Defying the Sheikh (14 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Defying the Sheikh
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His control snapped at her words and he rode her savagely. Each stroke was heaven, each retreat demanding he plunge deeper within. Her body fit him perfectly, the tightness of her silken core clenching him and demanding more. Allowing his passion to unleash he rode her with a savageness until she found paradise. He followed soon after and could only marvel at this incredible woman who made him feel more than he ever dreamt possible.

Long minutes later, he untied her and removed her blindfold before carrying her to his bed. Her smile of contentment filled his heart with pride, but he was not ready for this night to end. They loved into the early morning hours, and he doubted she would be able to move the next morning. He could not get enough of this wonderful woman, he thought as sleep finally found them.















10 Renewing



It was almost noon when Michaela found her way back to the harem. She had barely reached the inner walls when nausea nearly dropped her to her knees. She ran with haste to the bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach. The memory of last night still filled her thoughts, and she blushed. She could only wonder if a person could die from so much pleasure.

"Daughter, are you unwell?" Zahra glanced over the paleness of her skin in great concern as she walked into the bathroom.

"I think something I ate last night may have made me sick," her face flushed in embarrassment, illness was not considered polite conversation.

"Perhaps," glancing over her daughter, she thought it may well indeed be something more pleasant but chose to refrain from mentioning it. "Come rest, all the women are practicing their talents."

Michaela felt much better, and gave a nod before walking over to one of the oversized pillow arrangements and resting upon them. She was overly tired, and knew that her long night with Armon was probably the reason for that. They had spent very little time sleeping last night, she thought trying not to blush. Within moments she surrendered to sleep.

There was little doubt in Zahra's mind that Michaela was pregnant, it should have been apparent to her before, she thought with a smile. It would bring great honor to her son to have his first child presented, especially if the child were male. She could hardly contain her joy at the thought of her first grandchild. She would wait a few more days to confirm her thoughts, before speaking with Armon.

Zahra made sure that the other women remained quiet and allowed Michaela to rest. They continued on with their talents in another room. These women would make excellent additions, she thought as she watched the various abilities they had mastered. Her son would find great pleasure in watching them perform.

Lilly had arrived and called the wives into a class on the erotic arts. She explained the many ways a woman could sexually pleasure her husband without allowing actual penetration. Nada seemed to flourish under these lessons, and Zahra was pleased that even at her tender age she appeared ready to surrender to Armon.

Zahra knew her son well and had little fear for the young Nada. Armon was nothing if not patient. She had no doubts that he would ease the young woman into her duties as a wife kindheartedly. The sounds of children filling the harem took over her thoughts and she could only smile. Her own husbands' wives had left of their own decision and were now happily in homes with new men. Armon had been sensitive to each of them and gave them the choice to remain or to finally be allowed to choose their own mates. She knew the decision had cost him the respect of many of his peers.

Most of them still visited when their duties allowed, but it was not the same as living with the women she had come to love as dear friends. She knew that given time, Michaela would come to feel the same about the wives here. A first wife wielded great power in the harem structure, and Zahra knew her new daughter would earn the respect of all those beneath her.

She smiled warmly as Michaela joined the rest of their group. "I hope your rest was peaceful?"

"Forgive me, I hope I was not missed overly?" In truth, she felt incredible. The short nap had done wonders for her and she was ravenous. Lifting an apple from one of the bronze bowls she quickly devoured it.

"It is an adjustment attempting to learn a new way of life, dear," Zahra smiled noting her daughter-in-laws appetite.

Lilly held up a molded phallus and captured everyone's attention. Some of the women giggled and other just stared wide-eyed. "There are many pleasures points on your husband's body, but most men will enjoy contact here." For the next twenty minutes, Lilly taught them how to caress the shaft or ways to take it deeply in their mouth to give him greater release.

The thought of such oral pleasure had Michaela running for the bathroom again. Something was not right, she thought to herself. Her body had never responded to anything in such a way and this was twice in one day. She wanted to believe it was just the thought of Armon being pleasured by these other women, but even though it angered her, making her physically ill made little sense.

Zahra walked into the bathroom and secured a cloth, dipping it in cool water. "This will pass soon, dear daughter," wiping her face and neck with the cool cloth, she knew it was almost certain her daughter-in-law was with child. "Michaela, you do understand why you feel this way?"

Looking up at her in confusion she shook her head. "I assumed it was something I ate, but that should all be purged from my belly by now?

"I believe you are with child, these are normal symptoms."

Michaela felt the room begin to spin and gripped the post in the wall for support. Darkness surrounded her and she felt herself slipping into the unknown.

Zahra caught her before she reached the floor and called out to the slaves for help. Within moments they had her back upstairs in her bed and she summoned her son. A healer was sent for and she waited for Armon to arrive.

Armon moved into the harem out of breath from the run. If anything happened to Michaela he would never forgive himself. He lowered himself onto the bed and caressed her cheek tenderly. "Hassanna, can you hear me," he spoke softly into her ear, fear gripping his chest.

Her eyes opened slowly and she stared into the chocolate warmth of her husband's face and smiled. She was glad he was here with her even though she would rather him not see her this way. "Why do you look so distraught," she whispered quietly.

"You fainted and I was afraid I would never get the opportunity to tell you how much I loved you again." He felt no shame in confessing his love for her. In the short time they had been together, he could not imagine a day without her smile.

"The healer will not enter the harem without your approval," Zahra spoke on a whisper, loathe to disturb the touching scene she had witnessed. It filled her heart with pride to know that her son was capable of such deep emotion.

"Sit with her mother, I shall only be a moment," he lowered his lips to Michaela's cheek and kissed it before moving out of the room.

"He loves you very much daughter," Zahra held her hand and patted it gently.

"And I him, but is it enough to overcome all I believe is moral," her heart was breaking at the thought of never being able to forgive him for his views on women.

"We all must make sacrifices, had you been raised in our world this would be second nature to you as well," she smiled and hoped her new daughter would be willing to work through her differences with her son.

Armon arrived with a small man who was bowing his head repeatedly. "This is our healer, and he will examine you to assure all is well."

The small man looked at her husband and waited for him to speak, it was very apparent to Michaela that he was not comfortable being here. She remembered that men were not allowed here, and could only assume that was the reason for his nervousness.

"What do you need me to do," she looked toward the healer but he seemed to be avoiding eye contact.

"Please tell your wife that I will take every precaution to not disrespect her," he was extremely nervous. To displease the Sheikh would mean certain death.

"You may speak directly to my wife," Armon kept his countenance firm, he wanted the healer to understand his life would be forfeit should anything happen to his beautiful bride.

"If you please, tell me what happened before you fainted," he lowered his eyes in respect and waited for Michaela to speak.

She explained about the earlier nausea and dizziness and then shrugged her shoulders. She remembered what her mother-in-law had stated earlier and wondered if it was possible that she was pregnant. The thought of her own child was something she had never thought to have, it filled her with a greater joy than she could have imagined.

"I must ask," his face flushed as he looked anywhere but at the woman on the bed, "when was the last time you had your womanly curse."

Michaela bit her lip to stop from laughing at the man's nervousness around her. Fourteen days before my marriage, this would mean..." She stopped speaking and her eyes went to Armon's. She was definitely late and it was pretty apparent that she was with child. Without any warning, tears fell from her eyes.

Armon pushed the healer out of the way and engulfed his wife into his arms holding her against his chest. "All will be well hassanna, I promise you and the child will always be cherished." He caressed her hair awkwardly not really knowing how to comfort her. Armon could only assume she was devastated by this news, and wanted her to understand she would always be his first consideration.

Zahra led the healer out of the room and demanded he give them a few moments privacy. She had never seen her son so emotional, and it only proved how much love he had for the woman. Sending a silent prayer she hoped that Michaela would understand how fortunate she was to have a husband that adored her so deeply.

"Hassanna, please stop crying, we will make this work, you have my word," he patted her back almost afraid to touch her because of the life growing inside her body.

"I am not unhappy Armon," she lifted tear-streaked cheek up and smiled. "I had never dreamed to have a child, and it is much to take in all at once.

Armon wiped the tears from her cheeks and smiled warmly. "All will be well, I refuse to let it be otherwise." His lips lowered to her and he kissed her tenderly. He was pleased that she returned his kiss and he felt his body respond instantly. "I will never allow anything to hurt you or our child, Michaela." He lifted her chin and stared deeply into her eyes so she would know his words were true.

"I cannot promise to accept easily this life, Armon," she spoke honestly, feeling he deserved to know the truth.

"If you would have me send all the women from here, say the word I would not hurt you again." He knew that his family would suffer great shame over this but she was worth more than anything at that point.

"I would not ask that of you," her eyes widened at all he was willing to sacrifice. She knew that the women here would be shamed, and his own name and that of his father would be forever tainted. "These women are your wives now, and they will be my sisters." As she spoke the words, she knew they were true. "I do ask that you refrain from taking the youngest until she is much older."

"If that is your wish, hassanna, I will gladly wait until you give me leave." He was amazed that his beautiful wife was willing to adjust to his way of life and he sent a prayer of thanks at all the blessings he had reaped.







Michaela held her son to her breast and watched him feed in amazement. Six years had passed since that day long ago when Armon had offered to give up everything for her. She had never regretted her decision to stay once. She had three beautiful children, two sons and one daughter. Each of them filled her life with joy.

Armon had taken twelve more wives over the years, most of them handpicked by Michaela. She had discovered so much about the lives of women here since those early years, and knew that a woman in the harem was safe from poverty. She ruled with a soft heart and kindness and all the women became part of her family.

So much had changed over the years, but Armon had been a wonderful husband and she could not fault him for anything. During her time with child, he had refrained from making love to her, but they had enjoyed other intimacies. It was as close to a fairytale romance as any Michaela had ever read.

The wives were well educated, thanks to the teachers and classes she had implemented. As she looked back over all she had accomplished, she felt truly empowered. Watching her husband walk toward her, she felt the smile filling her face. Handing over her now-sleeping son, she held her arms up to him.

"My beautiful Michaela, you grow more radiant with each year," lowering his lips he kissed her softly.

"I would have you show me how beautiful you find me, my Sheikh," her eyes twinkling she waited for him to take the hint.

Sweeping her up into his arms he quickly made his way upstairs to her private chambers. "You tempt me like no other," his hands quickly lifted the robe over her head and smiled seeing she wore nothing beneath.

"I am always ready for you," she laughed softly and began removing his clothing. "Do not make me wait," she stood back, admiring the perfection of his body before climbing into bed. Lifting up on her elbows, she motioned with her head for him to join her.

Shaking his head, he smiled and climbed slowly up the bed, his eyes not once leaving hers. "I want to take your beautiful body in ways that would make the younger wives blush."

"Far be it for me to defy the Sheikh," raising her hands above her head she clamped them together. "Do what you will," smiling impishly she closed her eyes, showing just how much she trusted him.

A low growl rolled from his throat as their lips met and for hours they loved without reserve, each giving as much as they took. In the aftermath of their passion he glanced down into her eyes and spoke from his heart. "I never knew life until you, hassanna."

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