at the end of the half term anyway. What do you suggest?’

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