Defying the Sheikh (5 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Defying the Sheikh
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Opening her mouth, the thought of such intimacy shocked her, but as the rich flavors found her tongue, she closed her lips around the taste in delight. Even her own chef could not have created such a heavenly taste. Bringing a napkin to her lips she blotted them carefully. "I have never tasted anything so delectable," she was suddenly ravenous and waited for the next taste of his country.

He chuckled and dipped into the next dish, watching her delight as the flavors pleased her. It was apparent that she truly allowed herself to enjoy the simple pleasures of food, and this gave him great satisfaction. He waited until she had her fill before consuming his own meal. Pouring two cups of coffee from the small pot, he offered her one along with a small plate of dates. "These are dates, a fruit popular in my land." He stood and walked toward the cabin door and opened it, commanding the servant to remove the meal and then leave them in piece to enjoy their coffee.

Michaela carefully bit into one of the dates and smiled at the pleasing taste. There was little doubt in her mind that the food in her husband's country would at least be worthy of this trip. As she thought of him as her husband she shivered. Without warning her stomach knotted in nervousness and the harmony she had felt only minutes before vanished. Pushing back the small plate, her hands moved to her lap and she clenched them together tightly. Lowering her eyes, unable to meet his she nibbled on her lower lip.

Her change of mood was instantly noticeable and he fought back a smile. After this eve she would no longer fear the thought of their joining, he vowed. "I will have a bath drawn for you," he spoke quietly not wishing to prolong her uncertainties. Without waiting for her approval he summoned the servants again. Watching as they quickly worked to bring in fresh water for his bride. He remained silent until they were alone once more.

Her heart raced in her chest as she stared absently at the steaming tub of water. In the past, there had always been a ladies maid to help her undo her stays, and she was unsure how to undress herself without their help. The warm water would give her the confidence she needed to explain her position to her husband, and she needed that more than she cared to admit at the moment. This was uncharted territory for her, and she felt completely helpless.

He was an educated man and understood immediately that she needed assistance, the thought pleased him greatly. "Permit me to serve you," he entreated quietly.

Lifting startled eyes to his, honor demanded that she refuse his offer, but her rational mind argued that there were no options. She stood shakily, feeling more insecure than she could ever recall feeling before and made the decision. With a flush of color on her cheeks she lowered her eyes to the floor and nodded.

With little haste he moved behind her and began unbuttoning the rows of small buttons. He felt her body tense and again smiled at her nervousness, before this night ended she would long for his touch he thought in anticipation. As his fingers brushed against the soft silken skin, he fought back a groan. Focusing on the next layer, he made the decision that the boned corset would never again touch her flesh. He had never understood the tradition of such a contraption, and knew it must be uncomfortable. Unlacing it quickly, he watched her release a breath and shook his head.

"I can finish," she whispered nervously, feeling a strange tingle where his fingers had brushed her flesh and completely unprepared for the sensation.

Stepping back, he nodded more to himself than her since she refused to meet his eyes. "I shall give you a few moments alone." He had considered watching her bathe, but her nervousness reminded him that it was an enjoyment he would consume after they were more acquainted. This night he would allow her some decorum of modesty.

Her deep sigh of relief made him smile deeper, and he walked outside of the cabin, shutting the door behind him. Soon she would long for his touch; it was a moment he would look forward to as he gave her the privacy she needed tonight.

Michaela quickly removed the rest of her clothing and stepped inside the steaming water. Her nerves were strung so tightly that it took several moments for her muscles to relax. Fearful of dallying to long, she wet her long hair and quickly lathered it with the fragrant soaps that hung on a tray attached to the tub. She had no idea how long he would be gone and decided that enjoying her bath was not an option tonight. Rinsing her hair thoroughly, she moved on to scrub her body with haste. The last thing she wanted was to be still bathing as he made his way back into the room. Her hands begin to tremble as she understood that they would be forced to share the large bed in this cabin tonight, even if she was only prepared to sleep.

Rinsing off, she stood on shaking legs and reached for the long bath towel and dried her body briskly. 'Stop being a coward,' she chided herself out loud. She had not entered into this marriage of her own violation, she enforced her own resolve, and her duty was complete as far as she was concerned. Glancing around the room her eyes frantically searched for her chests and felt herself begin to panic as they were nowhere in sight. He could return at any moment, and the last thing she wanted was to confront him dressed only in a towel.

There was no way she could put on her discarded dress without help and she felt panic set in even more deeply. With no other choice in her mind she went over to his chests and pulled out a long white robe. Anger consumed her earlier fear as she slid the huge garment over her head. How dare he not have her clothing in this room, she thought as she struggled to roll up the long sleeves of the soft material. In truth the robe covered as much of her body as her shift would have, but it was the principle of the matter. The robe's neckline was way to revealing as it was meant for his tall frame and not her petite stature, but it engulfed the rest of her body in large voluminous folds.

She would voice her displeasure when he returned she vowed, her eyes looking around until they fell upon a silver encrusted hair comb. The anger was much less intimidating than her earlier fear, and she quickly worked the comb through her long thick strands until it fell in damp curls down her back.

Armon stood outside on the deck and overlooked the moonlit sea. The salty air pleased his senses, and he allowed his mind to wander toward the beauty that awaited him only a few feet away. The sea was calm this evening, and it mellowed his mood even as his loins ached with desire to possess his bride. He enjoyed the night air until he felt she had been given enough time to prepare for his return before making his way back to the cabin.

Opening the door, he could only smile at the inviting picture she made dressed in his clothing. "My clothes suit you," he spoke kindly, allowing his gaze to roam over her form seductively.

"Where are my things," she demanded haughtily, her ire increasing at the strange possessive look in his eyes.

He had been prepared for her anger, but had hoped it was a trial that could wait until the morning, apparently it was not to be so. "Your clothing is unacceptable for a woman in my land, so they remain below deck." He kept his tone calm, not wishing their evening to begin with hostility.

"Unacceptable?" She could only stare at him as if he had lost his mind. "Then pray tell me what you would have me wear?" The man had no right to tell her how to dress she thought angrily, and he needed to understand she would not tolerate his high-handed behavior.

He noted the growing rage in her emerald eyes and fought for control. "The servants will have things brought up at first light for your use," he was thankful that the last shipment of clothing for his sister still remained below, or she would have been forced to wear his clothing for the duration of the trip.

"I do not appreciate you confiscating my things, and demand you return them at once," her chin lifted defiantly as her eyes met his refusing to back down. Her chest rose and fell with each harsh breath as her anger grew.

"You would do well to remember your place," his voice raised sternly at her disrespectful attitude. He considered himself a man of easy temperance, but the girl would try the patience of a holy man, he thought.

"My place?" She was infuriated at his condescending attitude. "Perhaps you should explain my place, your Highness!" She wanted to slap the superior look from his handsome face and her small hands balled into fists at her side. "If you think for one moment that I will kneel down and do your bidding, you are sadly mistaken!"

With quick powerful strides he moved in front of her and grasped her chin. "You would do well to remember that I now own you, and if I choose to throw you overboard not one member on this ship would dare raise an eyebrow!" He had not meant to be so verbal with his new bride, but she needed to learn her duties quickly. Had she made such a comment in his homeland her own life would have been forfeit.

Her eyes widened at his statement and she felt for the first time the helplessness of her gender, still she refused to give a quarter. "You would be wise to throw me overboard now if you think I will allow you to rule my mind, it will not be so!" The thought of having her life end frightened her, but it was better to give over to death than allow this man to rule her.

His anger consumed him and without thought his lips found hers, effectively cutting off her vengeful words. The kiss was not tender by any means, and only served to silence her.

She gasped at the first feel of his mouth against hers and was shocked to feel his tongue slide into her mouth. The flood of sensations moved through her body instantaneously and she was lost as he devoured her. Her head felt light and she clung to his wide shoulders as her knees threatened to give way. Without any thought of her own, she returned his kiss, completely forgetting the rage that had led to this moment.

The sweet taste of her had his body throbbing with need and his hands moved to her back then lowered to her softly rounded ass, pulling her against him with little thought to her lack of experience. She belonged to him, his mind screamed and he refused to be denied. His tongue dueled with hers as he deepened the kiss, slowly inching her backwards to the bed. Falling onto the soft folds the kiss was broken and he felt some remorse for the breathlessness of his bride as his body fell upon hers carelessly.

She stared up into his chocolate gaze, confused at the overwhelming pleasure that filled her. Her body betrayed her mind and she inched up on the bed, desperate to move away from him so her thoughts would calm enough to end this.

He had no intention of allowing her escape and followed her, his large hand grasping both of her wrists and holding them above her head. "You will not deny me what is rightfully mine", his lips silenced any protest she might have uttered as his free hand roamed over her covered body reaching the swell of her breast through the robe.

She should fight him, her mind screamed, even as her body arched toward his strong hand in betrayal. His fingers moved across the peak of her breast, causing it to tighten painfully and she whimpered helplessly. Even through the soft material she ached for his touch. Her small wrists fought against the hold, not sure if she was attempting to escape or wrap her fingers in his thick hair.

His mouth left hers and she bit her lip to stop from crying out in denial. With agonizing slowness, his lips trailed across her chin, then lowered to the arch of her neck and continued on to her collarbone. She lost all ability to think as sensation flooded through her. Almost instantly her hands were released and she felt the blood flow back through them where his grip had held her tightly.

Pulling her up to her knees, he lifted the offending robe not giving her a moment of respite as he threw it carelessly across the room. The need to take her was overwhelming and his only thought was fulfilling his needs. Her arms quickly covered her ample breasts and he growled angrily, pushing her back on the bed.

Without care he pulled her arms away, once again gathering her wrists in one large hand as his eyes feasted on the perfection of her body. His large, muscled thighs moved between hers as his gaze travelled over the full, rose tipped mounds and his mouth watered.

The passion she had felt earlier was dimmed at the panic that now filled her body as he held her down. Struggling to free herself, her arms aching with exertion she could only watch helplessly as his eyes roamed freely. Completely bare to his gaze, she had never known such humiliation and bit her lip to stop the sob that threatened to escape. "Please," she hated herself for being reduced to begging, and hated him even more for bringing her to this point. Closing her eyes tightly to stop the tears that threatened to fall, she understood just how vulnerable she was for the first time in her life.

Her softly spoken words filtered through his heated body and he glanced down at his wife in shame. He knew that had she not spoken he would have taken her without any consideration, and quickly released her wrists. He moved off her body, shocked at his own actions.

Michaela grabbed the silken sheet and pulled it up to her chin, fearful of his next move. She trembled violently, watching warily as he sat up on the side of the bed his back turned to her. Grasping the sheet firmly in her hands she tried to calm her erratic breathing, not sure what his next move would be.

Armon fought for control, his body stiff as he stared seeing nothing. He had never allowed his restraint to falter, but he had nearly taken his young bride in a way that would have hurt her physically and mentally. He was not a cruel man, and prided himself on gaining what he desired by intelligence, not domination. For long moments he considered his actions with disgust, before turning back to her, fully in control once more.

He noted the fear in her eyes and how her body shrank back from him and felt disgust. "Forgive me," he spoke harshly, not liking admitting he had wronged her or being one accustomed to apologizing. She remained quiet, and for once he wished she would shout at him, her silence proving that he had overstepped even his own boundaries. "Rest, Michaela I will not touch you this night," he doubted his own self-control and would not allow himself to harm her until he knew his desire could be reined in.

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