Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness) (13 page)

BOOK: Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness)
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“You will drink from his wrist. If you are worried about the act being sexual, as you’ve only experienced with Amyra, there are other pleasurable experiences you can substitute. The satisfaction of a job well done, a good turn, a delicious meal. Send your thoughts to your host and share a different type of pleasure.”

Kyle nodded and smiled his appreciation to the man who would be his host. “Gracias, mi amigo,” he said, and asked Victor, “How do we proceed?”

“Have the man sit in the chair. You can do it with a mental command. He is relaxed because I’ve assured him I will watch over you, and he is easily susceptible to your suggestions. Go ahead.”

Kyle did as he was told, imagining the chair and seeing the man sitting in it, completely relaxed. Then before he knew it, the man did what he had envisioned.

“Well done,” Victor said. “Now go down on one knee and keep the relaxed mental link open between you. You don’t want to frighten him. Lower your head when you extend your teeth and puncture his wrist. I will tap your shoulder when I think you have taken enough. Remember to close his wound with your tongue and keep pleasurable thoughts in his mind.”

“What do these people value?” Kyle asked. He wanted to give this man mentally something he could relate to.

Victor chuckled and asked the man a question in their strange dialect. The man laughed and answered. Victor translated. “He says he’d like to see Miami. Have you been there?”

“Yes.” Kyle smiled. “I’ll do my best to show him Miami through my eyes.” He knelt and bowed his head over the man’s wrist before he paused. “What’s his name?”

“Enrico Chavez. He is a welder.”

“Explains the muscles.” Kyle said, “
, Enrico.”

He followed Victor’s directions, keeping the pain from entering the man’s mind, all the while thinking of the day he went out sailing…

Biscayne Bay in Miami. He was with a group of friends. The sun was warm and the beer quenched his thirst. The breeze moved the boat at an easy pace. A sailfish broke the water and the group “ahhed” over the sheer size of the fin. Later, the grouper nuggets were spicy and melted like butter when he popped them in his mouth. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky as they headed back into harbor…

The tap on his shoulder pulled Kyle from his memories and back to the chore at hand. He kept calm and licked the wound closed, then lifted his face to Victor who was grinning.

“Excellent. Don’t forget to release him and erase this memory for your sake. By the way, nice memories.”

“How could you know?”

“I have tasted Enrico’s blood. I share his mental link and so would Amyra if you didn’t wipe it.”

“Oh. Thanks for thinking of that. I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

“You will learn. Let us hope it will not be the hard way.” Victor grinned again and handed Enrico money. “I always pay him. Let him believe he allowed me to feed from him today.”

“But we spoke to him before and—”

Victor waved his hand. “And he will now just think you were along to learn.”

“Thanks, Victor.” Kyle gripped the man’s shoulders. “I owe you big time.”

The vampire held Kyle’s arms in return.

“If you become strong enough to handle Amyra, I will be forever in your debt. I’m tired of fighting her alone, and I refuse to do her bidding anymore. In my heart, I am a healer not a killer. Come, let’s walk back. Your Shelby will be looking for you, and the day grows short.”

Kyle hesitated. “Does it get lonely?”

“This life? Yes. You lose friends you love over time. You move on. We cannot stay in one place too long or people grow suspicious wondering how you stay so young. Yes, this is a lonely life. Perhaps it is the very reason we prefer to stay with our own kind. Perhaps it is why I stayed with her so long after I realized the extent of her evil ways. I am unable to control her, but she is the only constant in my life.”

“I’m concerned. There are no others like me. The jaguar shifter people won’t accept me, and the rogues don’t trust me. I think they’re jealous because they thought they would be the ones turned as I was.”

“So my young friend, where will you go?”

“I’d like to stay here and learn from you, but I won’t stay with Amyra. When I’m strong enough, this parasitic relationship will end.”

“I may have a solution. An old friend of mine lives outside New Orleans. He could help. He is older and more powerful than Amyra. But Niccolai is not evil. He was born a vampire who si
red a living child—a hybrid—one of the last born with true vampire DNA. He spends his time looking for a solution to our sterility.”

“Why is it that we can stand the light, and Amyra must sleep during the day?”

“She can walk in the jungle light. I have seen her do so, but she stays in the shadows. Overcast days are her favorite. After all this time she prefers to rise only at night.”

“Is it the reason she needs my blood?”

“Your human blood allows you to walk in the sun, like mine. The elixir that gave her immortality did not allow for that. She must constantly renew her strength. For that, she needs a vampire with a human nature.”

“Why doesn’t she just change one who wants to be a vampire? Why force me?”

“You watch too many Hollywood films. Not every human can be changed—only certain humans with supernatural chromosomes in their DNA strands.”

“I’m supernatural?”

“You never sensed it? Somewhere in your ancestral tree, a family member was supernatural. Perhaps, Dr. Lachlan, there was a Scottish werewolf in your past?”

A sarcastic sounding laugh escaped from Kyle when he said, “Great, my internal shifters will be fighting like cats and dogs.”

Victor joined him, chuckling. For a brief moment, Kyle almost found humor in his hopeless predicament. At least he had a friend. He wasn’t alone in the dark anymore.






Chapter 15 Betrayal

Shelby gazed at the ring on her finger. Max told her she shouldn’t wear it to Guatemala, not with the danger of being robbed. He was probably right. Considering the circumstances, if Kyle was dumping her, she could return the ring to him immediately and move on. So much more efficient than the alternative.

Based on the last time they were together, this welcome wasn’t what she expected, not from the man who asked her to marry him and claimed he wanted to be with her forever.

“No,” she thought and blinked back the tear. “This was what being dumped felt like.”

Resisting the rest of the tears that choked her, Shelby unpacked what she’d need until morning. After the bugs, the heat, and the mud, she needed to clean up if she was going to meet the surgical team and the world renowned, Dr. Salazar.

She was almost finished brushing and putting her hair up again, when there was a rustling outside.

Kyle called to her, “Shelby, I’m back. Mind if I come in?”

She looked at her watch. He’d been gone over an hour. “Of course not. Come on in.”

He looked nothing like the man he’d once been—robust and carefree.

Now he looked sick.

No. Not sick. Strung out.

Years in New Orleans with the voodoo queens and the druggies were making her weird. Her recent past had her thinking something else when she looked into his eyes.

He seemed to be under some kind of spell.

Stop it, Shelby. You’re a medical doctor not a witch doctor.

She shook off her misgivings as fancy. “You feeling okay?” she asked.

“A little better. I need to clean up before dinner, and then I’ll introduce you to some of the others.”

Kyle’s coloring looked a little better, and he wasn’t as thin as she’d imagined when she first saw him—definitely not as sallow and drawn. But when he removed his shirt to change, her insides gripped with the old desire to touch him.

Why couldn’t she? They were engaged. She slowly extended her hand and lifted her chin.

“Kyle?” When her hand skimmed his chest, he gasped as if he’d been burned.

“Shelby, don’t.” He moved away and turned his back to her. “I can put in my time here because I don’t hope for more. I’ll never be able to stay if I touch you. I have to get my head straight before I come home. I’m weak and strung out from lack of sleep.”

Maybe she was right about the drugs. “What is it? I wish you’d let me—”

“Not now. There’s nothing you can do. Dr. Salazar offered to help me when you leave. You’ll meet him at dinner.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I can’t wait to meet him. His medical reputation is impressive.”

“He’s no slouch in the humanitarian department, either.”

She watched him closely. His symptoms could be depression, but more likely, she suspected her first reaction after possession was right. Drugs were a form of possession, anyway.

Shelby breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed better at the moment. Maybe he’d taken whatever he needed to plateau out before he returned to the tent. He wouldn’t be the first doctor to succumb to working under this kind of pressure. The strenuous routine could have him taking something to stay awake, then something to go to sleep, and something else to chase the ghosts. Knowing his type of dedication, he’d pass on food to save a life. That would explain his weight loss, and depression could explain his disinterest in her.

Was she reaching for reasons, excuses for his behavior, or was he just over her? Not a kiss or embrace in greeting. Her stomach sank.

“If you’re ready, we’ll head over to the surgery and I’ll show you around. Afterwards, Victor said he’d meet us at the mess tent for dinner.”

Now he did have her confused. Why was he being nice? Well, not exactly nice...polite. She chalked that up to his good upbringing. She’d just go along with him and see how this all played out before she panicked.


After running across the compound through the rain shower for a tour of the surgery and several of the other medical facilities, Kyle checked his watch. “We should head over to meet up with Victor.” He pulled his rain jacket over his head. “Ready?”

“Doesn’t this get old?”


“The canopy. The rainforest? The constant twilight. It’s hard to tell what time it is in the perpetual shadows.”

“There’s no mistaking night. There’s no dark like jungle dark.”

Shelby pulled up her own rain gear and ran. Breathless, she shouted, “And I thought it rained a lot in New Orleans.”

Kyle actually snickered, sounding a bit like his old self. “I think I’m growing mold.”

Under the overhang at the mess tent, Shelby focused on shaking off the water and ran into him. The impact forced him to catch her for balance.

“Sorry,” she apologized, and for a split second, she thought she saw that light she loved flicker in Kyle’s eyes. Then, it was gone.

“Dr. Lachlan, is this your Shelby?”

No mistaking the identity of this man, she thought—this was the world famous Victor Salazar. She’d seen enough pictures of him and read enough articles about the man who ran charitable medical facilities all over the world. But he was a pleasant surprise nevertheless. The idea someone with his credentials headed the recovery team here in Guatemala influenced Kyle’s decision to join this group. Shelby understood why. And besides his superior qualifications, Shelby couldn’t help noting he was every bit as handsome as he was in his pictures. If she had to compare him to someone, she’d say he could pass for Antonio Banderas in his best years.

Kyle made the informal introductions and even managed to smile at Dr. Salazar when he said, “I had them set up a table in the back. Follow me.”

“Thank you, Doctor Sal—”

“Please call me Victor. Dr. Salazar makes me sound so old and decrepit.”

Hardly, she thought and smiled as she realized he was even better looking in person. Flesh and blood, and charismatic, Spanish charm, made it impossible to tell how old the man was. He was extremely fit and didn’t look a day over thirty-five, but because of all he’d accomplished, his reputation and his many years of service, she estimated he had to be at least ten or fifteen years older. When he caught her staring, he smiled as if he read her thoughts. There must be some reasonable explanation.

Victor held the chair for her with the elegance of an old world gentleman. “Thank you…Victor.”

He lowered his head in a neat bow and smiled politely. “You are welcome. May I pour the wine?”

“Yes, please. I think I need a nice rich wine to relax me. It’s been an eventful trip and a very long day.”

She didn’t miss the way Kyle sat across from her facing the entrance and nervously watched as if waiting for someone. Thank goodness Victor carried on a normal conversation through the appetizers, and the wine did help her relax.

He was just pouring her a second glass when she heard Kyle muffle a gasp. Victor stopped pouring and looked up, staring behind her. The men’s expressions froze on their faces.

Victor resumed pouring and, without expression, said, “Ah, it’s the directress, Amyra de la Santiago.”

Kyle’s eyes went flat black at the mention of the name. What the hell was wrong with him?

Shelby turned to see what struck the men dumb. The woman gliding toward their table with a benign expression on her breathtakingly beautiful face must be the reason. That ivory face was surrounded by waist length, wavy, raven black hair. Her coal black silk dress clung to her perfect body, draping to emphasize every womanly curve. All the black should have been too much, but her red lips against her paleness and enough creamy skin at her voluptuous breast seemed to balance the lack of color in her clothing. No wonder the men couldn’t speak when she approached.

“Doctors, won’t you introduce me to our guest?” Amyra asked. There was a heavy accent, not all Spanish—something more exotic. Egyptian?

Dr. Salazar did the introductions while Kyle kept his head down. He looked beaten.

Shelby’s sixth sense kicked in. This woman was the reason he wanted Shelby gone. A woman knew such things. This siren was the cause of Kyle’s withdrawal from her. But what had she done to destroy the man he’d been? And why?

“I hope you do not mind an interruption, Kyle. One of the triage techs asked if you would mind looking at a patient before you start your dinner.”

Had Kyle shuddered when she said his name?

“I’d be happy to take a look.”

“Allow me to show you which patient.” The woman possessively wrapped her arm in Kyle’s. “If you will excuse us, I will only keep him a few minutes. We will return shortly.”

She escorted him to the door, but Shelby didn’t miss how he grabbed the plastic rain gear and wrapped it over her and himself on the way out. The scene looked too comfortable, too intimate, and too casual. They were used to being wrapped up together, and Shelby’s heart cracked a little more.

When she looked down at the table and picked up her glass of wine, she knew Victor was staring at her.

“Kyle has missed you. It is good you have come for him.”

The man’s rich voice had a relaxing quality to it.

“He isn’t returning with me. I’m going back on the morning boat. He says it isn’t safe here. Why is that?”

“This is a dangerous area. The mud slides continue, and the wild animals are breaching our perimeter.”

Shelby looked back where Amyra and Kyle had slipped into the rain and added, “I’m not sure that’s the whole story.” She put her glass down and asked, “Do I look like a fool, Victor?”

He chuckled. “No, Shelby. You are no one’s fool. But sometimes we see the obvious and believe what is a false image without seeing the truth below the surface. Trust me. What you think you see is not the true picture.”

“Okay, then I’ll trust your impression. But something is very wrong.”

“Here, try the
. The cook is a local magician in the kitchen.” Victor held the fork to her lips and stared in her eyes.

Shelby took a bite and rolled her eyes to heaven. “Mmm. This melts in your mouth. It’s delicious. Do you think I can get the recipe? I don’t think I can come back here every time I want another one.” She licked her lips and caught Victor watching her tongue whip over her mouth.

The sound of his deep laugh stirred something in Shelby’s gut. Victor oozed sex appeal and allowing her thoughts to wander down that side trip embarrassed her. Her face flushed with the heat he caused, and she wondered why she was reacting to him. He definitely wasn’t coming on to her, and she certainly had no interest after the long day and the fiasco with Kyle. Yet there was no denying the undercurrent of sexual interest swirling in the air between them.

Victor exuded sex, and damn if he wasn’t looking at her as if he knew her every thought. She shifted in her chair to hide her discomfort.

“Perhaps another glass of wine?” he asked.

She held up her hand. “I think I need to eat something substantial before I have another glass.” Did her words sound
suggestive? Or was it her tone? No, it was her guilty conscience. What did something substantial imply?

Nothing, if a visual of Dr. Salazar’s naked body hadn’t imprinted across her mind. “The wine must be stronger than I’m used to,” Shelby said with an awkward smile. “Or I’m more tired than I thought.”

“Kyle shouldn’t be long,” he said and stood up. “Ah, what did I tell you? Here they are now.”

Victor pulled up another chair for the directress, holding it with the same impeccable manners as he had for her earlier. Just as he did, a young man brought out several dishes filled with piping hot food. Shelby didn’t recognize any of the dishes, but the combination of spices smelled delicious.

“Kyle, you are just in time for the main course. Shelby was enjoying Alma’s
.” Victor offered to serve. “May I?” he asked the directress.

“No, thank you. I couldn’t eat a thing, Victor.” Amyra glanced at Kyle with a strange possessive gaze. “I ate recently. I would love to share an aperitif with all of you, in honor of Kyle’s guest.”

Kyle looked weak and sick again when he returned.

“Are you feeling all right, Kyle?” Shelby asked. The nagging worry made Shelby wish she knew what was wrong with him.

“Fine. Just a little tired.”

“I have the answer for fatigue.” Amyra didn’t allow the conversation to dwell on Kyle’s state of health. Shelby wondered if she was avoiding it for a specific reason.

“While you eat, I’ll find my favorite bottle. It will perk you right up. Excuse me.” Amyra stood and glided to the back room.

What was with the way the woman moved? Next to Amyra, she felt like a clumsy frump.

While they waited for Amyra to return, the three of them ate dinner quickly. Even with Victor carrying on the major part of the conversation, the lapses grew uncomfortable when Kyle’s preoccupation became obvious. By the time the young man arrived to clear the table, Shelby was almost relieved, until Amyra returned with a tray full of small fluid filled glasses.

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