Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness) (18 page)

BOOK: Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness)
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Shelby cleared her throat and continued. When she got to the part where she thought she’d been paralyzed by some native drug, Max sat up.

“Jesus, Shelby that’s incredible. When Kyle described it, I thought he meant paralyzed as a euphemism—like frozen in shock.”

He stood and paced the room naked, looking so good he distracted her from the ache in her chest.

“What kind of person does that? Could Kyle have been drugged, too?”

“I hadn’t thought of that, not at the time.” She sat up straight. “But, yes, I guess. Earlier at dinner, she was all over him. Now that you mention it, he wasn’t all that into her. But I thought it was because I was there.”

“She could have drugged him like she did you.”

“No, it couldn’t have been the same drug.” She plopped back against the pillow. “I couldn’t move and...Hell, he was performing

“That’s confusing.”

“He hadn’t shown any enthusiasm toward her. Not until the part when I was forced to watch know. He was definitely enthusiastic then.”

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely.” Her voice cracked.

“I’m sorry, Shelby. I don’t want to lose you again, but I don’t want you by default, either.”

“That’s not what this is—”

“Shelby, I’ve seen you two together. I’ve been friends with Kyle since I got to town. He’s just not the type to screw around on you.
I never would have backed away from our relationship if I hadn’t known how much you meant to each other. Hell, he’s a real one-woman kind of guy. Exactly what I wasn’t all these years.”

“Apparently, she’s the woman. He called you and admitted what he did. Did he sound remorseful? Did he apologize? Did he claim he’d been drugged?”

She waited and Max said nothing.

“No. He didn’t, right?”

“Uh, I don’t think I gave him much of a chance.”

“Look, you don’t have to make excuses for him. He’s not coming back for me. I wouldn’t take him back under the circumstances. It’s a done deal. I’m going to get over this if I can learn to deal with the hallucinations.”

“What hallucinations?”

“While I was paralyzed, I swore that woman grew fangs and sucked Kyle’s blood. She lifted her head and smiled at me with blood dripping from her lips. And when Kyle turned his head to look at me, he had blood on his face and fangs protruding from his mouth. His eyes were flat, unseeing black pools like tar pits. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Have you had any other after effects? You slept in the car on the way here. Did you dream?”

“No. I was too tired. Maybe it wore off. The paralysis effects lasted most of the time I was in the tent with them. I dozed off on the plane, too and remembered the vision of the woman and Kyle with blood all over their faces then.”

“I’d be curious to know what she used on you. I wonder if there are any residual traces left. I need to test your blood.”

“I doubt anything’s left. What’s it been? Over twenty-four hours, now.”

“We should do a blood and urine test anyway.”

“This conversation was supposed to finish up with sex, remember?”

“Okay, I’m all in. But...after the test.”


He went into the bathroom and returned with the necessary supplies. “Shelby, would you mind giving me a clean catch?”

“Really? You want me to pee in a cup?”

“You could have serious side effects. We need to know what we’re dealing with. I’ll also need a blood sample to test. Oh, and a hair sample too. There’s bound to be something left in your hair.”

Shelby huffed into the bathroom and left the sample on the toilet tank. This was so not what she had in mind.

“Researchers are the worst.”

“What are you mumbling about?”

“Just talking to myself.” She hopped on the bed and held out her arm. “Take your blood, Dr. Vampire.”

“Hey, I’m not the one imagining people turning into vampires.”

Max was a pro at drawing blood, so the whole procedure took less than five minutes. He stored the blood in the refrigerator with the urine sample and stashed her hair sample in an envelope.

When he returned to the room, he dropped his jeans and climbed into bed. He nudged her hair away from her ear and his words dropped into a sexy purr. “I’m sorry. I got clinical when you needed sexy.”

“I’m fine. Honestly, maybe clinical was the perfect approach.” Shelby curled up beside him and thought about his reaction. He’d been concerned not just for her health but about her emotional well-being.

He wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer. His long hair framed their faces as he bent in to touch his lips to hers. “I’m not feeling clinical now.” He took her hand and moved it to his where he needed it most. He was already erect and hard as steel.

“No, I’d say that’s not clinical at all.” Her breath caught in her throat, and she melted under his caress.

Time to put yesterday out of her mind. She didn’t believe for a moment the pain could be put aside so easily, but for now, she was going to self-medicate with sex as long as Max was willing and able.






Chapter 22 Escape

Guatemala to NOLA, two days later

The sound of the rain hitting the tent kept up a steady beat. The drizzle started as a downpour and had only stopped for a few minutes since Shelby left. If it kept up, there would be more mudslides, and Kyle couldn’t face another week in this place.

He sorted through the paperwork he’d filled out. The new surgeon’s training was complete, and all Kyle needed was his new I.D. The final papers would guarantee his return trip home.

Niccolai, Victor’s vampire friend from New Orleans, wasn’t available for some reason. A younger vampire, some guy named Dylan Macgregor, was assigned to watch over Niccolai’s assets. Apparently, Macgregor was considered trustworthy, since Niccolai left his only son, Jackson, in the younger vampire’s care. Dylan had kindly agreed to help Kyle out—new identity, new home,
and new life. Amyra would have a difficult time tracking him in the midst of a community of vampires, at least for the time it took him to get up to speed with his powers.

A courier was supposed to arrive with the details in a package. So far, no one Kyle was aware of had shown. One last time, he checked his inbox for messages then packed up his computer to put it with the rest of his gear. The only thing he could think about was getting out while Amyra was gone.

He was growing antsy, unsure he’d survive a confrontation with her. Getting away now would mean escape. He needed training and strength to reach his potential before he confronted her. No one knew better than he did that he wasn’t strong enough.

As far as he was concerned their bargain was complete, but when he’d accidently breached the dark recesses of her mind, he found she had no intention of freeing him. She’d never be satisfied.
There was something else she wanted from him—something she was hiding.

The tent flap barely moved as Victor entered, an envelope in his hand. “Dylan Macgregor will be waiting for you when you land. Here are the details.” Victor handed him a sheet of paper. “Your passport and everything you need are in the envelope. Follow the directions he sent, and I’ll send updates when I can.”

“Thanks.” Kyle skimmed the dates and times. He looked up at Victor. “How? I have to be in Puerto Caracas tomorrow.”

“Julian and his father will take you there tonight. They are readying the launch now.”

The villagers had been feeding him, he’d been training with Julian’s father, and Victor had been working with him about uncovering his hidden powers. Now they were smuggling him home at risk to their own safety. “I owe these people a debt of gratitude for helping me survive.”

“You gave up your life for Julian and his family. These people won’t forget your sacrifice, Kyle.”

“Why do I feel like I’m abandoning them?”

“You aren’t. She used them against you. She finds everyone’s weakness and uses it to her advantage. Do not concern yourself. I will not allow Amyra to hurt them.” Victor smirked at Kyle. “I can handle her. How do you think I have survived this long?”

Kyle frowned. “It’s not that. I thought I was the one going to destroy—”

“That day may yet come. For now, your fate lies elsewhere. Go home. Complete your metamorphosis. Do the work you were born to do and when you’re ready—find your Shelby. Tell her the truth. She is a strong woman. She will understand.”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t want this life for her.”

“She will be safer with you if Amyra decides to leverage her options.”

Kyle nodded. “I’ll watch over her. She’ll never know I’m there. If I learn how to mask my feelings and thoughts, Amyra won’t find me, either.”

“Doctors, the boat. It is ready.” Julian said.

“Come.” Victor picked up Kyle’s bag and handed it to him. “Take this and get going. I will send news when I can.”

“Erase their memories. I don’t want anyone to know who helped.” Kyle started down the path with Julian then turned to wave to Victor before they headed into the dense foliage.

With strength he derived from the human blood, shifting became second nature to him. The benefits like healing, stealth, and increased stamina manifested when he was in his jaguar form. They far outweighed his puny human nature. The native paths through the underbrush were still difficult to navigate. The only way he would make his way through the jungle to the boat like this was with the boy’s help. When he shifted, his jaguar could see in the dark, smell the animals and plants, sense danger, or find the river by instinct alone. The animal inside him knew the jungle like a hooker knew Basin Street.

It took Kyle’s party of three over six hours to paddle the distance even though he and Jose, Julian’s father, did most of the paddling. He’d regained his strength, and then some, since Amyra left last week. Now, stronger than the muscular Jose, he did the majority of the work.

The incentive to escape was a great motivator. The sooner he was out of the jungle, away from Amyra and back in New Orleans, the better. As far as he was concerned, his deal with the devil had come to an end, and he wanted to keep it that way.






Chapter 23 The Plan

Baton Rouge to NOLA, the next day

At the airstrip outside Senebrez, Kyle removed his jungle clothes and washed up, changing into his jeans and black pullover t-shirt before take-off. Several hours later, after landing in another small private airstrip outside Baton Rouge, he thanked the pilot, then the customs agent and pocketed his new passport and papers. The name change wasn’t much, but his photo reflected the difference in his size and appearance.

The air was hot and muggy, oppressive—not much different from the jungle heat, but out here, the midday sun hurt his eyes. Victor said the sensitivity would diminish over time given his background. The dark glasses he slipped on were more for protection than style.

Shelby once mentioned she thought he looked hot in them. The memory hurt his chest. He pulled them off and shoved them into his pocket, opting for the watering eyes and the burn.

Pain. It was what reminded him how much things had changed. His senses went into hyper-drive. Sound, light, thoughts. Sensations rushed at him. With a little concentration, he could mellow the effects enough to focus on one at a time.

Scents. He sniffed the air and muted the thoughts and sounds. The air was full of so many different scents, some barely discernible. Others overpowered everything else. He couldn’t tell one smell from another. He was improving though.

Today, the worst of the odors wasn’t him, even if he still needed a bath and a shave. The jet fuel and exhaust fumes topped everything as he headed toward the exit to meet Dylan Macgregor. The one person out front fit the vampire’s description.

“Kyle?” Dylan asked from behind his own set of designer shades.

“Yeah, right here.” Kyle waved and picked up his pace.

He wiped his watery eyes with the back of his hand.
He patted his pants, digging for his glasses and surrendered to couture before he reached the car.

“Kyle MacLachlan.” He used his new last name. Wiping his hands on his pants, he checked them before holding out his hand. “Sorry, about the mud and all, man. I washed up before I boarded but it was a long trip out of the jungle. No time for luxuries along the way.”

“Dylan Macgregor.” To his credit, Dylan took his hand and shook it. “No need for apologies,” he said and pointed to the open trunk. “Toss your gear in there and make yourself comfortable up front.”

The car was too clean for the likes of him. He kicked his boots against the curb to knock off any remaining mud while Dylan closed the trunk and climbed into the driver’s seat. Kyle opened the passenger door and sprawled out in the luxury of air conditioning, quiet, and the fresh scent of leather.

“I can’t tell you how much this means, you going to so much trouble and all for me.”

Dylan checked the rear view mirror and pulled out. “No problem. Do I detect a hint of Boston in your speech?”

Kyle chuckled. “I think it’s more than a hint. But you? You have a touch of the Highlands in yours.”

“Aye. That was a very long time ago but it stuck like a burr.” He pointed to the back seat. “There’s a bag with a couple of pints of warm O-positive. I figured you might be hungry.”

“I am. My senses are on overload and I think I’m drained from the sun.”


“Yeah. I fed,” he looked at his watch, “yesterday. I need to hunt. When blood straight from the vein isn’t available, I discovered I’m better off hunting as the jaguar and feeding. But, I get by with bagged blood.”

“Good to know. We’ll find a safe place for you to hunt. I’m just glad we could get you back home without incident. We like to keep a low profile.”

“Understood. Doing a good job, too. I had no idea the stuff of horror flicks and nightmares was all true.” Kyle shook his head and waved his hands to emphasize his statement.

Dylan glanced over at him and chuckled. “You’ll need a place to crash and a few lessons in being...well...what you’ve become.”

“Right,” Kyle muttered. “Whatever that is.”

“I think we can help you out.”

“Hell, I hope so. I’m not sure what I inherited from Amyra’s bloodline.” The burning sensation along his spine was new.

Lately, when Kyle was at full strength and angry, he experienced different indications he was changing. One was the burning sensation. It ran across his shoulder blades and down along his spine. Another made his head feel like it was going to explode.

“So much depends on what you started with. You know you had to have a supernatural background in order to survive the transmutation, right?”

“Yeah. Victor filled me in. Is that where you came up with the idea for my last name?”

“I figured I could explain your presence better if you were a long lost relative. Victor said something about believing you had shifter blood. I added the Mac to Lachlan from an old Werewolf clan.”

“Makes sense.” Kyle nodded and grinned. “So, how am I supposed to be related, again?”

“Niccolai’s mate was a MacLachlan on her mother’s side.” Dylan chuckled. “We’ll figure out the details when I get a chance to go through some of Niccolai’s old records. The closer we stick to the truth, the likelier the story will hold up.”

“That’s sound thinking.” Kyle glanced around, checking the road signs on the highway. “Where are we going? I don’t think I’ve ever been out in this direction.”

“We live out near the bayou in a small Parrish nobody hears much about.” Dylan glanced at him and smirked. “As you can imagine, we prefer it that way.”

“Like I said, you’re doing a damn good job.”

“We work diligently to prevent drawing attention to our ways.”

“Yeah well, you’re not on FOX News, yet.”

Dylan groaned. “And hopefully never will be. Niccolai would rise and have my head.”


“Hell, no.” Dylan burst out laughing. “I’d just have to clean up the mess. Therefore, the reason my place is in an even more remote location. It’s not far out of town, just far enough to avoid detection. You have to know where to look to find it.”

Kyle sighed, relieved to have a place to disappear until he was more prepared to deal with what he’d become. He had a million questions. More kept surfacing in his thoughts.

“Go ahead. Ask your questions. It’ll be easier for me to answer them than to keep trying to block your thoughts from my mind. I can feel them pounding at me.”

“Blocking my thoughts? You can you read my mind? I thought there had to be a blood link?”

“A gift and a curse from my mother. I can read anyone’s mind, but I won’t. Intruding would be rude, not to mention, breaking the rules.”

Of course.
There would have to be rules and laws, and Kyle would be expected to learn them and abide by them. Like his old world, even these creatures had to establish laws to live by and rules of engagement.

Dylan merely nodded. “Aye. Laws, social norms, politics. Typical bullshit.”

“Right. I see.” He scrubbed his hands down his face and shook his head.

“Do you?”

“I have a lot to learn. How long will it take for all this to become second nature?”

“Depends. How much do you know? Start with Niccolai. What have you been told about him?”

Kyle shrugged. “Only what Victor told me. He’s a born vampire, more powerful than Amyra, and he’s a friend of Victor’s. Salazar said he’s working on fertility research. Said he had a hybrid son or something.”

“Well, that about sums up the obvious. Except the important parts, like how Niccolai’s mate died in childbirth along with his second child when his son, Jackson was fifteen. Niccolai went to ground to control his sorrow and left me in charge.”

“He just left?”

“I’ll cover the details regarding the vampire psyche later. For now, you need to know about the Parrish. The area houses wolves, shifters of all sorts, witches, some super human hybrids, and a few vampires. The vampire council meets here and so does the wolf pack. The other groups fall under one or the other’s jurisdiction since they are a minority. To simplify everything, I head up both groups in Nicci’s place.”

“How does that go over with the wolves and the others?”

“They aren’t always happy, but I have Garr, the second in command of the pack, training Jackson while I work on his vampire skills. He should be ready to take over his rightful position as head of both groups by the time he’s thirty. Niccolai’s hybrid son—half born vampire and half wolf shifter is the perfect choice to embrace both worlds.”

“I can see how that could work. Where do I fit in? Victor thinks my background is shifter, the reason I survived the jaguar bite and eventually the transmutation to vampire.”

Dylan grinned. “Maybe you
related. That would make all this so much easier. Lachlan? Could you possibly be descended from the MacLachlan Werewolves?”

“I don’t know. My family’s been in the New World since the beginning—first of the settlers on Plymouth Rock according to history.” Frowning, he thought about the question then smiled at Dylan. “A few times since all this, I sensed an internal struggle. I think there’s more than one beast inside me. If you’re right, the
jaguar and my lupine nature are not happy sharing the same space.”

“Sounds like an identity crisis.” Dylan snorted. “Bet your lupine nature was surprised when you shifted into a cat.”

“Yeah, well my human nature was pretty damned surprised, too.” Kyle chuckled.

Dylan outright belly laughed at that. “I’m not laughing at you, man. But you have to admit you’re beginning to sound like a supernatural schizophrenic.”

“I am,” he snarled. “And it’s a good thing I have all those parts fighting the demon that bitch shared with me when she forced me to take her blood.”

“Oh, hell. A demon, too? So you’ve a bit of the dark in you, eh?”

“You could say that. I saw it rise in Amyra once. Frightening. Thank God, I’ve had no manifestations so far, and I’d like to keep it that way. Let’s just say I don’t want to ever fight back that kind of darkness.”

“Completely understandable. You’re going to need a lot of training. Salazar was right to send you here. We’ll look after you until you get the sum of your parts under control.”

“I appreciate your help, Macgregor.”

“Don’t mention it. We all need to stick together. I’m sure one day you’ll return the favor or pay it forward.”

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