Defying the Sheikh (12 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Defying the Sheikh
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Zahra entered the room with a warm smile. "We have much to prepare for today, dear daughter."

There was no trace of regret on her mother-in-laws face and she could not bring herself to mention the event, because of what had happened with her son. "What are we preparing for?" She tried to smile but it felt forced and foreign on her face.

"Armon will marry this day, and the new brides will be joining the harem." Zahra was elated at the thought of more female company.

"His brides?" Michaela could only look at her dumbfounded.

"Yes, yes, it is an exciting day, we must discuss the arrangements." Zahra was prepared to help her young daughter, knowing this custom would be new to her. "Thirteen additional wives and we must choose where they will sleep and what duties they will have."

Michaela was furious and moved from her bed quickly to pace the room. "Why was I not informed before now!" She refused to keep the rage bottled up inside her a minute more in this place. He had told her he must marry, but this soon? She was enraged at how little he seemed to care for her feelings. How dare he dishonor her in such a way, she would not allow it!

Zahra was shocked at the anger radiating from her young daughter-in-law. "Surely you understood there would be others," she sent a pitying look and shook her head. What had her son been thinking not to inform her of their traditions?

"I shall hope he never calls on me again." She was so angry that tears streamed down her cheeks. "I hate him!" Balling her hands into fists, she could only imagine how wonderful it would feel to slap his face.

Zahra's hand covered her mouth in shock before she regained her composure and walked over to her. "You must never say such things aloud," horror filled her eyes at how such words would condemn the young woman if they had been overheard. "Your own life would be forfeit," she pointed toward the door, "if anyone heard you speak such."

Her heart raced as her anger grew and she bit her lip to stop the words she longed to shout. "I will deny him for as long as I live," she had lowered her voice considerably, to her own ears the words sounded weak. She hated Armon even more for having to suppress her feelings.

"Michaela, you must learn to accept your new life," she spoke solemnly. "Even now you could be with child." She felt compassion for this young woman before her, but in time she would come to accept her fate. "You must be a leader to these women, or they will rule here."

The thought of her having Armon's child had not filled her thoughts, and her tears fell freely. "I cannot bare this," for the first time she felt self-pity. She would not make a child suffer for her mistakes, and until she knew that she was not pregnant she would suffer this prison. She vowed that if her flow began, it would take more strength than Armon possessed to keep her in this insanity.

"You will discover that this life offers many blessings, Michaela," Zahra could not understand her thinking, but she could help her comprehend the benefits of her new life. "For now you must put on a brave face and show these women who the leader is here."

"How can I lead these women, when I have no knowledge of this life?"

"You speak our language well, they will respect you because of your status." Zahra smiled slightly. "I ask you to trust me, daughter, there is great power in being first wife."

Michaela could only nod, she had no intention of remaining here if she was found to be without child, but her plans would remain hidden. Her great uncle would arrive soon, and she would find a way to return home with him. "How may I prepare?" With her plans firmly seeded in her mind, she knew she could last another week.

Smiling warmly at her new daughters' compliance, she explained that the wives would be brought here after the ceremony in a few hours. They would instruct the slaves on their sleeping arrangements, and discover the talents of the wives before choosing duties. Armon would choose which woman he would call to him until they were all bedded properly.

Michaela forced herself to bite her tongue as her mother-in-law informed her of these arrangements. She thought it was disgusting that he would pick and choose which woman he would lay with each night. How any female could accept such a relationship, was beyond her comprehension. Her stomach tensed, as the mere thought of him touching her again made her nauseated.

There was little time to prepare as the women began piling into the harem. Michaela attempted to remain polite as each of the women were introduced to her. The youngest of the women seemed barely old enough to be introduced in her version of polite society and she fought to control her anger. All of the women were darkly beautiful in their own exotic way.

She could not fault these women for the choices they were given, Michaela thought to herself. They were victims of their sex as much as she was. After speaking personally with each of them, it was apparent that the culture here was not much different than in her own country. Women were simply tools to be used at the whim of the men that owned them.

Another shock was given her when a beautiful, yet elderly woman was brought to her council. She fought to regain her composure as the woman explained that she was here to tutor in the art of sexual pleasure. Forcing herself to not scream at the innocent woman, she merely gave her approval and remembered that she was biding her time.

The afternoon passed quickly and Michaela was pleasantly pleased to find that she enjoyed the young ladies that shared her space. They were, for the most part, educated and refined. In truth it went against everything she would have thought to expect from a country such as this one.

She was really fond of the youngest woman, Nada, she was only fourteen and Michaela still considered her a child. She would find a way to postpone her bedding with her husband, she decided. "Are you worried about the marriage night?" Michaela could not help but think she was too young for such an arrangement.

"I have been taught what to expect," Nada lowered her head, not wishing to disappoint the first wife.

"Nada, you may always be honest with me," she spoke softly her hand reaching out to hold the young woman's.

"I fear His Grace, will not be pleased with me," Nada bit her lip nervously and could not bring herself to say that she truly was frightened.

The girl was easy to read and Michaela determined right then that she would not be touched. Armon could have any other woman here, but this girl she would refuse him at all costs. He would have to be a monster to take to bed such a young girl, she thought to herself, feeling her anger rise.

As late afternoon came, all the women were led into the baths to be groomed. Michaela suffered the ordeal, attempting to be a role model for her youngest charge. She could not help but see herself as an older sister to the young woman. Innocent women being led to defilement, that was how she saw them. She refused to allow her own anger to give more fear to any of them here tonight. This was something she had not ever expected to be a part of it. If filled her with a strange sense of power that she was finding oddly soothing.

After their baths, Michaela was led to the costume room and Zahra informed her that she would be in charge of choosing what they wore before Armon. For a brief moment, she considered covering them all from head to toe with unrevealing outfits, but she quickly recanted her idea. Armon would not know how badly he had hurt her by this act, she vowed. These women deserved to look their most ravishing, if for no other reason than their own confidence.

The garments were lovely, and she chose them by the designs that would flatter the women the most. With Nada, she chose the most conservative outfit, not wanting her young body flaunted. She was appalled to learn that her husband would be visiting the harem tonight so he could look over his wives before choosing. It would take every ounce of reserve she had not to slap his face for the demeaning way he treated women.

Forcing herself to smile, not willing to make any of these women more nervous than they already were, she led them out into the main room to await her husband. With Zahra's help they were lined up and ready to present as he entered. When Nada grabbed her hand and squeezed it, she returned the gesture and smiled down warmly.

Armon was not looking forward to this night, and could care less which woman graced his bed. It was Michaela he wanted, but he would not deny his duty. Reminding himself that he was doing this for her, he glanced over the women, attempting a smile. They were all very beautiful, with long ebony hair and almond colored eyes but as different as night and day at the same time. He had chosen each of these women because of their different features, each one had something that called to his desire.

After allowing his gaze to rest briefly on each of them, he chose the tallest woman, known as Mounia. She was the most outgoing of the women, and reminded him much of his Michaela with her confidence. Albeit her attitude was much more respectful, he thought with a grin. He held out his hand and she walked forward lowering her head in respect.

His eyes met Michaela's briefly before she pulled the youngest girl to her side and ignored him completely. He knew with just that one look that she was furious with him. There was little doubt in his mind that she viewed his marriages as a slap in the face. "I will speak with you in the morning, Michaela," he spoke kindly and lowered his head showing respect to her station before walking away with his new bride.

Michaela gave a brief nod of her head, and plastered a smile on her face for the other women. "Shall we retire to the dining area," forcing herself to be gracious she led the way. The only good part of this night, she thought, was the youngest girl had been spared the humiliation of lying with her husband. She would find a way during their talk tomorrow to assure the girls virtue, she thought before sitting down with the ladies to dine.








9 Understanding



Armon had initiated his new wife into the world of passion with patience. He would not lie to himself and say that he did not enjoy the time with Mounia, she had been eager to please and he found her openness refreshing. All his wives were innocent, but they had been trained from birth to understand how to pleasure their husband. Mounia had mastered the art of pleasure through books, and he would enjoy the nights he spent in her arms.

He would lavish her with presents later this afternoon as was befitting the gift she gave of her virginity. It crossed his mind that he had never offered Michaela such a gift, and he knew it was because she did not expect such. It was an oversight on his part that he would rectify immediately. He bathed and dressed before sending a slave to bring her to his quarters. Armon feared the mood she would bring with her into his sanctuary.

Several minutes later she appeared at his door, and the calmness in her eyes surprised him greatly. "I hope that all is well with you this day Michaela?" He spoke with respect knowing that he had misused her during their last encounter and he still felt some guilt.

"I am well, Armon, what have we to discuss?" She kept her tone cool, yet polite having no intention of letting him know how badly he had hurt her.

This woman before him was a stranger and he could only assume it was because of what he had allowed to happen between them that night. "I would offer apologies for my bad behavior the other night in this room."

Michaela lifted startled eyes, "Why would you apologize?" He had told her that there were no boundaries between husband and wife, and therefore no sin. She could only wonder now if had lied.

"I apologize only because you have not been tutored to expect such at my hands." He was confused, her disgust he was prepared to deal with, but her calm acceptance made him wonder if he had over thought his own actions.

"You have remedied that with the teacher," keeping her voice cool, she could only hope this meeting ended soon before she broke down.

"That was my intention," he was not enjoying this stranger before him, but had little idea how to reach her. "The women, they treat you with respect?"

"I have put down the foundation of trust, and yes they know their place." Reminded of the youngest woman, she decided this was her chance to voice an opinion. "I would ask that you refrain from taking the youngest girl that you wed."

"Her father explained that she needed to be wed for the benefit of the other children in the family." He felt he needed to explain his choice of such a young bride. "The father has nine other children to feed."

Michaela nodded, "I can understand hard times, but even you must admit she is still a child?"

Her superior attitude was angering him, and he had already planned to move slowly with the girl. "She will be mine when I desire to take her," he was willing to say anything to bring some life back into her cold eyes.

Michaela smiled sweetly, "If you have no respect for me, at least have some for that child," she spoke quietly her eyes cold and detached.

Armon did not know this woman before him, and he knew instantly that she would never forgive him for the marriages. "Perhaps we will arrange for the girl to come with you on your visits," he knew she could not hold out her anger forever and he baited her, needing some emotion.

"I will take the girls' place should you be unable to refrain from such deviant acts." Her lip lifted in a sneer, feeling the bile rise up in her throat at the thought of his hands ever touching her again.

"You will come to me anytime I wish if you wish her to remain chaste" He knew he was being an ass, but he needed time with her to make her understand why he had hurried to marry.

"As you wish," If it took her own submission to keep the young woman pure, then it was a sacrifice she would make. He would never own her heart, she vowed mentally. "If there is nothing else, I do have duties to attend."

Armon was overwhelmed by the change in his wife and nodded absently, dismissing her. There was no fire or passion in her words or actions, and he hated what she had become in only one night. Lowering his head into his hands, he had no idea how to gain back the beautiful vibrant woman he had fallen in love with.

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