Defying the Sheikh (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Defying the Sheikh
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She found that her feet would not obey as fear moved through her body. Holding on to the rope with all her strength, she felt frozen to her core. Her eyes managed to glance up as her husband arrived at her side, and still she was unable to move.

"Have you a death wish you little fool!" He spoke harshly as the thought of her being swept overboard filled his thoughts with panic. He regretted his words as soon as he said them, but he had no time to deal with his reaction. "Michaela get inside the cabin now," he gritted his teeth in frustration as she remained still. With a low growl he lifted her into his arms and attempted to carry her back to the room.

She shook her head no, afraid if she let go of the rope she would find herself flying through the air. Keeping her death grip on the rope her body trembled violently. A sob escaped her lips as her eyes stared wildly at the building waves on the horizon.

He understood immediately that she was terrified, and pried her hands from her hold. Walking as best he could among the howling wind, he finally made it to the cabin door and pushed it aside with one hand while holding her to his chest with his other arm. Her hands had snaked around his neck in a death grip.

"Little one, you must listen to me," he entreated softly closing the door behind them, "you have to remain here until we have found shelter."

She wrapped her arms even more tightly around his neck and shook her head in panic. Her face nuzzled against his neck needing the safety of his arms and refused to let him go.

He was torn between her fear and the need to assist the crew, and knew that as much as he hated leaving her alone her safety was his priority. Prying her fingers from his neck he sat her down on her feet. Her soft cry of anguish spoke deeply to his heart. As her hands reached for him again he held her off with one hand. "You must trust me Michaela, I will keep you safe." He could see the wild fear burning in her eyes, and it nearly unmanned him. "Forgive me."

Before she could stop him, he walked out of the cabin and locked the door behind him. Her fists pounded on the door and he felt like a barbarian for abandoning her, even knowing it was the only way he could truly keep her safe.

For hours they braved the storm and the entire crew was physically exhausted. When they managed to pull into a cove in the island that offered some break from the damaging winds, Armon could only breathe a deep sigh of relief. The walls of the cove would protect the ship and finally they could rest at ease. Without a second thought he walked with purpose back to the cabin to offer his wife comfort.

Michaela had curled up in the bed and cried until there were no tears left inside. She knew that this room would become her burial ground and she was mentally overwhelmed at the fear that left her broken. Hugging one of the large pillows, she wished only that she could meet her demise with more dignity.

Armon opened the door and moved over to her with quickened steps. She was so distraught she had not even heard his entry. Lowering his large frame into the bed, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. "Forgive me little one," he whispered the words gently into her hair. She remained still and he feared that the fright had been more than she was capable of handling. It distressed him to see his strong beautiful wife reduced to such means.

"Michaela love, look at me," he beckoned softly. Lowering his hand to her chin he forced her eyes to his and saw the apprehension in her emerald gaze. "You are safe little one, the storm will pass us here." He attempted to soothe her, his tone remaining calm.

Her lips trembled from the chill that filled her body and she barely registered the words he spoke. She was no longer alone, that was all that mattered, she thought to herself and instinctively pressed her body closer into his arms.

Lifting her into his lap he held her as he would a child. His hands caressed her silken hair and moved down her arms attempting to warm her. Her skin was cool to the touch and he could only assume she was still in shock.

She pressed her lips against the flesh of his neck, inhaling the masculine scent that was all him. She never wanted to be left alone again, her mind screamed. Without any thought, her arms wrapped around his neck holding him tightly to her.

The feel of her lips made his body ache, and he fought for control. He knew she was not herself and only wanted to comfort her. As she nuzzled her face against his cheek, he was finding it hard to not respond. He needed to put space between them if he was going to do the honorable thing, attempting to pull out of her grip she refused to let go.

"Please stay with me," she begged softly, not caring at the moment how deprived she sounded. "I need you," lowering her lips to his cheek she placed tender kisses there and down to his jaw until she found his own lips. Whatever it took to keep him with her, she cared less, she never wanted to feel such terror again.

Refusing her would take the will of a man much stronger than he, he thought to himself as he returned her kiss. He was only human and she was offering a prize he could not well refuse. Tomorrow he would allow himself regret, tonight he ached to give in to her need for comfort. His tongue slid inside the soft recesses of her mouth and slowly danced with hers.

He would not leave her, her mind filled with joy as she attempted to match the rhythm of his kiss. Her hands tangled in his thick hair as relief flooded through her body, she was no longer alone. The kiss was not enough, she needed, no demanded more. Arching her breasts against his wide chest, she ached for something she could not yet name. A soft moan escaped her lips in frustration.

Lifting her from his lap he laid her back gently on the bed, his body moving beside her. As she reached up for him, he smiled down into her beautiful face and shook his head no. Confusion filled the emerald depths and his hand moved to caress the soft planes of her cheek with gentleness.

Her hands moved to rest at her sides at his soft touch, and her eyes widened as his hand slowly traveled down her body to cup the fullness of her breast through the material of her robe. His long fingers grazed the peak of her mound lightly and her back arched off the bed at the strange pleasure it gave her.

His tongued trailed across her exposed collarbone lightly and his fingers lightly grasped the soft peak of her breast, pleased as it tightened under his touch. Lowering the neckline of her robe, he easily lifted her silken mound above the material and his mouth lowered to suckle the rosy bud. Her soft cry of pleasure enflamed him, but he refused to be hurried. His tongue laved over the hardened peak again then suckled deeply.

Her hands moved to his head and she pulled him tightly against her breast, overwhelmed as the white pangs of pleasure moved lower in her body. She arched her back, needing more even as she was unsure of what more there was to offer.

His hand moved down, gathering the folds of her robe and pulling them upward, exposing her knees and then lifting it to her thighs where the fullness of the garment refused to move higher. Frustrated at the barrier, he fought for control and lifted her to her knees with as much restraint as he had left to give. Raising the voluminous garment over her head, he could only smile as she lifted her hands to allow him easier access.

One arm covered her breasts, the other her sex as she felt the coolness of the air on her bare flesh and her eyes lowered in embarrassment. Nibbling her lower lip nervously, she found herself uncertain and wishing for the cloak of darkness. The candlelight was dim, but still her body was visible to him.

He wanted to allow his eyes the privilege of roaming over her incredible form, but sensed her unease and sought to calm her first. With gentleness he laid her back on the bed once more, and his hands reached for hers and rested upon them. "I wish to see you little one," he spoke soothingly, "would you deny me?"

Her heart raced frantically at his request and she fought her own discomfiture and shook her head no. Her eyes moved to his and her breathing came in soft pants. She would deny him nothing at that moment, she thought as his own gaze filled with tenderness.

With unhurried movements he removed her hands and allowed his eyes to trail over her beautiful curves. She was pure perfection he thought, from her full breasts, to the soft curve of her hips and the firm shape of her legs. When his eyes fell upon the soft red downy curls between her well-formed thighs, his shaft twitched in need.

With more restraint than he felt, his mouth found her breast again and suckled deeply as his other hand gently cupped the weight off the other, allowing his fingers once again to graze over the rosy nub. He allowed himself a few moments of worshipping her before moving off the bed to stand.

She gazed up at him in confusion for a few moments until he pulled his own robe over his head. Her eyes took in the strength of his wide chest, the skin smooth and bronzed. His arms were muscled but not overly and she found herself smiling at how pleasing he was to look upon. Allowing her gaze to lower, she noted the rippled muscles of his abdomen and then her sight was hindered by the long pants he wore. Her eyes moved back to his beautiful face and she flushed at the smile he gave.

His large hands moved to the waistband of his pants and slowly inched them down his muscled thighs. He wore nothing else underneath and stepped out of them casually before returning his gaze to hers. "Does my body please you little one?"

Her eyes widened at the sight of his large manhood, and a shiver of apprehension moved through her. She understood instinctively what would happen with them now, and bit her lip nervously and glanced away from him. Nibbling on her lip, she was unsure if she had the courage to move forward.

He immediately understood her unease and moved back into the bed with her, pulling her into his arms. "Michaela, you have my word that you will find pleasure in our union." His hand once again moved to her chin, pulling her eyes to his. The fear that filled her gaze did not belong on her beautiful face and he vowed that never again would he allow her to feel that in his arms.

Wanting her to feel at ease again with him, he turned over on his back and placed his arms under his head. He knew from their short time together that she was a very curious woman, and could only hope that by giving her the reins she would feel more comforted. His body burned with the desire to possess her, but he would not move at all until she came to him of her own accord.

She looked at him quizzically, unsure of what he wished from her. Turning over on her side she allowed her eyes to gaze over his well sculpted form. After several long minutes her hand moved to the wide expanse of his chest, tracing the contours gingerly. His body was so uniquely different from hers and her fingers longed to know him better. She lifted her eyes to his and was encouraged by the small smile on his face.

Returning her attention to his body, her fingers lightly circled the small nubs of his breast, marveling at the texture. She wondered if he would find pleasure as she had if her lips touched him there, but was not brave enough to try. Instead her fingers moved down across the rippled muscles of his abdomen, smiling as the flesh tensed beneath her touch. "You are beautiful," she whispered in awe.

He chuckled softly at her words, his shaft twitching again at the restraint he was forcing upon himself. He bit back a groan as her eyes moved downward and tried to remain still. It was a battle that he could not hope to win for much longer.

Her hands ached to explore the part of his body that was so different from her own, the size and width of him was intimidating but also intriguing. Hesitantly she allowed her hand to trail downward and her fingers lightly moved over the silken steel. She pulled her hand away quickly as he flinched.

"You have not harmed me little one, my body enjoys your touch there," he kept his words calm, even as he felt he would come undone at her untrained hands.

Encouraged by his words, she lowered her hand again this time encircling the huge width of him in curiosity. Squeezing lightly, she was amazed at how his body could be so ridged yet as smooth as silk at the same time.

He could no longer remain still, her touch was overwhelming even in her inexperience. His hand covered hers and he tutored her in the movements that pleased him until he was forced to pull away or find his release. The disappointment in her eyes at his stopping her exploration nearly finished him right then.

"I would know your body as well," he demanded softly and managed to not throw her onto her back as his body demanded. It was worth the restraint when she laid back on the bed of her own violation, her eyes full of trust as she looked up at him.

His large hand splayed over her flat abdomen as his gaze met hers. "Part your legs for me little one," he entreated softly.

She paused only momentarily before allowing her legs to spread a few inches apart. Lifting her eyes to his, she felt a strange stab of longing that left her body aching. "My body feels strange," she whispered quietly.

He smiled at how honest she was with him, and could only marvel at the beautiful woman he was about to claim. "I will make you feel incredible," he promised quietly as his knee moved between her thighs pulling them wider. He felt the tension in her and found her gaze again. "Trust me Michaela," smiling down, his fingers slid through the soft downy curls until her silken petals opened to his touch.

She gasped at the overwhelming pleasure that moved through her body instantaneously. The tender stroke of his long fingers against the sensitive flesh had her hips arching off the bed and she cried out softly. "Armon," she whispered in confusion.

"Close your eyes and feel little one," his fingers slid slowly in a soft rhythm against her flesh, pleased as her body responded drenching his hand with her passion.

She needed more, her mind cried silently, the passion building toward some unknown plateau that had her body tensing in anticipation. "Please," she begged for what she could not understand her hips matching the slow tempo of his touch.

She had come to the edge so quickly and he was pleased at the ardor that burned inside of her. Allowing a finger to slide into her damp haven, he groaned as her tight folds gripped him tightly. Her body was so incredibly unyielding he knew to join with her now would cause her pain, so he added another finger attempting to stretch her.

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