Defying the Sheikh

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

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Defying the Sheikh






Michelle Hughes


Defying the Sheikh


Michelle Hughes


© United States 2012


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


©2012 by Michelle Hughes, Inc.

1st Edition 2012


Printed in the United States of America


Hughes, Regina Michelle 1969-


Defying the Sheikh: a novella by Michelle Hughes

















To my grandmother who shared her love of Harlequin romances with me and opened my eyes to a world of fantasy that I have never forgotten.



Defying the Sheikh


Michelle Hughes




A Writer’s Pad Approved Novel


in association with











The Meeting













































I would like to thank all my friends at the Writer's Pad for encouraging me to try my hand at historical romance. As always, thank you to my wonderful family for all their love and support. A big thank you to Jimmy Thomas, at Romance Novel Covers for the great couple photo. And most of all thank you to the readers, I hope you enjoy my first venture into historical romance!







1 The Meeting



Michaela fought back a yawn as she watched the pristine ballroom swarm with eager young women attempting to gain the attention of the foreign royalty that had arrived this evening. Looking over them, she had no understanding of why any woman would choose to flaunt themselves before men in such an inexcusable way. As far as she was concerned husbands were no different than fathers, they controlled your future and kept you pregnant with their children so you could never have a single thought of your own. The thought of having to obey another man sickened her, and she would be happy to be labeled a spinster and remain at home until the last breath was drawn.

She had loved her father, God rest his soul, even though they had barely spent any time together as his work took him all over the world. The greatest kindness he had done was to leave her in the hands of his older sister, as her thoughts toward marriage were compatible with her own. Aunt Gertrude had given her a coming out party last year, because it was the acceptable thing to do, but she never made any arguments about Michaela keeping her unmarried status. Gertrude had been widowed five years ago and had never desired to make another match.

The only reason they were making an appearance at the ball this evening, was because Gertrude's uncle was the one hosting it. The Baron was a recently widowed man himself and Gertrude had great affection for him as he helped her maintain the properties her late husband left in his care. Edwin, the Baron of Rosewood, had arranged Gertrude's own marriage and had great respect for the love that kept his niece unwilling to sully the memories of her belated husband with another.

"My dear at least attempt to look enthralled," Gertrude chided her niece softly. Shaking her head she could only smile at how Michaela seemed so uninterested in the many men looking her way. The girl was incredibly beautiful, she thought to herself, but there were few men that would accept the intelligence that was hidden behind her lovely emerald green eyes.

Forcing a smile to her face, she only hoped that this event would end quickly so she could get back to her studies. There was a library full of books and worlds waiting to be explored. As far as she was concerned, nothing here could compare to such intrigue. "Forgive me Aunt Gertrude; I will attempt to try harder."

Gertrude tsk tsked her quietly, but was very pleased that her niece had no interest in leaving her. She had lost so much and Michaela was all she truly had left to keep her enjoying life. She knew it was selfish to not push the girl into finding a husband, but it was apparent none of the young men she had met interested her in the least. A loveless marriage was the last thing she wanted for her

Armon smiled politely as he was introduced to dozens of wide-eyed young females vying for his attention. Some of the women were indeed lovely, but he had no intention of courting them. He had enough troubles to deal with back home with the escalating violence, and adding a woman untrained in his way of life was just not a responsibility he was willing to take on.

He had traveled to the British Island many times at his father's side and even had an English tutor to round out his education. In his opinion, the women here were spoiled and headstrong and could not compare to the women of his world that knew exactly how to address their betters. He looked forward to concluding his business and returning to his homeland. Hiding his boredom through years of practicing social skills, he glanced toward the front door eager to make his escape.

"My dearest Michaela, you simply grow lovelier each time I see you," Edwin walked over to his great niece and marveled at how much she had matured in the last year.

"Uncle Edwin, you flatter me," Michaela smiled back genuinely. She had always found her Uncle Edwin an inspiring man as he shared his ideas about the world with her. He was one of the few men that would speak to her of things outside the boring idle conversation that most of them felt was befitting of a lady.

"No my dear, I only speak the truth," he smiled warmly. "I cannot have you being a wallflower at my ball my dear, so come let me introduce you." Wrapping his feeble arm around hers he led her into the crowd.

Michaela would never dishonor her great uncle by refusing, but she had to bite back a groan at being paraded around to his peers. She kept a smile pasted on her face as she was introduced to man after man, looking forward to resting her tired feet soon. The shoes she wore were fashionable, which meant very uncomfortable.

"There is one last introduction my dear and I do believe you will find him very impressionable." Edwin knew that his niece enjoyed being around those of more intellectual disposition, and the Sheikh was one of the most knowledgeable men he had met in recent years.

He led them to the edge of the ballroom where a man with his back toward them was dressed in a traditional suit, but his head was covered in a keffiyeh. She had recently studied a book on Saudi Arabia, and fought to keep a look of disgust off her face on how they treated their females.

Armon turned and was faced with the most beautiful woman that had ever graced his eyes, and for a moment he could only stare. Her rich auburn hair was artfully piled on top of her beautiful head with a few curling tendrils falling across her bare shoulder where the white ball gown allowed his eyes to gaze on her flesh. Her face was a lovely porcelain frame that boasted eyes the color of emeralds with a fringe of dark lashes. As his eyes moved to the fullness of her lips, he felt his body respond almost instantly.

"Sheikh Abdul Armon Hanbali, may I present my great niece, Lady Michaela Rosewood," Edwin spoke kindly in respect.

Lifting the woman's small hand in his he could not force his eyes from her lips. "Please call me Armon," he was mesmerized by the vision before him.

Pulling her hand from his forcefully, she fought to hide the disgust she felt. "Sheikh Armon," she gave a brief nod of her head in acknowledgement before looking around the room, ignoring him. The man was definitely handsome, she thought to herself. Only one quick glance did she allow at the perfection of his face and even that look made her heart race. She was not pleased with how her body reacted and decided to leave his presence quickly.

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